• 제목/요약/키워드: Experience of people with HIV/AIDS

검색결과 7건 처리시간 0.02초

HIV 감염자의 생활 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구 (The Experience of People with HIV/AIDS : A Phenomenological Study)

  • 김은영;이명선
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore and describe the experience of people with HIV/AIDS. Three men and three women with HIV/AIDS participated in the study. They were asked open-ended and descriptive questions in order for them to talk about their experience in their own terms. Interviews were audiotaped and transcribed to maintain data integrity and to reduce perceptual bias. The transcripts were analyzed by the Colaizzi method. Member checks from the participants were used to validate the emergent themes. Seven themes emerged from the analysis. 1. People with HIV/AIDS have a strong impact and emotional reaction when receiving positive HIV test results. 2. All people with HIV/AIDS attempt to conceal HIV infection because of fear of stigma or rejection. 3. After the initial brief traumatic reaction to HIV/AIDS diagnosis, all participants feel lonely because they had no one to express or share their own experiences. 4. People with HIV/AIDS reflect on their life, think about the death and dying process and they become depressed. 5. Most participants feel that the family members who know his/her diagnosis are a big source of support. 6. According to the normativeness of infection route of HIV, the degree of guilty feeling differs among participants. 7. Although all participants think medication is a lifeline, the adherence to medication is not maintained because of side effects, denial and concealment of HIV/AIDS. The results of this study may help nurses and other health care workers to implement more efficient nursing strategies for people with HIV/AIDS by more deeply understanding their experience.

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HIV/AIDS 감염인의 감염 이후 삶의 긍정적 경험 : "추락하는 것에는 날개가 있다" (Life Experience of People Living with HIV/AIDS: rising up from despair)

  • 김경미;김민정
    • 사회복지연구
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.251-279
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    • 2010
  • 2009년 11월 30일 보건복지가족부는 1985년 국내에서 공식적으로 에이즈 '1호' 환자로 확인된 박모씨가 24년이 지난 지금도 매우 건강한 상태라고 발표하였다. 치료를 받은 환자라면 HIV/AIDS 감염인도 대부분은 일반인과 마찬가지로 HIV/AIDS가 아니라 암, 심혈관 질환 등의 질병으로 사망한다는 것이다. 그러나 아직 국내에서 HIV/AIDS는 죽음의 병이라고 알려져 있으며, HIV/AIDS 감염인은 사회에서 '추방된' 느낌을 가지고 살아간다. HIV/AIDS에 대한 치료가 발전했음에도 불구하고 HIV/AIDS 감염인에 대한 국내의 연구는 아직 초보적인 상태이다. 이에 이 연구는 HIV/AIDS 감염임들의 관점에서 이들의 생존경험을 기술하였다. 이를 위해 현상학적인 방법을 이용하여 6명의 HIV/AIDS 감염인을 인터뷰하고 그 결과를 분석하였다. HIV/AIDS 감염인의 감염 이후 삶의 경험은 시간에 따라 상호 연관되어 나타난다. HIV/AIDS에 감염되었다는 사실을 통보받고 감염인들은 "하늘이 무너져 버릴 것 같은" 충격을 경험한다. 또한 HIV에 감염되었다는 사실의 강제적인 노출은 세상으로부터 강요된 단절과 소외를 안겨주고, 직장에서 내몰려 생계의 위협을 받게 하며, 이들은 죽을 날만을 혼자 외롭고 무기력하게 기다린다. 그러나 몇 몇 의료진과의 접촉은 이들에게 HIV/AIDS는 평범한 '관리의 질병' 이라는 인식을 갖게 하며, HIV/AIDS를 "알아가며 이해해 가는" 시간을 갖게 한다. HIV/AIDS 감염을 긍정적으로 수용함으로써, 이들은 현재의 '삶' 에 충실하게 살며, 삶의 새로운 의미를 만들어간다. 주위 사람들에게 HIV/AIDS 감염을 떳떳하게 말하지 못하는 '거짓된 삶' 이 아닌 "진실된 모습으로 거듭나기 위해" 이들은 주위사람들에게 HIV/AIDS 감염사실을 알린다. HIV/AIDS 감염 사실을 알리는 것은 "내가 나를 인정하고", "나 자신을 강하게 만드는 원동력" 이 되어 이전보다 더 성숙해진 자신을 발견할 수 있게 한다. HIV/AIDS와의 이러한 상생의 전제는 바로 병에 대한 인식의 변화이다. '더러운 병, 죽는 병' 이 아니라 '관리가능한 질병' 이라는 인식의 변화는 HIV/AIDS 감염인들이 새롭게 태어날 수 있는 토대가 된다. HIV/AIDS 감염 이후 새로운 삶에는 자기만이 아닌 다른 사람들이 있다. 이는 나에게로만 향하던 관심에서 타인에 대한 관심으로의 변화를 의미하며, HIV/AIDS와의 상생을 촉진했던 것은 가족과 친구들의 변함없는 지지였다.

HIV/AIDS 감염인의 영성이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 (The effect of Spirituality on Quality of Life in People Living with HIV/AIDS in Korea)

  • 김리원;김건태
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제18권9호
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    • pp.216-225
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구에서는 HIV/AIDS 감염인의 삶의 질에 영성이 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 HIV/AIDS 감염인 260명을 대상으로 분석하였다. 우선 인구사회학적 요인을 삶의 질의 관계를 살펴보았고 그 다음 단순화된 종교 영성 다차원척도 Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness Spirituality 척도를 이용하여 영성적 요인의 영향을 살펴보았다. 영성적 요인은 일상생활 안에서의 영적 경험, 가치/믿음, 용서, 개인적인 종교생활, 종교적/영적 대처기술, 종교적 후원의 6개의 하위범주로 구성되어 있으며, 영성적 요인이 HIV/AIDS 감염인의 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 이용가능 표본추출 방법으로 설문을 실시하였다. 삶의 질에 대한 변인들의 영향력 검증을 위해 OLS 회귀분석을 한 결과, 소득수준, 질병의 심각도, 용서, 그리고 종교적/영적 대처기술이 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 HIV/AIDS 감염인의 삶의 질은 인구사회학적 요인뿐만 아니라 영성적 요인도 크게 영향을 미침을 확인할 수 있었다. 연구결과를 바탕으로 HIV/AIDS 감염인의 영성적 요인이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 논의했으며, 감염인의 정신건강을 위한 제언, 연구의 제한점, 그리고 앞으로의 연구 방향에 대해 제안하였다.

HIV감염인 상담간호사의 소진경험 (Burnout Experience of HIV Counseling Nurses)

  • 서명희;정석희;이명하;김현경
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.544-554
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was designed to describe the burnout experiences of nurses counseling people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in hospital-based counseling services in Korea. Methods: A qualitative research technique with focus group interviews was used and the data were collected in 2012. Participants were 13 counseling nurses from 16 medical hospitals in South Korea who had worked full-time for more than six months as a counseling nurse for PLWHA. The 13 nurses made up 68.4% of all 19 official HIV counseling nurses in South Korea. Data were collected using focus group interviews and analyzed with the content analysis methodology of Downe-Wamboldt. Results: Burnout experience of counseling nurses for PLWHA was analyzed for two domains-causes of, and effects of burnout. Each domain was classified into three categories; personal, job-related, and relationships. Further 17 sub-categories and 47 concepts were discovered. Conclusion: In this study various causes and effects of burnout experienced by nurses counseling PLWHA were identified. These findings can be used in developing effective strategies for nurses, administrators, and health policy makers to solve the burnout of counseling nurses. Further research is required to develop detailed and practical job description for nurses counseling PLWHA.

건강신념모델을 적용한 AIDS 예방의 건강신념, 태도 및 건강행동 (Health Belief Model Approach to Health Beliefs, Attitude, and Health Behaviors Concerning HIV / AIDS.)

  • 김명혜
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.125-147
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted in order to identify the extent to which Health Belief Model (HBM) constructs explain the likelihood of taking preventive behaviors for AIDS among the young adolescents in Korea. HBM was applied as the theoretical framework for developing questionnaire items in this study. The survey instrument included all of the constructs of Health Belief Model, namely, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barriers, cue to actions for preventive behaviors concerning AIDS. Additionally, demographic characteristics of the respondents, their sexual experiences, and AIDS Knowledge Test were included in the study. Each of HBM constructs were developed with a 5-point Likert type scale from l(never agree) to 5 (absolutely agree). The survey was conducted with a total of 247 military men in a city on September 18, 1996, using self-reported questionnaire. The results of the study were summarized as follows: 1. Because the subjects for this study were military soldiers, their demographic characteristics were limited to all men, young age, and ummarried. Educational status was evenly distributed between high school graduates and university students. 2. On the average, the respondents started their first sexual relationship at 18 years old and 82.6% of them did not use condom when having their first sexual experience. Thirty-one percent of the subjects had sexual contact with prostitutes and the average number of sexual contact with prostitutes was 5 times during the past 2 years. 3. The results of AIDS Knowledge Test scores demonstrated that the respondents had a high level of knowledge about AIDS. However, some misconceptions about transmission of AIDS through casual contact were still prevailed. Sixty-six percent of the respondents expressed that people infected with HIV should be isolated from the society in order to protect the general public. 4. All the respondents expressed that they had heard about AIDS before. TV was found to be the source which provided information on AIDS most frequently. 5. Among fundamental constructs of Health Belief Model, scores of perceived benefit of taking preventive action against AIDS marked the highest score, while scores of perceived susceptibility were the lowest. As a result of Multiple Stepwise Regression analysis, 13 variable groups were found to predict the preventive action by 25%. Among them, only perceived benefit variables was the most significant factor to explain preventive behaviors by 17%.

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Gender Differences in HIV-Related Sexual Risk Behaviors among Korean College Students

  • Sohn, Aeree;Chun, Sung-Soo
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: The study was designed to assess the trends of the incidence of HIV among young people and their sexual risk-taking behaviors by gender in Korean college students. Methods: The cross-sectional study was used from college students from selected 60 among 208 4-year colleges and universities in 9 provinces and Seoul. A self-reported anonymous questionnaire administered and completed to a national representative sample of 4-year college students from May 15th to June 14th in 2003. We analyzed 2,385 cases. The overall response rate was 82.0%. Results: After controlling age effects, male students were more likely to be sexually experienced than female students(40.0% vs. 8.1%), OR=5.5, p<.000. The proportions of 19 years and before reported for initiation of sexual intercourse were 18.6% for males and 3.2% for females. Males reported significantly younger ages than females at initiation of sexual intercourse(p<.01). Only 14.8% of current sexually active subjects reported consistent use of contraceptive methods. After controlling age effects, male students reported a higher proportion of sexually experienced respondents with one or more casual partners(excluding a formal partner) during the last 12 months than women(38.8% vs. 22.2%), OR=2.2, p<. 05. Conclusion : This study can conclude that although males students initiate sex earlier and have higher percentage of sexual experience, the percentage of sexually experience female students has risen rapidly compared to the past. This data revealed a number of young people were at risk for HIV infection. Both genders are equally likely to have engaged in inconsistent condom use even though when they have a sex with an unknown partner. These findings suggest that practical sex education focused on using condom use should have been included in the school curricular. Educational and community interventions need to prevent sex-related problems.

HIV 감염인을 위한 완화의료와 호스피스 (The Palliative Care and Hospice for the People Living with HIV)

  • 최재필
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2017
  • 항레트로바이러스제 치료의 확립, 조기치료로 HIV 감염인들의 바이러스의 조절과 면역저하의 개선이 이루어지고 있다. 다수의 환자들이 더 이상 에이즈 관련 합병증으로 사망하지 않고, 심혈관질환, 대사성질환, 간질환, 신장질환, 신경계질환과 같은 만성합병질환을 갖고 고령화되고 있다. 그러나 지금도 여전히 사회적 차별과 낙인이 존재하는 가운데 후기 발현자로 후천면역결핍증 상태로 방문하여 사망하거나 중증의 신경계합병증으로 장애를 갖는 환자들이 있다. 환자의 다양한 증상들에 대해 이른 시기부터의 완화의료적 접근이 필요하다. 원위 대칭성 감각 다발신경병증 등의 환자의 만성 통증은 저평가되어 왔고 이에 대한 적극적인 통증 중재가 필요하다. 이전 호스피스 기준은 현재 시점에서 새롭게 제시한다. 감염인의 약제 지속 등의 의학적 필요, 심리적 상태, 사회적 여건에 대한 이해가 필요하다. 표준주의 감염관리 원칙을 준수한다면 만성질환으로서의 보편적 호스피스 진료의 제공이 가능하겠다. 생의 말기 빠르고 적극적인 호스피스팀의 개입을 통해 환자들이 존엄하게 삶을 마무리하실 수 있도록 임상경험이 늘어나고, 제도가 마련되길 바란다.