• 제목/요약/키워드: Erechtites hieracifolia

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붉은서나물 지상부의 성분 (Constituents of Aerial Parts from Erechtites hieracifolia)

  • 이재훈;권학철;최상진;이원빈;방은정
    • 약학회지
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.339-346
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    • 2001
  • A new oxygenated monoterpene (4) was isolated from the methanol extract of the aerial part of Erechtites hieracifolia together with six known components, a dimethylheptane (1), three ionone derivatives (2, 3 and 7) and two phenylpropanoids (5 and 6). Their structures were identified by means of physico-chemical and spectral data to be (2E, 5E)-6-hydroxy-2,6-dimethylhepta-2,4-dienal (1), 3(R)-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-$\beta$-ionone (2), 3(R)-hydroxy-5,6-epoxy-7-ionol (3), (3E, 6E)-3,7-dimethylocta-3,5-dien-1,2,7-triol(4), 2-hydroxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenyl-$\beta$-D-glucopyranoside (5), 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenyl -$\beta$-D-glucopyra-noside (6) and (6R, 9R)-3-oxo-$\beta$-ionol-$\alpha$-D -glucopyranoside (7).

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Relationship between Plant Species Covers and Soil Chemical Properties in Poorly Controlled Waste Landfill Sites

  • Kim, Kee-Dae;Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2007
  • The relationships between the cover of herbaceous species and 15 soil chemical properties (organic carbon contents, total N, available P, exchangeable K, Na, Ca and Mg, HCl-extractable Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in nine poorly controlled waste landfill sites in Korea were examined by correlation analysis and multiple regression equations. Species showed different patterns of correlation between their cover values and soil chemical properties. The cover of Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior, Aster subulatus var. sandwicensis and Erechtites hieracifolia were negatively correlated with the contents of Fe, Mn and Ni within landfill soils. Total cover of all species in quadrats was positively correlated with the contents of Cd and negatively correlated with the contents of Mn and Fe from stepwise regression analysis with 15 soil properties. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated that the distribution of native and exotic plants on poorly controlled landfills was significantly influenced by the contents of Na and Ca in soils, respectively.

낙남정맥에 분포하는 관속식물상 - 길마재, 무량산, 여항산, 무학산, 천주산, 신어산을 중심으로 - (Vascular Plants Distributed in the Naknam-Jeongmaek - Focused on Gilmajae, Mt. Muryang, Mt. Yeohang, Mt. Muhak, Mt. Cheonju and Mt. Sineo -)

  • 오현경;김동필;유주한
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.19-39
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to investigated the flora of Naknam-Jeongmaek, Korea. The survey sites were Gilmajae, Mt. Muryang, Mt. Yeohang, Mt. Muhak, Mt. Cheonju and Mt. Sineo. The flora were summarized, numbering 666 taxa including 112 families, 357 genera, 574 species, 4 subspecies, 73 varieties and 15 forms. The threatened species was Aconitum austrokoreense. The rare plants were 12 taxa including Asarum maculatum, Wikstroemia ganpi, Viola albida, Tricyrtis macropoda and so forth. The Korean endemic plants were 19 taxa including Salix koriyanagi, Thalictrum actaefolium var. brevistylum, Weigela subsessilis, Hosta minor and so forth. The specific plants by floristic region were 81 taxa including 38 taxa of grade I, 19 taxa of grade II, 16 taxa of grade III, 7 taxa of grade IV and 1 taxa of grade V. The naturalized plants were 32 taxa including Rumex crispus, Physalis angulata, Erechtites hieracifolia, Taraxacum officinale and so forth. The invasive alien plants were Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Aster pilosus.

주요 외래잡초의 생태적 특성 및 방제에 관한 연구 1. 조사료 포장에 발생하는 주요 외래잡초의 분포 및 생태적 특성 (Studies on Ecological Characteristics and Control of Exotic Weeds 1. Distribution and ecological characteristics of exotic weeds in forage crop field)

  • 박근제;윤세형;이종경;김영진
    • 한국초지조사료학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2001
  • This study was carried out to survey the weed distributions in 6 areas(Suwon, Seonghwan, Seosan, Taekwanryeong, Namwon and Yeongam) and to investigate the ecological characteristics of exotic weeds from 1997 to 1999. Total 44 species in 15 families of exotic weds were observed in grassland and forage crop field. Among them 4 species in 1 family were monocotyledonous and 40 species in 14 families were dicotyledonous weeds. Most common species among exotic weeds examined in this study were Rumex acetosella, Rumex crispus. Chenopodium album, Abutilon theophrasti, Amaranthus retroflexus, Polygonum orientale etc. Inedible weeds with hairs, prickles, fetor or poison were Solanum carolinense Xanthium strumarium, Datura stramnium, Erechtites hieracifolia, Anthemis cotula, Phytolaca americana etc. The relative density of Phytolaca americana increased with decreament of soil pH and content of available phosphate, and that of Solanum carolinense increased with decreament of soil pH and increament of available phosphate. Most of exotic weed seeds germinated well under light condition with $25~30^{\circ}C$, and some of those were hard or dormant seed.

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시간경과에 따른 임도 절토비탈면의 식생피복도 변화 (Changing of Vegetation Coverage through Elapsed Years on Cutting Slope in Forest Roads)

  • 전권석;마호섭
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was investigated to the change of vegetation coverage by elapsed years on the cut slope of forest road in Jinju-si. The results obtained could be summarized as follows; The plant coverage on the cut slope of forest road was decreased hastily in first and second year after seeding. The plant coverage on the cut slope of forest road was increased as growth of seed-sprayed from third year. But the plants were began to competition with between sprayed seeds and invaded plants from third to fifth year after seed-spray. The numbers of invading plants were gradually increased as 581 individuals from sixth year after seed-spray. The cut slopes of the forest roads turned to a good site condition for growing of invasion plants. And also the total coverage on cut slope of forest roads by invading of surrounding plants was increased more. It showed that plant invasion on cut-slopes of forest roads would be mostly influenced by surrounding plants. The number of surrounding plants on the cut-slopes of forest roads was 59 species, and the number of invading plants showed 65 species. The invading species were high in order of Boehmeria tricuspis, Oplismens undulatifolius, Miscanthus sinensis var. purpurascens, Erechtites hieracifolia and Artemisia princeps var. Orientalis In the stepwise regression analysis, main factors affecting the coverage of vegetation on the cut-slopes of forest road showed in order of elapsed years, gravel contents(30~50%), middle, sandy loam, sandy clay-loam, soil hardness, aspect(NS), concave(凹) type and gravel contents(15~30%).

숨은물뱅듸 습지(제주도)의 식물 다양성 (Flora of Sumeunmulbaengdui wetland in Jeju-do, Korea)

  • 고성철;손동찬;박범균
    • 식물분류학회지
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.222-232
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    • 2014
  • 한라산국립공원에 위치한 숨은물뱅듸 습지의 관속식물상 조사를 2010월 9월부터 2014년 5월까지 계절별로 총 9회에 걸쳐 실시하였다. 그 결과, 숨은물뱅듸 습지에 생육하는 관속식물은 69과 148속 202종 2아종 27변종 5품종의 총 236분류군으로 조사되었다. 조사된 식물들을 생활형에 따라 구분하면 대형지상식물 37분류군, 소형지상식물 26분류군, 착생식물 2분류군, 지표식물 3분류군, 반지중식물 84분류군, 지중식물 33분류군, 수생식물 21분류군, 일년생식물 30분류군으로 나타났다. 이중 한국특산식물은 10분류군이, 희귀 및 멸종위기식물은 9분류군이 각각 채집되었다. 식물구계학적특정식물은 5등급 3분류군, 4등급 7분류군, 3등급 12분류군, 2등급 8분류군, 그리고 1등급 13분류군의 총 43분류군이, 귀화식물은 붉은서나물과 서양민들레 2분류군이 각각 발견되었다. 숨은물뱅듸 습지는 제주도 내 람사르 습지들과 비교해 볼 때 습지의 규모가 크고, 종 다양성이 우수하여, 식물학적으로 가치가 매우 높은 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 지속적인 관심과 구체적인 보호 관리 방안이 요구된다.

장안산과 팔공산 구간(전북 장수)의 식물상 및 보전관리방안 (Conservation Management Methods and Vascular Plants of the Trail from Jangansan to Palgongsan, Jangsu, Jeonbuk)

  • 오현경;한윤희;박경욱
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.227-244
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    • 2013
  • The vascular plants in the trail from Jangansan to Palgongsan were listed 389 taxa (8.0% of all 4,881 taxa of Korean vascular plants); 84 families, 226 genera, 325 species, 1 subspecies, 55 varieties and 8 forms. Furthermore, hemicryptophytes (H) were 110 taxa (28.3%), geophytes (G) were 77 taxa (19.8%), megaphanerophytes (MM) were 48 taxa (12.3%), nanophanerophytes (N) were 47 taxa (12.1%) showed high proportional ratio in life form. So, resource plants of 237 taxa of edible (60.9%), 278 taxa of medicinal (71.5%), 229 taxa of ornamental (58.9%) and 178 taxa of the others (45.8%). Based on the list of rare plants, 7 taxa (1.8% of all 389 taxa of flora and 1.2% of all 571 taxa of rare plants); Paeonia japonica (VU), Viola albida, Viola diamantica, Lilium distichum, Disporum ovale, Tricyrtis dilatata, Iris ensata var. spontanea (LC), etc. Based on the list of endemic plants, 7 taxa (1.8% of all 389 taxa of flora and 2.1% of all 328 taxa of endemic plants); Salix koriyanagi, Aconitum pseudolaeve var. erectum, Thalictrum actaefolium var. brevistylum, Philadelphus schrenckii, Asperula lasiantha, Weigela subsessilis, Carex okamotoi, etc. Based on the list of specific plants, 46 taxa (11.8% of all 389 taxa of flora and 4.3% of all 1,071 taxa of specific plants); 2 taxa (Wisteria floribunda for. floribunda, Cardamine yezoensis, etc.) in class IV, 6 taxa (Acer palmatum, Ulmus davidiana, etc.) in class III, 14 taxa (Ligularia fischeri, Cymopterus melanotilingia, etc.) in class II, 24 taxa (Ilex macropoda, Fraxinus mandshurica, etc.) in class I. Based on the list of naturalized plants, 6 families, 16 genera, 18 taxa (Phytolacca americana, Robinia pseudoacacia, Oenothera odorata, Erechtites hieracifolia, Festuca arundinacea, etc.) and invasive alien plants were 3 taxa; Rumex acetocella, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Aster pilosus. Naturalization rate (NR) was 4.6% of all 389 taxa of vascular plants and urbanization index (UI) was 5.6% of all 321 taxa of naturalized plants.

도시림에서 은수원사시나무 벌목 후 초기의 식생 변화 (Vegetational Changes in the Early Stages after Lumbering of Populus albaglandulosa in Urban Forest)

  • 민병미
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.277-285
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    • 1999
  • 도시의 식재림을 자연림으로 복원하기 위한 기초조사로서 서울시 강남구 청담동에 위치한 청담근린공원 내에서 교목층을 구성하고 있는 은수원사시나무를 벌목한 후 초기 2년간 식물상, 식생, 목본식 물의 생장량 변화를 조사하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 벌목의 결과 목본식물종의 변화는 없었으나 초본식물은 1년 후 콩제비꽃 등 3종이 사라지고 15종이 새로 출현하여 종 수가 44% 증가하였다. 새로 침입한 종은 대부분 박주가리 등의 교란지종이거나 붉은서나물 등의 귀화종이었다. 둘째, 벌목은 기존의 아교목층이나 관목층을 구성하고 있던 갈참나무, 신갈나무, 상수리나무, 팥배나무 둥의 피도를 급격히 증가시켰다. 싸리의 피도는 주변의 다른 식물에 따라 변화가 심하였다. 셋째, 초본층의 구성종 중 맑은대쑥의 피도 증가가 가장 뚜렷하였으며 이외의 종의 것은 큰 변화가 없었다. 넷째, 참나무류는 피음이 제거되면 생장이 상당히 증가되었다. 실험구에서는 벌목 후 다음해의 DBH 증가는 갈참나무, 신갈나무 및 떡갈나무에서 각각 53.0%, 22.9% 및 28.8%, 대조구에서는 각각 23.1%, 8.3% 및 6.1%이었다. 그리고 가지의 생장량은 벌목 전해를 기준으로 벌목 다음해 실험구의 갈참나무, 신갈나무 및 떡갈나무에서 각각 565%, 191%, 644%이었고, 대조구의 것에서 각각 117%, 100%, 42%이었다. 그런데 갈참나무와 떡갈나무는 상대적으로 줄기보다 가지의 생장 증가가 뚜렷하였지만 신갈나무는 그 반대이었다.

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속리산국립공원 내 쌍곡계곡 일대의 자원식물상 (Plant Resources of Ssanggok Valley in Sokrisan National Park, Korea)

  • 정태영;박철하;이경수;윤희빈;이귀용;안찬기;유주한
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 속리산국립공원 내 쌍곡계곡에 분포하는 식물상을 조사하기 위해 수행되었고 조사기간은 2006년 3월부터 2007년 6월까지 조사하였다. 식물상을 조사한 결과, 88과 242속 342종 52변종 7품종 등 총 401분류군이 확인되었다. 한국특산식물은 개비자나무, 키버들, 개족도리, 할미밀망, 민산초나무, 청괴불나무, 병꽃나무, 분취 등 총 8분류군이 조사되었다. 환경부 지정 멸종위기식물은 망개나무 등 1분류군이며, 산림청 지정 희귀식물은 개족도리, 고란초, 망개나무, 백작약, 태백제비꽃, 꼬리진달래, 말나리 등 7분류군이 조사되었다. 이들의 보전을 위해서는 향후 희귀식물에 대한 구체적인 보전방안과 번식방법 등이 논의되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 자원식물은 관상용 식물 220분류군, 식용 식물 239분류군, 약용 식물 281분류군, 기타용 식물 206분류군으로 나타났다. 귀화식물은 오리새, 소리쟁이, 취명아주, 아까시나무, 붉은토끼풀, 토끼풀, 큰달맞이꽃, 비짜루국화, 붉은서나물, 개망초, 망초, 뚱딴지, 서양민들레 등 13분류군이 관찰되었으며, 귀화율은 약 3.24%, 자연파괴도는 약 4.53%로 나타났다.