• Title/Summary/Keyword: Essay generation

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PC-SAN: Pretraining-Based Contextual Self-Attention Model for Topic Essay Generation

  • Lin, Fuqiang;Ma, Xingkong;Chen, Yaofeng;Zhou, Jiajun;Liu, Bo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.3168-3186
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    • 2020
  • Automatic topic essay generation (TEG) is a controllable text generation task that aims to generate informative, diverse, and topic-consistent essays based on multiple topics. To make the generated essays of high quality, a reasonable method should consider both diversity and topic-consistency. Another essential issue is the intrinsic link of the topics, which contributes to making the essays closely surround the semantics of provided topics. However, it remains challenging for TEG to fill the semantic gap between source topic words and target output, and a more powerful model is needed to capture the semantics of given topics. To this end, we propose a pretraining-based contextual self-attention (PC-SAN) model that is built upon the seq2seq framework. For the encoder of our model, we employ a dynamic weight sum of layers from BERT to fully utilize the semantics of topics, which is of great help to fill the gap and improve the quality of the generated essays. In the decoding phase, we also transform the target-side contextual history information into the query layers to alleviate the lack of context in typical self-attention networks (SANs). Experimental results on large-scale paragraph-level Chinese corpora verify that our model is capable of generating diverse, topic-consistent text and essentially makes improvements as compare to strong baselines. Furthermore, extensive analysis validates the effectiveness of contextual embeddings from BERT and contextual history information in SANs.

No-Yong Park's Passing as Political Gestures

  • Park, Heui-Yung
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.219-238
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    • 2018
  • This essay examines the first-generation Korean American writer, No-Yong Park's falsehoods about his ethnic identity to suggest how and why he passed for Chinese, and to explore the political, anti-Japanese implications of these actions. The essay first identifies erroneous information circulating about his biographical background, presents some other materials that help us better understand the context in which he forged his Chinese identity, and then examines how he represented himself as Chinese in his published works. I would argue that Park's self-identification as Chinese was a resulting outcome of his naturalization caused by the Japanese colonial power in Korea and also one of his surviving strategies in the racist environment within American society. Looking at some of his works-including Making a New China (1929), An Oriental View of American Civilization (1934), Chinaman's Chance: Autobiography (1940)-and examining how he represented Korea and its people reveal how he tried to raise voice for them. By doing so, this essay illuminates Park's resistance to Japan's colonial discourse and power in Korea while revealing his lifetime passing as Chinese-far from his refusal to belong to the Korean community, or to acknowledge being Korean.

The Medium of Poetry: Romantic Writing and the Cultural Politics of Physicality in "Hyperion"

  • Jon, Bumsoo
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.233-249
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    • 2014
  • This essay addresses the missing conversation in Keats studies by showing how an enduring mystery of Romantic writing—the medium of poetic process and the physical conditions of enunciation—remains a central question in the Hyperion fragments. It is my argument that the tropes of material textuality prevalent in the Hyperions represent a bold cultural statement in which Keats reacts to the major premises underlying the Romantic culture's notion of poetry as abstraction: the Romantic notion of literary (re)production as a product of the activity of a mind. Keats's self-conscious, symbolic representation of the mechanics of poetry-making can be read as an investigation of the ways in which the Romantics were aware of and even eager to articulate the instabilities of their position on the relations between words and things. This essay does not focus exclusively on the physical embodiment of Keats's work as such, so much as the second-generation Romantic poet's contribution to the Romantics' self-conscious and critical understanding of the depiction, perception and ideologies of their poetry and its mediation.

A Study on a Historical Context of the Design Methodology Movement With an Emphasis on Its relations to Cyborg Sciences (디자인 방법론의 역사적 맥락에 대한 연구 - 사이보그 과학과의 관계를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hae-Cheon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2006
  • From a general perspective of design history, the design methodology movement is interpreted in relations to the rationalistic and universal characteristics of modernism. This essay explores a historical context of the movement, focusing on its discursive and practical relations to cyborg sciences that has been shaped by the research and development of military technology in Cold War America. The formation of such relations could be largely devided into two processes: One is the process in which methods and techniques of system science that included operation research, system analysis, and system engineering, were appropriated by the first generation methodologists who had tried to establish "the science of design", and the other is the one in which Herbert Simon's studies on problem solving and artificial intelligence became profoundly embedded in theoretical frameworks of design methodology after the first generation. Examining such processes critically, this essay argues that a design process became finally redefined by the third generation methodology, as a 'feedback loop' of circulation of production and consumption, that is, an apparatus of information-processing which gives a concrete form to the "invisible hand" of markets.

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The ABC in Chick Lit: the Consumption of Asian America in The Dim Sum of All Things

  • Chung, Hyeyurn
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-92
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    • 2018
  • This essay aims to examine chick lit written within the Asian American context. For the most part, the chick lit genre has been typically regarded as a site to study contemporary white women's experiences and to debate the genres' credentials as feminist literature. Though some may disagree, there is general consensus that chick lit has fallen out of vogue after reaching its peak in the first decade of the new millenium.; nevertheless, it is being revisited by readers and critics alike as it has recently re-emerged as a location upon which to examine how race and gender inform notions of national belonging and female subject formation in the twenty-first century. To this end, this essay reads Kim Wong Keltner's The Dim Sum of All Things (2004). Keltner's protagonist Lindsey Owyang is yet another twentysomething "chick" looking for love, self, independence, and success in the huge megalopolis of San Francisco. What sets Lindsey apart from the chick prototype is that she is a third-generation ABC (American-born Chinese) and issues relevant to Asian America frequently make their way into Lindsey's narrative. Though it is generally considered as standing a "few notches above the standard chick-lit fare" (Stover n. pag), I would argue that meaningful reflections on many of the major pillars of Asian American literature, history, and cultural politics are glossed over in favor of cursory musings about the daily vicissitudes of Lindsey's life. This essay thus takes to task Ferriss's claim that a "serious" consideration of chick lit "brings into focus many of the issues facing contemporary women and contemporary culture - issues of identity, of race and class, of femininity and feminism, of consumerism and self-image" (2). I contend that a close examination of Keltner's The Dim Sum of All Things discloses that the chick lit format undermines a "serious consideration" of Asian American issues by presenting in particular a highly problematic representation of race and of Asian American femininity.

White Teeth and the Making of the Multiethnic Subject

  • Kwon, Younghee
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.58 no.6
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    • pp.1215-1233
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    • 2012
  • This essay is an attempt to critique the notion of hybridity that has so far facilitated a liberal multiculturalist reading of White Teeth. For an alternative framework, it posits the multiethnic subject-making to examine in what ways the novel questions the premises of liberal multiculturalism. In this vein, this study suggests that Smith throws some significant light on the underside of holding multiple racial/ethnic identities while not bypassing its utopian possibilities. In case of the first-generation male characters, their crossracial/homosocial friendship becomes a platform for a mode of egalitarian belonging across the racial divide. It further implies a symbolic union between working-class white and nonwhite immigrant. The younger generation, in contrast, undergoes problems of racial, ethnic, cultural affiliations in far more complicated ways than the older one. Above all, White Teeth demonstrates the subtle workings of liberal multiculturalism, within which the younger characters are constructed to be a multiethnic subject in varied modes. It delineates the formation mainly by exploring the persisting legacies of Britain's imperial history that partake in their subject-making. The novel, in doing so, obliquely suggests that the younger generation is to confront the past that is a seminal part of their present life rather than have the freedom to throw it away to be a carefree member of a multicultural society.

Development and Utilization of Wind Energy in Korea

  • Son, Choong-Yul;Byun, Hyo-In
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.349-353
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    • 2001
  • Korea has a variety of favorable conditions for utilizing wind as energy. First of all, as a geographical characteristic, it is a peninsular country with its three frontiers surrounded by sea. Such a location makes the country influenced, all the year round, both by sea winds and by seasonal winds, so that it has a good possibility of putting its rich wind resources to use as an energy source. Particularly, in view of the results of observations and analysis of actual data about wind sources, it is quite possible to build wind paver plants in many regions across the country, such as inhabited islands dotted on its southern and western coasts around the Korean peninsular, a number of uninhabited islets attached the main islands, large-scaled reclaimed lands, and major inland areas. In Korea, the attempt to develop the technology of wind paver generation started in the 1970's. It was since 1988, when the Law on the promotion of Alternative Energy Development was enacted, that research and development activities for employing the wind force as a part of energy source have got into full swing. At that moment, however, due to the low level of domestic technological development, such efforts were mainly focused on the attainment of basic technologies with regard to wind power generation. Recently, there have been many noticeable changes in the international as well as domestic environments, such as the conclusion of the International Climate Treaty and the increase in public concerns of natural environment. It is quite possible to predict that the demand for wind paver generation will increase in the near future. Therefore, recognizing that wind, as a clean energy source, can be a promising method for coping with the International Climate Treaty and for replacing the fossil fuel, oil, this essay investigates the development history of wind paver generation systems and the status of technological development in Korea and presents an appropriate model for the development of the paver generation system that can compete with other energy sources.

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Cultural Contents of Image Texts and Memory Industry as the Memory - Focused on the Counter Memory of the Sixth Generation Chinese Movies - (기억으로서의 영상매체와 기억산업의 문화콘텐츠 - 중국 6세대 영화의 대항기억을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Gye-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2009
  • As cultural contents are rising to the surface, the contents and interests regarding the industries that utilize the culture become higher than any other times. Culture is performed with memory, and the culture that excludes memory cannot exist. The memory exceeds a dimension of the individual and operates with an assembled and social memory. Furthermore the culture requires media to put memories inevitable. Therefore, recent image texts are coming to the attention as new storage media. So this essay analyzed the meaning of 'memory' as social-cultural memory by putting the sixth generation Chinese movies to the center and restoration of image text that puts memory in it. And also, I examined the cultural meanings of 'individual memories' as the 'counter memory' and tried to find the possibility of junction between memory industry and the contents. I focused on the sixth generation Chinese movies because these movies made remarkable progresses in the international film festivals though they were made in 'underground' by objecting to 'official memory' proposed by the Chinese government.

Awareness of Reality and Tradition in Oh Yun's Theory of Arts during His Final Period(1984~86) - Review on the Text of "Expansion of Artistic Imagination and World" (오윤의 말기(1984~86) 예술론에서의 현실과 전통 인식 - "미술적 상상력과 세계의 확대"에 대한 텍스트 검토)

  • Park, Ca-Rey
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.6
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    • pp.101-121
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    • 2008
  • An artist, Oh Yun(1946~86)'s theory of people's art during his final period is summed up in his essay 'Expansion of Artistic Imagination and World' (1985). Emphasizing the mystic and traditional characteristics of Oh Yun's artistic oeuvre during his final period, some critics focus on Oh Yun's experience of medical treatment and shamanistic custom at Jin Do island, and his belief in Jeung San Do, the dao of Jeung-san, the Ruler of the Universe. However, they forget the practical intention and implication of his theory of art during his final period, which aimed to overcome the contradiction of revelation itself. Oh Yun's essay criticized the loss of artistic imagination and the ignorance of traditional culture that resulted from the elevation of science to a religion, and insisted that the stereotyped idealism, scientism and elitism in art should be overcome in order to recover the full reality in realism and to continue traditional cultures. The essay is comprised of 18 paragraphs. Oh Yun criticized monochromatic art, conceptual art, hyper-realistic art, objet d'art, and neo-dadaist art, saying that they were simply mechanical forms of modern art derived from scientism and a fetishistic lens culture. In addition, he criticized naturalism in art, which had continued as a tendency in the development of western art, for the same reason. He pointed out that even the world of realism had been diminished by elite stereotypes and diagrams. He declared the need to overcome the imitation of shells or stereotyped propaganda, and recover full realism, which seems to have started with a reflective examination of current problems in 'Reality and Utterance', in which he participated. Especially, he thought that universality and the extension of full realism could be achieved by building on the views of traditional cultures, which is meaningful. This logic is same as the theory of epic theatre that Bertolt Brecht(1898~1956) has developed under the ancient Greek masque and Pieter Bruegel the Elder(1525~69)'s story-like picture style. The universality of realism and the extension of acquisition to include incantation art, rather than move toward incantation art, is what Oh Yun intended to propose in 'Artistic Imagination'. This attitude is same as Bertoh Brecht's aesthetic viewpoint in the 1930s. But regrettably, Oh Yun's style wording, which seems covert and far-sighted, is often misunderstood as 'mysticism'. In the flow of people's art in the 1980s, Oh Yun was a traditionalist in a narrow sense, and an realist in a broad sense. However, his critical mind, which comprehends tradition and reality, was attempting to expand universality and extend full realism, and this attempt found many sympathizers and had an influence on the next generation of people's artists, such as "Levee" which is field-centered, to which we should pay attention. This means that while their works thought about 'tradition', we should be careful not to connect them with 'aesthetic conservatism' or 'classical art'. This is the why the meaning of Oh Yun's theory of art during his final period should be closely examined again.

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Analysis of the Utilization of Mobile Applications by Generation Z using Topic Modeling :Focusing on Users' Essay Data (토픽모델링을 활용한 Z세대의 애플리케이션 효용성에 대한 분석: 이용자의 에세이 데이터를 중심으로)

  • Park, Ju-Yeon;Jeong, Do-Heon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic information necessary for the establishment of mobile service marketing strategies, educational service development, and engineering education for Generation Z by analyzing the utilitization of various applications by Gen Z. To this end, 177 essays on mobile service usage experience were collected, major topics were analyzed using topic modeling, and these were visualized through word cloud analysis. As a result of the study, the main topics were related to 'transportation' such as movement and public transportation, 'personal management' such as schedule management, financial management, food management, 'transaction' such as checkout, meeting, purchase, 'leisure' such as eating out, travel, study, culture. Additionally, words such as time, thought, people, life, bus, information, confirmation, payment, KakaoTalk, and so on were found to have a high of frequency of use. Also, there was found to be a difference between topics by college. This study is meaningful in that it collected essays, which are unstructured data, and analyzed them through topic modeling.