• Title/Summary/Keyword: Enco time (TE)

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Investigation of Varied MR Spectra by TE and Metabolite Amount in the Localized Voxel using the MR Cone-shape Phantom (자기공명분광법에서 TE와 Voxel 내의 대사물질 양에 따른 스펙트럼 변화 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Dong-Cheol;Kim, Sang-Soo;Rhim, Hyang-Shuk;Jahng, Geon-Ho;Choe, Bo-Young
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the spectra of a magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in accordance with the variance of TE and the volumes of metabolites in a localized voxel for the quality assurance using a designed single voxel spectroscopy QA phantom. Because a cone-shade phantom is designed as the volume of metabolite in a localized voxel is changeable, we try to analyze the peaks of each metabolite (NAA, Cr, Cho, Lac, etc.) in accordance with metabolite volume in a localized voxel as well as echo time (TE). All data were obtained using a 3T MRI/MRS machine and analyzed using $jMRUI^{(R)}$. The results of this study show that TE is in inverse proportion to the noise of MRS and the longer TE and the less metabolite volume in the localized voxel, the peak intensities of each metabolite decrease. In case of the lactate, its peak was observed on the all TE only if the greatest metabolite is included in the localized voxel. Then, the intensity of a metabolite is more sensitive to the metabolite volume in the localized voxel than the TE. These obtained in vitro MRS data is provide the guideline that is important for in vivo metabolite quantification. But, in the edge of cone-shape vial air bubbles were observed and spectrum could not obtained. Therefore our cone-shape MRS phantom needs to be modified in order to solve these problems.

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