• 제목/요약/키워드: Engagement Rate

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심전도 반응 기반 경쟁, 협동 게임 참여자의 몰입 판단 알고리즘 개발 (Engagement classification algorithm based on ECG(electrocardiogram) response in competition and cooperation games)

  • 이정년;황민철;박상인;황성택
    • 한국게임학회 논문지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2017
  • 최근 청소년들의 인터넷 및 스마트폰 과도한 사용이 사회적 이슈가 되어왔다. 작업에 대한 몰입 수준은 좋은 결과물을 만들 수 있는 긍정적 효과와 과 몰입 같은 부정적 효과를 모두 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 심혈관 반응 기반의 몰입 상태를 판단하는 알고리즘을 개발하고자 하였다. 피험자들은 무 자극 상태, 그리고 몰입을 유발하기 위한 패턴 맞추기 게임을 수행하였고, 몰입 수준을 제공하기 위해 협력과 경쟁 태스크로 나누어 실험 디자인 하였다. 각 태스크에 따라 심박과 진폭의 상관성을 분석하고 다항식 회귀 분석을 통해 회귀식 및 정확도를 확인하였다. 결과는 게임 태스크일 때, 심박과 진폭은 양의 상관성을 보였으며 무자극일 때 음의 상관성을 보였다. 개발된 다차항 회귀식으로 게임 태스크와 무 자극을 구분하는 정확도는 평균 89%의 정확도를 보였다. 태스크간의 차이는 76.5% 정확도를 확인하였다. 본 연구는 실시간으로 몰입 수준을 정량적으로 평가하는데 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

간호사의 환자참여 간호서비스 수행정도와 필요성 인식 (Nurses' Perception of the Performance and Necessity of Nursing Services for Patients Engagement)

  • 이태화;장연수;지윤정;도현옥;오경환;김창경;천자혜;신혜경;조미영;배정임
    • 임상간호연구
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.120-132
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the performance of patient engagement nursing services perceived by nurses and necessity in Korea. Methods: This study was a descriptive research. A total of 205 nurses participated in the study. The Smart Patient Engagement Assessment Checklist was developed by the investigators to assess patient engagement nursing services performance and necessity. The data were collected using online survey. Descriptive analysis and $x^2$ analysis were performed using SPSS 25.0 program. Results: The mean age of participants was $36.6{\pm}8.5years$ and the mean working experience was $12.92{\pm}9.23years$. Seventy eight percent of participants reported that patients and family participated in care as advisors through customer's suggestion or patient satisfaction assessment. The rate of patients' and family's engagement in care as advisors was significantly higher in tertiary hospitals ($x^2=28.54$, p<.001). About 89% of participants communicated with patients and family to make clinical decisions with a multidisciplinary approach. The rate of communication for multidisciplinary decision making was significantly higher in tertiary hospitals ($x^2=6.30$, p=.012). With regards to nurses' bedside patient handoff, 22.0% of participants reported that they were performing bedside patient handoff, and there was no significant difference between type of hospitals. About discharge planning, 72.2% of participants reported utilizing discharge checklist. Conclusion: Currently, patient engagement nursing services are applied partially in Korea. It seems that care protocols to be applied for patient engagement nursing services are insufficient. Therefore, patient engagement care protocols need to be developed to improve patient's health outcome and safety.

다대다 교전 효과도에 있어서 각 요소 성능의 영향력 연구 - 장사정포 요격체계 시뮬레이션 (Impact of MOPs on Effectiveness for M-to-M Engagement with the Counter Long Range Artillery Intercept System)

  • 육중관;황수진;김태구
    • 한국시뮬레이션학회논문지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.57-72
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    • 2020
  • 북한 장사정포 위협에 대응하기 위해서는 한국형 장사정포요격체계 구축이 필요하다. 본 연구는 북한 장사정포의 위협에 대응하기 위한 요격체계의 운영개념 정립과 운용 효과도 프로세스를 개발하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 먼저 장사정포요격체계의 운영개념을 설정하고, 다대다 교전 상황에서 효과도의 개념과 이를 도출하기 위한 프로세스를 수립하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 실제 효과도를 분석하기 위한 도구를 개발하였다. 그리고 다대다 교전 상황에서 효과도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 알아보기 위하여 탐지자산, 교전통제, 발사대 성능 등 다양한 변수들을 조합하여 시뮬레이션 실험을 수행하고 분석하였다. 그 결과 유도탄 성능 외에도 탐지자산, 교전통제소 성능이 요격률과 방어성공률에 얼마나 영향을 미치는지를 알 수 있었다. 이러한 연구 결과는 향후 무기체계 개발에 있어서 다대다 교전 상황에서의 효과도 측면에서 중요한 성능 지표를 이해하고 달성하고자 하는 수준의 방어성공률을 위해 필요한 각 요소의 개발 방향과 목표값 설정을 판단하는 데에 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lower Lip: Analysis of the 5-Year Survival Rate

  • Agostini, Tommaso;Spinelli, Giuseppe;Arcuri, Francesco;Perello, Raffaella
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2017
  • Background: The author analyse the impact of extracapsular lymph node spread and bone engagement in the ipsilateral neck of patients suffering squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lower lip. Methods: The data of 56 neck dissections performed in patients suffering SCC of the lower lip between January 2000 and December 2008 were retrospectively analysed. Statistical analysis was performed with the Kaplan-Meier life table method, and the survival rate was investigated with the log rank statistic and significance test. The values were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. Results: Nine patients took advantage from simultaneous treatment of tumor and prophylactic neck dissection (level I-III), reaching 100% survival rate. Patients suffering metastasized disease, who received radical neck dissection at the time of tumor treatment, presented 83.3% survival rate. Patients who underwent previous surgery and radiotherapy presented worse prognosis although radical neck dissection in case of extra-capsular spread only (24.7%) and osseous engagement (22.2%). Conclusion: Prophylactic neck dissection (level I-III) is recommended in T3-T4 N0 SCC. Simultaneous treatment of tumor and cervical lymph nodes provides a better prognosis as respect to delayed nodal management. Extra-capsular spread with or without bone engagement represents independent risk factor responsible for high mortality rate of SCC of the lower lip.

Firing State와 Observing State를 갖는 Lanchester형 전투모형에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Development of a Lanchester-Type Model Incorporating Firing & Observing States in the Direct Fire Engagement)

  • 함일환;최상영;송문호
    • 한국국방경영분석학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 1991
  • This paper is aimed to develop a Lanchester type combat model for the direct-fire engagement. This model incorporates number of combatants, inter-firing time, detection time by movement, detection probability by the signature of fire, where the inter-firing time and the detection time are assumed to follow a negative exponential distribution. The approach to modeling is as follows : in the process of an engagement, a combatant takes one of the states('observing' state or 'firing' state), a combatant is initially in the observing state, if the combatant detects a target, he changes his state from 'observing' to 'firing' and will cause attrition to the opposing forces. Thus this transition mechanism is embodied into the differential equation form with each transition rate. A limited examination of the validity has been conducted by comparison with the Monte-Carlo simulation model 'BAGSIM', and with a traditional Deterministic Lanchester model.

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SVM을 이용한 교전영역 내 위협목록 획득방법 (The Threat List Acquisition Method in an Engagement Area using the Support Vector Machines)

  • 고혜승
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.236-243
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a threat list acquisition method in an engagement area using the support vector machines (SVM). The proposed method consists of track creation, track estimation, track feature extraction, and threat list classification. To classify the threat track robustly, dynamic track estimation and pattern recognition algorithms are used. Dynamic tracks are estimated accurately by approximating a track movement using position, velocity and time. After track estimation, track features are extracted from the track information, and used to classify threat list. Experimental results showed that the threat list acquisition method in the engagement area achieved about 95 % accuracy rate for whole test tracks when using the SVM classifier. In case of improving the real-time process through further studies, it can be expected to apply the fire control systems.

The Effect of Five-Star Franchise Hotel Chef's Empathy Leadership on Job Engagement and Team Cohesiveness

  • LEE, Dong-cheul;KOO, Dong-Woo;SHIN, Dong-Jin
    • 한국프랜차이즈경영연구
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The hotel industry needs a leader who can actively demonstrate leadership to respond to and accept changes in the organization in a highly competitive and fast-changing environment. Therefore, the role of leaders who instill clear vision and goals of the organization in their members, listen to their opinions, and empathize is paramount. Leaders should encourage successful organizational activities based on active participation by employees and create the best environment for working with a sense of mission and responsibility. This study aims to identify the relationship between empathy leadership and job engagement as a result variable of team cohesion in the hotel culinary department and conduct empirical studies on the role of empathy leadership and job engagement. Research design, data, and methodology: The data were collected from employees who work in culinary department at a five-star franchise hotel located in the Seoul metropolitan area. Because it is difficult to conduct a survey through face-to-face contact with employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the online survey was conducted from February 1 to February 28, 2020. A total of 330 questionnaires through online were distributed and 268 employees completed the survey, yielding a response rate of 81%. Of the 268 returned responses, 27 responses were not usable due to missing information. Thus, a total of 241 responses were used for analysis. Results: The study results are as follows. First, it has been shown that the empathy leadership of culinary department in hotel companies has a significant positive impact on the job engagement. Second, it has been shown that job engagement has a significant positive effect on members' team cohesiveness. Third, empathy leadership of hotel companies' culinary department has a significant positive impact on members' team cohesiveness. Fourth, job engagement has a significant positive (+) mediating effect in the relationship between empathy leadership and team cohesiveness in culinary department. Conclusion: This study supports the theory that an emotional and empathic leader's behavior or ability can change the effectiveness or atmosphere of a rapidly changing hotel culinary team organization by presenting a research model on the effect of empathic leadership on job engagement and team cohesiveness. And hotel chefs should be more aware of the importance of empathic leadership and make them a human resource of the organization through formal and informal communication with culinary employees.

공대공 전투 모의를 위한 규칙기반 AI 교전 모델 개발 (The Development of Rule-based AI Engagement Model for Air-to-Air Combat Simulation)

  • 이민석;오지현;김천영;배정호;김용덕;지철규
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.637-647
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    • 2022
  • Since the concept of Manned-UnManned Teaming(MUM-T) and Unmanned Aircraft System(UAS) can efficiently respond to rapidly changing battle space, many studies are being conducted as key components of the mosaic warfare environment. In this paper, we propose a rule-based AI engagement model based on Basic Fighter Maneuver(BFM) capable of Within-Visual-Range(WVR) air-to-air combat and a simulation environment in which human pilots can participate. In order to develop a rule-based AI engagement model that can pilot a fighter with a 6-DOF dynamics model, tactical manuals and human pilot experience were configured as knowledge specifications and modeled as a behavior tree structure. Based on this, we improved the shortcomings of existing air combat models. The proposed model not only showed a 100 % winning rate in engagement with human pilots, but also visualized decision-making processes such as tactical situations and maneuvering behaviors in real time. We expect that the results of this research will serve as a basis for development of various AI-based engagement models and simulators for human pilot training and embedded software test platform for fighter.


  • 박혜원;김명래;김선종
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.170-175
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to evaluate 7-year survival rate of implants placed without bone graft in posterior maxilla and compare the survival rate by the age and gender of patient, length and diameter of implant, region of implant placement, bicortical engagement of fixture, and connection of prosthesis. Material and methods : 78 patients (170 implants) who visited our institution from 2002 to 2007 and were followed up with panoramic view and medical records. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) test were used. Results and conclusions : A 7-year cumulative survival rate for implants placed in posterior maxilla without sinus graft was 95.3%. The survival rate in men was 91.8%, significantly lower than 98.8% in woman.(p<0.05). However, the survival rate by the length of the implants did not show any significant differences.(p>0.05), while the wide platform implant resulted in 85% survival rate which was statistically lower than 98.5% in regular platform. The posterior maxillary implants engaged bicortically showed 97.6% of 7-year Survival rate, comparing 88.6% in not engaged implants. The survival rate of the single implant was 91.2%, while 98.5% in splinted prosthesis. Therefore, the bicortical engagement of the fixtures and splinted prosthesis may be recommended to get a long-term survival rate in posterior maxilla.

사회복지기관 기혼 여성 사회복지사의 일과 가정 양립을 위한 가족 친화적 조직문화에 대한 연구 (The Study on the Family-Friendly Organizational Culture for Enhancing the Job Engagement of the Married Female Social Worker in the Social Welfare Organization)

  • 송유미;이선자;이제상
    • 한국사회복지학
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    • 제65권4호
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    • pp.317-340
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문은 가족 친화적 조직문화가 사회복지기관 기혼 여성 사회복지사의 직무열의에 미치는 영향과, 양자 간에 일-가정 갈등이 가진 매개효과를 규명하고, 이를 바탕으로 사회복지기관의 바람직한 가족 친화적 조직문화 조성을 위한 방안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 연구결과, 가족 친화적 조직문화는 직무열의에 직접적인 영향을 미치고, 일-가정 갈등을 매개로 직무열의에 간접적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이로써 일-가정 갈등이 가족 친화적 조직문화와 직무열의 간의 매개효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 가족 친화적 조직문화가 기혼 여성 사회복지사의 일-가정 갈등을 경감시키고 직무열의를 향상시키는 좋은 방안임을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 결과를 바탕으로 사회복지기관의 가족 친화적 조직문화를 형성하기 위해서는 일과 가정의 조화를 중시하는 가치를 공유하는 수준을 넘어, 조직 내 모든 근로자에게 적용되는 탄력근무제와 직무표준화, 성과관리제 그리고 인사시스템 등을 갖추어져야 한다고 제언했다.

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