• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fabric trend

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Conceptual Design Optimization of Tensairity Girder Using Variable Complexity Modeling Method

  • Yin, Shi;Zhu, Ming;Liang, Haoquan;Zhao, Da
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2016
  • Tensairity girder is a light weight inflatable fabric structural concept which can be used in road emergency transportation. It uses low pressure air to stabilize compression elements against buckling. With the purpose of obtaining the comprehensive target of minimum deflection and weight under ultimate load, the cross-section and the inner pressure of tensairity girder was optimized in this paper. The Variable Complexity Modeling (VCM) method was used in this paper combining the Kriging approximate method with the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method, which was implemented by ABAQUS. In the Kriging method, the sample points of the surrogate model were outlined by Design of Experiment (DOE) technique based on Optimal Latin Hypercube. The optimization framework was constructed in iSIGHT with a global optimization method, Multi-Island Genetic Algorithm (MIGA), followed by a local optimization method, Sequential Quadratic Program (SQP). The result of the optimization gives a prominent conceptual design of the tensairity girder, which approves the solution architecture of VCM is feasible and efficient. Furthermore, a useful trend of sensitivity between optimization variables and responses was performed to guide future design. It was proved that the inner pressure is the key parameter to balance the maximum Von Mises stress and deflection on tensairity girder, and the parameters of cross section impact the mass of tensairity girder obviously.

The concept of hybride phenomean is to selected to describe the fashiontrend of ‘98-00’. (‘98-00’ Fashion Trend에 나타난 Hybrid 현상에 관한 고찰)

  • 정미혜
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the distinctive characterics HYBRID, strictly defined, an offspring that is a cross between different species, genera, or, in rare cases, families, More loosely defined, a hybrid can also be a cross between parents of different subspecies or varieties of a species. Hybrid varieties of plants and animals are of economic value because the hybrid is nearly always more vigorous, larger, and more fertile than either of its parents. Plant and animal hybrids may arise spontaneously in nature or may be produced intentionally by man. Forward-looking fashion explores progress. Adjusting to a world that has integrated genetics and its mutations, the new silhouette seems without references, as if born from a spontaneous generation. A slightly bizarre composite, asymmetrical, discreetly technological aesthetic, it draws on the latest technological details. the pursuit of performance and ergonomics, yet also of comfort and amusement that takes into account the body and its articulations, generates strange garments. Inspired by medical protheses. Focos on fabric touches, their weightiness and surface effects obtained with silicone, rubber or wax. in a range that highlights yellows but can also contrast with colder, slightly surgical hues, the hybrid woman doesn't necessarily want to stand out.

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A Study on the Product Development for Wedding Miniature (웨딩 미니어쳐의 상품 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, So-Young;Baik, Chun-Eui
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to take into consideration the package products of wedding miniature dress. The method of the research was mainly focused on precedent research data and general references. Furthermore the data on wedding dresses was mainly collected from internet sites. Ai; reflection customer's demands, more personal and distinctive design was planned reflecting trend in the sector of wedding dress. The results of the research is the following. First, the first consideration for designing product in wedding miniature was designed with the focus on what consumers are easy to make and on brilliance when having made. 8 pairs for barbie miniature and 2 pairs for ball joints were designed. Among these things, it designed colorfully with 6 pairs for wedding dress and 4 pairs for shooting, which are used in the right size. Second, as a result of seeing consumers' response by up-loading totally 10 pieces of miniature clothes on wedding miniature. com site, and were the most popular products. The aim is to suggest package product based on these two works. The design-based pattern, the fabric of being used, lace material, beads, and several trimmings are offered to 2 wedding miniature package products. Consumers can make own collection with a handicraft-based feeling by using this.

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The Structure and Job Analysis of Apparel Buying Office in Korea

  • Chun, Jong-Suk;Yi, Yoo-Jin
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the business structure and characteristics of buying offices used by buyers for apparel productions through global sourcing were analyzed in specifics. Data were acquired through in-depth interviews of twelve merchandisers at representative apparel buying offices. The results of this study can be summarized as following. The business structure of a buying office varied depending on the functions, the item characteristics of products to be manufactured or the characteristics of the major buyers who were the customers. Overall, teams were formed by brands or organizations were formed by functions. Functional teams were divided within each brand team when business teams were divided by brands and personnel was divided by brands occasionally within each functional team when business teams were divided by functions. Business teams were composed of MR which managed the overall business about orders such as factory sourcing, price decision and production management and teams with various specialized skills. The teams with specialized skills were composed of Technical team, Fabric Development team, Colorist team, Quality Assurance (QA) or Quality Control (QC) team, Logistics team, Factory Audit team, and etc. For the future directions on the improvements, ways to increase international competitiveness of buying offices need to be researched and many expressed the opinion that it would be effective to move the offices to countries close to buyers or manufacturing locations as most buyers demand lower prices and shorter lead time than before and it is increasing trend for buyers and factories to do business directly without buying offices in the middle.

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Development of highly sensible wool mixed fabric with conjugated texturing and yarn dyeing technologies

  • Park, Joon-Soo;Seo, Mal-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.229-230
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    • 2009
  • Recently the demand for wool has been gradually decreasing due to global warming, oil depletion, Coolbiz campaign to reduce CO2 emission, and preference for business casual wear, while the price for wool materials has been constantly increasing. Wool, characterized by the natural touch and unique sensibility, is considered as one of the best natural materials, including silk. For wool, currently Korea almost depends on import from foreign countries. Therefore, 100% wool products cannot be competitive in terms of pricing and current trend. To secure sustaining competitiveness in the fiber market, it is required not only to develop new wool materials that enable expression of new sensibility that cannot be expressed by conventional wool fibers, but also to pursue differentiation of fundamental sensibility and functionality by highlighting advantages for wool as a natural fiber but by reducing its disadvantages through dominant conjugation with synthetic fibers. This study attempted to improve the technology of differentiating wool-like synthetic fibers such as polyester and combine technology with sensibility through mixing with wool materials. It also aimed to develop wool-like stretch materials and pre-treating and yarn dyeing technologies that enable fabrics to main natural wool-like touch and stretch, and ultimately to develop wool mixed fabrics that have new sensibility and functionality.

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Frictional Characteristics of Woven and Nonwoven Wipes

  • Das A.;Kothari V. K.;Mane D.
    • Fibers and Polymers
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.318-321
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    • 2005
  • Demand for the fabric wipes is growing continuously. Wipes in industry are used for cleaning purpose. Cleaning involves rubbing action, so it is very important to know how much frictional force is encountered during the cleaning action. In this study the effects of normal load, sliding speed on frictional characteristics of nonwoven and woven wipes, both dry and wetted with different liquids, against glass and floor tile surfaces have been reported. With the increase in the normal load the coefficient of friction goes on decreasing for both nonwoven and woven wipes and this trend is observed in both dry and wet wipes. The coefficient of friction of both nonwoven and woven wipes against glass surface is in general higher than the floor tile surface. The wipes wetted with water shows an increase in coefficient of friction as compared to dry sample, but there is reduction in the coefficient of friction when the wipe samples are wetted with vegetable oil. In case of dry wipes, the coefficient of friction in case of nonwoven wipe is higher than the woven wipe. In case of woven wipes, the ranges of coefficient of friction either due to change in liquid type, normal load or sliding speed are in general smaller than that in case of nonwoven fabrics.

A Study on Effortless Chic in Modern Fashion (현대 패션에 나타난 Effortless Chic에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Hye Jin;Ha, Jisoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.994-1009
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    • 2017
  • This study defines the concept of 'Effortless Chic' that continues to lead fashion world trends in a social climate not to bound by formalities that also consider changes in the term's meaning. Effortless Chic can be defined as behavior or fashion expressed in a refined, gracious manner, with skillfulness that does not show physical or mental efforts. Effortless Chic has the characteristics of being classic, fashionable and genderless, smartness which appropriately matches high-priced and low-priced brands, being eclectic between glamor and simplicity, or unconventional that also includes convenience, functionality, graciousness and softness. Active use of fabric with ease of care and use of design items capable of a variety of styling regardless of the season shows that effortless chic is receiving a strong attention thanks to the trend of eased TPO norm application. In conclusion, effortless chic shown in modern fashion does not mean an actual lack of endeavors as indicated by the word itself or low-priced fashion items, but can be seemed as another name for luxury represented by naturalness that hides the efforts.

A Study on the Survey of Production Condition of Jeans in Casual Brands (캐주얼 브랜드의 청바지 생산 실태 조사에 관한 연구)

  • Uh, Mi-Kyung;Suh, Mi-A
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.702-712
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the current trend with regard to the material of jeans and the making method of jeans pattern and the characteristics of washing processing through the overall production status of jeans in casual brands and to offer the basic data for producing the high efficient jeans. The results were as follows. According to the survey of production status of jeans in casual brands, the fabric mixture was highest in the order of non-stretch denim 100% cotton, stretch denim cotton/spandex mix and denim with $1{\sim}2%$ weft direction spandex mix. The most frequently used processing method for denim was in the order of normal finishing, mercerization finishing, soft finishing and pigment finishing. The most frequently used method of washing finishing for jeans was in the order of forming by embossing washing, bio stone washing, normal washing, bio washing, and bio stone bleach washing. The average shrinkage was higher on waist circumference and pants length of warp direction rather than hips circumference, thigh circumference, hem circumference of weft direction.

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A Research of Madeleine Vionnet's Work II (Madeleine Vionnet의 작품에 관한 연구II -연구대상 작품의 제작되어진 패턴을 중심으로-)

  • 박선경
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.93-109
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    • 1996
  • Madeleine Vionnet, a representative designer of the 1920′s, who made prefectly organized clothes with unique formativeness was the first to express fabric in a modern method and was called "The architect of fashion". This is because she developed a three dimensional design by expressing cloth-she rejected corset, should pad, etc-into elegant curved lines that do not stick to the body. By granting meaning to the beauty of the body and its movement in her own unique ways, she emphasized the formativeness in her work and gave shape to creative artistry. Expecially with the "Bias-Cut" she could express the lines of the body more flexibly and could make geometrical styles like the diamond shape dress or the triangle dress more effectively. Using the "Tired Bias cut" and "Handkerchief point" she let the skirt hemline dangle irregularly in geometrical forms, thus showing modern formative sense which forms a three dimensional solidness along the movement of the human body. Thus far, analyzed how the contemporary trend of art was reflected in her designs by studying her work; also investigated through her artistic characteristics and pattern method. Also be tried to find out what can be learned through her artistic view and superb formativeness as a designer.

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Types and Esthetic Characteristics by Function in Portable Smart Fashion Design (휴대형 스마트 패션 디자인의 기능에 따른 유형 및 심미적 특성)

  • Si Eun Lim;Heeyoung Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2023
  • The smart fashion industry is showing steady growth worldwide, which will create new value throughout the fashion industry and become an essential element for efficient lifestyles. This study attempted to examine the development trend of smart fashion products from a design perspective and present the direction of design as a fashion item incorporating smart technology from a functional perspective. For this purpose, the category of portable smart fashion and the characteristics of the research object were considered through current status survey and previous research review. Among smart fashion, accessories and clothing/fabric products that have been released thus far that apply portable fashion design principles are selected and its characteristics are analyzed. In addition, function keywords were extracted based on the product description provided by the manufacturer and the function-oriented types were classified to identify each type's design characteristics. Therefore, the area receiving the signal and the sensor size should be considered, as should the fashion accessory type that combines various materials and colors. The clothing/textile type requires a design that mainly focuses on functions related to bio-signal interactions.