• Title/Summary/Keyword: Establishment devices

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Improving Personal Data Protection in IoT Environments (사물인터넷(IoT) 환경에서 개인정보보호 강화를 위한 제도 개선 방안)

  • Lee, Ae Ri;Son, Soomin;Kim, Hyun Jin;Kim, Beomsoo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.995-1012
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    • 2016
  • In Internet of Things (IoT) environments, devices or sensors everywhere can automatically collect data without the individual awareness, further combine and share data using ubiquitous network, and thus the development of IoT raises new challenges in respect of personal data protection and privacy. This study aims to identify main issues related to data protection in the IoT and propose adequate measures. We analyzed the types of personal data controllers and processors in IoT and figured out the issues regarding the processing of personal data and the rights to privacy of data subject. Accordingly, we suggested the institutional ways (e.g., establishment of user-friendly notice and flexible consent system, re-identification risk monitoring system, data protection in cross-border transfer, and user education) to improve the situation of personal data protection in IoT and finally proposed the improvement tasks to carry out first based on the degree of urgency and importance.

The Actuality and Legal Subject of foreign investment to Chinese Medical Market (중국(中國) 의료시장(醫療市場)에 대한 외국인투자현황(外國人投資現況)과 법적(法的) 과제(課題))

  • Jin, Cheng-Hua
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.311-330
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    • 2006
  • As issues of education, employment and so on, the medical issue is one of the hot spots of society in China today. The health system reform which was pushed ahead after China's Revolution and open to the outside world hasn't received great progress. Many actual problems haven't been solved, for example it is difficult and expensive to see a doctor. With the development of the economy and society, the citizen's legal consciousness has gradually risen. They make a claim for better medical service. At the same time, the number of the disputes of medical care arises annually. China has sped up the opening of service trade for fulfilling promises of entry the WTO since 2001. China has already opened many service trade fields, including medical field. From the domestic perspective, there are many problems in domestic medical department. From the international perspective, China's present medical level falls behind the world advanced medical level. Under this background, it is a bold act for China to open the medical service field to foreign investors. Today, a huge medical service market is developed in China. However, the government's investment to medical devices and the financing channels is limited. Therefore, it is inevitable that individuals, social organizations and foreign investors invest to the medical market. In view of the situation, Chinese government issued a series of relevant laws and rules. In recent years, many multinational companies, consortiums, charitable institutions, enterprises and individuals establish various medical institutions in China. But there are rare research in the actuality and legal subject of foreign investment to Chinese medical market. Hence, it is necessary to realize the actuality of foreign investment to Chinese medical market, to familiar with the elements and procedure of establishing foreign joint and cooperative medical institution. Meanwhile, analyzing the existing problems and posing the legal subject have important theoretic and practical value.

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Performance Evaluation of a Survivable Ship Backbone Network Exploiting k-Shortest Disjoint Paths (k-최단 분리 경로 배정을 적용한 장애 복구형 선박 백본 네트워크의 성능 평가)

  • Tak, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.701-712
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    • 2012
  • The concept of $k$-shortest disjoint paths is considered important because the establishment of primary and backup forwarding paths exploiting shorter distance and faster propagation time is a dominant consideration for the design of a survivable backbone network. Therefore, we need to evaluate how well the concept of $k$-shortest disjoint paths is exploited for the design of a survivable ship backbone network considering the international standard related to ship backbone networks, the IEC61162-410 standard specifying how to manage redundant message transmissions among ship devices. Performance evaluations are conducted in terms of following objective goals: link capacity, hop and distance of primary and backup paths, even distribution of traffic flows, restoration time of backup forwarding paths, and physical network topology connectivity.

Prediction of End of Life Photovoltaic Modules with Feed in Tariff (발전차액제도가 고려된 태양광 폐모듈 발생량 예측)

  • Park, Jongsung;Lim, Cheolhyun;Kim, Wooram;Park, Byungwook;Lee, Jin-seok;Lee, Sukho
    • Current Photovoltaic Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we predict the generation of end-of-life photovoltaic modules when Feed in Tariff applied, in Republic of Korea. Based on the installation of photovoltaic modules, we prepared three different senarios in order to estimate the generation of end-of-life photovoltaic modules. The senarios are i) early worn-out, ii) mid worn-out and iii) late-worn out senario. We selected the mid worn-out senario to estimated the amount of end-of-life photovoltaic modules in this study. Establishment of the end-of-life module generation scenario predicted generation of end-of-life photovoltaic module, and forecasted generation amount of end-of-life module to which Feed in Tariff was applied in consideration of installed photovoltaic modules installed by Feed in Tariff support. The generation of Feed in Tariff-applied end-of-life modules increased from 2021 to 2025 compared to without Feed in Tariff, and since then, the Feed in Tariff-applied end-of-life modules were generated as waste modules during the relevant period (2021 ~ 2025).

Power Aware Routing Protocol in Multimedia Ad-hoc Network Considering Hop Lifetime of Node

  • Huh, Jun-Ho;Kim, Yoondo;Seo, Kyungryong
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to extend Ad-hoc network system lifetime with the proposed routing protocol which has considered hop lifetimes of the nodes while guaranteeing QoS in the establishment process of Ad-hoc network communication paths. Based on another power aware routing system that proposed in the advanced research [1], we are proposing an alternative power aware routing system in which nodes' hop lifetimes are compared in order to extend the lifetime of an Ad-hoc network system and delay factors have been considered for the assurance of QoS. The research of the routing protocol in this paper, which aims to maximize the system survival time considering power consumption status during the path searching in MANET and pursues the mechanism that controls hop delays for the same reason, can be applied to the study of WSN. The study concerning such phenomena is essential so that the proposed protocol has been simulated and verified with NS-2 in Linux system focusing on the lifetimes of the hops of the nodes. Commercialization of smart devices and arrival of the ubiquitous age has brought about the world where all the people and things are connected with networks. Since the proposed power aware method and the hop delay control mechanism used to find the adequate communication paths in MANET which mainly uses batteries or in WSN, they can largely contribute to the lifetime extension of the network system by reducing power consumptions when utilized for the communications attempts among soldiers during military operation, disaster areas, temporary events or exhibitions, mobile phone shadow areas, home networks, in-between vehicle communications and sense networks, etc. This paper presents the definitions and some advantages regarding the proposed outing protocol that sustain and extend the lifetime of the networks.

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German "confidential birth" Service and its Implication for Korean Practice -Focusing on Contents and Evaluation of German "confidential birth" service- (독일의 비밀출산서비스와 한국에 주는 시사점 -비밀출산 서비스의 내용과 평가에 대한 고찰을 중심으로-)

  • Han, Jung-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2018
  • In korea, the infantile abandonment is increasing recently. In this situation, present study aims to analyze german "confidential birth service"(vertrauliche Geburt) and to find out implications for korean practice. the results of the study are as follows. "confidential birthservice" is centered on pregnancy counseling center. Through this service, pregnant women in crisis are assured of their anonymity and can safely bring baby into the world. After the child is 16 years old, they can learn about personal information of their biological mother. These "confidential birth service" has received positive evaluation in terms of accessibility, sustainability and reliability of services, linkage and cooperation among agencies, quality of counseling and publicity. Implication for Korean pratice include the provision of legal and institutional devices for "confidential birth services", the establishment of implementing agencies, cooperation with related organizations, and the strengthening of the capacity of practitioners, as well as suggestions in the field of counseling and public relations.

An Energy Effective Protocol for Clustering Ad Hoc Network

  • Lee, Kang-Whan;Chen, Yun
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 2008
  • In ad hoc network, the scarce energy management of the mobile devices has become a critical issue in order to extend the network lifetime. Therefore, the energy consumption is important in the routing design, otherwise cluster schemes are efficient in energy conserving. For the above reasons, an Energy conserving Context aware Clustering algorithm (ECC) is proposed to establish the network clustering structure, and a routing algorithm is introduced to choose the Optimal Energy Routing Protocol (OERP) path in this paper. Because in ad hoc network, the topology, nodes residual energy and energy consuming rate are dynamic changing. The network system should react continuously and rapidly to the changing conditions, and make corresponding action according different conditions. So we use the context aware computing to actualize the cluster head node, the routing path choosing. In this paper, we consider a novel routing protocol using the cluster schemes to find the optimal energy routing path based on a special topology structure of Resilient Ontology Multicasting Routing Protocol (RODMRP). The RODMRP is one of the hierarchical ad hoc network structure which combines the advantage of the tree based and the mesh based network. This scheme divides the nodes in different level found on the node energy condition, and the clustering is established based on the levels. This protocol considered the residual energy of the nodes and the total consuming energy ratio on the routing path to get the energy efficiently routing. The proposed networks scheme could get better improve the awareness for data to achieve and performance on their clustering establishment and messages transmission. Also, by using the context aware computing, according to the condition and the rules defined, the sensor nodes could adjust their behaviors correspondingly to improve the network routing.

New Approach to Air Quality Management (대기오염관리의 새로운 접근방법)

  • 윤명조
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.25-48
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    • 1993
  • International concern over the environmental pollution is ever increasing, and diversified countermeasures must be devised in Korea also. Global trend, damages, problems and countermeasures with respect to issues mentioned in the Rio Declaration, such as prevention of ozone layer destruction, reduction of migratory atmospheric pollution between neighboring countries, and prevention of global greenhouse effect, were discussed in this report. Conclusion of the report is summarized as follows : A. Measurement, Planning and Monitoring (1) Development and implementation of a global network for measurement and monitoring from the global aspects such factors as related to acid rain(Pioneer substances, pH, sulfate, nitrate), effect of global temperature(Air temperature, $CO_2$, $CH_4$, CFC, $N_2O$) and destruction of ozone layer($CFC_S$). (2) Establishment of network system via satellite monitoring movement of regional air mass, damage on the ozone layer and ground temperature distribution. B. Elucidation of Present State (1) Improvement and development of devices for carbon circulation capable of accurately forecasting input and output of carbon. (2) Developmental research on chemical reactions of greenhouse gas in the air. (3) Improvement and development of global circulation model(GCM) C. Impact Assessment Impact assessment on ecosystem, human body, agriculture, floodgate, land use, coastal ecology, industries, etc. D. Preventive Measures and Technology Development (1) Development and consumption of new energy (2) Development of new technology for removal of pioneer substances (3) Development of substitute matter for $CFC_S$ (4) Improvement of agriculture and forestry means to prevent the destruction of ozone layer and the greenhouse effect of the globe (5) Improvement of housing to prevent the destruction of ozone layer and the greenhouse effect of the globe (6) Development of new technology for probing underground water (7) Preservation of forest (8) Biomass 5. Policy Development (1) Development of strategy model (2) Development of long term forecast model (3) Development of penalty charge effect and expense evaluation methods (4) Feasibility study on regulations By establishing the above mentioned measures for environmentally sound and sustainable development to establish the right to live for humankind and to preserve the one and only earth.

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An Activation Plan of Electronic Contract Real Estate

  • Youn, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2016
  • In the 21st century knowledge and information society, Electronic Contracts made with the intention of electronic computer information networks are emerging as a new legal problem which can not be solved in the conventional legal system governing contracts. In other words, the indicator's decision determines the effect and formation of the contracts in the face-to-face or written contracts but electronic decision through computer information network is established the working process of electronic signals-electronic contracts are not only difficult to separate the decision-making process but questioned to be solved by the theory of the general legal action. Ministry of Transportation is scheduled to introduce real estate sales and lease contract using a variety of electronic devices such as computer, tablet PC, smart phones and so on without a paper contract. This system is conducted to global expansion of Seoul in demonstration zone on May 8, 2016 and will be implemented nationwide in the second half of 2017. Electronics contract Real estate has some benefits because made by linking electronic contract system and the electronic registration system - the economic effects discounts on various kinds of fees, the prevention from real estate fraud beforehand and the solution to the complexity of the process the seller and the buyer visits The Real estate agency. However, it has some problem- the disorder in the real estate contract market, the occurrence of the real estate agency accident and the author of the electronic real estate contracts have limited only to realtor. In this paper, I suggest the activation plan to search for establishment and effect of electronic contracts and declaration of intention in electronic depending on the Electronic Contract Real Estate system.

A plan for the establishment of information ethics in relation to the development of information technology (정보기술의 발전에 따른 정보윤리의식의 확립방안)

  • ;Lee, Kyung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.28
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    • pp.385-413
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    • 1998
  • This study aims to analyze categorically social and ethical problems related to the recent development of information technology and, then to propose measures to prevent the spread of the problems. For this purpose, the study examines the information ethics and information-related ethical education in some of the advanced countries and suggests a measure to establish a desirable information ethics which, through the roles of information experts can increase the convenience of the information society. Particularly, information should have been used in the right manner but it is not. This has caused legal and technical problems and now there is a need for cultural, societal and ethical changes. In fact, new technology and legal - institutional devices may solve those problems caused by the development. However, we should recognize the importance of human in life by taking expected social efforts into broader consideration. it is to be desired, above all, that ethical problems should be discussed toward respecting the interests of both indivisuals and society with the protection of the illegal circulation of unlawful and unhealthy information. Consequently, in order to solve those problems, it is required that remove the negative effects both information providers and users themselves through the enactment and enforcement of information ethics doctrine. The reason is that professionals' decision may be more specific than others. Therefore, specialists who work information fields including computers should reevaluate the a n.0, pplication of ethics and make new regulations. By doing this the rightful advancement of information culture can be accomplishmented and responsible infortizen can be created. Futhermore, primary schools and other institutions, which train technical communication specialists, should teach technical skills, computers, as well as ethnological consciousness when they use information mediums.

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