• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth system model

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Forward Mapping of Spaceborne SAR Image Coordinates to Earth Surface

  • Shin, Dong-Seok;Park, Won-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes a mathematical model and its utilization algorithm for calculating the accurate target position on the ellipsoidal earth surface which corresponds to a range-azimuth coordinates of unprocessed synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. A geometrical model which is a set of coordinate transformations is described. The side-looking directional angle (off-nadir angle) is determined in an iterative fashion by using the model and the accurate slant range which is calculated from the range sampling timing of the instrument. The algorithm can be applied not only for the geolocation of SAR images but also for the high quality SAR image generation by calculating accurate Doppler parameters.

A Study of the Influence of Short-Term Air-Sea Interaction on Precipitation over the Korean Peninsula Using Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model (기상-해양 접합모델을 이용한 단기간 대기-해양 상호작용이 한반도 강수에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Han, Yong-Jae;Lee, Ho-Jae;Kim, Jin-Woo;Koo, Ja-Yong;Lee, Youn-Gyoun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.584-598
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the effects of air-sea interactions on precipitation over the Seoul-Gyeonggi region of the Korean Peninsula from 28 to 30 August 2018, were analyzed using a Regional atmosphere-ocean Coupled Model (RCM). In the RCM, a WRF (Weather Research Forecasts) was used as the atmosphere model whereas ROMS (Regional Oceanic Modeling System) was used as the ocean model. In a Regional Single atmosphere Model (RSM), only the WRF model was used. In addition, the sea surface temperature data of ECMWF Reanalysis Interim was used as low boundary data. Compared with the observational data, the RCM considering the effect of air-sea interaction represented that the spatial correlations were 0.6 and 0.84, respectively, for the precipitation and the Yellow Sea surface temperature in the Seoul-Gyeonggi area, which was higher than the RSM. whereas the mean bias error (MBE) was -2.32 and -0.62, respectively, which was lower than the RSM. The air-sea interaction effect, analyzed by equivalent potential temperature, SST, dynamic convergence fields, induced the change of SST in the Yellow Sea. In addition, the changed SST caused the difference in thermal instability and kinematic convergence in the lower atmosphere. The thermal instability and convergence over the Seoul-Gyeonggi region induced upward motion, and consequently, the precipitation in the RCM was similar to the spatial distribution of the observed data compared to the precipitation in the RSM. Although various case studies and climatic analyses are needed to clearly understand the effects of complex air-sea interaction, this study results provide evidence for the importance of the air-sea interaction in predicting precipitation in the Seoul-Gyeonggi region.

The Effects of the IERS Conventions (2010) on High Precision Orbit Propagation

  • Roh, Kyoung-Min;Choi, Byung-Kyu
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2014
  • The Earth is not perfectly spherical and its rotational axis is not fixed in space, and these geophysical and kinematic irregularities work as dominant perturbations in satellite orbit propagation. The International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) provides the Conventions as guidelines for using the Earth's model and the reference time and coordinate systems defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). These guidelines are directly applied to model orbital dynamics of Earth satellites. In the present work, the effects of the latest conventions released in 2010 on orbit propagation are investigated by comparison with cases of applying the previous guidelines, IERS Conventions (2003). All seven major updates are tested, i.e., for the models of the precession/nutation, the geopotential, the ocean tides, the ocean pole tides, the free core nutation, the polar motion, and the solar system ephemeris. The resultant position differences for one week of orbit propagation range from tens of meters for the geopotential model change from EGM96 to EGM2008 to a few mm for the precession/nutation model change from IAU2000 to IAU2006. The along-track differences vary secularly while the cross-track components show periodic variation. However, the radial-track position differences are very small compared with the other components in all cases. These phenomena reflect the variation of the ascending node and the argument of latitude. The reason is that the changed models tested in the current study can be regarded as small fluctuations of the geopotential model from the point of view of orbital dynamics. The ascending node and the argument of latitude are more sensitive to the geopotential than the other elements. This study contributes to understanding of the relation between the Earth's geophysical properties and orbital motion of satellites as well as satellite-based observations.

Experimental Study for Influence of Summertime Heat Sources and Basic States on Rossby Wave Propagation (여름철 열원과 기본장이 로스비 파동전파에 미치는 영향에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Yeol;Ha, Kyung-Ja;Yun, Kyung-Sook
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.505-518
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    • 2010
  • We investigated the impacts of the diabatic heating location, vertical profile and basic state on the Rossby wave propagation. To examine the dynamical process of individual responses on the regional heat source, a dry version of the linear baroclinic model was used with climatological summertime (JJA) mean basic state and vertical structure of the diabatic heating for 1979-2008. Two sets of diabatic heating were constructed of those positioned in the mid-latitudes (Tibetan Plateau, eastern Mediterranean Sea, and the west-central Asia) and the tropics (the southern India, Bay of Bengal, and western Pacific). It was found that using the principal component analysis, atmospheric response to diabatic heating reaches to the steady state in 19th days in time. The prescribed mid-latitude forcing forms equivalent barotropic Rossby wave propagation along the westerly Asia jets, whereas the tropical forcing generates the Rossby wave train extending from the tropics to mid-latitudes. In relation to the maximum vertical profile, the mid-level forcing reveals a stronger response than the lower-level forcing, which may be caused by more effective Rossby wave response by the upper-level divergent flow. Under the different sub-seasonal mean state, both of the tropical and mid-latitude forcing induce the different sub-seasonal response intensity, due to the different basic-state wind.

The Effect of Surface and Vertical Observation Data Assimilation on the Horizontal and Vertical Flow Fields Depending on the Upper Wind Conditions (종관 특성에 따른 지상 및 연직 관측자료 동화가 수평 및 연직 확산장에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Kim, Min-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2010
  • In order to incorporate correctly the large or local scale circulation in an atmospheric model, a nudging term is introduced into the equation of motion. The MM5 model was used to assess the meteorological values differences in each case, during ozone episode days in Gwangyang bay. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of horizontal and vertical flow fields according to the surface and vertical observation data assimilation by upper wind conditions. Therefore, we carried out several numerical experiments with various parameterization methods for nudging coefficient considering the upper wind conditions (synoptic or asynoptic condition). Nudging considering the synoptic and asynoptic nudging coefficient does have a clear advantage over dynamic initialization, therefore appropriate limitation of these nudging coefficient values on its upper wind conditions is necessary before making an assessment. Obviously, under the weak synoptic wind, there was apparent advantage associated with nudging coefficient by the regional difference. The accuracy for the prediction of the meteorological values has been improved by applying the appropriate PBL (Planetary Boundary Layer) limitation of circulation.

High-resolution Simulation of Meteorological Fields over the Coastal Area with Urban Buildings (건물효과를 고려한 연안도시지역 고해상도 기상모델링)

  • Hwang, Mi-Kyoung;Kim, Yoo-Keun;Oh, In-Bo;Kang, Yoon-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.137-150
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    • 2010
  • A meso-urban meteorological model (Urbanized MM5; uMM5) with urban canopy parameterization (UCP) was applied to the high-resolution simulation of meteorological fields in a complex coastal urban area and the assessment of urban impacts. Multi-scale simulations with the uMM5 in the innermost domain (1-km resolution) covering the Busan metropolitan region were performed during a typical sea breeze episode (4~8 August 2006) with detailed fine-resolution inputs (urban morphology, land-use/land-cover sub-grid distribution, and high-quality digital elevation model data sets). An additional simulation using the standard MM5 was also conducted to identify the effects of urban surface properties under urban meteorological conditions. Results showed that the uMM5 reproduced well the urban thermal and dynamic environment and captured well the observed feature of sea breeze. When comparison with simulations of the standard MM5, it was found that the uMM5 better reproduced urban impacts on temperature (especially at nighttime) and urban wind flows: roughness-induced deceleration and UHI (Urban Heat Island)-induced convergence.


  • Kim, Yoo-Keun;Lo, So-Young;Jeong, Ju-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.297-300
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    • 2008
  • High-resolution mesoscale meteorological modeling requires more accurate and higher resolution digital elevation model (DEM) data. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) has created 90 m DEM for entire globe and that is freely available for meteorological modeling and environmental applications. In this research, the effects of the topographic interpolation methods on high-resolution wind field simulation in the coastal regions were quantitatively analyzed using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with SRTM data. Sensitivity experiments with three different interpolation schemes (four-point bilinear, sixteen-point overlapping parabolic and nearest neighbor interpolation methods) were preformed using SRTM. In WRF modeling with sixteen-point overlapping parabolic interpolation, the coastal line and some small islands show more clearly than other cases. The maximum height of inland is around 140 meters higher, while the minimum of sea height is about 80 meter lower. As it concerns the results of each scheme it seems that the sixteen-point overlapping parabolic scheme indicates the well agreement with observed surface wind data. Consequently, topographic changes due to interpolation methods can lead to the significant influence on mesoscale wind field simulation of WRF modeling.

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An analysis on the Earth geoid surface variation effect for use of the tilt sensor in celestial navigation system

  • Suk, Byong-Suk;Yoon, Jae-Cheol;Lyou, Joon
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1867-1870
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    • 2005
  • The celestial navigation is one of alternatives to GPS system and can be used as a backup of GPS. In the celestial navigation system using more than two star trackers, the vehicle's ground position can be solved based on the star trackers' attitude information if the vehicle's local vertical or horizontal angle is given. In order to determine accurate ground position of flight vehicle, the high accurate local vertical angle measurement is one of the most important factors for navigation performance. In this paper, the Earth geophysical deflection was analyzed in the assumption of using the modern electrolyte tilt sensor as a local vertical sensor for celestial navigation system. According to the tilt sensor principle, the sensor measures the tilt angle from gravity direction which depends on the Earth geoid surface at a given position. In order to determine the local vertical angle from tilt sensor measurement, the relationship between the direction of gravity and the direction of the Earth center should be analyzed. Using a precision orbit determination software which includes the JGM-3 Earth geoid model, the direction of the Earth center and the direction of gravity are extracted and analyzed. Appling vector inner product and cross product to the both extracted vectors, the magnitude and phase of deflection angle between the direction of gravity and the direction of the Earth center are achieved successfully. And the result shows that the angle differences vary as a function of latitude and altitude. The maximum 0.094$^{circ}$angle difference occurs at 45$^{circ}$latitude in case of 1000 Km altitude condition.

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Numerical Study on the Impact of the Spatial Resolution of Wind Map in the Korean Peninsula on the Accuracy of Wind Energy Resources Estimation (한반도 풍력 자원 지도의 공간 해상도가 풍력자원 예측 정확도에 미치는 영향에 관한 수치연구)

  • Lee, Soon-Hwan;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Kim, Min-Jung;Kim, Hyun-Goo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.885-897
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    • 2009
  • In order to make sure the impact of spatial resolution of wind energy map on the estimation of wind power density in the Korean Peninsula, the comparison studies on the characteristics of wind energy map with three different spatial resolutions were carried out. Numerical model used in the establishment of wind map is MM5 (5th generation Mesoscale Model) with RBAPS (Regional Data Assimilation and Prediction System) as initial and boundary data. Analyzed Period are four months (March, August, October, and December), which are representative of four seasons. Since high spatial resolution of wind map make the undulation of topography be clear, wind pattern in high resolution wind map is correspond well with topography pattern and maximum value of wind speed is also increase. Indication of island and mountains in wind energy map depends on the its spatial resolution, so wind patterns in Heuksan island and Jiri mountains are clearly different in high and low resolutions. And area averaged power density can be changed by estimation method of wind speed for unit area in the numerical model and by treatment of air density. Therefore the studiable resolution for the topography should be evaluated and set before the estimation of wind resources in the Korean Peninsula.

Estimation of Air Temperature Changes due to Future Urban Growth in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권지역 미래 도시성장에 따른 기온변화 추정)

  • Kim, Yoo-Keun;Kim, Hyun-Su;Jeong, Ju-Hee;Song, Sang-Keun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2010
  • The relationship between air temperatures and the fraction of urban areas (FUA) and their linear regression equation were estimated using land-use data provided by the water management information system (WAMIS) and air temperatures by the Korea Meteorology Administration (KMA) in the Seoul metropolitan area (SMA) during 1975 through 2000. The future FUA in the SMA (from 2000 to 2030) was also predicted by the urban growth model (i.e., SLEUTH) in conjunction with several dataset (e.g., urban, roads, etc.) in the WAMIS. The estimated future FUA was then used as input data for the linear regression equation to estimate an annual mean minimum air temperature in the future (e.g., 2025 and 2030). The FUA in the SMA in 2000 simulated by the SLEUTH showed good agreement with the observations (a high accuracy (73%) between them). The urban growth in the SMA was predicted to increase by 16% of the total areas in 2025 and by 24% in 2030. From the linear regression equation, the annual mean minimum air temperature in the SMA increased about $0.02^{\circ}C$/yr and it was expected to increase up to $8.3^{\circ}C$ in 2025 and $8.7^{\circ}C$ in 2030.