• 제목/요약/키워드: Emotion-Structure

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성교육 실시에 따른 성지식, 성태도 변화 연구 -1학년 여중생을 대상으로- (The Study on Change in Sex-Related Knowledge and Attitude through Sex Education : focusing on the 1st grade students in girls' junior high schools)

  • 계수연;문인옥
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.137-155
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of sex education on knowledge and attitude related to sex. The subjects were taken from by 199 students in 3 classes from 1st grade in H girl's junior high school as the study group, and 2 classes from 1st grade in S girl's junior high school as control group. During the survey period(September 21, 1998 to September 30, 1998), 6 times in terms of one-hour class for sex education were taught to the study group. A pre-test was executed on September 19, 1998 and the post-test on September 30. The findings were as follows. 1. According to the research, 20.1% of the subjects have experienced sex education from parents and 89.9% from teacher. They have mostly obtained the sex-related information from teachers(59.8%), following movie, radio, TV, or video tape(40.7%), friends(35.2%), reading materials such as books, cartoons, news papers and magazines(31.7%), parents(15.6%), siblings(7.0%), PC(1.5%) and telephone service(1.5%). 2. 27.1% of the subjects reported that they had sex-related worry concerning from friendship with the opposite sex, following physiological phenomenon(31.5%), sex violence(11.1%), physical characteristics(7.4%), VD and contraception(5.6%), sexual impulse(5.6%), pregnancy and delivery(5.5%), and sexual behaviour(3.7%). The research showed that the adolescents usually solved their problems through the consultation with theifriends(44.4%). However, 16.7% of the subjects were turned out not to request any solution. The other minor routes to settle their problems were written materials such as books, magazines(13.0%), parents(13.0%), movie, radio, TV, or video tape(5.5%), acquainted female elders(3.7%) and teachers(3.7%). 3. The most interesting part regarding sex was the friendship with the opposite sex(61.8%), following adolescent's emotion(55.8%), physiological differences between two genders(52.8%), AIDS(48.7%), VD(46.7%), pregnancy(45.2%), contraception(45.2%), abortion(41.7%), intercourse(41.7%), masturbation(41.2%), sex violence(41.2%) and genital structure and secondary sexual characteristics(28.6%). 4. In regard to characteristics of the subjects influencing sex-related knowledge, the higher educational career of mother, living with at least either parent and the experience of sex education by teachers were statistically significant factors(p〈0.05). 5. In regard to characteristics of the subjects influencing attitudes toward sex, the experience of sex education by parents or teachers was a statistically significant factor(p〈0.05). 6. The analysis of knowledge score comparing results before and after sex education showed that control group's score decreased from 12.5 to 12.44 while the study group's score increased from 12.33 to 21.31, which was statistically significant(p〈0.001). 7. The analysis of the attitude scores before and after sex education showed that the control group's score slightly increased from 55.57 to 56.36, while the study group's score increased from 54.79 to 61.95, which was statistically significant(p〈0.001). 8. The level of sex-related concerns of the study group after sex education marked both the increase in some items and the decrease in others. 9. Most instructive session among the sex education was the third “to be a good friend to the opposite sex”(27.0%).

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역할 창조를 위한 '몸틀(body schema)' 형성 연구 (A Study on Forming 'Body Schema' for Role Creating)

  • 송효숙
    • 한국연극학
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    • 제52호
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    • pp.319-357
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    • 2014
  • Formation of 'body schema' is the start for actor to create role and becomes the root and the foundation of existing as a role on the stage. For this, an actor needs to form 'scheme of role' with escaping from own 'body schema.' 'Schema of role' is formed by acquiring through synthesizing daily basic actions, namely, walking, standing, sitting, hand stretching, bending, and touching. The body schema, which was made with simple and usual actions, has fundamental significance in a sense of becoming the body in which the past traces in a role are habituated while energy as a role flows. As for the process of forming body schema, an actor first needs to obtain the visualized materials like photo, magazine, picture and image available for seeing a role specifically and clearly based on what analyzed a character. An actor needs to have three-dimensional image available for always recalling it in the head during acting. To do this, image data available for fundamentally capturing routine actions along with body structure are still more useful. Next, the body schema is formed by interaction with environment. Thus, there is a need of passing through the two-time process of forming body schema. Firstly, the body schema is made on routine actions in a role as physical condition of a role in actor's own everyday life. Secondly, the body schema is made on routine actions available for moving efficiently and economically in line with the environment of performance. A theatrical stage is the temporal space of rhythm and rule different from routine space. What forms body schema immediately in the second phase without body schema in the first phase ultimately becomes what exists as actor's own body, not the body of a role. The body schema, which was formed as the second process, is what truly has identity as a role in the ontological aspect, comes to experience the oppositional force in muscle, a qualitative change in energy, and emotional agitation in the physical aspect, and experiences perception, thinking, volition, and even consciousness with the entire body in the cognitive dimension. Thus, the formation of body schema can be known to be just a method of changing even spiritual and emotional layer. Body schema cannot be made if there is no process of embodiment and habit. Embodiment and habit are not simply the repeated, empty and mechanical action in the body. But, habit itself has very important meanings for forming body schema for role creating. First, habit allows the body itself to learn and understand a meaning. Second, habit relies upon environment, thereby allowing an actor of making the habituated body schema to recognize environment. Third, habit makes the mind. The habituated body schema is just the mind and the ego of a person who possesses the body schema. Fourth, habit comes to experience the expansion in energy and the expansion in existence. It may be experienced through interrelation among actor's body, tool, and environment. Fifth, habit makes identity of the body. Hence, this just becomes what secures identity of a role. These implications of habit are the formation of body schema, which is maintained with the body of being remembered firmly through being closely connected with the process of neural adaptation. Finally, it sought for possibility of practice as one method of forming body schema for role creating through Deleuze's '-becoming' theory. As 'actual animal-becoming' is real '-becoming' of forming structural transformation in the physical dimension, it meets with what the formation of body schema pursues actuality and reality. This was explained with a concept as saying of 'all '-becoming' molecular' by Deleuze/Guattari. 'Animal of having imitated animal's characteristic- becoming' is formed by which the body schema relies upon environment. In this way, relationship among the body, tool and environment has influence even upon a change in consciousness, thinking, and emotion, thereby being able to be useful for forming body schema in a sense of possibly experiencing ultimately expansion in role, namely, expansion in existence.

${\ll}$삼일신고(三一神誥)${\gg}$에 나타난 의료기공(醫療氣功)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study on medical Qigong mentioned in ${\ll}$Samilshingo${\gg}$ (三一神誥))

  • 반창열
    • 대한의료기공학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.40-94
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    • 2004
  • 최근 서구(西歐)에 불고 있는 명상(冥想)과 참선(參禪) 및 기공(氣功)붐과 더불어 우리 전통(傳統)의 양생법(養生法)들의 가치(價値)가 새롭게 평가(評價)되고 있는데, 아직 우리 고유(固有)의 이론적(理論的) 근거(根據)가 미흡(未洽)한 실정(實情)이다. 이에 저자(著者)는 한국의료기공(韓國醫療氣功)의 이론적고찰(理論的根據)를 마련하기 위해서 한국기공(韓國氣功)의 역사(歷史)를 시대순(時代順)으로 살펴보고, 한국기공(韓國氣功)의 이론적(理論的) 근거(根據)가 되는 ${\ulcorner}$${\lrcorner}$ 사상(思想)을 검토(檢討)한 후(後), ${\ll}$삼일신고(三一神誥)${\gg}$${\ll}$황제내경(黃帝內經)${\gg}$에 나타난 신(神)의 의미(意味)와 인체관(人體觀) 그리고 수련법(修鍊法)의 비교연구(比較硏究)를 통하여 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 삼국시대(三國時代)에 활기(活氣)를 띤 민족고유(民族固有)의 신선도(神仙道)는 점차(漸次) 도교(道敎)의 영향(影響)을 받아 통일신라시대(統一新羅時代) 이후(以後) 점점(漸漸) 쇠퇴(衰退)되어 겨우 명맥(命脈)만 유지하게 되었으며, ${\ulcorner}$${\lrcorner}$ 사상(思想)의 기원(起源)이 되는 삼대경전(三大經典)중 하나인 ${\ll}$삼일신고(三一神誥)${\gg}$에는 유(儒) 불(佛) 도(道) 삼교(三敎)의 원형(原形)이 포함(包含)되어 있었기 때문에 삼국시대(三國時代)부터 들어온 유(儒) 불(佛) 도(道)의 외래사상(外來思想)을 발전적(發展的)으로 수용(受容)할 수 있었다. ${\ll}$삼일신고(三一神誥)${\gg}$${\ll}$황제내경(黃帝內經)${\gg}$을 비교연구(比較硏究)한 결과 기공(氣功)의 이론적(理論的) 근거(根據)가 되는 세 가지 측면(側面)에서 공통(共通)된 점(點)을 찾아볼 수 있었다. 첫째, 신(神)의 의미(意味)에 있어, 천신(天神)과 인신(人神)의 층차(層差)가 존재하면서도 서로 상통(相通)하고 있으며 신(神)의 작용(作用)을 세 가지로 구분(區分)한다는 면에서 논리구조(論理構造)가 일치(一致)되는 공통점(共通點)이 있었다. 둘째, 인체관(人體觀)에 있어, ${\ll}$삼일신고(三一神誥)${\gg}$의 기일원론(氣一元論), 진망이분론(眞妄二分論), 성(性) 명(命) 정(精)과 심(心) 기(氣) 신(身)의 삼분론(三分論)과 형식적(形式的)인 면에서 공통점(共通點)이 있었고 또한 삼진(三眞)인 성(性) 명(命) 정(精)은 삼보(三寶)인 심(心) 기(氣) 신(身)의 이치적(理致的)인 측면(側面)으로, 삼망(三妄)인 심(心) 기(氣) 신(身)은 삼보(三寶)인 정(精) 기(氣) 신(神)의 기능적(機能的)인 측면(側面)으로 이해(理解)할 수 있었다. 셋째, 수련법(修鍊法)에 있어, ${\ll}$삼일신고(三一神誥)${\gg}$에 나타난 지감(止感) 조식(調息) 금촉(禁觸)의 수련법(修鍊法)은 각각(各各) 한의학(韓醫學)의 병인(病因)인 내인(內因) 외인(外因) 불내외인(不內外因)을 조절하는 방법(方法)으로 이해(理解)할 수 있었다. 즉 지감법(止感法)은 인간(人間)의 감정(感情)과 마음 그리고 본성(本性)을 조절(調節)하는 방법(方法)으로, 조식법(調息法)은 인체내부(人體內部)의 기운(氣運)뿐만 아니라 인체내외(人體內外)의 기운(氣運)을 조절(調節)하는 방법(方法)으로, 금촉법(禁觸法)은 인체(人體)의 이목구비(耳目口鼻)와 자세(姿勢) 그리고 생활습관(生活習慣) 등을 조절(調節)하는 방법(方法)으로 이해(理解)할 수 있었다. 이상(以上)의 결론(結論)을 통(通)하여 ${\ll}$삼일신고(三一神誥)${\gg}$에 나타난 신(神)의 의미(意味)와 인체관(人體觀) 그리고 수련법(修鍊法) 등이 ${\ll}$황제내경(黃帝內經)${\gg}$과 공통(共通)된 기공(氣功)의 이론적(理論的) 근거(根據)를 가지므로 ${\ll}$삼일신고(三一神誥)${\gg}$는 한국의료기공학(韓國醫療氣功學)에 있어서 큰 의의(意義)를 가지고 있으며, 향후(向後)에도 지속적(持續的)인 연구(硏究)가 필요(必要)할 것으로 사료(思料)된다.