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Facters Affecting Recurrence after Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery for the Treatment of Spontaneous Pneumothotax (자연기흉에 대한 비디오흉강경수술후 재발에 영향을 미치는 요인들)

  • 이송암;김광택;이일현;백만종;최영호;이인성;김형묵;김학제
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.448-455
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    • 1999
  • Background: Recent developments in techniques of video-assisted thoracic surgery(VATS) and endoscopic equipment has expanded the application of video-assisted surgical procedures in the field of thoracic surgery. Especially, it will probably become the treatment of choice of spontaneous pneumothorax(SP). There is, however, a high recurrence rate, high cost, and paucity of long-term results. We report the results of postoperative follow-up and analyze perioperative parameters affected to recurrence, retrospectively. Material and Method: From march 1992 to march 1997, 276 patients with spontaneous pneumothorax underwent 292 VATS procedures. Conversion to open thoracotomy was necessitated in eight patients, and this patients excluded from the study. Result: The sex distribution was 249 males and 31 females. The mean age was 28.1 12.2 years(range, 15 to 69 years). Primary SP was 237cases(83.5%) and secondary SP was 47cases(16.5%). The major underlying lung diseases associated with secondary SP were tuberculosis 27cases(57.4%) and emphysema 8cases (38.3%). Operative indications included Ipsilateral recurrence 123(43.9%), persistent air-leak 53(18.9%), x-ray visible bleb 40(14.3%), tension 30(10.7%), contralateral recurrence 21(7.5%), uncomplicated first episode 8(2.9%), bilateral 3(1.1%), complicated episode 2(0.7%). Blebs were visualized in 247cases(87%) and 244cases(85.9%) performed stapled blebectomy. Early postoperative complications occurred in 33 cases(11.6%): 16 prolonged air-leak more than 5 days(four of them were required a second operation and found missed blebs); 5 bleeding; 5 empyema; 2 atelectasis; 1 wound infection. No deaths occured. The mean operative time was 52.8 23.1 minutes(range, 20 to 165 minutes). The mean d ration of chest tube drainage was 5.0 4.5 days(range, 2 to 37 days). The mean duration ofhospital stay was 8.2 5.5 days (range, 3 to 43days). At a mean follow-up 22.3 18.4 months(range, 1 to 65 months), 12 patients(4.2%) were lost to follow-up. There were 24 recurrences and seven patients underwent second operation and 6 patients(85.7%) were found the missed blebs. 12 perioperative parameters(age, sex, site, underlying disease, extent of collapse, operative indication, size of bleb, number of bleb, location of bleb, bleb management, pleural procedure, prolonged postoperative air-leak) were analyzed statistically to identify significant predictors of recurrence. The significant predictors of recurrence was the underlying disease[17.0%(8/47): 6.8%(16/237), p=0.038], prolonged postoperative air-leakage[37.5%(6/16): 6.7%(18/268), p=0.001], and pleural procedure [11.4%(19/167): 4.3%(5/117), p=0.034]. Blebectomy has less recurrence rate then non-blebectomy [8.2%(20/244) : 10.0%(4/40), p>0. 5]. However, this difference was not statistically significant(p=0.758). Conclusion: We conclude that it is important that we shoud careful finding of bleb during VATS due to reducing of recurrnece, and cases of no bleb identified and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax were indicated of pleurodectomy. VATS is a valid alternative to open procedure for the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax with less pain, shorter hospital stay, more rapid return to work, high patient acceptance, less scar and exellent cosmetics. But, there is high recurrence rate and high cost, and than it is necessary to evaluate of long-term results for recurrence and to observate carefully during VATS.

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Quantitative Analysis of Small Intestinal Mucosa Using Morphometry in Cow's Milk-Sensitive Enteropathy (우유 과민성 장병증(cow's milk-sensitive enteropathy)에서 소장 생검조직의 형태학적 계측을 이용한 정량적 분석)

  • Hwang, Jin-Bok;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 1998
  • Purpose: To make objective standards of small intestinal mucosal changes in cow's milk-sensitive enteropathy (CMSE) we analyzed histological changes of endoscopic duodenal mucosa biopsy specimens from normal children and patients of CMSE. Methods: We review the medical records of patients who had been admitted and diagnosed as CMSE by means of gastrofiberscopic duodenal mucosal biopsy following cow's milk challenge and withdrawal. Thirteen babies with CMSE, ranging from 14 days to 56 days of age, were studied. Five non-CMSE patients were used as control, ranging from 22 days to 72 days of age. The morphometric parameters under study were villous height, crypt zone depth, ratio of villous height to crypt zone depth, total mucosal thickness and length of surface epithelium by using H & E stained specimens under the drawing apparatus attached microscope. In addition, the numbers of lymphocytes in the epithelium and eosinophil cells in the lamina propria and epithelium were measured. Results: In the duodenal mucosal biopsy specimens in CMSE we found partial and subtotal villous atrophy with an increased number of interepithelial lymphocytes. The mean villous height(135±59μm), ratio of villous height to crypt zone depth (0.46±0.28), total mucosal thickness (499±56μm), length of surface epithelium of small intestinal mucosa (889±231μm) in CMSE was significantly decreased compared with the control (p<0.05). The mean crypt zone depth (311±65μm) was significantly greater than the control (188±24μm)(p<0.05). Infiltration of interepithelial lymphocytes (34.1±10.5) were significantly greater than the control (13.6±3.6)(p<0.05). The number of eosinophil cells in both lamina propria and epithelium was no significant differences between groups (p>0.05). The small intestinal mucosa in treated CMSE showed much improved enteropathy of villous height, crypt zone depth, interepithelial lymphocytes compared with the control as well as untreated CMSE. Conclusion: Quantitation of mucosal dimensions confirmed the presence of CMSE. It seems to be a limitation in the capacity of crypt cells to compensate for the loss of villous epithelium in CMSE. Specimens obtained by gastrofiberscopic duodenal mucosal biopsy were suitable for morphometric diagnosis of CMSE. Improvement of CMSE also can be confirmed histologically after the therapy of protein hydrolysate.

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Clinical Observations of Gastrointestinal Cow Milk Allergy in Children According to a New Classification (새로운 분류법에 따른 소아 위장관 우유 알레르기 질환에 관한 임상적 고찰)

  • Hwang, Jin Bok;Choi, Seon Yun;Kwon, Tae Chan;Oh, Hoon Kyu;Kam, Sin
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: A new classification of gastrointestinal food allergy was published, but the changes of terminology between previously reported terms and the new ones were in a state of disorder. This has resulted in confusion between medical communication and diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. The clinical observations of infants presenting with gastrointestinal cow milk allergy (GI-CMA) were performed, and the changes in the terminology reviewed through the published Korean literature. Methods: Between March 2003 and July 2003, data from 37 consecutive infants with GI-CMA, aged 2 weeks to 15 months, were reviewed. The challenge and elimination test of cow milk, and the endoscopic and histologic findings, were used for the seven subdivisions of GI-CMA according to a new classification on the basis of patients' ages, clinical manifestations and location of gastrointestinal lesions. Results: The 37 patients had a mean age of 5.4±4.8 months, with those observed in 26 (70.3%) of patients being below 6 months of age. The seven final diagnoses were; cow milk protein-induced enterocolitis (CMPIE) in 12 (32.4%), cow milk protein proctitis (PROC) in 12 (32.4%), IgE-mediated (IGE) in 6 (16.2%), gastroesophageal reflux-associated cow milk allergy (GERA) in 5 (13.5%) and eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis in 2 (5.4%). CMPIE was revealed as the typical type in 7 (18.9%) and the atypical type in 5 (13.5%), and all of typical CMPIE revealed cow milk protein-induced enteropathy. The mean age at symptom onset was 4.3±0.8 months, and for those with typical and atypical CMPIE, and PROC and GERA were 3.8±4.6, 10.4±3.8, 3.4±3.9 and 7.8±5.7 months, respectively (p<0.05). The period from onset of symptom to diagnosis was 2.4±3.3 (0.5~12) months, with those observed in atypical CMPIE and GERA being over 3months. Although the birth weights in all patients were within the 10~90 percentile range, the body weights on diagnoses were below the 3 percentile in 48.6%; IGE 16.7%, EOS 0%, typical CMPIE 85.7%, atypical CMPIE 60.0%, PROC 25.0% and GERA 100% (p<0.05). Through the review of the Korean literature, 8 case reports and 14 original articles for GI-CMA were found. Conclusion: GI-CMA is not a rare clinical disorder and is subdivided into seven categories on the basis of the patient's age, clinical manifestations and location of the gastrointestinal lesions. The terms for GI-CMA are changing with new classifications, and careful approaches are necessary for medical communications.

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GET Imaging Evaluation of Patients with Esophageal Cancer (식도암 환자의 GET 영상 평가)

  • Moon, Jong Wun;Lee, Chung Wun;Seo, Young Deok;Yun, Sang Hyeok;Kim, Yong Keun;Won, Woo Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Measure gastric emptying time (GET: Gastric Emptying Time) is a non-invasive and quantitative evaluation methods, mainly by endoscopic or radiological examination confirmed no mechanical obstruction in patients with symptoms of congestion is checked. Such tests are not common gastric emptying time measured esophageal cancer patients (who underwent esophagectomy) patients after surgery for gastric emptying time was measured test. And the period of time for more than one year after the gastric emptying time measurement was performed. By comparing the two kinds of tests in the chest cavity after surgery as the evaluation of gastrointestinal function tests evaluate the usefulness of GET, and will evaluate the characteristics of the image. Materials and Methods: 93 patients who underwent esophagectomy with gastric emptying time measurement of subject tests immediately after surgery and after 1 year or longer were twice. Preparation of the patient before the test is more than 12 hours of overnight fasting is important, in addition to the medicine or to stop smoking, and diabetes insulin injections should be early in the morning is ideal to test. Generally labeled with 99mTcDTPA resin which is used to make steamed egg, seaweed and fermented milk with a high viscosity after eating, three hours in the standing position was measured. Evaluation of gastric emptying curves on the way intragastric radioactivity level by 50% the time (half-time [T1/2]) was calculated, based on the half-life was divided into three steps: over 180 minutes was defined as delayed gastric emptying, within 180minutes was defined as intermediate gastric emptying and when all the radioisotopes were dumped into the jejunum as soon as swallowed, was defined as rapid gastric emptying. Results: Gastric emptying time of a typical images stomach of antrum and fundus additional images appear stronger over time move on to the small intestine. but esophageal cancer who underwent esophagectomy side of the thoracic cavity showed a strong image. Immediately after surgery, the half-time (T1/2) of rapid gastric emptying appeared to 12.9%, intermediate gastric emptying appeared to 52.7%, delay gastric emptying appeared to 34.4%. After more than a year the results of the half-life after surgery, 67% of rapid gastric emptying to intermediate gastric emptying was changed, 69% of delay gastric emptying to intermediate gastric emptying changed. Intermediate gastric emptying worse in patients rapid gastric emptying and the delay gastric emptying is 24% in the case. Conclusion: Esophagectomy for esophageal cancer who underwent half-time measurement test (T1/2) rapid gastric emptying and delay gastric emptying are the result of the comparison over time, changes were observed intermediate gastric emptying. Mainly seeing of gastric emptying time measurement in the esophagus instead of thoracic cavity to check the evaluation of gastrointestinal function can be useful even means. And segmentation criteria and narrow time interval of checking if more accurate information and analysis of the clinical diagnosis and evaluation seems to be done.

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Clinical Characteristics of Childhood Henoch-Sch\"onlein Purpura with Duodenal Involvement by Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (내시경상 십이지장을 침범한 Henoch-Sch\"onlein Purpura 환아의 임상적 특징)

  • Park, Sun-Hee;Nam, Yoo-Nee;Park, Sang-Hui;Sim, So-Yeon;Eun, Byung-Wook;Choi, Deok-Young;Sun, Yong-Han;Cho, Kang-Ho;Ryoo, Eell;Son, Dong-Woo;Jeon, In-Sang;Tchah, Hann
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical usefulness of upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy in children with Henoch-Sch\"onlein purpura (HSP). Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical, endoscopic, and histopathologic records of children with HSP who had been admitted to the Department of Pediatrics of Gil Hospital and underwent upper GI endoscopy between January 2002 and June 2009. Patients were classified into the following two groups for statistical analysis: duodenal involvement (+) and duodenal involvement (-). Results: Fifty-one children with HSP underwent upper GI endoscopy; the mean age was 7.2±2.9 years. The upper GI endoscopy showed abnormalities of the duodenum in 38 cases (74.5%), 22 of which had duodenal ulcers. Among the biopsy specimens obtained from the duodenum of 37 cases, 13 cases (35.1%) had leukocytoclastic vasculitis, neutrophil debri, and/or extravasation of RBCs. Steroid use was more frequent in the duodenal involvement (+) group (86.8%) than the duodenal involvement (-) group (53.8%; p=0.02). The mean length of hospitalization was 13.9±8.43 days in the duodenal involvement (+) group and 8.1±4.62 days in the duodenal involvement (-) group (p=0.003). The recurrence rate was significantly higher in the duodenal involvement (-) group than the duodenal involvement (+) group (p=0.027), whereas none of the other study parameters, such as the age of onset, renal involvement, and steroid use, led to significantly higher or lower recurrence rates. Conclusion: These results suggest that duodenal involvement can influence the clinical course and prognosis of HSP in children.

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Clinical Outcomes of Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (심폐바이패스 없는 관상동맥우회술의 임상성적)

  • Shin, Je-Kyoun;Kim, Jeong-Won;Jung, Jong-Pil;Park, Chang-Ryul;Park, Soon-Eun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2008
  • Background: Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) shows fewer side effects than cardiopulmonary by. pass, and other benefits include myocardial protection, pulmonary and renal protection, coagulation, inflammation, and cognitive function. We analyzed the clinical results of our cases of OPCAB. Material and Method: From May 1999 to August 2007, OPCAB was performed in 100 patients out of a total of 310 coronary artery bypass surgeries. There were 63 males and 37 females, from 29 to 82 years old, with a mean age of 62±10 years. The preoperative diagnoses were unstable angina in 77 cases, stable angina in 16, and acute myocardial infarction in 7. The associated diseases were hypertension in 48 cases, diabetes in 42, chronic renal failure in 10, carotid artery disease in 6, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 5. The preoperative cardiac ejection fraction ranged from 26% to 74% (mean 56.7±11.6). Preoperative angiograms showed three-vessel disease in 47 cases, two-vessel disease in 25, one-vessel disease in 24, and left main disease in 23. The internal thoracic artery was harvested by the pedicled technique through a median sternotomy in 97 cases. The radial artery and greater saphenous vein were harvested in 70 and 45 cases, respectively (endoscopic harvest in 53 and 41 cases, respectively). Result: The mean number of grafts was 2.7±1.2 per patient, with grafts sourced from the unilateral internal thoracic artery in 95 (95%) cases, the radial artery in 62, the greater saphenous vein in 39, and the bilateral internal thoracic artery in 2. Sequential anastomoses were performed in 46 cases. The anastomosed vessels were the left anterior descending artery in 97 cases, the obtuse marginal branch in 63, the diagonal branch in 53, the right coronary artery in 30, the intermediate branch in 11, the posterior descending artery in 9 and the posterior lateral branch in 3. The conversion to cardiopulmonary bypass occurred in 4 cases. Graft patency was checked before discharge by coronary angiography or multi-slice coronary CT angiography in 72 cases, with a patency rate of 92.9% (184/198). There was one case of mortality due to sepsis. Postoperative arrhythmias or myocardial in-farctions were not observed. Postoperative complications were a cerebral stroke in 1 case and wound infection in 1. The mean time of respirator care was 20±35 hours and the mean duration of stay in the intensive care unit was 68±47 hours. The mean amounts of blood transfusion were 4.0±2.6 packs/patient. Conclusion: We found good clinical outcomes after OPCAB, and suggest that OPCAB could be used to expand the use of coronary artery bypass grafting.

The Clinical Features of Endobronchial Tuberculosis - A Retrospective Study on 201 Patients for 6 years (기관지결핵의 임상상-201예에 대한 후향적 고찰)

  • Lee, Jae Young;Kim, Chung Mi;Moon, Doo Seop;Lee, Chang Wha;Lee, Kyung Sang;Yang, Suck Chul;Yoon, Ho Joo;Shin, Dong Ho;Park, Sung Soo;Lee, Jung Hee
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.671-682
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    • 1996
  • Background : Endobronchial tuberculosis is definded as tuberculous infection of the tracheobronchial tree with microbiological and histopathological evidence. Endobronchial tuberculosis has clinical significance due to its sequela of cicatrical stenosis which causes atelectasis, dyspnea and secondary pneumonia and may mimic bronchial asthma and pulmanary malignancy. Method : The authors carried out, retrospectively, a clinical study on 201 patients confirmed with endobronchial tuberculosis who visited the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at Hangyang University Hospital from January 1990 10 April 1996. The following results were obtained. Results: 1) Total 201 parients(l9.5%) were confirmed as endobronchial tuberculosis among 1031 patients who had been undergone flexible bronchofiberscopic examination. The number of male patients were 55 and that of female patients were 146. and the male to female ratio was 1 : 2.7. 2) The age distribution were as follows: there were 61(30.3%) cases in the third decade, 40 cases(19.9%) in the fourth decade, 27 cases(13.4%) in the sixth decade, 21 cases(10.4%) in the fifth decade, 19 cases(9.5%) in the age group between 15 and 19 years, 19 cases(9.5%) in the seventh decade, and 14 cases(7.0%) over 70 years, in decreasing order. 3) The most common symptom, in 192 cases, was cough 74.5%, followed by sputum 55.2%, dyspnea 28.6%, chest discomfort 19.8%, fever 17.2%, hemoptysis 11.5%, in decreasing order, and localized wheezing was heard in 15.6%. 4) In chest X-ray of 189 cases, consolidation was the most frequent finding in 67.7%, followed by collapse 43.9%. cavitary lesion 11.6%, pleural effusion 7.4%, in decreasing order, and there was no abnormal findings in 3.2%. 5) In the 76 pulmanary function tests, a normal pattern was found in 44.7%, restrictive pattern in 39.5 %, obstructive pattern in 11.8%, and combined pattern in 3.9%. 6) Among total 201 patients, bronchoscopy showed caseous pseudomembrane in 70 cases(34.8%), mucosal erythema and edema in 54 cases(26.9%), hyperplastic lesion in 52 cases(25.9%), fibrous s.enosis in 22 cases(10.9%), and erosion or ulcer in 3 cases(1.5%). 7) In total 201 cases, bronchial washing AFB stain was positive in 103 cases(51.2%), bronchial washing culture for tuberculous bacilli in 55 cases(27.4%). In the 99 bronchoscopic biopsies, AFB slain positive in 36.4%. granuloma without AFB stain positive in 13.1%, chronic inflammation only in 36.4%. and non diagnostic biopsy finding in 14.1%. Conclusions : Young female patients, whose cough resistant to genenal antitussive agents, should be evaluated for endobronchial tuberculosis, even with clear chest roentgenogram and negative sputum AFB stain. Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that the bronchoscopic approach is a substantially useful means of making a differential diagnosis of atelectasis in older patients of cancer age. At this time we have to make a standard endoscopic classification of endobronchial tuberculosis, and well designed prospective studies are required to elucidate the effect of combination therapy using antituberculous chemotherapy with steroids on bronchial stenosis in patients with endobronchial tuberculosis.

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