• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth system model

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Proposed Survey Steps for Investigation of Land-Creeping Susceptibility Areas: A Focus on Geophysical Mapping of the Yongheung-dong, Pohang, Korea

  • Kim, Jeong-In;Lee, Sun-Joong;Kim, Kwan-Soo;Lee, Jae-Eun;Sa, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.269-281
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    • 2021
  • Land creeping is the imperceptibly slow, steady, downward movement o f slope-forming soil or rock. Because creep-related failures occur frequently on a large scale without notice, they can be hazardous to both property and human life. Korea Forest Service has operated the prevention and response system from land creeping which has been on the rise since 2018. We categorized and proposed three survey steps (e.g., preliminary, regional, detailed) for investigation of creeping susceptibility site with a focus on geophysical mapping of a selected test site, Yongheung-dong, Pohang, Korea. The combination of geophysical (dipole-dipole electrical resistivity tomography and reciprocal seismic refraction technique, well-logging), geotechnical studies (standard penetrating test, laboratory tests), field mapping (tension cracks, uplift, fault), and comprehensive interpretation of their results provided the reliable information of the subsurface structures including the failure surface. To further investigate the subsurface structure including the sliding zone, we performed high-resolution geophysical mapping in addition to the regional survey. High-resolution seismic velocity structures are employed for stability analysis because they provided more simplified layers of weathering rock, soft rock, and hard rock. Curved slip plane of the land creeping is effectively delineated with a shape of downslope sliding and upward pushing at the apex of high resistive bedrock in high-resolution electrical resistivity model with clay-mineral contents taken into account. Proposed survey steps and comprehensive interpretation schemes of the results from geological, geophysical, and geotechnical data should be effective for data sets collected in a similar environment to land-creeping susceptibility area.


  • 김영신;안웅영;김천휘
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 1999
  • We have developed an attitude sensing S/W system, one of modules of Mission Analysis System(MAS), which simulates attitude sensing data as almost the same as the real sensor of a satellite in orbit. When attitude elements($alpha,delta$) of a satellite and positions of Earth, Moon, and Sun are given, the S/W system calculates look angles and dihedral angles of each celestial bodies relative to the rotations axis of the satellite. It consists of two sub-modules : One is ephemeris service module which consider the perturbations of four planets(Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) for positions of Sun and Moon and 4 $\times$4 earth gravitational potential terms for a satellite's position. The other is attitude simulation module which generates attitude sensing data. Varying the rotational axis of a satellite and it's orbital elements, we simulated the generating attitude sensing data with this S/W system and discussed their results.

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Analysis of the Impact of Satellite Remote Sensing Information on the Prediction Performance of Ungauged Basin Stream Flow Using Data-driven Models (인공위성 원격 탐사 정보가 자료 기반 모형의 미계측 유역 하천유출 예측성능에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Seo, Jiyu;Jung, Haeun;Won, Jeongeun;Choi, Sijung;Kim, Sangdan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.147-159
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    • 2024
  • Lack of streamflow observations makes model calibration difficult and limits model performance improvement. Satellite-based remote sensing products offer a new alternative as they can be actively utilized to obtain hydrological data. Recently, several studies have shown that artificial intelligence-based solutions are more appropriate than traditional conceptual and physical models. In this study, a data-driven approach combining various recurrent neural networks and decision tree-based algorithms is proposed, and the utilization of satellite remote sensing information for AI training is investigated. The satellite imagery used in this study is from MODIS and SMAP. The proposed approach is validated using publicly available data from 25 watersheds. Inspired by the traditional regionalization approach, a strategy is adopted to learn one data-driven model by integrating data from all basins, and the potential of the proposed approach is evaluated by using a leave-one-out cross-validation regionalization setting to predict streamflow from different basins with one model. The GRU + Light GBM model was found to be a suitable model combination for target basins and showed good streamflow prediction performance in ungauged basins (The average model efficiency coefficient for predicting daily streamflow in 25 ungauged basins is 0.7187) except for the period when streamflow is very small. The influence of satellite remote sensing information was found to be up to 10%, with the additional application of satellite information having a greater impact on streamflow prediction during low or dry seasons than during wet or normal seasons.

Assesment of pCO2 in the Yellow and East China Sea Using an Earth System Model (지구시스템모형을 이용한 황동중국해 이산화탄소분압 분포 특성 평가)

  • Park, Young-Gyu;Choi, Sang-Hwa;Kim, Cheol-Ho
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.447-455
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    • 2011
  • Using results from an earth system model, the distribution of partial pressure of $CO_2$ ($pCO_2$) in surface seawater over the East China Sea is investigated. In this area $pCO_2$ shows minimum along the edge of the continental break along the path of the Taiwan-Tsushima Current System. Apparently modelled chlorophyll is also great along the current but the maximum of the chlorophyll and the minimum of $pCO_2$ do not coincide suggesting that the primary production is not the main cause of the $pCO_2$ minimum. As we move toward the Yellow Sea from the Kuroshio area the temperature decreases so that the $pCO_2$ becomes smaller. If we move further toward the Yellow Sea beyond the Taiwan-Tsushima Current System, alkalinity starts to drop substantially to intensify $pCO_2$ while overcoming the effect of decreasing temperature and salinity. Thus $pCO_2$ minimum occurs along the Taiwan-Tsushima Current System. Of course, the primary production lower $pCO_2$ during spring when it is high but the effect is local. Near the Yangtze river mouth and northeastern corner of the Yellow Sea the fresh water input is large enough and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) becomes low enough so that $pCO_2$ becomes lower again.

Development of Road traffic Air Diffusion Simulation System using Graphic User Interface (GUI) (그래픽 유저 인터페이스(GUI)를 이용한 도로의 대기확산 예측시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Hwa-Woon;Oh, Eun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.411-419
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    • 2003
  • The assessment of environmental impact on NO$_2$ (or TSP) emitted by vehicles is important for local residents from the point of view of their health and environmental protection. In the course of field investigations, correct concentrations are measured and meteorological data are observed for numerical simulation. To determine background concentration for numerical simulation, annual average concentrations of NO$_2$ (or TSP) are estimated using the Puff-Plume model. If the estimated result affects the environment, it must be considered in the environmental conservation activity. To make the process of a estimation of environmental assessment more easily, this system is developed. Moreover, this system was supplied a Graphic User Interface (GH) for the user who calculated the concentration of air pollution exhausted from the traffic on general roads except special roads such as interchanges and entrances to tunnels. This system can offer not only the numerical result but also a graphic display. Even a beginner who is not a professional programmer can calculate the result easily.

A Reliability Analysis of Slope Stability of Earth-Rockfill Dam (Earth-Rockfill Dam사면파괴에 대한 신뢰도 연구(I))

  • 박현종;이인모
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop a reliability model for slope stability of Earth-rockfill dams which accounts for all uncertainties encountered. The uncertain factors of the design variables include the cohesion, the angle of internal friction, and the porewater Pressure in each zone. More specifically, the model errors in estimating those variables are studied in depth. To reduce the uncertainties due to model errors, updated design variables are obtained using Bayesian Theory. For stability analysis, both the two-dimesional stability analysis and the three-dimensional stability analysis where the end effects and the system reliability concept are considered are used for the reliability calculations. The deterministic safety factor by the three-dimensional analysis is lager than that by the two-dimensional anlysis. However, the probability of failure by the three-dimensional analysis is about 3.5 times larger that by the two-dimensional analysis. It is because the system reliability concept is used in the three-dimensional analysis. The sensitivity analysis shows that the probability of failure is more sensitive to the uncertainty of the cohesion than that of the angle of internal friction.

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Extraction and Analysis of Ganghwa Tidal Flat Channels Using TanDEM-X DEM (TanDEM-X DEM을 이용한 강화도 갯벌 조류로 추출과 분석)

  • Yun, Ga-Ram;Kim, Lyn;Kim, Nam-Yeong;Kim, Na-Gyeong;Jang, Yun-Yeong;Choi, Yeong-Jin;Lee, Seung-Kuk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 2022
  • Recently, research using remote sensing has been active in various fields such as environment, science, and society. The results of research using remote sensing are not only numerical results, but also play an important role in solving and preventing social and scientific problems. The purpose of this thesis is to tell the correlation between the data provided and each data by using remote sensing technology for the tidal flat environment. The purpose of this study is to obtain high-resolution data using artificial satellites during remote sensing to find out information on tidal flat currents. Tidal flats created by erosion, sedimentation, low tide, and high tide contain information about the tidal flat slope and information about the ecosystem. Therefore, it can be considered as one of the very important studies to analyze the overall tidal flow channel. This paper creates a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) through TanDEM-X, and DEM is used as the most basic data to create a tidal channel. The research area is a tidal flat located in the middle of the west coast of Ganghwado tidal flat. By analyzing the tidal channel created, various information such as the slope direction of Ganghwado tidal flat and the shape of the tidal channel can be grasped. It is expected that the results of this study will increase the importance and necessity of using DEM data for tidal flat research in the future, and that high-quality results can be obtained.

Analysis for the impulsive impedance of counterpoise (매설지선의 임펄스임피던스의 해석)

  • Joe, Jeong-Hyeon;Kim, Jong-Ho;Beak, Young-Hwan;Kim, Dong-Seong;Lee, Gang-Su;Kim, Ki-Bok;Lee, Bok-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.88-91
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    • 2009
  • For lightning currents, a grounding system shows the transient grounding impedance characteristics. A grounding system for protection against lightning should be evaluated by the transient grounding impedance, not it's ground resistance. The transient grounding impedance varies with the shape of ground electrode and earth characteristics as well as the waveform of lightning surge current. For the analysis and practical use of transient grounding impedance, the characteristics of transient grounding impedance should be analyzed theoretically and this paper suggests the theoretical analysis for the transient grounding impedance of counterpoise by using the distributed parameter circuit model. EMTP and Matlab are used to simulate the distributed parameter circuit model of counterpoise and the adequacy of the distributed parameter model of counterpoise is examined by comparing the simulated results with the measured results.

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Land Use and Land Cover Mapping from Kompsat-5 X-band Co-polarized Data Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network

  • Jang, Jae-Cheol;Park, Kyung-Ae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2022
  • Land use and land cover (LULC) mapping is an important factor in geospatial analysis. Although highly precise ground-based LULC monitoring is possible, it is time consuming and costly. Conversely, because the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensor is an all-weather sensor with high resolution, it could replace field-based LULC monitoring systems with low cost and less time requirement. Thus, LULC is one of the major areas in SAR applications. We developed a LULC model using only KOMPSAT-5 single co-polarized data and digital elevation model (DEM) data. Twelve HH-polarized images and 18 VV-polarized images were collected, and two HH-polarized images and four VV-polarized images were selected for the model testing. To train the LULC model, we applied the conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) method. We used U-Net combined with the residual unit (ResUNet) model to generate the cGAN method. When analyzing the training history at 1732 epochs, the ResUNet model showed a maximum overall accuracy (OA) of 93.89 and a Kappa coefficient of 0.91. The model exhibited high performance in the test datasets with an OA greater than 90. The model accurately distinguished water body areas and showed lower accuracy in wetlands than in the other LULC types. The effect of the DEM on the accuracy of LULC was analyzed. When assessing the accuracy with respect to the incidence angle, owing to the radar shadow caused by the side-looking system of the SAR sensor, the OA tended to decrease as the incidence angle increased. This study is the first to use only KOMPSAT-5 single co-polarized data and deep learning methods to demonstrate the possibility of high-performance LULC monitoring. This study contributes to Earth surface monitoring and the development of deep learning approaches using the KOMPSAT-5 data.

Impact of boundary layer simulation on predicting radioactive pollutant dispersion: A case study for HANARO research reactor using the WRF-MMIF-CALPUFF modeling system

  • Lim, Kyo-Sun Sunny;Lim, Jong-Myung;Lee, Jiwoo;Shin, Hyeyum Hailey
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.244-252
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    • 2021
  • Wind plays an important role in cases of unexpected radioactive pollutant dispersion, deciding distribution and concentration of the leaked substance. The accurate prediction of wind has been challenging in numerical weather prediction models, especially near the surface because of the complex interaction between turbulent flow and topographic effect. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of atmospheric dispersion of radioactive material (i.e. 137Cs) according to the simulated boundary layer around the HANARO research nuclear reactor in Korea using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Mesoscale Model Interface (MMIF)-California Puff (CALPUFF) model system. We examined the impacts of orographic drag on wind field, stability calculation methods, and planetary boundary layer parameterizations on the dispersion of radioactive material under a radioactive leaking scenario. We found that inclusion of the orographic drag effect in the WRF model improved the wind prediction most significantly over the complex terrain area, leading the model system to estimate the radioactive concentration near the reactor more conservatively. We also emphasized the importance of the stability calculation method and employing the skillful boundary layer parameterization to ensure more accurate low atmospheric conditions, in order to simulate more feasible spatial distribution of the radioactive dispersion in leaking scenarios.