• Title/Summary/Keyword: Erythropoiesis

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Iron Status According to Serum Selenium Concentration and Physique in Young Female Adults (젊은 여성의 혈청 셀레늄 농도 및 체격에 따른 체내 철 수준)

  • Lee, Ok-Hee;Chung, Yong-Sam;Moon, Jong-Wha
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2010
  • Se and Fe are trace minerals acting as antioxidant scavenging free radicals. Iron deficiency is the most frequently reported nutritional deficiency in females. Body iron status are known to be dependent not only upon dietary iron intake, but also upon micro-mineral nutrition and obesity. Antioxidants such as selenium are reported to play an important role on the regulation of erythropoiesis by protecting RBC membrane from antioxidative damage. In this study, iron status in young females and its relationships with selenium status and physique were examined. Serum selenium and iron concentrations were measured by HANARO research reactor using neutron activation analysis method (NAA-method). The proportion with iron deficiency and anemia were 27.1% and 8.6%, respectively in young females, but the proportion with iron deficient anemia was 1.4%. The mean serum selenium level was $12.0\;{\mu}g/dL$ and in normal range in the young women. The study participants were tertiled according to BMI and serum selenium levels. Serum ferritin and iron levels inclined with increasing BMI tertiles. Serum iron and RBC count were higher in middle selenium group than low selenium group. Individuals had significantly lower hematocrit level in the lowest tertile for their serum selenium levels compared with the highest tertile. The serum ferritin level was predicted 25% by BMI and RBC count 26.2% by the serum selenium level and body fat%. In conclusion, this study shows that body iron status in young adult females are influenced by obesity and body selenium status.

Influence of Erythropoiesis Factors, BDNF, Cognitive Function and Working Memory by Intensity Aerobic Exercise in Middle Aged Women (강도별 유산소운동이 중년여성의 적혈구생성인자, BDNF와 인지기능, 작업기억에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Won-Je
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.553-566
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to identify the effects of different intensities of regular aerobic exercise on erythropoietin (EPO) and BDNF levels, and cognitive function and working memory in middle-aged women. Women aged 40 to 60 years residing in G-gu, Y-si, Gyeonggi-do were divided into 3 groups: control group, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise group and high-intensity aerobic exercise. All groups were asked to exercise at the given intensities, twice a week for a total of 12 weeks. Blood samples were collected from participants on week 0 (before exercising), week 6 and week 12, and then cognitive function and working memory tests were followed to measure erythropoietin (EPO) and BDNF levels, cognitive function and working memory. Repeated measures ANOVA, univariate analysis and follow-up test were performed on all data to compare the group, period and interaction through a SPSS. As a result, a significant difference over time was observed in EPO, BDNF, cognitive function and working memory; therefore, a follow-up one-way ANOVA analysis was performed on each group. As a result of analysis, a significant increase in erythrocyte, hematocrit, BDNF level and working memory was observed in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise group while erythrocyte and working memory were significantly increased inhigh-intensity aerobic exercise group. When comparing the results between the groups, the level of hematocrit was shown to be significantly higher in both moderate-and high-intensity aerobic group than the control group and also the higher level of hemoglobin was observed in both moderate-and high-intensity aerobic group comparing to control group. Considering the results of this study, therefore, a 12-week long aerobic exercise at moderate to high intensity positively affected EPO and BDNF levels, cognitive function and working memory in middle-aged women.

A Study on Red Cell Protoporphyrin Concentration and Iron Metabolism (적혈구(赤血球) Protoporphyrin과 철분대사(鐵分代謝)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Kyung-Hwan;Tchai, Bum-Suk
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1974
  • The relative state of human iron storage may be ascertained more reliably through determination of the serum iron, iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation and absorption of radioactive iron in conjunction with studies of red cell morphology than from the study of red cell morphology alone. Recent investigations have shown that there is an increase in red cell protoporphyrin concentration in iron deficiency anemia. The significance of the red cell protoporphyrin has been discussed greatly during the years since its discovery. Two of the main factors which appear to influence the amaunt of protoporphyrin are increased erythropoiesis and factors interfering with the utilization of iron in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and iron deficiency. Recently Heller et al. have described a simplified method for blood protoporphyrin assay and this technique could be used assess nutritional iron status, wherein even minor insufficiencies are detectable as increased protoporphyrin concentrations. Based on the evaluation of the relationship between nutritional iron status and red cell protoporphyrin as an index suitable for the detection of the iron deficiency is described in this paper. RESULTS 1. Hemoglobin Concentrations and Anthropometric Measurements. The mean and standard deviations of the various anthropometric measurements of different age and sex groups are shown in table 1. There measurements have been compared with the Korean Standard. In the absence of local standards for arm circumference and skin-fold thickness over triceps, they have been compared with the standard from Jelliffe. Table 2,3, and 4 give anthropometric measurements and frequency (%) of anemia in children surveyed. The mean height of the children studid was 10 to 20 percent; below the Korean Standard. The distribution of height below 80 percent of the Standard was 21.2 percent, however, among anemic group this percentage was 27.7 percent. In general, the mean weight of the children was 10 to 15 percent below the Korean Standard. The percentage of children with weight less than 80 percent of the Standard was about 35 percent. But in the anemic group of the children, this percentage was 44 percent. The mean arm circumference was about 15 percent lower than the Jelliffe's standard. 61.2 percent of the children had values of arm circumference below 80 percent of the standard. Children with low hemoglobin levels, this percentage was 80 percent. The mean skinfold thickness over the triceps of the children studied was about 25 Percent lower than the Jelliffe's standard and 61.2 percent of the children had the value less than 80 percent of the standard. Among anemic children, this percentage was 70.8%. As may be seen from table 5, the mean hemoglobin concentration of the total group was 11.3g/100ml. Hemoglobin concentration was less than 11.0g/100ml. in 65(36.5%) of the 178 children. The degree of anemia in most of these children was mild with a hemoglobin level of less than 8.0g/100ml. found in only one child. In general, the prevalence of anemia was high in female children than male and decreased its frequency with increasing age. Relatively close relationship was observed between hemoglobin level and anthrophometric measurements especially high between arm circumference and skinfold thickness and hemoglobin but very low in height and low in weight and hemoglobin level, estimated by chi-square value. II. Serum iron, Transferrin saturation (1) Serum iron, and transferrin saturation Serum iron, transferrin saturation and red cell protoporphyrin concentrations were estimated in sub-sample of 84 children from 1 to 6 years and 24 older children between 7 and 13 years of age. The findings are presented in table 6. The mean serum iron concentration of the total group was 59ug/100ml. However, the level incrased with age from 36.6ug/100ml. (1-3years) to 80.8ug/100ml. (7-13 years). 60 percent of these children had a serum iron level less than 50ug/10ml. in the 1-3 years age group and 31.4 percent for 4-6 years group. These contrast with the finding of 12.5 percent anemic children in the 7-13 years age group. The mean transferrin saturation for the total group was 18.1 percent and frequency of anemia by transferrin saturation was observed same pattern as serum iron concentration. (2) Red cell protoporphyrin concentrations. (a) Red cell protoporphrin levels of children: Red cell protoporphyrin and other biochemical data are shown in table 4. The mean concentration in red cell of all children was fround 46.3ug/100ml. RBC. and differences with age groups were observed; in the age group 1-3 years, the mean concentration was $59.5{\pm}32.14$ ug/100ml. RBC; 4-6 years $44.1{\pm}22.57$ ug/100ml. RBC. and 7-13 years, $39.0{\pm}13.56$ ug/100ml. RBC. (b) Normal protoporphyrin values in adults: It was observed that in 10 normal adult males studied here the level of protoporphyrin in red cell ranged from 18 to 54 ug/100ml. RBC. and the mean concentration was $47.5{\sim}14.47$ ug/100ml. RBC. Other biochemical determination made on the same subjects are presented in table 8. (c) Red tell protoporphyrin concentration of occupational blood donors: The results of analyses for red cell protoporphyrin as well as serum iron, transferrin saturation and hemoglobin in the 76 blood donors are presented in table 7 and 8. In this experiment, donors were selected at random, however, most of them bled repeatedly because of poor economic situation, I doubt. Table 9 shows the distribution of red cell protoporphyrin concentration and hemoglobin concentration of occupational donors. The mean hemoglobin value for the total was 11.9 g/100 ml. When iron deficiency anemia is defined as a transferrin saturation below 15%, prevalence of anemia was 47.4 percent and the mean serum iron was 27.1ug/100ml. and red cell protoporphyrin, 168.3ug/100ml. RBC. However, mean serum iron and protoporphyrin concentration of above 15% transferrin saturation were 11.6 ug/100 ml. and 58.8 ug/100 ml. RBC. respectively. The mean Protoporphyrin concentration of non-anemic (above 15% transferrin saturation) donors was slightly higher than the results of normal adult males.

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Long-term Effect of Desferrioxamine to rHuEPO Resistant Anemia in Hemodialysis Patients (혈액 투석 환자에서 나타나는 rHuEPO 저항성 빈혈에 대한 Desferrioxamine의 장기 효과)

  • Lim, Sang-Woo;Jung, Hang-Jae;Bae, Sung-Wha;Do, Jun-Young;Yoon, Kyung-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.399-414
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    • 1997
  • There are several factors concerning to anemia in chronic renal failure patients. But when rHuEPO is used, most of these factors can be overcome, and the levels of hemoglobin are increased. However, about 10% of the renal failure patients represent rHuEPO-resistant anemia eventhough high dosage of rHuEPO. For these cases, desferrioxamine can be applied to correct rHuEPO resistnacy, and many mechanism of DFO are arguing. So we are going to know whether DFO can be applied to correct anemia of the such patients, how long its effect can be continued. The seven pateients as experimental group(DFO+EPO) who represent refractoriness to rHuEPO and the other seven patients as control group(EPO) were included. Experimental group had lower than 9 g/dL of hemoglobin levels despite high rHuEPO dosage (more than 4000U/Wk) and showed normocytic normochromic anemia. There were no definitve causes of anemia such as hemorrhage or iron deficiency. Control group patients had similar characteristics in age, mean dialysis duration but showed adequate response to rHuEPO. DFO was administered to experimental group for 8 weeks along with rHuEPO(the rHuEPO individual mean dosage had been determined by mean dosage of the previous 6 months. Total mean dosage; 123.5 U/Kg/Wk). After 8 weeks of DFO administration, the hemoglobin and rHuEPO dosage levels were checked for 15 consecutive months. It should be noted that the patients determined their own rHuEPO dosage levels according to hemoglobin levels and economic status. In conrol group, rHuEPO was administered by the same method used in experimental group without DFO through the same period. Fifteen months of observation period after DFO trial were divided as Time I(7 months after DFO trial) and Time II(8 months after Time I). The results are as follows: Before DFO trial, mean hemoglobin level of experimental group was 7.8 g/dL, which is similar level(p>0.05) to control group(mean Hb; 8.2 g/dL). But in experimental group, significantly(p<0.05) higher dosages of rHuEPO(mean; 123.5 U/Kg/Wk) than control group (mean; 41.6 U/Kg/Wk) had been used. It means resistancy to rHuEPO of experimental group. But after DFO trial, the hemoglobin levels of the experimental group were increased significantly(p<0.05), and these effect were continued to Time II.(Time I; mean 8.6g/dL, Time II; mean 8.6g/dL) The effects of DFO to hemoglobin were continued for 15 months after DFO trial with similar degree through Time I, Time II. Also, rHuEPO dosages used in the experimental group were decreased to similar levels of the control group after DFO trial and these effect were also continued for 15 months(Time I; mean 48.1 U/Kg/Wk. Time II; mean 51.8 U/Kg/Wk). In the same period, hemoglobin levels and rHuEPO dosages used in the control group were not changed significantly. Notibly, hemoglobin increment and rHuEPO usage decrement in experimental group were showed maxilly in the 1st month after DFO trial. That is, after the use of DFO, erythopoiesis was enhanced with a reduced rHuEPO dosage. So we think rHuEPO reisistancy can be overcome by DFO therapy. In conclusion, the DFO can improve the anemia caused by chronic renal failure at least over 1 year, and hence, can reduce the dosage of rHuEPO for anemia correction. Additional studies in order to determine the mechanism of DFO on erythropoiesis and careful attention to potential side effects of DFO will be needed.

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