• Title/Summary/Keyword: FLAC

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Effect of the Rock Characteristics Condition on the Behavior of Tunnel by Numerical Analysis (수치해석에 의한 암반특성의 변화가 터널에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Soon-Sup;Park, Tae-Soon;Lee, Jong-Sun;Lee, Jun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2009
  • The selection of the support system is an important design parameter in design and construction of the tunnel using the new Australian tunnel method. It is a common practice to select the support based on the rock mass grade, in which the rock mass is classified into five rock groups. The method is applicable if the characteristics of the rock mass are uniform in the direction of tunnel excavation. However, such case is seldom encountered in practice and not applicable when the properties vary along the longitudinal direction. This study performs comprehensive three dimensional finite difference analyses to investigate the ground deformation pattern for cases in which the rock mass properties change in the direction of the tunnel axis. The numerically calculated displacements at the tunnel crown show that the displacement is highly dependent on the stiffness contrast of the rock masses. The results strongly indicate the need to select the support type $0.5{\sim}1.0D$ before the rock mass boundary. The paper proposes a new guideline for selecting the support type based the results of the analyses.

Field Pullout Tests and Stability Evaluation of the Pretension Soil Nailing System (프리텐션 쏘일네일링 시스템의 현장인발시험 및 안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Hong-Taek;Choi, Young-Geun;Park, Si-Sam;Kim, Berm-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2003
  • In the present study, a newly modified soil nailing technology named as the PSN(Pretension Soil Nailing) system is proposed. Effects of various factors related to the design of the pretension soil nailing system, such as the length of a sheathing pipe and the fixed cone, are examined throughout a series of the displacement-controlled field pull-out tests. 9 displacement-controlled field pull-out tests are performed in the present study and the pretension forces are also evaluated based on the measurements. In addition, both short-term and long-term characteristics of pull-out deformations of the newly proposed PSN system are analyzed and compared with those of the general soil nailing system by carrying out the stress-controlled field pull-out tests. A numerical approach is further made to determine a postulated failure surface as well as a minimum safety factors of the proposed PSN system using the shear strength reduction technique and the $FLAC^{2D}$ program. Global minimum safety factors and local safety factors at various excavation stages computed in case of the PSN system are analyzed throughout comparisons with the results expected in case of the general soil nailing system. An efficiency of the PSN system is also dealt with by analyzing the wall-facing deformations and the adjacent ground surface settlements.

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A Study on the Ultimate Point Resistance of Rock Socketed Drilled Shafts Using FLAC3D and UDEC (유한차분해석과 개별요소해석을 이용한 암반에 근입된 현장타설말뚝의 선단지지력 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwan;Cho, Hoo-Yeon;You, Kwang-Ho;Jeong, Sang-Seom
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2012
  • The maximum unit point resistance ($q_{max}$) of rock socketed drilled shafts subjected to axial loads was investigated by a numerical analysis. A 3D Finite Difference Method (FDM) analysis and a Distinct Element Method (DEM) analysis were performed with varying rock elastic modulus (E), discontinuity spacing ($S_j$), discontinuity dip angle ($i_j$), and pile diameter (D). Based on the results of obtained, it was found that the ultimate point resistance ($q_{max}$) increased as rock elastic modulus (E) and rock discontinuity spacing ($S_j$) increased. But, it was found that $q_{max}$ decreased as pile diameter (D) increased. As for the influence of the dip angle of rock discontinuity ($i_j$), it was shown that $q_{max}$ decreased up to 50% of maximum value within the range of $0^{\circ}$ < $i_j$ < $60^{\circ}$ due to the shear failure at rock discontinuities. Furthermore, it was found that if $20^{\circ}{\leq}i_j{\leq}40^{\circ}$, influence of $i_j$ should be taken into account because $q_{max}$ tended to approach a minimum value as $i_j$ approached a value near the friction angle of the discontinuity (${\phi}_j$).

The Effect of Negative Pressure Phase in Blast Load Profile on Blast Wall of Offshore Plant Topside (해양플랜트 Topside 방화벽에 폭발압의 부압구간이 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Ki-Yeob;Choi, Kwang-Ho;Ryu, Yong-Hee;Choi, Jae-Woong;Lee, Jae-Myung
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2014
  • As a gas explosion is the most fatal accident in shipbuilding and offshore plant industries, all safety critical elements on the topside of offshore platforms should retain their integrity against blast pressure. Even though many efforts have been devoted to develop blast-resistant design methods in the offshore engineering field, there still remain several issues needed to be carefully investigated. From a procedure for calculation of explosion design pressure, impulse of a design pressure model having completely positive side only is determined by the absolute area of each obtained transient pressure response through the CFD analysis. The negative pressure phase in a general gas explosion, however, is often quite considerable unlike gaseous detonation or TNT explosion. The main objective of this study is to thoroughly examine the effect of the negative pressure phase on structural behavior. A blast wall for specific FPSO topside is selected to analyze structural response under the blast pressure. Because the blast wall is considered an essential structure for blast-resistant design. Pressure time history data were obtained by explosion simulations using FLACS, and the nonlinear transient finite element analyses were performed using LS-DYNA.

Mechanical model for analyzing the water-resisting key stratum to evaluate water inrush from goaf in roof

  • Ma, Kai;Yang, Tianhong;Zhao, Yong;Hou, Xiangang;Liu, Yilong;Hou, Junxu;Zheng, Wenxian;Ye, Qiang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.299-311
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    • 2022
  • Water-resisting key stratum (WKS) between coal seams is an important barrier that prevents water inrush from goaf in roof under multi-seam mining. The occurrence of water inrush can be evaluated effectively by analyzing the fracture of WKS in multi-seam mining. A "long beam" water inrush mechanical model was established using the multi-seam mining of No. 2+3 and No. 8 coal seams in Xiqu Mine as the research basis. The model comprehensively considers the pressure from goaf, the gravity of overburden rock, the gravity of accumulated water, and the constraint conditions. The stress distribution expression of the WKS was obtained under different mining distances in No. 8 coal seam. The criterion of breakage at any point of the WKS was obtained by introducing linear Mohr strength theory. By using the mechanical model, the fracture of the WKS in Xiqu Mine was examined and its breaking position was calculated. And the risk of water inrush was also evaluated. Moreover, breaking process of the WKS was reproduced with Flac3D numerical software, and was analyzed with on-site microseismic monitoring data. The results showed that when the coal face of No. 8 coal seam in Xiqu Mine advances to about 80 m ~ 100 m, the WKS is stretched and broken at the position of 60 m ~ 70 m away from the open-off cut, increasing the risk of water inrush from goaf in roof. This finding matched the result of microseismic analysis, confirming the reliability of the water inrush mechanical model. This study therefore provides a theoretical basis for the prevention of water inrush from goaf in roof in Xiqu Mine. It also provides a method for evaluating and monitoring water inrush from goaf in roof.

Analysis of the Damaged Range Caused by LPG Leakage and Vapor Clouds Considering the Cold Air Flow (찬공기 흐름을 고려한 LPG 누출 및 증기운에 의한 피해 영향 범위 분석)

  • Gu, Yun-Jeong;Song, Bonggeun;Lee, Wonhee;Song, Byunghun;Shin, Junho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2022
  • When LPG leaks from the storage tank, the gas try to sink to the ground because LPG is heavier than air. The gas easily creates vapor clouds causing aggressive accidents in no airflow. Therefore, It is important to prevent in advance by analyzing the damaged range caused from LPG leakage and vapor clouds. So, this study analyzed the range of damaged by LPG leakage and vapor clouds with consideration of the cold air flow which is generated by the topographical characteristics and the land use status at night time in the Jeju Hagari. As a result of the cold air flow using KLAM_21, about 2 m/s of cold air was introduced in from the southeast due to the influence of the terrain. The range of damaged by LPG leakage and vapor cloud was analyzed using ALOHA. When the leak hole size is 10 cm at the wind speed of 2 m/s, the range corresponding to LEL 60 % (12,600 ppm) was 61 m which range is expected to influence in nearby residential areas. These results of this study can be used as basic data to prepare preventive measures of accidents caused by vapor cloud. Forward, it is necessary to apply CFD modeling such as FLACS to check the vapor cloud formation due to LPG leakage in a relatively narrow area and to check the cause analysis.

A Study on Jointed Rock Mass Properties and Analysis Model of Numerical Simulation on Collapsed Slope (붕괴절토사면의 수치해석시 암반물성치 및 해석모델에 대한 고찰)

  • Koo, Ho-Bon;Kim, Seung-Hee;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Yeup
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2008
  • In case of cut-slopes or shallow-depth tunnels, sliding along with discontinuities or rotation could play a critical role in judging stability. Although numerical analysis is widely used to check the stability of these cut-slopes and shallow-depth tunnels in early design process, common analysis programs are based on continuum model. Performing continuum model analysis regarding discontinuities is possible by reducing overall strength of jointed rock mass. It is also possible by applying ubiquitous joint model to Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. In numerical analysis of cut-slope, main geotechnical properties such as cohesion, friction angle and elastic modulus can be evaluated by empirical equations. This study tried to compare two main systems, RMR and GSI system by applying them to in-situ hazardous cut-slopes. In addition, this study applied ubiquitous joint model to simulation model with inputs derived by RMR and GSI system to compare with displacements obtained by in-situ monitoring. To sum up, numerical analysis mixed with GSI inputs and ubiquitous joint model proved to provide most reliable results which were similar to actual displacements and their patterns.