• 제목/요약/키워드: Economic Sanctions against Russia

검색결과 4건 처리시간 0.017초

대러 에너지 제재의 효과성에 대한 연구 -석유가스 부문을 중심으로 (A Study on the Effectiveness of Sanctions against Russian Energy Sector-Focusing on the Oil and Gas Sector)

  • 권원순;고주영
    • 무역학회지
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.165-191
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    • 2023
  • 미국과 EU는 우크라이나 사태에 대응하여 러시아의 에너지 부문을 대상으로 제재하고 있다. 특히 대러 경제제재는 러시아의 석유가스 부문에 대한 에너지 제재의 성격을 가지고 있다. 미국과 EU는 모두 제재 부과국이지만, 미국은 천연가스 순수출국인 반면, 대부분의 EU 회원국들은 러시아에 대한 의존도가 높다는 근본적인 차이점이 존재한다. 따라서 미국과 EU의 대러 에너지 제재는 미국을 포함한 기타 석유가스 수출국들이 EU 에너지 시장에서 러시아를 대체할 공급을 확보할 수 있는 경우에 그 효과성이 보장될 수 있다. 즉, 주요 석유가스 수출국들의 러시아 대체 가능성은 대러 에너지 제재의 효과성을 좌우하는 중요한 결정 요인이다. 본 연구는 석유가스 수출국들의 러시아 대체 가능성 평가를 통해 대러 에너지 제재의 효과성을 살펴본다. 본 연구의 분석 결과, 대부분의 석유가스 수출국들의 추가 생산 역량과 인프라 부족 문제로 인해 단기에 러시아를 대체하는 석유가스의 확보는 어려울 것으로 평가되며, 이에따라 미국과 EU의 대러 에너지 제재는 그 효과성이 불분명한 것으로 판단된다. 우크라이나 사태의 해결을 위해서는 직접적인 제재보다 외교 등 다른 수단이 활용되어야 할 것이다.

공서양속에 반하는 중재판결: 경제제재에 대한 분석을 중심으로 (Arbitration awards against public policy; in regards to economic sanctions)

  • 한수민;김진비;이재혁
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.27-50
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines issues concerning conflicts between arbitral awards and public interests, particularly with respect to economic sanctions. Sanctions have been widely used by political entities, such as States and organizations, as means to promote public interests and to resolve cross-border disputes. In particular, economic sanctions have been increasingly more visible in recent years due to the accelerating fragmentation of the international communities, and their magnitude and range of the impacts have grown accordingly. For example, the U.S. and the EU have imposed economic sanctions on Russia and related persons in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The U.S. recently re-introduced a comprehensive economic sanction on Iran. One of the notable impacts of the sanctions, particularly economic sanctions, is that on international arbitration. Sanctions are essentially built on the notion of the protection of public interests, and public interests are some of the few grounds upon which recognition and enforceability or arbitral awards may be rejected. However, jurisprudence on such conflict between sanctions and arbitral awards have not been sufficiently addressed in Korea because court case and administrative decision records on this conflict have not been sufficiently accumulated. In this regard, this paper begins with offering a survey of the concept of public interests, economic and trade sanctions, arbitral awards and their enforceability, and the relationships between them. It then examines the mechanism upon which public interests, trade and economic sanctions may lead certain arbitral awards unenforceable. Next, the paper suggests judiciaries' balanced approach toward the public interests protected by trade and economic sanctions and the predictability and fairness in the enforcement of arbitral awards. Finally, this paper concludes with the methods of the implementation of such balanced approach.

Новая нормальность в АТР: Пекин между Москвой и Вашингтоном (New Normality in the Asia-Pacific Region: Beijing between Moscow and Washington)

  • Луконин Сергей Александрович;Чже Сун Хун
    • 분석과 대안
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.229-258
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    • 2023
  • Для основных ведущих стран Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона США, Китая и России сложилась ситуация "новой нормальности". Причем для каждой из указанных стран эта "новая нормальность" имеет свои собственные особенности, характеристики и значение. Для США – это обострение военного противостояния с Китаем в Тайваньском проливе. Для Китая – обострение соперничества с Соединенными Штатами до нового уровня и, одновременно, замедление темпов экономического развития с очень высокой вероятностью их дальнейшего снижения. "Новая нормальность" для России – это почти полное свертывание отношений с США, ЕС и их партнёрами и союзниками на фоне специальной военной операции и введенных санкций. Эти нюансы, в дополнение к результатам 20-го съезда КПК, во многом и будут определять основные тенденции в китайско-американских и китайско-российских отношениях. С высокой вероятностью отношения Китая и России не претерпят серьезных изменений на фоне украинского кризиса. Пекин будет стараться сохранять позицию "доброжелательного нейтралитета" по отношению к Москве. В то же время баланс между "доброй волей" и "нейтралитетом" может варьироваться в зависимости от масштабов китайско-российского сотрудничества. Например, в экономической сфере китайские компании будут лимитировать сотрудничество с российскими партнерами, опасаясь западных вторичных санкций. Однако, в целом, Россия сохранит свое значение для Китая как сильнейший антиамериканский полюс. В отношениях с США Китай продолжит твердо отстаивать свои интересы, в то же время, не исключая нормализации отношений с Вашингтоном в определенных областях сотрудничества: стратегическая стабильность, нетрадиционные угрозы, экология и т.д. В целом решения 20-го съезда КПК не позволяют говорить ни за, ни против идеи о готовности Китая возобновить диалог с США в период после конгресса. Китайско-американские отношения, как отмечалось выше, имеют свою собственную логику и, вероятно, продолжат развиваться в ее рамках. Впрочем, как и китайско-российские отношения. В рамках этой логики Пекин, похоже, продолжает балансировать между двумя векторами своей внешней политики. С одной стороны – это развитие двустороннего сотрудничества с Россией с целью укрепления собственных переговорных позиций в противостоянии с Вашингтоном: военное сотрудничество с акцентом на совместные учения, политическое сотрудничество, основанное на антиамериканизме, экономическое сотрудничество с оглядкой на риски вторичных санкций. С другой стороны, для Китая неприемлемо, во-первых, нарушение территориальной целостности Украины, во-вторых, прямое военное столкновение с США и, в-третьих, дальнейшее обострение отношений с Вашингтоном по фактору китайской дружбы с Россией.

환동해 어업의 지형 변화: 중국어선의 동해 진출이 어업생산과 고용 및 생존 위협에 미치는 영향 (The Terrain Transformation of the Fishing Industry in East Sea Rim: Impact of Entering Chinese Fishing Fleets into East Sea on the Fishery Production, Employment and Life Threat)

  • 최영진
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to face common threats from the depletion of fish resources, the decline of production and employment as well as the increase of life risk in East Sea Rim countries, North Korea, South Korea, Japan and Russia due to the Chinese fishing fleets entering East Sea. The recent competition in fishing among fishing vessels and fleets of national origin operating in the East Sea has induced a significant change in the ecological landscape of the fishing fleets cluster while having influenced production and employment in the fishing industries of South Korea and Japan as well as life threat on the fishermen in North Korea. It seems that the population organizational ecological theory can be applied to this change. It can be seen as the isomorphism of the selection process over the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) to avoid the environment in which these North Korean fishing vessels are pushed against the Chinese fleet in the North Korean part of the East Sea. To resolve the fishery disputes or conflict in the common waters in East Sea, first of all, Chinese fishing fleets will be required to put international pressure so as to solve the unfairness of the illegal fishing and overfishing by the International Fishery Organization or the UN violations of the sanctions against North Korea selling fishing rights to China. Although it is not easy for South Korea to cooperate with North Korea in the short term, South Korea will be able to support the fishery infrastructure in North Korea in the mid- to the long-term to prevent the loss of innocent lives for their fishermen and to raise their incomes.