• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emergency Room

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Violence experiences, coping, and response of paramedics in the emergency room (응급실 내 1급 응급구조사의 폭력경험과 대처 및 반응)

  • Han, Seung-Eun;Lee, Kyoung-Youl
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.51-65
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate experiences of violence with patients or family members by paramedics working at emergency rooms. Methods: A questionnaire was administered from June 1 to 31, 2017 to 225 paramedics working at 27 emergency medical centers. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS statistics ver 24.0 program. Results: Within the past year, 208(92.9%) of 224 participants experienced violence among whom 202(90.2%) experienced verbal abuse, 193(86.2%) experienced physical threat, 89(39.7%) experienced physical violence, and 52(23.2%) experienced sexual violence. The level of violence response depending on the overlapping experience of violence type showed significant difference from emotional response (p= .001), social response (p= .001), physical response (p= .004), and overall violence response (p= .001). Conclusion: In conclusion, paramedics are frequently exposed to violence in the emergency rooms, of which they mostly experience verbal abuse. In addition, because the reporting system in the event of violence and the coping process are not well-informed, paramedics are unable to sufficiently utilize the reporting system and programs established within the institution. Therefore, the support of the legal system is needed to create a safe working environment for the medical staff who work in the emergency medical centers.

Comparison of cardiac arrests from sport & leisure activities with patients returning of spontaneous circulation using Answer Tree analysis (의사결정나무분석에 의한 스포츠 레저활동 심정지군과 자발순환 회복군의 비교)

  • Park, Sang-Kyu;Uhm, Tai-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2011
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to reveal some factors of ROSC & survival for cardiac arrests from sport & leisure activities(CASLs). Methods : A retrospective study of the 1,341 out of hospital cardiac arrests(OHCAs) treated by EMS in Gyeonggi Provincial Fire and Disaster Headquarters from January to December in 2008 was conducted. The primary end-point was admission to emergency room. To clarify the factors through comparison of CASLs(n=58) with ROSCs & survivals(n=58), Answer Tree analysis for data mining with the CHAID algorithm was performed and alpha was set at .05. Mean, median, and percentile of time intervals, distances, and age on the 58 CASLs, 75 ROSCs, and 27 survivals(patients admitted to emergency room) were analysed. Results : Fourteen CASLs(24.1%), 41 ROSCs(54.7%), 16 survivals(59.3%) were treated with CPR within 5 min., and only 2 CASLs(3.4%), 11 ROSCs(14.7%), 10 survivals(37.0%) were treated with defilbrillation within 10 min. from arrest. If time recording from arrest to defilbrillation, the patients were classified 81.0%($X^2=9.83$, p=.005) into ROSCs & survivals. And the patients with no history, 100.0%($X^2=5.44$, p=.020). The other patients with no intention, 87.5%($X^2=7.00$, p=.024). Whereas the other patients with intention, treated with CPR after 4 min. from arrest were classified 67.2%($X^2=3.99$, p=.046) into CASLs. Conclusion : CPR within 4 minutes was the most important factor that discriminates between CASLs and ROSCs & survivals to record cardiac arrests-defilbrillation time. CPR within 4 min. from arrest, no history, and no intention were factors for improved ROSC & survival.


  • Cho, Kyu-Seung;Kim, Ki-Yung;Lee, Sung-Hun;Park, Hong-Ju;So, Kwang-Sub;Cho, Yong-Ki;Oh, Hee-Kyun;Ryu, Sun-Youl
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.435-446
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    • 1997
  • Overall study was carried out for the patients visiting Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery through Emergency Room in Chonnam University Hospital, from Jan. 1, 1992 to Dec. 31, 1996. Result obtained were as follows ; Male predilection was shown, the male to female ratio being 2.5 to 1. The frequently developing age group were the first 3rd and 4th decade and under the age of 9 was followed. The number of patients for emergency was peak in September and October to 11%. About the causes for emergency, traffic accident was the most, and fall down injury and assault were followed. About the injury lists, facial laceration was preceded and the next facial bone fracture and the tooth injury followed. In the facial bone fracture, fracture in the mandible only was the most, and zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture, and mandible-maxilla complex fracture were followed. when the case of the mandible fracture, symphysis, condyle, angle were marked in succession. 57% was predomunatly ranged in the timea of 18 : 00 to 03 : 00 for the emergency. From injury onset to visiting emergency room, the range of 8 hours to 12 hours was predominant. Above results suggest that urgent patients of oral and maxillofacial area were relatively so high that division of oral and maxillofacial surgery should be established immediately.

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A Case for Chest Wall Panetrating Injury by Nail Gun (못총에 의한 흉부관통상에 대한 치험 1예)

  • Kim, Jae Jin;Paik, Jin Hui;Kim, Ji Hye;Han, Seung Baik;Yun, Sung Hyun;Kim, Jun Sig;Jung, Hyun Min
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.26-29
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    • 2013
  • We describe the case of a 56-year-old man who had been shot by a pneumatic nail gun in the chest during work. He had removed the nail by himself immediately at the accident field. He visited to the emergency department of a local hospital and, after a simple dressing and simple history had been taken, he was referred to our emergency department for penetrating thoracic injury. Immediately, Transthoracic echocardiography were done and showed moderate hemopericardium. Patient had been hydrated and transported to the operating room. After cardiac wound repaired by midsternotomy, the patient was discharged on the 13th postoperative day without complications except mild mitral valve regurgitation.

Acute Pneumonitis Induced by Intravenous Thinner Injection in a Case of Suicidal Attempt (시너(Thinner) 정주로 발생한 급성 폐질환 1례)

  • Lee, Hae Ji;Choi, Byung Ho;Kim, Mi Jin;Hong, Jung Seok
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.33-35
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    • 2015
  • A 24 year-old man attempted suicide by injection of 1 cc of thinner into his left antecubital vein; 3 hours later, he visited our emergency room because of left chest pain. We suspected a chemical pneumonitis based on the abnormal findings of his chest X-ray and computed tomography. On the 3rd day after admission, a cellulitis also occurred at the injection area. His symptoms were relieved after supportive care for 2 weeks. There is significant experience with intoxication of thinner inhalation, whereas intoxication of intravenous thinner is rare.

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Emergency Room access by Population Density and distance of Daegu Metropolitan city (대구광역시의 인구밀집과 거리에 따른 응급실 접근성)

  • Kim, Myung-Gwan;Han, Seung-Woo;Kim, Ki-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.218-223
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the accessibility of emergency rooms according to the population density and distance in Daegu Metropolitan City to help improve the quality and emergency medical accessibility problems in Daegu Metropolitan City. To observe the geographical requirements, the number of population in eup, myeon, dong, available emergency, and available emergency compared to the population were mapped through the S-GIS of Statistics Korea to visualize the data based on the 3km radius. To determine the difference in accessibility to emergency rooms for each district in Daegu Metropolitan City, the data were analyzed by ANOVA and Scheffe. According to the average number of emergencies available in Daegu Metropolitan City within a 3-kilometer radius were 5.7 in Jung-gu, 5.0 in Nam-gu, 1.6 in Buk-gu, 0.4 in Dong-gu, 2.4 in Seo-gu, 0.9 in Suseong-gu, 3.5 in Dalseo-gu, and 0.1 in Dalseong-gun; there was a statistically significant difference (p<.001). The available emergency within a 3km radius and available emergency per 1,000 people were concentrated in the center. Therefore, it may be necessary to institute an urban emergency medical network by establishing a point that serves as an intermediate hub to provide emergency medical care to citizens far from the center.

An Application Design for Emergency Medical System: A Software Engineering Approach

  • Choi, In-Lyeol;Huh, Jun-Ho
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.728-730
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    • 2017
  • The proposed application design for emergency medical system includes the functions that help securing the window of opportunity for the patients in an emergency situation and efficiently link rescue agency, emergency medical treatment center and patients together. First, the treatment time can be saved at the emergency room by understanding the patient's condition by entering his/her health information such as anamnesis, family history, social history and blood type together with an identification number. Also, if the siren function which signals whereabouts of patients to the rescue crew is used, it will be much easier to find the location of the patient in need. The design allows rescue crew to call the patient to check whether he/she is conscious or not. Just by receiving the call, he/she will be deemed conscious.

A Development of Energency Power Automatic Transfer Module in home (가정용 비상 전원 절체 모듈 개발)

  • Joo, Nam-Kyu;Kim, Kwan-Yuong;Kim, Nam-Ho;Lee, Jong-Myong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.321-323
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    • 2009
  • When power failure occurs at multi-housing complex, auxiliary generator or emergency generator starts to provide power to households. This power is connected to emergency power ELB(Earth Leakage Breaker) at home distribution panel board and supplies power only for emergency light in living room but for heating system, refrigerator and other inevitable apparatuses that are in need of uninterruptible power. Since those domestic appliance are fed from common power line, they are inoperable during power failure. Our research is to resolve this problem by developing compatible relay-drive common/emergency-power ATS (automatic transfer switch) for home distribution panel board. In case of power failure, it transfers automatically and commences to provide power from emergency generator. Through this, Consumers can reach satisfaction where common power loads operate without any problem under both ordinary and power failure condition.

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Evaluation of Drugs for Suicide Attempt and Antidote Uses in Emergency Room of a Hospital in Korea (응급실 내원한 자살 시도 환자의 자살시도용 약물 및 해독제 사용 현황에 대한 평가)

  • Lee, Ok Sang;Cheon, Young Ju;Kim, Jung Tae;Lim, Sung Cil
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.304-315
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    • 2012
  • Today, suicide by self-poisoning of prescribed or non-prescribed drugs on purpose has been increasing and is a major cause of mortality. It is very important to treat promptly and properly for saving the lives from those suicides. There is neither an organization such as poison control center nor measurement in S. Korea, though. The object of this study was to evaluate information of frequently used substances for suicide attempt in S. Korea. Our results also can provide healthcare provider including pharmacists and doctors, etc and contribute to increasing health and welfare for Korean. From June $1^{st}$ 2006 to April $30^{th}$ 2012, we retrospectively studied patients visiting emergency room due to suicide attempt. We collected information of underlying disease, history of past medical condition and suicide attempt, ingredient and getting route of ingesting substances, emergency treatment, and outcome by reviewing electronic medical record. We also evaluated actual treatment of self-poisoning and made guide information about antidote medication for S. Korean healthcare provider. Among total 242 cases of suicidal attempts, cases ingesting substances including prescription, non-prescription drugs and agricultural chemicals were 86.4%. The most frequently used drugs for suicide attempt were sedatives-hypnotics (53.6%), followed by analgesics (16.7%) and antidepressants (12.4%). Analgesics including acetaminophen and aspirin were most in teenagers but sedatives-hypnotics including benzodiazepines, non-benzodiazepine (zolpidem) and antihistamine were most in other ages including elderly people. Most frequently used antidote was activated charcoal (62.7%) and specific antidotes for some substances (acetaminophen, aspirin, agricultural chemicals) were also treated properly, accompanying with medication for supportive care. In conclusion, the most used substances for suicide attempt were sedatives-hypnotics and treatments for self-poisoning in emergency room were appropriate based on existing references. Therefore, information of frequently used substances and antidote reflecting these results will be useful for South Korean healthcare provider.