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Antioxidant Properties of the Lotus Leaf Powder Content of Cheongpomuk (연잎 분말 첨가량에 따른 청포묵의 항산화 특성)

  • Moon, Jong-Hee;Hong, Ki-Woon;Yoo, Seung Seok
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.112-130
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    • 2016
  • In this study the moisture content and chromaticity of fresh made lotus leaf powder added Cheongpomuk to utilize various efficacy of lotus leaf for processed food, as well as chromaticity, moisture content change, texture, total phenolic compound content, DPPH radical scavenging ability and preference of lotus leaf powder added Cheongpomuk with different storage period have been measured and analyzed. From the texture of lotus leaf powder added mung bean as per the storage period, the hardness of fresh Cheongpomuk were 0.38g/cm2 from control group, 0.40g/cm2 from CCD 1% group, 0.42g/cm2 from CCD 3% group, 0.37g/cm2 from CCD 5% group, 0.42g/cm2 from GGD 1% group, 0.39g/cm2 from GGD 3% group, 0.35g/cm2 from GGD 5% group, 0.39g/cm2 from JLD 1% group, 0.33g/cm2 from JLD 3% group, and 0.32g/cm2 from JLD 5% group. It has shown that JLD 5% group was the lowest, while CCD 3% group and GGD 1% group were the highest, and there were significant differences among sample groups. For DPPH radical scavenging ability, that of GLD 5% group was 22 times higher than that of control group. In addition, the tendency was increasing by increasing the adding rate of lotus leaf powder though there was some tolerance among sample groups. For total phenolic compound content, that of control group was 6.65 mg CE/100 g, and others were 7.48 mg CE/100 g from CCD 1% group, 15.82 mg CE/100 g from CCD 3% group, 20.15 mg CE/100 g from CCD 5% group, 15.55mg CE/100 g from GGD 1% group, 23.02 mg CE/100 g from GGD 3%, 26.95 mg CE/100 g from GGD 5% group, 3.92 mg CE/100 g from JLD 1% group, 16.72 mg CE/100 g from JLD 3%, and 26.58 mg CE/100 from JLD 5% group. From the analyzing result of responses for color and scent, taste, elasticity, and total preference of lotus leaf powder added Cheongpomuk between two panel groups, there was significant difference for the color, higher from professional cooking instructor group, but there were no significant difference between two groups for all other factors among professional cooking instructors and cooking department students. According to the results, it is expected that various functional foods can be developed by utilizing lotus leaf powder, depending on the growth condition and cultural environment of each region by adding 3% of lotus leaf powder, would be the most suitable recipe for Cheongpomuk.

Effects of Fire Retardant Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Fire Retardancy of Particleboard and Complyboard (내화처리(耐火處理)가 파아티클보오드와 콤플라이보오드의 기계적성질(機械的性質) 및 내화도(耐火度)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kwon, Jin-Heon;Lee, Phll-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.3-57
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    • 1985
  • This research was conducted to examine the feasibility of developing fire retardant particleboard and complyboard. Particleboard were manufactured using meranti particle(Shorea spp.)made with Pallmann chipper, and complyboard meranti particle and apitong veneer (Dipterocarpus spp.). Particles were passed through 4mm (6 mesh) and retained on 1mm (25 mesh). Urea formaldehyde resin was added 10 percent on ovendry weight of particle. Face veneer for complyboard was 0.9, 1.6 and 2.3mm in thickness and spread with 36 g/(30.48 cm)2 glue on one side. Veneers were soaked with 10 percent solution of five fire retardant chemicals (diammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, monoammonium phosphate, Pyresote and Minalith), and particles with 5, 10, 15 and 20 percent solution of five chemicals. Particleboard and complyboard were evaluated on physical and mechanical properties, and fire retardancy. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. Among five fire retardant chemicals treated to particleboard and complyboard, the retention of ammonium sulfate in 5 percent solution showed the lowest as 1.39 kg/(30.48 cm)3 exceeding the minimum retention of 1.125 kg/(30.48 cm)3 recommended by Forest Products Laboratory and Koch. 2. Particleboard and complyboard treated with diammonium phosphate showed higher modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), internal bond strength and screw holding power than those with the other chemicals. 3. MOR and MOE of complyboard treated with fire retardant chemicals were greater than those of fire retardant particleboard. 4. Thickness swelling of fire retardant complyboard was lower than that of fire retardant particleboard. 5. The moisture content of the boards treated with Pyresote and Minalith increased and with monoammonium phosphate reduced. 6. Fire retardant particleboard showed no ignition, and fire retardant complyboard started ignition, but time required to ignite was prolonged comparing the controlboard. Complyboard with only shell veneer treated showed ignition and lingering flame, but lingering flame time was shorter than controlboard. Complyboard with treated both core and veneer showed ignition but not lingering flame. 7. Flame length, carbonized area and weight loss were smaller than controlboard but had no significant difference among chemicals treated. 8. Temperature of unexposed surface of fire retardant particleboard was lowered with the increasing concentration of five chemicals. 9. Temperature of unexposed surface of fire retardant particleboard was lowered with the highest in Pyresote and the lowest in Minalith. 10. Temperature of unexposed surface of fire retardant complyboard was lower than that of controlboard.

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Effects of Boliing, Steaming, and Chemical Treatment on Solid Wood Bending of Quercus acutissima Carr. and Pinus densiflora S. et. Z. (자비(煮沸), 증자(蒸煮) 및 약제처리(藥劑處理)가 상수리나무와 소나무의 휨가공성(加工性)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • So, Won-Tek
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.19-62
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    • 1985
  • This study was performed to investigate: (i) the bending processing properties of silk worm oak (Quercus acutissima Carr.) and Korean red pine (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) by boiling and steaming treatments; (ii) the effects of interrelated factors - sapwood and heartwood, annual ring placement, softening temperature and time, moisture content. and wood defects on bending processing properties; (iii) the changing rates of bending radii after release from a tension strap, and (iv) the improving methods of bending process by treatment with chemicals. The size of specimens tested was 15×15×350mm for boiling and steaming treatments and 5×10×200mm for treatments with chemicals. The specimens were green for boiling treatments and dried to 15 percent for steaming treatments. The specimens for treatments with chemicals were soaked in saturated urea solution, 35 percent formaldehyde solution, 25 percent polyethylene glycol -400 solution, and 25 percent ammonium hydroxide solution for 5 days and immediately followed the bending process, respectively. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The internal temperature of silk worm oak and Korean red pine by boiling and steaming time was raised slowly to 30C but rapidly from 30C to 8090C and then slowly from 8090C to 100C. 2. The softening time required to the final temperature was directly proportional to the thickness of specimen. The time required from 25C to 100C for 15mm-squared specimen was 9.6-11.2 minutes in silk worm oak and 7.6-8.1 minutes in Korean red pine. 3. The moisture content (M.C.) of specimen by steaming time was increased rapidly first 4 minutes in the both species, and moderately from 4 to 20 minutes and then slowly and constantly in silk worm oak, and moderately from 4 to 15 minutes and then slowly and constantly in Korean red pine. The M.C. of 15mm-squared specimen in 50 minutes of steaming was increased to 18.0 percent in the oak and 22.4 percent in the pine from the initial conditioned M.C. of 15 percent The rate of moisture adsorption measured was therefore faster in the pine than in the oak. 4. The mechanical properties of the both species were decreased significantly with the increase of boiling rime. The decrement by the boiling treatment for 60 minutes was measured to 36.6-45.0 percent in compressive strength, 12.5-17.5 percent in tensile strength, 31.6-40.9 percent in modulus of rupture, and 23.3-34.6 percent in modulus of elasticity. 5. The minimum bending radius (M.B.R.) of sapwood and heartwood was 60-80 mm and 90 mm in silk worm oak, and 260 - 300 mm and 280 - 300 mm in Korean red pine, respectively. Therefore, the both species showed better bending processing properties in sapwood than in heartwood. 6. The M.B.R. of edge-grained and flat-grained specimen in suk worm oak was 60-80 mm, but the M.B.R. in Korean red pine was 240-280 mm and 260-360 mm, respectively. Comparing the M.B.R. of edge-grained with flat-grained specimen, in the pine the edge-grained showed better bending processing property than the flat-grained. 7. The bending processing properties of the both species were improved by the rising of softening temperature from 40C to 100C. The minimum softening temperature for bending was 90C in silk worm oak and 80C in Korean red pine, and the dependency of softening temperature for bending was therefore higher in the oak than in the pine. 8. The bending processing properties of the both species were improved by the increase of softening time as well as temperature, but even after the internal temperature of specimen reaching to the final temperature, somewhat prolonged softening was required to obtain the best plastic conditions. The minimum softening time for bending of 15 mm-squared silk worm oak and Korean red pine specimen was 15 and 10 minutes in the boiling treatment, and 30 and 20 minutes in the steaming treatment, respectively. 9. The optimum M.C. for bending of silk worm oak was 20 percent, and the M.C. above fiber saturation point rather degraded the bending processing property, whereas the optimum M.C. of Korean red pine needed to be above 30 percent. 10. The bending works in the optimum conditions obtained as seen in Table 24 showed that the M.B.R. of silk worm oak and Korean red pine was 80 mm and 240 mm in the boiling treatment, and 50 mm and 280 mm in the steaming treatment, respectively. Therefore, the bending processing property of the oak was better in the steaming than in the boiling treatment, but that of the pine better in the boiling than in the steaming treatment. 11. In the bending without a tension strap, the radio r/t of the minimum bending radius t to the thickness t of silk worm oak and Korean red pine specimen amounted to 16.0 and 21.3 in the boiling treatment, and 17.3 and 24.0 in the steaming treatment, respectively. But in the bending with a tension strap, the r/t of the oak and the pine specimen decreased to 5.3 and 16.0 in t he boiling treatment, and 3.3 and 18.7 in the steaming treatment, respectively. Therefore, the bending processing properties of the both species were significantly improved by the strap. 12. The effect of pin knot on the degradation of bending processing property was very severe in silk worm oak by side, e.g. 90 percent of the oak specimens with pin knot on the concave side were ruptured when bent to a 100 mm radius but only 10 percent of the other specimens with pin knot on the convex side were ruptured. 13. The changing rate in the bending radius of specimen bent to a 300 mm radius after 30 days of exposure to room temperature conditions was measured to 4.0-10.3 percent in the boiling treatment and 13,0-15.0 percent in the steaming treatment. Therefore, the degree of spring back after release was higher in the steaming than in the boiling treatment. And the changing rate of moisture-proofing treated specimen by expoxy resin coating was only -1.0.0 percent. 14. Formaldehyde, 35 percent solution, and 25 percent polyethylene glycol-400 solution found no effect on the plasticization of the both species, but saturated urea solution and 25 percent ammonium hydroxide solution found significant effect in comparison to non-treated specimen. But the effect of the treatment with chemicals alone was inferior to that of the steaming treatment, and the steaming treatment after the treatment with chemicals improved 10-24 percent over the bending processing property of steam-bent specimen. 15. Three plasticity coefficients - load-strain coefficient, strain coefficient, and energy coefficient - were evaluated to be appropriate for the index of bending processing property because the coefficients had highly significant correlation with the bending radius. The fitness of the coefficients as the index was good at load-strain coefficient, energy coefficient, and strain coefficient, in order.

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