• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth Surface Data

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Land cover classification using LiDAR intensity data and neural network

  • Minh, Nguyen Quang;Hien, La Phu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2011
  • LiDAR technology is a combination of laser ranging, satellite positioning technology and digital image technology for study and determination with high accuracy of the true earth surface features in 3 D. Laser scanning data is typically a points cloud on the ground, including coordinates, altitude and intensity of laser from the object on the ground to the sensor (Wehr & Lohr, 1999). Data from laser scanning can produce products such as digital elevation model (DEM), digital surface model (DSM) and the intensity data. In Vietnam, the LiDAR technology has been applied since 2005. However, the application of LiDAR in Vietnam is mostly for topological mapping and DEM establishment using point cloud 3D coordinate. In this study, another application of LiDAR data are present. The study use the intensity image combine with some other data sets (elevation data, Panchromatic image, RGB image) in Bacgiang City to perform land cover classification using neural network method. The results show that it is possible to obtain land cover classes from LiDAR data. However, the highest accurate classification can be obtained using LiDAR data with other data set and the neural network classification is more appropriate approach to conventional method such as maximum likelyhood classification.

Geostatistical Simulation of Compositional Data Using Multiple Data Transformations (다중 자료 변환을 이용한 구성 자료의 지구통계학적 시뮬레이션)

  • Park, No-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.69-87
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    • 2014
  • This paper suggests a conditional simulation framework based on multiple data transformations for geostatistical simulation of compositional data. First, log-ratio transformation is applied to original compositional data in order to apply conventional statistical methodologies. As for the next transformations that follow, minimum/maximum autocorrelation factors (MAF) and indicator transformations are sequentially applied. MAF transformation is applied to generate independent new variables and as a result, an independent simulation of individual variables can be applied. Indicator transformation is also applied to non-parametric conditional cumulative distribution function modeling of variables that do not follow multi-Gaussian random function models. Finally, inverse transformations are applied in the reverse order of those transformations that are applied. A case study with surface sediment compositions in tidal flats is carried out to illustrate the applicability of the presented simulation framework. All simulation results satisfied the constraints of compositional data and reproduced well the statistical characteristics of the sample data. Through surface sediment classification based on multiple simulation results of compositions, the probabilistic evaluation of classification results was possible, an evaluation unavailable in a conventional kriging approach. Therefore, it is expected that the presented simulation framework can be effectively applied to geostatistical simulation of various compositional data.

Distribution of Relative Evapotranspiration Availability using Satellite Data in Daegu Metropolitan (위성 자료를 이용한 대구광역시의 상대적 증발산 효율 분포)

  • Kim, Hae-Dong;Im, Jin-Wook;Lee, Soon-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.677-686
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    • 2006
  • Surface evapotranspiration is one of the most important factors to determine the surface energy budget, and its estimation is strongly related with the accuracy of weather forecasting. Surface evapotranspiration over Daegu Metropolitan was estimated using high resolution LANDSAT TM data. The estimation of surface evapotranspiration is based on the relationship between surface radiative temperature and vegetation index provided by a TM sensor. The distribution of NDVI (Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index) corresponds well with that of land-used in Deagu Metropolitan. The temperature of several part of downtown in Deagu metropolitan is lower in comparison with the averaged radiative temperature. This is caused by the high evapotranspiration from dense vegetation like DooRyu Park in Deagu Metropolitan. But, weak evapotranspiration availability is distinguished over the central part of downtown and the difference of evapotranspiration availability on industrial complexes and residential area is also clear.

Distribution of Antarctic Sea Ice from Satellite Altimetry in the Weddell Sea: Preliminary Results

  • Kim, Jeong-Woo;Hong, Sung-Min;Hwang, Jong-Sun;Yoon, Ho-Il;Lee, Bang-Yong;Kim, Yea-Dong
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2002
  • We investigated the distribution of sea ice using Topex/Poseidon (T/P) and ERS-1 .ada. altimeter data in the northwest Weddell Sea, Antarctica, between the area $45-75^{\circ}W\;and\;55-66^{\circ}S$. Using the Geo_Bad_1 flag of the Merged GDR of the T/P, we classified the surface into ocean, land, and sea. Total 257 cycles of altimeter measurements between Oct. 1992 and Sep. 1999 (for nearly 2570 days) were used to analyze the distribution of the Antarctic sea ice. We then calculated the surface area of ice coverage using SUTM20 map projection to monitor the periodic variations. Each year, the maximum and minimum coverage of the sea ice were found in late August and February in the study area, respectively. We also studied the sea ice distribution using ERS-1 altimeter data between $45-75^{\circ}W\;and\;55-81.5^{\circ}S$ to compare with the T/P Using the Valid/Invalid flag of the Ocean Product, we analyzed the sea ice distribution between March and August of 1995, which showed very good coherence with the T/P measurements. Our preliminary results showed that the altimeter measurements can be effectively used to monitor the distribution of the sea ice in the polar region. However, the size of radar footprint, typically 2-6km depending on the roughness of the sea surface, may be too big to monitor the sharp boundary between ice and water/land. If more other altimeter mission data with dense coverage such as Geosat GM are analyzed together, this limitation can be significantly improved. If we also combine other microwave remote sensing data such as radiometer, and SSM/I, the result will be significantly enhanced.

Numerical Study on Wind Resources and Forecast Around Coastal Area Applying Inhomogeneous Data to Variational Data Assimilation (비균질 자료의 변분자료동화를 적용한 남서해안 풍력자원평가 및 예측에 관한 수치연구)

  • Park, Soon-Young;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Kim, Dong-Hyeok;Lee, Soon-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.983-999
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    • 2010
  • Wind power energy is one of the favorable and fast growing renewable energies. It is most important for exact analysis of wind to evaluate and forecast the wind power energy. The purpose of this study is to improve the performance of numerical atmospheric model by data assimilation over a complex coastal area. The benefit of the profiler is its high temporal resolution and dense observation data at the lower troposphere. Three wind profiler sites used in this study are inhomogeneously situated near south-western coastal area of Korean Peninsula. The method of the data assimilation for using the profiler to the model simulation is the three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR). The experiment of two cases, with/without assimilation, were conducted for how to effect on model results with wind profiler data. It was found that the assimilated case shows the more reasonable results than the other case compared with vertical observation and surface Automatic Weather Station(AWS) data. Although the effect of sonde data was better than profiler at a higher altitude, the profiler data improves the model performance at lower atmosphere. Comparison with the results of 4 June and 5 June suggests that the efficiency with hourly assimilated profiler data is strongly influenced by synoptic conditions. The reduction rate of Normalized Mean Error(NME), mean bias normalized by averaged wind speed of observation, on 4 June was 28% which was larger than 13% of 5 June. In order to examine the difference in wind power energy, the wind power density(WPD) was calculated and compared.

Interpretation of Geophysical and Engineering Geology Data from a Test Site for Geological Field Trip in Jeungpyung, Chungbuk (충북 증평 지질학습장 시험부지에 대한 물리탐사 및 지질공학 자료의 해석)

  • Kim, Kwan-Soo;Yun, Hyun-Seok;Sa, Jin-Hyeon;Seo, Yong-Seok;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.339-352
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    • 2016
  • The best way of investigating the physical and mechanical properties of subsurface materials is the combined interpretation of data from borehole geophysical surveys and geotechnical experiments with rock samples. In this study two surface seismic surveys with refraction and surface-wave method are alternatively conducted for downhole seismic surveys in test site for geological field trip in Jeungpyung, Chungbuk. P- and S-wave velocity structures are delineated by refraction and MASW (multichannel analysis of shear waves) methods, respectively. Possion's ratio section, reconstructed from P- and S-wave velocities, is correlated to the outcrop geological features consisting of reddish sedimentary rock, gray volcanic rock, and joints/fractures. In addition, rock samples representative for reddish sedimentary and gray volcanic features are geotechnically analyzed to provide physical, mechanical properties, and elastic modulus. Dynamic elastic moduli estimated from geophysical data is found to be higher than the one from geotechnical data. Reddish sedimentary rock characterized with low porosity and moisture content corresponds to the zone of low electrical resistivities and their small variations in the resistivity sections between the rainy and dry days. This trend suggests that the weathered gray volcanic rock and the nearby fractures with higher low porosity and moisture content are interpreted to be good carrier especially in rainy season.

The Potential of Satellite SAR Imagery for Mapping of Flood Inundation

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung;Hong, Chang-Hee;Kim, Yoon-Hyoung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.128-133
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    • 1998
  • To assess the flood damages and to provide necessary information for preventing future catastrophe, it is necessary to appraise the inundated area with more accurate and rapid manner. This study attempts to evaluate the potential of satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for mapping of flood inundated area in southern part of Korea. JERS L-band SAR data obtained during the summer of 1997 were used to delineate the inundated areas. In addition, Landsat TM data were also used for analyzing the land cover condition before the flooding. Once the two data sets were co-registered, each data was separately classified. The water surface areas extracted from the SAR data and the land cover map generated using the TM data were overlaid to determine the flood inundated areas. Although manual interpretation of water surfaces from the SAR image seems rather simple, the computer classification of water body requires clear understanding of radar backscattering behavior on the earth's surfaces. It was found that some surface features, such as rice fields, runaway, and tidal flat, have very similar radar backscatter to water surface. Even though satellite SAR data have a great advantage over optical remote sensor data for obtaining imagery on time and would provide valuable information to analyze flood, it should be cautious to separate the exact areas of flood inundation from the similar features.

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The GIS Technology Application for the Forest and Grassland Fire Monitoring by Using Meteorological Satellite Data

  • Zhe, Xu;Cheng, Liu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1295-1297
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    • 2003
  • Owing to the higher temporal resolution, meteorological satellite data is widely used to monitor the disasters happened on the earth's surface. However, the precision of identifying disaster information is limited by the poor spatial resolution. As known, GIS technology is good at processing and analyzing the geographic information. The result shows, integrating with GIS technology, the ability of monitoring forest fire using meteorological satellite data has been greatly improved.

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Proposed Survey Steps for Investigation of Land-Creeping Susceptibility Areas: A Focus on Geophysical Mapping of the Yongheung-dong, Pohang, Korea

  • Kim, Jeong-In;Lee, Sun-Joong;Kim, Kwan-Soo;Lee, Jae-Eun;Sa, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.269-281
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    • 2021
  • Land creeping is the imperceptibly slow, steady, downward movement o f slope-forming soil or rock. Because creep-related failures occur frequently on a large scale without notice, they can be hazardous to both property and human life. Korea Forest Service has operated the prevention and response system from land creeping which has been on the rise since 2018. We categorized and proposed three survey steps (e.g., preliminary, regional, detailed) for investigation of creeping susceptibility site with a focus on geophysical mapping of a selected test site, Yongheung-dong, Pohang, Korea. The combination of geophysical (dipole-dipole electrical resistivity tomography and reciprocal seismic refraction technique, well-logging), geotechnical studies (standard penetrating test, laboratory tests), field mapping (tension cracks, uplift, fault), and comprehensive interpretation of their results provided the reliable information of the subsurface structures including the failure surface. To further investigate the subsurface structure including the sliding zone, we performed high-resolution geophysical mapping in addition to the regional survey. High-resolution seismic velocity structures are employed for stability analysis because they provided more simplified layers of weathering rock, soft rock, and hard rock. Curved slip plane of the land creeping is effectively delineated with a shape of downslope sliding and upward pushing at the apex of high resistive bedrock in high-resolution electrical resistivity model with clay-mineral contents taken into account. Proposed survey steps and comprehensive interpretation schemes of the results from geological, geophysical, and geotechnical data should be effective for data sets collected in a similar environment to land-creeping susceptibility area.


  • Hong, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Sang-Wan;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.308-311
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    • 2002
  • Radar interferometric phase is sensitive to both ground topography and coherent surface displacement. The basic tactics of differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) technique are to separate the two effects. Applications of DInSAR to Duk-Po area in Busan were studied. In the study area, an abrupt subsidence, possibly caused by sub-way construction, was observed by JERS-1 SAR interferometry. Differential interferograms were generated using twenty-three JERS-1 SAR data acquired between April 24, 1992, and August 7, 1998. Because the area is relatively flat with little topographic relief the topographic effects were not removed. A phase filtering and interferogram techniques were applied to increase fringe clarity as well as to decrease decorrelation error. The stacking improves the quality of interferograms especially when the displacement is discontinuous. The interferograms clearly show the evidence of subsidence along Duk-Po subway railroad. These results demonstrate that the interferogram stacking technique can improve the detectability of radar interferometry to an abrupt displacement and DInSAR is useful to geological engineering applications.

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