• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emotion-Structure

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A Study on the Application Method for the Enclosed Effect in the Space of Cities (도시공간에 있어서 둘러싸인감의 적용방법에 대한 연구)

  • Hyoung, Sung-Eun
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.spc3
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2006
  • This study evaluates how much D/H and enclosed effects are closely related with each other centering around the spaces of cities in Japan. The partial ranks of the degree of angle in D/H and of the enclosure of the real spaces which the experimenter feels are measured through the method of partial rank correlation analysis on the sane objects. The result shows that all 42 samples(0.49), 25 interior space samples(0.63), and 17 exterior samples(0.59) are analysed to be less correlated. Seen above, there is limit to explaining modern spaces with the degree of angle in D/H. The result reveals that the space structure of modem cities consists of a lot more complex elements, so it is not suitable to evaluate the spaces of cities with the past theories of D/H and enclosed effect. Therefore, to evaluate the enclosed effect, a new evaluation model and a study of influential elements of city spaces and enclosed effect should be developed.

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Comparison of the Explanation on Visual Texture of Cotton Textiles using Regression Analysis and ANFIS - on Warmness (회귀분석과 ANFIS를 활용한 면직물의 시각적 질감에 대한 해석 비교 - 온난감을 중심으로)

  • 주정아;유효선
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2004
  • The regression analysis and Adaptive -Network based Fuzzy-inference system (ANFIS) were applied to the explanation on human's visual texture of cotton fabrics with 7 mechanical properties. The ANFIS uses the structure with fuzzy membership function and neural network. The results obtained by the statistical analysis through the coefficient of correlation and regression analysis showed that subjective texture had a linear relationship with mechanical properties. But It had a relatively low coefficient of determination and was difficult that the statistical analysis explained other relationship with the exception of a lineality and interaction among mechanical properties. Comparing the statistical analysis, the ANFIS was an effective tool to explain human's non-linear perceptions and their interactions. But to apply ANFIS to human's perceptions more effectively, it is necessary to discriminate effective input variables through controlling the properties of samples.

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Relationship among Life Meaning, Optimism and Happiness in Elderly Women Participants of Physical Activity (여가-신체활동 참여 여성노인의 삶의 의미, 낙관성 및 행복의 관계)

  • Song, Hae-Ryong;Kim, Chan-Won;Kim, Won-Je
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.304-314
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to examine relationship among life meaning, optimism and happiness in elderly women participants of physical activity. Data are from elderly women in more than 60 years old who participate in sports activity as part of leisure activity while actually living in Seoul of South Korea. Total of 211, Sample are allowed to be responded to questionnaire contents with self-administration method by utilizing convenience sampling method out of non-probability sampling. To process the data, this study conducted exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and structure model analysis with SPSS 11.5 and AMOS 6.0 programs. The presence of meaning, which forms meaning of life, are indicated to have statistically significant positive influence upon optimism. And optimism are indicated to have statistically significant positive influence upon positive emotion, which forms happiness. optimism in elderly adults of participating in physical activity has negative influence upon negative emotion.

An Action Unit co-occurrence constraint 3DCNN based Action Unit recognition approach

  • Jia, Xibin;Li, Weiting;Wang, Yuechen;Hong, SungChan;Su, Xing
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.924-942
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    • 2020
  • The facial expression is diverse and various among persons due to the impact of the psychology factor. Whilst the facial action is comparatively steady because of the fixedness of the anatomic structure. Therefore, to improve performance of the action unit recognition will facilitate the facial expression recognition and provide profound basis for the mental state analysis, etc. However, it still a challenge job and recognition accuracy rate is limited, because the muscle movements around the face are tiny and the facial actions are not obvious accordingly. Taking account of the moving of muscles impact each other when person express their emotion, we propose to make full use of co-occurrence relationship among action units (AUs) in this paper. Considering the dynamic characteristic of AUs as well, we adopt the 3D Convolutional Neural Network(3DCNN) as base framework and proposed to recognize multiple action units around brows, nose and mouth specially contributing in the emotion expression with putting their co-occurrence relationships as constrain. The experiments have been conducted on a typical public dataset CASME and its variant CASME2 dataset. The experiment results show that our proposed AU co-occurrence constraint 3DCNN based AU recognition approach outperforms current approaches and demonstrate the effectiveness of taking use of AUs relationship in AU recognition.

Concentrated on the Methodological Proposal on the Various Form Generation (심미적 영향요소인 비례를 적용한 디자인 프로세스 구축에 관한 연구 -다양한 형태발상에 대한 방법론적 제안을 중심으로)

  • 홍정표;이경화
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2002
  • The aims of the study are first, in other to meet the demand for a new product design process, to review the prototype theory and to find out the conceptual structure of product aesthetics, which is another properly thought to be as important as the typical pattern in an effort to patch up the theory second to help designers overcome the limits of idea generation and create consumer oriented designs with a high success rate by setting up a new product design process that is established through the application of the aesthetically influential factor 'proportion'based on the preceeding studies that tested product aesthetics measuring devices. In other words, this study tries to find out product categories, making use of the prototype theory to introduce an ideal proportion for product design, recognizing the importance of proportion by conducting product pattern analysis: to create a differentiated method that can product consumer oriented designs, even if it only manipulate proportion and to establish a new design process that can systematically explain the methodology for various form generation that applies proportion. This study reviews the theoretical aspects of concepts pertaining to the above … and, based on them, empirically tests them by patting to use the programs, for proportion manipulation. This study was conducted in the following way: To begin with, this study takes out proportion out of some aesthetically influential factors that has a great impact on the way consumers prefer certain product designs and tries to see how proportion affects the consumer preference when consumers select a product. In addition, we could analyze the difference between the ideal proportion that consumers prefer and the traditional golden proportion produced through theoretical studies. The correlations between preferred proportion and ideal proportion, and preferred proportion and golden proportion could be shown. In order that we may create form variations through more detailed proportion manipulation on the basis of the ideal proportion verified as preferable, we again applied the proportion factor to the process utilizing PDS(proportion Distortion System). In the way the restraint of form generation could be pursued. All in all, this study makes an attempt to set up a design process to create new product forms through the application of Proportion.

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A Study on the Form Generation Applied to the Variation of Rhythm Affection Aesthetic Elements - Focused on Korean Typeface - (심미적 요소인 율동의 변화를 통한 형태발상에 관한 연구 -한글서체를 중심으로-)

  • 조경숙;홍정표
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2004
  • Among the factors of consumer preference, aesthetics has been importantly considered in competitive market environment. Generally, consumers' purchasing standard is influenced as their awareness increases relative to variations in their lifestyles and due to these changes in consumers' wishes, design techniques and methods are focused towards adapting to these changes. Thus, in order to satisfy consumers' needs, and markets characterized with the short durability cycle of products, a distinctive design should be developed with respect to the form of products. The proposed design should also support form as an important factor to attract consumers preference. This study attempts to understand typology based on a categorization theory, and the conceptual structure of aesthetics. Both are importantly considered simultaneously. In addition, the study proposes a new design process by extracting Rhythm affecting aesthetic. In conclusion, the result of this study aims at developing more consumer preferring design beyond the scope of the ordinary designer's idea and generation.

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고감성 의류용 수분감응형 인텔리전트 소재의 물성

  • Kim, Hyun-Ah;Woo, Ji-Woon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the physical properties such as water absorption, drying and hygral expansion of moisture responded transformable fibers and their knitted fabrics including dyeing characteristics according to the different dyeing time and temperature. For this purpose, three kinds of covered filament yarn specimens using HEF and spandex as core and PET, aerocool as a covering filament were prepared. The knitted fabric specimens were made using three kinds yarn specimens and dyed with different dyeing temperature and time. The moisture absorption, drying and hygral expansion of three kinds of knitted fabric specimens were measured and discussed with yarn structure. The wearing performance of these knitted fabric specimens were also measured and discussed with yarn characteristics using FAST system. Finally, the dyeing characteristics such as dye affinity, color difference and color fastness to washing of these knitted fabric specimens were measured and discussed with different dyeing temperature and time for examining dyeing process performance of these moisture responded transformable knitted fabrics.

Physics on cancer and its curing

  • Oh, Hung-Kuk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2000
  • The conventional model did not take momentum conservation into consideration when the electron absorbs and emits the photons. II-ray provides momentum conservations on any directions of the entering photons, and also the electrons have radial momentum conservations and fully elastic bouncing between two atoms, in the new atom model. Conventional atom model must be criticized on the following four points. (1) Natural motions between positive and negative entities are not circular motions but linear going and returning ones, for examples sexual motion, tidal motion, day and night etc. Because the radius of hydrogen atom's electron orbit is the order of 1011 m and the radia of the nucleons in the nucleus are the order of 10l4m and then the converging n-gamma rays to the nucleus have so great circular momentum, the electron can not have a circular motion. We can say without doubt that any elementary mass particle can have only linear motion because of the n-rays' hindrances, near the nucleus. (2) Potential energy generation was neglected when electron changes its orbit from outer one to inner one. The h v is the kinetic energy of the photo-electron. The total energy difference between orbits comprises kinetic and potential energies. (3) The structure of the space must be taken into consideration because the properties of the electron do not change during the transition from outer orbit to inner one even though it produces photon. (4) Total energy conservation law applies to the energy flow between mind and matter because we daily experiences a interconnection between mind and body. An understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the control of normal proliferation and differentiation of the various cell types which make up the human body will undoubtedly allow a greater insight into the abnormal growth of cells, A large body of biochemical evidence was eventually used to generate a receptor model with an external ligand binding domain linked through a single trans-membrane domain to the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase and autophosphory-lation domains. The ligand induced conformational change in the external domain generates either a push-pull or rotational signal which is transduced from the outside to the inside of cell.l.ell.

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Design Strategies of a Shaver for Men based on Consumers' Sensitive Images of Preference (소비자 선호 감성이미지 기반 남성용면도기 디자인 전략)

  • Lee, Yu-Ri;Yang, Jong-Youl
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the design direction based on consumer sensitivity through the structure between product design preferences - sensitivity image - design elements. For the purpose, we selected men's shaver products for this study subject and collected 164 shavers' pictures released between 2001-2007 years. Then, we carried out a pilot test for collection of sensitivity images about shavers, made a survey using semantic differential method and analyzed the survey. According the result, consumers preferred the sensitivity images "luxury, attractive, stable", design elements satisfied the preference images were "form of body is not a circular arcs or a polygon, material is steel, button is push style, and a color of body is not brown." This study can provide a base of the causal relationship between design preferences - sensitivity image - design elements and a design process to predict consumer sensitivity-oriented design.

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A study on developing color braille system for the blind (시각장애인을 위한 컬러 인식 점자 시스템 개발 연구)

  • Ahn, Jun-Hwan;Lee, Soon-Jong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.571-581
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    • 2007
  • This Braille System for color recognition was designed for those who have lost eye sight after birth. This system was based on the idea that these people had the understanding of colours before they went blind. So when they touch the braille, they can feel and recognize colours. This system adopted the Munsell's hue circle system which is used worldwide for its simple way of colour identification. It also used some texture to help people in need identify the brightness and saturation of colors. In spite of its simple structure, this system has a range of up to 153 different colours. For a friendly use, minimal changes were made by modifying location and height of dots of the braille system which blind people are already accustomed to. Because of it's simplicity, this colour braille system can be used easily and broadly. I believe that many acquired blind people can feel colour again through using this system and get benefits of social and cultural communication.

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