• 제목/요약/키워드: E-commerce Business

검색결과 1,147건 처리시간 0.025초

Barriers to E-Commerce Business Model in Cambodia and The Suggestion: A Case Study

  • Khoeurn, Saksonita;Kim, Yun Seon
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Business Review
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2017
  • Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has seen as the potential to improve profitability and productivity in many areas as well as gaining notable attention in many countries. Despite, there has been some uncertainty about the e-commerce impacts for developing countries. The sufficient basic infrastructural deficiency, socio-political, economic and the lack of government public ICT policies have formed the significant barriers to the adoption and e-commerce growth in developing countries. Even though there are many researchers have found the common barriers to e-commerce in the developing nations, all business models targeting those countries are not equally successful. Small companies' persistence failed to challenge the e-commerce barriers in Cambodia because the firms didn't know the correct business model to succeed in this country online market. Therefore, this study will discuss the existing barriers which lead to limit e-commerce growth in Cambodia and the suggested solutions with the suitable business model for the e-commerce business in the country too.

Business Blogging e-Hub:An Innovative Approach to e-Business

  • Wang, Guo-An
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2005
  • With the rapid development of the Internet, e-business has been entering a new phase. However, there're still some problems to be settled and needs for breakthrough. The paper proposes an innovative approach to e-business models with the aim to resolve the problems. The paper reviews the exiting e-commerce models and points out some of the common weaknesses of the models, and presents the "Business Blogging e-Hub"model for e-business. With the characteristics of all-sided information, multi-dimensional interactivity and trans-model e-commerce platform, the proposed model is created and derived from the integration of the "classical"e-commerce models as B2B, B2C and C2C with the technology and essence of blogging, and is thus sure to meet rapidly changing business needs.

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The Impact of Language on Customer Intentions to Use Localized E-Commerce Websites in Arabic Countries: The Mediating Role of Perceived Risk and Trust

  • HERZALLAH, Fadi;AYYASH, Mohannad Moufeed;AHMAD, Kamsuriah
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.273-290
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    • 2022
  • Localization of e-commerce websites is a useful tool for providing the world with business organizations and money-making enterprises. However, studies on e-Commerce website localization within the language domain are still quite limited. Thus, the study aims to investigate the relationship between the Arabic language and a wide range of e-Commerce website intentions, clarifying the indirect effects of the Arabic language on intentions to use e-Commerce websites using perceived risk and trust as mediating variables, and determining whether trust and perceived risk work as mediating variables between the Arabic language and e-Commerce website intentions. Survey data collated from participants totaling up to 264 has been used to test the research framework. The selection of these participants is based on their experiences employing e-Commerce websites. Structural equation modeling (SEM) through partial least square (PLS) software was used for the data analysis. The results show that the Arabic language, trust, and perceived risk play effective roles for e-Commerce websites adoption. More importantly, trust and perceived risk positively mediate the relationship between the Arabic language and intentions to use e-Commerce websites. Implications of the study's findings and suggestions for further research are discussed.

전자상거래 전략과 전자상거래 기업의 성과간의 관계에 대한 실증연구: 전자상거래 유형과 기업규모를 중심으로 (An Empirical Study on the Relationship Between E-Commerce Strategy and E-Commerce Performance: Focusing on E-Commerce Type and Firm's Size)

  • 성기욱;김창수;김기수
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.207-232
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    • 2008
  • As electronic commerce is growing to be a part of everyday business life for companies, enterprises are required to establish the appropriate strategy to effectively realize their business visions. The correct choice of strategy enables organizations to make efficient use of internal resources and adjust to the external environment, affecting their performance. The nature of the firms' strategy has been currently focused on the new business model such as e-commerce. In the beginning of e-commerce, the decreasing cost of business transactions was a major benefit affecting its success. However, e-commerce firms are currently facing new advanced information technology, various business models and serious competition. To deal with these new challenges, there is an increasing demand for right strategy direction to effectively and efficiently manage a corporation's internal resources and external environments that are related to electronic commerce. Moreover, it is necessary both to set up the feasible strategy direction and to evaluate its outcome. The purpose of this study attempts to provide appropriate e-commerce strategy, which is well matched with e-commerce performance, as the different strategies affect different results of e-commerce. On the basis of the results of this research, we can see that the strategies selected by e-commerce companies differ according to the e-commerce type and firm's size.

A Study of E-commerce-based Capabilities of Small Firms with Cloud Computing Techniques

  • Zhou, Xuesong;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2020
  • E-commerce represents the acquisition and sale, or the transmission of funds or data through an electronic platform. E-commerce is a paradigm shift that influences marketers and customers to improve current market processes. The significant challenges in e-commerce are the accuracy and performance factors during a business transaction, which has been substantially enhanced using Cloud Computing Techniques (CCT). The growth of e-commerce management has been increased due to massive internet penetration, and particularly small and emerging companies are increasingly using this alternative as a differentiated business model. E-commerce has significant environmental impacts and highly utilized in today's market scenario. Further, the replacement has not been thoroughly explored. Current research has been carried out to describe the e-commerce scenario to analyze market trends. This study further discusses the essential variables to the performance of market models for e-commerce. For example, e-procurement of products/services, electronic supply chain management, e-distribution and selling support (supplier connections, e-fulfilment) and online e-auctions (transactional) can represent important e-commerce capabilities, which can contribute to marketing strategy implementation effectiveness, resulting in higher export performance.

CHINAPAGES.COM'S Past, Today and Tomorrow : Opportunities and Challenges

  • Wang, Guo An;Gao, Freeman Y.;Lim, Yong-Taek
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2001
  • The paper at first gives an introduction to e-commerce, recalls the birth and the growth of an e-commerce giant Chinapages.com in the tough environment in the primary stage of the development of e-commerce in China, provides an overview of its e-business scope and its experience in its e-business development, then describes its present favorable and unfavorable e-business e-environment and its challenges in its future development. Finally it concludes that Chinapages' future is bright and promising with China's WTO entry just around the corner, if Chinapages takes advantages of the opportunities and faces the challenges with confidence and aggressiveness in the new era of e-commerce.

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온라인 종합쇼핑몰업체의 e-Business 활용방안 (A Study on the e-Business Utility of On-line Shopping Mall Firms)

  • 이우체
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.3-17
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    • 2003
  • This paper examined a e-Business utility of on-line shopping mall firms. Based on the literature review and cases study, the following results were found. First, in e-business policy, it was found that partnership between government and market are very important to e-business utility. Second, e-CRM of on-line shopping mall firms should be considered web site design based on commodity, cafe based on experience and information shares, and transaction confirm service. Third, B2C e-commerce model should be contained firm-specific force, customer oriented force, social force, and technology force.

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Determinants for the Adoption of Electronic Commerce by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An Empirical Study in Indonesia

  • ASWAR, Khoirul;ERMAWATI, Ermawati;WIRMAN, Wirman;WIGUNA, Meilda;HARIYANI, Eka
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권7호
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    • pp.333-339
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    • 2021
  • The study seeks to identify the determinants of the adoption of e-commerce by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries, in our case, in Indonesia. The aim of this study is to examine the factors influencing e-commerce adoption. This study uses the method of quantitative data collection based on a questionnaire survey of SMEs in Indonesia. The research relies on Regional Project stipulations regarding Business Development in Indonesia, to capture businesses with a range of 5 to 100 employees that are classified as SMEs. This study randomly chose 100 SMEs in Indonesia from the IndoNetwork database. Partial least square (PLS) structural model data processing was used for path coefficients analysis. Structural equation modeling is applied in this study to analyze the determinant factors on the e-commerce adoption. The study findings reveal that four factors, namely, perceived benefits, compatibility, technology readiness, and government support, significantly influence the adoption of e-commerce, whereas customer/supplier pressure does not have influence. So, this study concludes that perceived benefits, compatibility, technology readiness, and government support had a significant and positive relationship with e-commerce adoption. Meanwhile, customer/supplier pressure had no effect on the e-commerce adoption of by Indonesia SMEs.

전자상거래 기업의 전략적 제휴에 관한 연구: 제휴과정의 가이드라인 (A Strategic Alliance for e-Commerce Companies: Guidelines of Alliance Process)

  • 권순범;김서형
    • 한국전자거래학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2002
  • Business environment for e-commerce companies have been rapidly changed for the last several yens and they have found out that strategic alliance as one of the important and practical means to cope with the dynamic environment. Despite the increasing number of e-commerce company's strategic alliances during last several years, there have been few studies made on strategic alliance which reflect the e-commerce company's uniqueness: dynamism, time to market, If-based business, etc. In order to reflect this uniqueness, we attempt to derive guidelines of alliance process for e-commerce companies in three aspects: 1) resource system analysis, 2) value chain analysis, and 3) If-based strategic alliance implementation and management. Finally, we propose the integrated process of strategic alliance for e-commerce companies including those proposed guidelines.

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NFC 기반의 전자상거래 비즈니스 모델에 관한 연구 (Research on E-commerce business model based on NFC)

  • 진동수
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.81-100
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    • 2011
  • 스마트 기기 보급에 따라 NFC 기술에 대한 관심이 날이 갈수록 증대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 NFC 기반 상거래가 성공하기 위해서는 기술적인 차원의 접근보다는 비즈니스 모델차원의 접근이 필요하다는 가정 하에, NFC 상거래 비즈니스 모델이 성공하기 위하여 필요한 요인들이 무엇인지 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 NFC와 비즈니스 모델, 사례연구방법론 주요 개념에 대하여 문헌 연구를 통하여 고찰하고, 대표적인 NFC 상거래 사례들을 선택하고, 해당 사례의 성공과 실패에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인들을 도출하였다. 도출된 요인을 기반으로 ID3기반의 귀납적 추론 기법을 적용하기 위한 사례테이블을 작성하고, 의사결정나무(Decision Tree)를 도출하여, NFC 상거래 비즈니스 모델이 성공하기 위하여 필요한 부분에 대한 전략적 시사점(Strategic Implications)을 제시하였다.

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