• Title/Summary/Keyword: FEM modeling

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Derivation of Simplified Formulas to Predict Deformations of Plate in Steel Forming Process with Induction Heating (유도가열을 이용한 강판성형공정에서 변형량 예측을 위한 계산식 유도)

  • Bae, Kang-Yul;Yang, Young-Soo;Hyun, Chung-Min;Won, Seok-Hee;Cho, Si-Hoon
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the electro-magnetic induction process has been utilizing to substitute the flame heating process in shipyard. However, few studies have been performed to exactly analyze the deformation mechanism of the heating process with mathematical model. This is mainly due to the difficulty of modeling the inductor travelling on plate during the process. In this study, heat flux distribution of the process is firstly numerically analysed with the assumption that the process has a quasi-stationary state and also with the consideration that the heat source itself highly depends on the temperature of base plate. With the heat flux, the thermal and deformation analyses are then performed with a commercial program for 34 combinations of heating parameters. The deformations obtained and heating parameters are synthesized with a statistical method to produce simplified formulas, which easily give the relation between the heating parameters and deformations. The formulas are well compared with results of experiment.

Calculation of Film Diffusion Coefficients and Surface Diffusion Coefficients of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Activated Carbon Adsorption Model and Small Column Test (활성탄 흡착모델과 칼럼실험을 통한 Volatile Organic Compounds의 막확산계수와 표면확산계수의 도출)

  • Lee, Byoung-Ho;Lee, Joon-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 1999
  • Separation of VOCs(Volatile Organic Compounds) in Water Using Activated Carbon is known to be effective. Activated Carbon has been and will be employed in many water treatment plants. Simplified plug flow homogeneous surface diffusion model(PFHSDM) has been used to predict adsorption of organic matter. Finite Element Method(FEM) was used to analyze the model. Out of water quality control substances, benzene, toluene and tetrachloroethylene were used in the small column test. Film diffusion coefficients and surface diffusion coefficients were obtained from the column test, and were compared with the modeling results. Mc Cune, Williamson, William and Kataoka model, were compared with film diffusion coefficients obtained in the test. McCune model was fitted best for those VOCs used in this experiment. Film diffusion coefficients of VOCs obtained were benzene 0.265 cm/min, toluene 0.348 cm/min and tetrachloroethylene 0.298 cm/min. Surface diffusion coefficients of VOCs obtained were benzene $6.36{\times}10^{-8}cm^2/min$, toluene $3.20{\times}10-8cm2/min$, and tetrachloruethylene $4.94{\times}10^{-8}cm^2/min$.

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Finite Element Modeling of Rubber Pad Forming Process (고무 패드 성형 공정의 유한요소 모델링)

  • 신수정;이태수;오수익
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 1998
  • For investigating rubber pad sheet metal forming process, the rubber pad deformation characteristics as well as the contact problem of rubber pad-sheet metal has been analyzed. In this paper, the behavior of the rubber deformation is represented by hyper-elastic constitutive relations based on a generalized Mooney-Rivlin model. Finite element procedures for the two-dimensional responses, employing total Lagrangian formulations are implemented in an implicit form. The volumetric incompressibility condition of the rubber deformation is included in the formulation by using penalty method. The sheet metal is characterized by elasto-plastic material with strain hardening effect and analyzed by a commercial code. The contact procedure and interface program between rubber pad and sheet metal are implemented. Inflation experiment of circular rubber pad identifies the behaviour of the rubber pad deformation during the process. The various form dies and scaled down apparatus of the rubber-pad forming process are fabricated for simulating realistic forming process. The obtaining experimental data and FEM solutions were compared. The numerical solutions illustrate fair agreement with experimental results. The forming pressure distribution according to the dimensions of sheet metal and rubber pads, various rubber models and rubber material are also compared and discussed.

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Fatigue life prediction for radial truck tires using a global-local finite element method

  • Jeong, Kyoung Moon;Beom, Hyeon Gyu;Kim, Kee-Woon;Cho, Jin-Rae
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2011
  • A global-local finite element modeling technique is employed in this paper to predict the fatigue life of radial truck tires. This paper assumes that a flaw exists inside the tire, in the local model. The local model uses an FEM fracture analysis in conjunction with a global-local technique in ABAQUS. A 3D finite element local model calculates the energy release rate at the belt edge. Using the analysis of the local model, a study of the energy release rate is performed in the crack region and used to determine the crack growth rate analysis. The result considers how different driving conditions contribute to the detrimental effects of belt separation in truck tire failure. The calculation of the total mileage on four sizes of radial truck tires has performed on the belt edge separation. The effect of the change of belt width design on the fatigue lifetime of tire belt separation is discussed.

Modeling of combined thermal and mechanical action in roller compacted concrete dam by three-dimensional finite element method

  • Abdulrazeg, A.A.;Noorzaei, J.;Mohammed, T.A.;Jaafar, M.S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2013
  • A combined thermal and mechanical action in roller compacted concrete (RCC) dam analysis is carried out using a three-dimensional finite element method. In this work a numerical procedure for the simulation of construction process and service life of RCC dams is presented. It takes into account the more relevant features of the behavior of concrete such as hydration, ageing and creep. A viscoelastic model, including ageing effects and thermal dependent properties is adopted for the concrete. The different isothermal temperature influence on creep and elastic modulus is taken into account by the maturity concept, and the influence of the change of temperature on creep is considered by introducing a transient thermal creep term. Crack index is used to assess the risk of occurrence of crack either at short or long term. This study demonstrates that, the increase of the elastic modulus has been accelerated due to the high temperature of hydration at the initial stage, and consequently stresses are increased.

Comparison of Magnetic Resonant Coupling Wireless Power Transfer Systems within Aligned and Unaligned Positions and Determining their Limits

  • Agcal, Ali;Bekiroglu, Nur;Ozcira, Selin
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.652-659
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the efficiencies for both the angular aligned and unaligned positions of the receiver and transmitter coils of wireless power transfer (WPT) systems are examined. Some parameters of the equivalent circuit were calculated with Maxwell 3D software. The analytical solution of the circuit was calculated in MATLAB program through the composition of the system's mathematical modeling. The numerical solution of the system, however, was calculated using PSIM, which is circuit simulation software. In addition, with the use of the finite element method (FEM) in Maxwell 3D software, transient analysis of the three-dimensional system was performed. The efficiency of the system was estimated through the calculation of input and output power. The results demonstrated that power was efficiently transmitted to a certain extent in aligned and unaligned positions. The results also revealed that, for aligned positions, high efficiency with air gaps of 15-20 cm can be obtained and that the efficiency quickly dropped with air gaps of more than 20 cm. For spatially unaligned positions, it was observed that wireless power transfer could be realized with high efficiency with air gaps of up to 10 cm and that efficiency quickly dropped with air gaps of more than 10 cm.

Numerical investigation on the flexural links of eccentrically braced frames with web openings

  • Erfani, S.;Vakili, A.;Akrami, V.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.171-188
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    • 2021
  • Plastic deformation of link beams in eccentrically braced frames is the primary dissipating source of seismic energy. Despite the excellent compatibility with the architectural designs, previous researches indicate the deficiency of flexural yielding links compared to the shear yielding ones because of their localized plastic deformation. Previous investigations have shown that implementing web openings in beams could be an efficient method to improve the seismic performance of moment-resisting connections. Accordingly, this research investigates the use of flexural links with stiffened and un-stiffened web openings to eliminate localized plasticity at the ends of the link. For this purpose, the numerical models are generated in finite element software "Abaqus" and verified against experimental data gathered from other studies. Models are subjected to cyclic displacement history to evaluate their behavior. Failure of the numerical models under cyclic loading is simulated using a micromechanical based damage model known as Cyclic Void Growth Model (CVGM). The elastic stiffness and the strength-based and CVGM-based inelastic rotation capacity of the links are compared to evaluate the studied models' seismic response. The results of this investigation indicate that some of the flexural links with edge stiffened web openings show increased inelastic rotation capacity compared to an un-perforated link.

Acoustic Field Analysis using 1D Network Model in an Aero Gas Turbine Combustor (1D 네트워크 모델을 이용한 항공용 가스터빈 연소기에서의 음향장 해석)

  • Pyo, Yeongmin;Park, Heeho;Jung, Seungchai;Kim, Daesik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2019
  • The present work suggests a numerical approach using a thermoacoustic network model for the eigenvalue calculation of thermoacoustic instability problems in an aero gas turbine combustor. The model is developed based on the conservation laws for mass, momentum, and energy between acoustic network elements with an area change. Acoustic field in a practical aero gas turbine combustor which has a complicated flow path is analyzed using the current model. The predictive capabilities of the current modeling approach are compared with the acoustic characteristics calculated using Helmholtz solver based on 3D finite element method(FEM).

Field measurement-based wind-induced response analysis of multi-tower building with tuned mass damper

  • Chen, Xin;Zhang, Zhiqiang;Li, Aiqun;Hu, Liang;Liu, Xianming;Fan, Zhong;Sun, Peng
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.143-159
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    • 2021
  • The 246.8-m-tall Beijing Olympic Tower (BOT) is a new landmark in Beijing City, China. Its unique architectural style with five sub-towers and a large tower crown gives rise to complex dynamic characteristics. Thus, it is wind-sensitive, and a double-stage pendulum tuned mass damper (DPTMD) has been installed for vibration mitigation. In this study, a finite-element analysis of the wind-induced responses of the tower based on full-scale measurement results was performed. First, the structure of the BOT and the full-scale measurement are introduced. According to the measured dynamic characteristics of the BOT, such as the natural frequencies, modal shapes, and damping ratios, an accurate finite-element model (FEM) was established and updated. On the basis of wind measurements, as well as wind-tunnel test results, the wind load on the model was calculated. Then, the wind-induced responses of the BOT with the DPTMD were obtained and compared with the measured responses to assess the numerical wind-induced response analysis method. Finally, the wind-induced serviceability of the BOT was evaluated according to the field measurement results for the wind-induced response and was found to be satisfactory for human comfort.

Variation of reliability-based seismic analysis of an electrical cabinet in different NPP location for Korean Peninsula

  • Nahar, Tahmina Tasnim;Rahman, Md Motiur;Kim, Dookie
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.926-939
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    • 2022
  • The area of this study will cover the location-wise seismic response variation of an electrical cabinet in nuclear power point (NPP) based on classical reliability analysis. The location-based seismic ground motion (GM) selection is carried out with the help of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis using PSHRisktool, where the variation of reliability analysis can be understood from the relation between the reliability index and intensity measure. Two different approaches such as the first-order second moment method (FOSM) and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) are helped to evaluate and compare the reliability assessment of the cabinet. The cabinet is modeled with material uncertainty utilizing Steel01 as the material model and the fiber section modeling approach is considered to characterize the section's nonlinear reaction behavior. To verify the modal frequency, this study compares the FEM result with recorded data using Least-Squares Complex Exponential (LSCE) method from the impact hammer test. In spite of a few investigations, the main novelty of this study is to introduce the reader to check and compare the seismic reliability assessment variation in different seismic locations and for different earthquake levels. Alongside, the betterment can be found by comparing the result between two considered reliability estimation methods.