• Title/Summary/Keyword: External Q

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Hyaluronic Acid Synthesis Effect of Prunus yedoensis Bark Ethyl Acetate Fraction (왕벚나무 수피 에틸아세테이트 분획물의 히알루론산 합성효과)

  • Ji Hyun Song;Myong-Ki Kim;Soo Min Kwak;Yong Min Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2024
  • The skin barrier plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin by preventing external irritation and water loss in the body. In the skin, hyaluronic acid (HA) is synthesized by the enzyme hyaluronic acid synthase (HAS), which functions as a natural moisturizing factor and is involved in maintaining water retention and barrier function. Therefore, in this study, the effect of the Prunus yedoensis bark ethyl acetate fraction (PYBEAF) on HA synthesis in HaCaT cells was confirmed. Cytotoxicity evaluation was performed through MTT assay, and the amount of HA synthesis in HaCaT cells was confirmed through ELISA through PYBEAF treatment. The levels of HAS-2, HAS-3 mRNA expression were analyzed using qRT-PCR, and the protein expression level and signaling pathway were confirmed through western blotting. Consequently, PYBEAF was involved in the MAPK and CREB signaling pathways, increasing the amount of HA production through HAS-2 synthesis. This suggests that PYBEAF is effective in improving barrier function by increasing HA synthesis, which plays an important role in moisturizing and maintaining skin moisture.

A Study of High-Quality Factor Solenoid-Type RF Chip Inductor Utilizing Amorphous $Al_2O_3$ Core Material (비정질 $Al_2O_3$ 코아 재료를 이용한 Solenoid 형태의 고품질 RF chip 인덕터에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Wook;Jung, Young-Chang;Yun, Eui-Jung;Hong, Chol-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2000
  • Recently, there is a growing need to develope small-size RF chip inductors operating to GHz to realize high-performance, micro-fabricated wireless communication products. For the development of high-performance RF chip inductors, however, the ferrite-based chip inductors can not be used above 300MHz due to the limitation of the permeability of this material. In this work, small-size, high-performance RF chip inductors utilizing amorphous $Al_2O_3$ core material were investigated. Copper (Cu) with 40${\mu}m$ diameter was used as the coils and the chip inductor size fabricated in this work is $2.1mm{\times}1.5mm{\times}1.0mm$. The external current source was applied after bonding Cu coil leads to gold pads electro-plated on the bottom edges of a core material. The composition of core materials was measured using a EDX. High frequency characteristics of the inductance (L), quality factor (Q), and impedance (Z) of developed inductors were measured using an RF Impedance/Material Analyzer (HP4291B with HP16193A test fixture). The developed inductors have the self-resonant frequency (SRF) of 1 to 3.5 GHz and exhibit L of 22 to 150 nH. The L of the inductors decreases with increasing the SRF. The Z of the inductors has the maximum value at the SRF and the inductors have the quality factor of 70 to 97 in the frequency range of 500 MHz to 1.5 GHz.

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A Study on the Effect of an HRT of Anoxic Reactors on Organic Matter and Nitrogen Removal in A2/O Processes with Bio Contact Media in Aerobic Tank (호기조에 고정상 담체를 충진한 A2/O공정에서 무산소조 체류시간 변화가 유기물질 및 질소 제거에 미치는 영향)

  • Whang, Gye-Dae;Han, Bong-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.451-457
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    • 2007
  • Four parallel $A^2/O$ systems maintaining an MLSS of 3,000 mg/L were operated to investigate the effects of varying an HRT of anoxic reactors and packing Bio contact media (BCM, fixed beds) in aerobic reactors on organic matter removal and nitrification/denitrification efficiencies. All systems were operated under conditions that the external recycle ratio was kept 0.5 Q while the internal recycle ratio was changed 1.0 Q to 1.5 Q with that $NH_4-N$ concentration of feed was increased to 40 mg/L by adding $NH_4Cl$. In terms of TSS and TCODcr removal efficiency, both systems with BCM and a system without BCM, respectively, had a similar level of the removal efficiency under varied HRTs of anoxic reactors (0.6 hr, 1.3 hr, 2 hr, 2 hr; control, without BC M) showing that varying an HRT of anoxic reactors did not affect the removal efficiency. While SCODcr removal efficiency of systems with BCM was improved approximately 4~5% at the same HRT of anoxic reactor, the removal efficiency of system with BCM was slightly decreased by reducing an HRT of anoxic reactor. The nitrification efficiency for both systems with BCM and a system without BCM was above 94% showing that packing BCM in aerobic reactors and varying an HRT of anoxic reactors did not affect the efficiency significantly despite of increasing $NH_4-N$ concentration of feed. The denitrification efficiency increased from 81.4% to 85.4% at system with BCM while the efficiency decreased when a shorter HRT of anoxic reactors was kept. The excellent effluent quality for $NO_3-N$ concentration was observed although the $NO_3-N$ concentration increased in anoxic reactors that $NH_4-N$ concentration of feed sufficiently converted into nitrate through nitrification. As a result, packing 20% BCM to an aerobic reactor with HRT of 1.3 hr of anoxic reactor in $A^2/O$ system can achieve a similar level of nitrogen removal efficiency in $A^2/O$ system which the aerobic reactor had no BCM and HRT of 2 hr for anoxic reactor is maintained.

Vegetation Structure and Main Characteristics in Habitat of Sarcodon impricatus (향버섯 발생지의 식생구조 및 주요 특성)

  • Mi-Ji Lee;Nam-In Koo;Kang-Hyeon Ka;Min-Su Kim
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.156-168
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    • 2024
  • This study was carried out to provide fundamental data for forest land and the environment by investigating the vegetation structure and soil properties of forest land where Sarcodon impricatus are present. The study area was divided into the Quercus mongolica community, dominated by Q. mongolica and the Quercus variabilis community, a mixed forest with Q. variabilis, Q. mongolica and Pinus densiflora. Also, Calamagrostis arundinacea in the former community and Disporum smilacinum and Carex siderosticta in the latter community showed significant levels as indicator species. Both communities showed a strong correlation between available phosphate and pH, sand, and clay, and the high organic matter content and slightly acidic pH of the soil are believed to be related to the development of S. impricatus. The species appearing at the lower layer continue to dominate because the species appearing at the upper layer have secured realized niches. The site was distributed in a relatively humid place in a north-east direction, and soil was developed with a thin litter layer and low rock exposure. In the selected S. impricatus growing areas, vegetation centered on highly adaptable species to disturbance or external interference was developed. Therefore, it is expected to be used as fundamental data to promote the occurrence of S. impricatus during artificial cultivation, as it is possible to identify the stand where S. impricatus occurs indirectly.

Lipoid Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Diagnosed in an Infant with Hyperpigmentation Only by Targeted Exome Sequencing

  • Kim, Jinsup;Yang, Aram;Jang, Ja-Hyun;Cho, Sung Yoon;Jin, Dong-Kyu
    • Journal of mucopolysaccharidosis and rare diseases
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.28-32
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    • 2017
  • Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia (LCAH) is the severe form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and is characterized by adrenal insufficiency with hyperpigmentation and female external genitalia irrespective of genetic sex. The steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) is required for the transport of cholesterol into the mitochondria for steroidogenesis, and defects in the StAR gene account for the majority of LCAH cases. In this report, we present a two-day-old hyperpigmented infant with phenotypical female genitalia. With consideration of the clinical and laboratory findings, the infant was suspected of having adrenal insufficiency due to LCAH and treated with glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and sodium chloride. Karyotyping revealed 46, XY. Upon pelvis ultrasonography, adrenal hyperplasia with abdominal masses (thought to be the testicles) was reported. Molecular analysis with targeted exome sequencing revealed the homozygote mutation of c.772C>T ($p.Q258^*$) in exon 7 of the StAR gene. The early detection and treatment of adrenal insufficiency in infants with hyperpigmentation can prevent clinically apparent adrenal crises. During follow-up, the patient had a good clinical condition and maintained normal electrolyte and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels with medication.

Hologram Based QSAR Analysis of CXCR-2 Inhibitors

  • Sathya., B
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2017
  • CXC chemokine receptor 2 (CXCR2) is a prominent chemokine receptor on neutrophils. CXCR2 antagonist may reduce the neutrophil chemotaxis and alter the inflammatory response because the neutrophilic inflammation in the lung diseases is found to be largely regulated through CXCR2 receptor. Hence, in the present study, Hologram based Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship Study was performed on a series of CXCR2 antagonist named pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile-6-alkyl derivatives. The best HQSAR model was obtained using atoms, bonds, and chirality as fragment distinction parameter using hologram length 151 and 6 components with fragment size of minimum 4 and maximum 7. Significant cross-validated correlation coefficient ($q^2=0.774$) and non cross-validated correlation coefficients ($r^2=0.977$) were obtained. The model was then used to evaluate the six external test compounds and its $r^2_{pred}$ was found to be 0.614. Contribution map show that presence of cyclopropyl ring and its bulkier substituent's makes big contributions for improving the biological activities of the compounds. We hope that our HQSAR model and analysis will be helpful for future design of novel and structurally related CXCR2 antagonists.

Ligand Based HQSAR Analysis of CRTh2 Antagonists

  • Babu, Sathya;Madhavan, Thirumurthy
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2015
  • CRTh2 receptor is an important mediator of the inflammatory effects and act as beneficial target for the treatment of asthma, COPD, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis. In the present work, Hologram QSAR studies were conducted on a series of 50 training set CRTh2 antagonists (2-(2-(benzylthio)-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl acetic acids). The best HQSAR model was obtained using atoms, bonds, connections and donor/acceptor as fragment distinction parameter using hologram length 257 and 6 components with fragment size of minimum 7 and maximum 10. Significant cross-validated correlation coefficient ($q^2=0.786$) and non cross-validated correlation coefficients ($r^2=0.954$) were obtained. The model was then used to evaluate the 15 external test compounds which are not included in the training set and the predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results ($r^2_{pred}=0.739$). Contribution map show that presence of C ring and its substituents makes big contributions for activities. The HQSAR model and analysis from the contribution map could be useful for further design of novel structurally related CRTh2 antagonists.

CoMSIA 3D-QSAR Analysis of 3,4-Dihydroquinazoline Derivatives Against Human Colon Cancer HT-29 Cells

  • Kwon, Gi Hyun;Cho, Sehyeon;Lee, Jinsung;Sohn, Joo Mi;Byun, Joon Seok;Lee, Kyung-Tae;Lee, Jae Yeol
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.3181-3187
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    • 2014
  • A series of 3,4-dihydroquinazoline derivatives with anti-cancer activities against human colon cancer HT-29 cell were subjected to three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR) studies using the comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) approaches. The most potent compound, BK10001 was used to align the molecules. As a result, the best prediction was obtained with CoMSIA combined electrostatic, hydrophobic, and hydrogen-bond acceptor fields ($q^2=0.648$, $r^2=0.882$). This model was validated by an external test set of six compounds giving satisfactory predictive $r^2$ values of 0.879. This model would guide the design of potent 3,4-dihydroquinazoline derivatives as anti-cancer agent for the treatment of human colon cancer.

A Design of Transistor Dielectric Resonantor Oscillator at X-band (X-band용 유전체 공진 발진기의 설계)

  • 김완식;오양현;이종악
    • The Proceeding of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, an X-band TDRO(transistor dielectric resonator oscillator) is designed and experimented with the oscillator constructed. Design of the TDRO is carried out by deriving analycally the coupling parameters between a microstrip line and a dielectric resonator. The coupling parameters take account of the relations among substrate material, ground plane, metallic boundaries surrounding the resonator, distance between a microstrip line and a resonator. Two criteria, external quality factor and coupling coefficient, have been chosen in order to evaluate the performance of the TDRO designed. TDRO studed in this paper may be useful for the application of a microwave system requiring a stable and effective oscillator frequency.

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Exploring Structure-Activity Relationships for the In vitro Cytotoxicity of Alkylphenols (APs) toward HeLa Cell

  • Kim, Myung-Gil;Shin, Hye-Seoung;Kim, Jae-Hyoun
    • Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.14-22
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    • 2009
  • In vitro cytotoxicity of 23 alkyl phenols (APs) on human cervical cancer cell lines (HeLa) was determined using the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) cytotoxicity assay. Two different sets of descriptors were used to construct the calibration model based on Genetic Algorithm-Multiple Linear Regression (GA-MLR) based on the experimental data. A statistically robust Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) model was achieved ($R^2$=95.05%, $Q^2_{LOO}$=91.23%, F=72.02 and SE= 0.046) using three Dragon descriptors based on Me (0D-Constitutional descriptor), BELp8 (2D-Burden eigenvalue descriptor) and HATS8p (3D-GETAWAY descriptor). However, external validation could not fully prove its validity of the selected QSAR in characterization of the cytotoxicity of APs towards HeLa cells. Nevertheless, the cytotoxicity profiles showed a finding that 4-n-octylphenol (4-NOP), 4-tert-octyl-phenol (4-TOP), 4-n-nonylphenol (4-NNP) had a more potent cytotoxic effect than other APs tested, inferring that increased length and molecular bulkiness of the substituent had important influence on the LDH cytotoxicity.