• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ei Village

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The Value-Added Information Services Using Internet Resources (인터넷정보자원을 활용한 부가가치정보서비스)

  • Kim, Suk-Young
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 1998
  • Internet is having the most significant impact on library and information services. This article describes introduction of Internet and the value-added information services using Internet resources. As a current awareness service using E-mail, Zephyr of the University of Washington, BM-SwetScan of the Boehringer Mannheim GmbH, and JContent of the KAIST are introduced. As a web-based integrated system, HarperSource, Ei Village, IPL, and ETLARS are introduced. Locating, filtering, evaluating, and organizing Internet information resources remains a main challenge.

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Population density of potato virus vectors In the Kwanghwal Area, Kimje-gun, Cholla-Pukto, on the western coast (씨감자 생산을 위한 매개 진딧물 조사 - 전북 김제군 광활면의 진딧물 분포상 -)

  • Paik Woon Hah
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.7
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 1969
  • Present system of seed potato production in Korea has several weak points and consequently has difficulties in covering annual shortage of 60,000 tons of seed potatoes. The author has an opinion that this so called 'High land system' of seed potato production adopted by the Government should be replaced by the 'Coastal area system' which is proposed by the author and has many advantages over present 'High land system'(2). In coastal areas where enormous acreage of rice paddies are spread, mostly around the villages. the primary host plants of the vectors are found. Therefore, the only source of aphid vectors are limited to the villages. The farmer's houses scattered more sparsely also have minor importance. In the previous paper(2), the author reported that the aphid vector populations were lower in the coastalareas than at Taegwanryong where the Alpine Experiment Station for the production. of seed potatoes is located. However, the number to vectors at Okku showed rather high density, where the trap was placed at the distance of 200 m from a village where peach and Hibiscus trees, the primary hosts of Myzus pesrsicae and Aphis gossypii were grown. To clarify the flight distance from the source of the aphid vectors, a trial was carried out in the Kwanghwal area, Kimje-gun, Cholla-pukto. on the western coast. 13 traps were placed at four directions and the distances between the traps were 250 m. (Fig. I) The traps 'Were operated from June 21 to October 31. The results are shown in Table 1. A total of some 70 species of aphids were found, including 5 speceis of potato virus vectors. The vectors are as follows: I. Myzus persicae (Sulzer) 2. Aphis gossypii Glover 3. Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) 4. Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) 5. Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Gillette) Out of a total of 12,797 aphids, 5,187$(48\%)$ vectors were found. The trap catches at the 13 locations are shown in Fig. 2 and the numbers of the vectors at each location for each vector, except Macro-siphoniella sanborni. of which only a single individual was caught, are shown in Fig. 3-6. Number of vectors at C (3,279) (Centre of the village) is considerably higher than that at Suwon (763); however, EI. SI. WI and NI. where the distanecs from Care 250 m, showed lower numbers of vectors than that at Taegwanryong (347). The number of vectors at NI was rather than at the other 3 locations at the distance of 250m from the village. This was because C was in the southern part of the village. Consequently NI was much closer to the village than the other 3 locations of the same distance from C. Numbers of catches of the most important vector. Myzus persicae, are shown in Fig.3. The distribution pattern is typical except $S-2\;and\;W_3$, where several farmer's houses were found. If only the rice paddies were found in these locations. the numbers of the vectors would be small as the distances increase. Numbers of catches of the other 3 vectors are shown in Fig. 4-6. From these results. the author has drawn the following conclusions: 1. The aphid vector sources at the rice paddy belt in the western coast are the villages. 2. The vector densities at the locations where the distances are 250 m from the centre of the village are lower than that at Taegwanryong. 3. The vector densities become gradually lower as the distances from the centre of village increase. However. depending on the host plant situation at each location, the vector densities are variable. These minor sources of aphid vectors may be eliminated so that seed potatoes can be grown. 4. Thus. under the direction of specialists, fields suitable for seed potato production can be found in the coastal areas.

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