• Title/Summary/Keyword: Economic and non-economic

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The Selection Effect of Native Gold and Magnetite by Microwave-nitric Acid Leaching and Magnetic/hydro Separation (마이크로웨이브-질산용출과자력/수력선별에의한자연금및자철석의선별효과)

  • Lee, Jong-Ju;Park, Cheon-Young
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.183-196
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to recover native gold from the concentrate using microwave-nitric acid leaching and magnetic/hydro separation experiments. The insoluble-residue was filtered from leaching solution through microwave-nitric acid leaching experiment. As a result of the atomic absorption spectrometer(AAS) analysis of the filtered leaching solution, it was discovered that Au content was not eluted at all and it was observed from the back scattered electron(BSE) image that native gold was liberated in the insoluble-residue. When magnetic/hydro separation experiments were applied for the insoluble-residue, magnetic and non magnetic minerals were separtated from insoluble-residue. Magnetite was recovered from the magnetic minerals and as a result of applying the hydro separation experiment again for the non-magnetic mineral, native gold was recovered. The native gold was identified through the X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis and BSE image.

Survival and Aid: A Study on Taiwan's Foreign Aid Policy (생존과 원조: 대만 해외원조 정책 연구)

  • 김석우
    • 21st centry Political Science Review
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.189-209
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    • 2018
  • This study is about Taiwanese Official Development Assistance. This study explains the history, the institution, the policies and several major determinants which affect distribution of Taiwanese ODA. Taiwanese ODA shows several features. State survival, recognition from the international society and competition with China have been main goals of Taiwanese ODA. In addition, the Taiwanese government has tried to promote economic interests in both trade and investment by giving ODAs and by linking them with foreign economic policies. Taiwanese ODA policy has gradually changed from political conerns to more acceptance of international ODA norms and institutions. Especially in the period of MDGs and SDGs, the Taiwanese government has tried to comply with existing and newly developing international ODA norms. This study shows on 'exceptional' case of non OECD-DAC member country's ODA policies. In the future, more studies which compare similarities and differences of OECD DAC members' and non-members' ODA policies will be needed. Based upon more studies, we may find general goals and policies pursued by donor countries.

A Study on the Non-everydayness of Interior Object - Focused on Nigel Coates' Early Commercial Interior Design - (실내디자인에서 Object의 비일상성 연구 - Nigel Coates의 초기 상업공간작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Suh, Jeong-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2012
  • Contemporary society maintains mass-product system that keeps endless cycle of making and consuming. In this vein, everyday life becomes to be under the control of function and efficiency. On the contrary, the people are getting to have a desire of escaping from this everydayness, that is, the desire for non-everydayness. British architect, Nigel Coates understood the potentiality of contemporary metropolis which produce new experiences through their heterogeneities. During 1980s, Japanese economic bubble provided rich nourishment to the desire for non-everydayness based on consumers' tastes. Nigel Coates snatched this phenomena and designed commercial spaces aligned to the non-everydayness. He shows very eloquent version of escaping sense. We can find the exquisite quality of non-everydayness through design vocabulary of object's form and arrangement. In the viewpoint of object form, Coates adopted classical statues of Greek, that is antique, and modern gadgets such as airplane wings and seats. Also, we can find abundant gestures of curvilineal contours throughout the objects he designed. As for the objects' arrangement, he introduced repetition and curved composition that can stimulate human interaction with interior scape.

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Line X Tester Analysis for Economic Characters in the Bivoltine Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.

  • Naseema Begum;A.S.K. Bhargava;M.M. Ahsan;R.K. Datta
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.205-209
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    • 1997
  • In a line X tester crossing programme (24 lines 2 testers) the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were analyzed for five economic characters in the bivoltine silkworm, Bombyx mori L. The results showed desired GCA effects in 934D1 (9500), 934B (9789) and 934A1 (9855) for cocoon yield per 10,000 larvae brushed by number. Likewise, the lines found to be superior based on GCA effects for other characters were as follows; 931D (14.040 Kgs), 935E (17.023 Kga.), 934D1 (15.643 Kgs.) and 934B (15.687 Kgs.) for cocoon yield by weight: 931D (1.717 g) and 930E (1.796 g) for single cocoon weight; 932B (0.330 g) for single shell weight: 931D (1.717 g) and 930e (1.796 g) for single cocoon weight; 932B (0.330 g) for single shell weight; 932B (18.7%), 933A (18.86%) and 935A (19.89%) for shell ratio. SCA effects showed the superiority of 932D$\times$KA (9822 cocoon yield per 10,000 larvae brushed by number); 932A$\times$NB4D2 (16.933 Kgs. cocoon yield per 10,000 larvae brushed by weight); 931C$\times$KA (1.911 g single cocoon weight); 934$\times$NB4D2 (0.371 g single shell weight and 21.0% shell ratio). The analysis indicated non-additive gene action for all the five characters.

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An Exploratory Two-dimensional Approach to Port Selection Behavior (항만선택행위에 대한 탐색적 이차원적 접근)

  • Park, Byung In
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.37-58
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    • 2017
  • The implicit assumption of port selection studies based on survey and respondents' perceptions is that the preference of the port selection attributes is proportional to the selection behavior. Further, the straight lines of the port selection attributes could also have non-linear properties. This study confirms nonlinear characteristics of selection attributes by using Kano model. The findings of this study showed that several properties of carriers were evaluated as nonlinear characteristics, such as the intermodal links and network accessibility, and size of port and terminal. Hence, port service providers such as port authorities and terminal operating companiesl, should construct a port operation strategy that reflects the non-linear port selection characteristics of shipping companies. Since this study aimed at exploring the forms of port selection characteristics, long-term additional verification studies on ports and stakeholders at domestics and abroad were needed. The Kano model and importance-selection analysis method used for analysis and strategy establishment also need to be improved to capture evident characteristics and to present strategic guidelines.

Factors Influencing the national health screening program in Seniors over 65 years old: Using the eight Korea national health and nutrition examination survey(KNHANES VIII 2019~2021) (65세 이상 노인의 국가건강검진 수검 여부에 미치는 요인: 제8기 국민건강영양조사(2019~2021년) 자료를 이용하여)

  • Kim Seok Hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study attempted to examine the factors that affect the national health checkup rate of the elderly, analyze the impact of these factors, and discuss countermeasures to problems that may arise based on this. Methods: This study used the '8th National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019-2021)', a nationwide survey, as the main data. The subjects of the study are seniors aged 65 years or older, the dependent variable is whether or not they underwent a national health checkup, and the independent variables are gender, marital status, residence, education level, income level, economic activity, type of medical coverage, private insurance subscription, subjective health, High blood pressure, diabetes, depression, stress, and weight change were selected. The statistical analysis package for data analysis is SPSS ver. 27.0 was used, and a p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Of the 2,806 seniors aged 65 years or older, 2,074 (73.9%) took the national health screening over the past two years. In terms of marital status, married was 1.451 times higher than single (p<0.001), and in terms of residence, myeon was 1.240 times higher than dong (p<0.01). In terms of education level, college graduates were 2.053 times higher than elementary school graduates (p<0.001), and in terms of economic activity, the employed were 1.325 times higher than the unemployed (p<0.01). Private insurance was 1.883 times higher than non-subscription (p<0.001), weight change was 1.234 times higher for change than no change (p<0.05), and current smoking rate was 2.003 times higher for non-smokers than for former smokers. It was high (p<0.001). Conclusion: In conclusion, if differentiated promotion and health education are strengthened for the elderly who cannot participate in the national health screening, the participation rate of the elderly in the national health screening is expected to increase.

The Problem of Fisheries Economics Arising from the Liberalization of korean Economy (개방화시대의 수산경제학의 과제)

  • 이승래
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.65-86
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, fishery economics is reviewed to extend a basic opportunity for developing new fishery economics and to evaluate the effects of the import liberalization on the fish trade structure of Korea. The principle outline of extensions emphasis to realize the modern fishery problems based on fishery economics and develop the practical methodology in order to analyze the impacts of the import liberalization on the fishery and fishermen welfare. During the process of export - oriented industrilization, the role and position of fishery in the economy is changed dynamically. When faced with the imperative of the role and position of fishery in the economy, fishery economists and domestic policy makers must decide how to organize themselves for solving fishery problems under the new regime in the import liberalization on the fish trade. Fishery problems impacted by the new regime can not be solved by fishery itself but be solved by the centralized efforts of all contributors in national views. Therefore the new systematic analytical methodology must be develop and the traditional fishery economics must be related to the regional development strategy and fishery sociology as subsidiary theories specialized. Due to the impacts of the import liberalization on the fish trade structure, fishery economists face with radical changes in the domestic fishery : a place of the resources harvest to place of the combination resource harvest and its demand, a fishing as a resource exploitation to a fishing as a resource management, a traditional small scale costal fishing to a modernized and scaled fishing, fishery using the given natural resource itself to fishery as technology intensive industry, and a food supply industry to a welfare indusry based on the regional and economic resource and social environment. As these changes, fishery and its community's regional and economic resource and social environments as multiple roles of the regional economic development are emphasized in fishery economics under the new regime in the import liberalization on the fish trade. Furthermore, domestic policy makers and administrators in a public sector must realize the above radical changing trends in fishery and understand a social and economic environment in fishery and develop a new fishery structure focusing on the fishing system and the fishery laws. As this point, they make efforts to improve and develop fishery as a food supply industry. Japan, for example, has a non - governmental organization to conflict the problem of international fishery such as a movement of a civil environmental protection. Also fishermen in Japan already realized conservation and pollution problems in fishing as fundamental issues of human being.

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Business Model of Renewable Energy Resource Map (신재생에너지 자원지도의 비즈니스 모델 개발)

  • Park, Nyun-Bae;Park, Sang Yong;Choi, Dong Gu;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kang, Yong-Heack
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2016
  • Geographic information system (GIS) based renewable energy resource map including potential analysis can play a crucial role not only to develop the national plan for renewable energy deployment but also to make strategic investment decision in the private sector. Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) has been developing domestic maps about several resources such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal, as well as conducting research on methodologies for potential analysis. Furthermore, the institute is trying to transfer related technologies and know-how to foreign countries, recently. In this context, the main purpose of this study is to introduce the business model of renewable energy resource map. From the value chain analysis, we focus on the government-side market in foreign countries, such as the development of the national level renewable energy resource map and the support of the national renewable energy plan. For about 180 countries, we segment the customers according to the consideration of economic capacity, renewable energy resource capacity, existence of renewable resource map, current portion of renewable energy facility capacity, and renewable energy policies, and we conclude that the target customers are non-Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (non-OECD) countries or some OECD countries, their per capita GDP are under the average among OECD countries, that do not have renewable resource map yet. We segment the target customers into four groups, and suggest different strategies for market positioning and financing strategy based on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis. This study can help to develop the business strategy about the development of renewable energy resource map in foreign countries.

A Study on the Effect of Social Value of Traditional Market on Satisfaction, Loyalty and Local Attachment (전통시장의 사회적 가치 요인이 만족도, 충성도 및 지역애착에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Choong-Hwan;Jeong, Seok-Oh;Jung, Yeon-Sung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - The year 2016 marks 20 years since the opening of Korean distribution market in 1996. After this opening, the domestic market expanded and modernized, and has grown to become an advanced distribution market with a greater range of consumer choices. On the other hand, traditional markets have waned and their management has become worse. However, traditional markets do not have economic value alone. This study examines the effects of social value in traditional market such as the value of Cultural Tourism and the value of Sharing Community with Traditional Market on Satisfaction, Loyalty and Place Attachment of the residents. Research design, data and methodology - A questionnaire was organized for this study after a hypothesis was set based on theoretical background. Verification of the hypothesis was undertaken by statistically analyzing questionnaire responses. Personal interviews were performed for this study, and a total of 300 responses were collected, of which 228 responses (76%) were from women. The survey coverage was divided into 10 regions ranging from metropolitan areas to the provincial level, and the age groups were divided into 30s to 60s to ensure diversity of the area and age. Results - To summarize the study results, through verification of the hypothesis in terms of meaningful influence, it appears the values of Cultural Tourism to Satisfaction and Loyalty are supported. On the other hand, the value of Sharing Community is only supported for Satisfaction. It appears that Satisfaction to Loyalty and Loyalty to Place Attachment are meaningful effects. The mediator effect was also reconciled through satisfaction and loyalty. Loyalty was analyzed in terms of mediating the effect of satisfaction on place attachment. Conclusions - It is noted in this study that government support is required to preserve traditional markets and renewal program. Community requires multilateral communication and the formation of effective relationships. In contrast to the economic value emphasized by large retailers, the empirical analysis of the non-economic effects of traditional markets has presented the significance of socio-cultural values in traditional markets. In the future, socio-cultural values and economic values should be integrated into more empirical studies through mutual comparison. Investigating the increase and decrease of social value in traditional markets will help the future formulation in government policy.

A Study on Improved Method of Self-Employment Adequacy Analysis in Korea (한국의 자영업 적정규모 분석방법 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Geunha;Kim, Sungho;Suh, Changsoo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - Why, why is it difficult to predict the appropriateness of self-employment, and what are the countermeasures and policy proposals to overcome. This study intends to further develop the field of statistical variables. It is necessary to overcome the limitation of existing proper scale research in Korea. We need to find statistical variables that can determine the appropriateness of self-employment in Korea. These efforts will be helpful in evaluating OECD countries and statistics and developing domestic economic indicators. Research design, data, and methodology - It is the discovery of statistical indicators and complementary indicators that have not been revealed in previous studies. Therefore, we sought to find new statistical parameters based on the statistics of the Korea National Statistical Office, the Bank of Korea, and overseas OECD statistics. (Proper Size of Adequacy) is defined as the specific gravity or number of the self-employed in Korea, which is shown as "Out Put" by statistical analysis of STATA panel statistical data. It is possible to further develop variables such as gross domestic product, gross national product, economic growth rate, unemployment rate, income tax rate, consumer price, tax level, exports, import amount, bill default I want to dig. Results - In addition to expanding economic indicators that can be explained by self-employment determinants, we have developed a variety of methods such as linear and non-linear (U-shaped, inverted U-shaped). It is the improvement of the self-employment determinants and the analysis method to estimate the appropriate scale. Conclusions - The proposed contents are reflected in self - employment appropriateness evaluation data and hope to help the government to select the policy support and to evaluate the government business after the policy support. These efforts are expected to be of great help to operators operating their own businesses, and to government and related institutional practitioners who support them. In this way, self-employment will be created in accordance with the Korean situation, where the happy life of all the people becomes the premise and the inclusive economic activities are guaranteed. It will improve the method of analyzing proper scale of small business owners and self-employed in Korea.