• Title/Summary/Keyword: Driving nozzle

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An Experimental Study of the Subsonic/Supersonic Steam Ejectors (아음속/초음속 증기 이젝터에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 최보규;김희동;이준희;김덕줄
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2000
  • For the purpose of a cost effective design of practical subsoni $c^ersonic ejector systems, an experiment was carried out using a superheated steam as a primary driving flow. The superheated steam jet was produced by several different kinds of subsonic and supersonic nozzles. The secondary flow of atmospheric air inside a plenum chamber was drawn into the primary steam jet. The vacuum performance of the plenum chamber was investigated for a wide range of the ejector operation pressure ratio. The result showed that the static pressure of the mixed flow at the ejector throat is only a function of the ejector operation pressure ratio, regardless of the primary nozzle type employed.ed.

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Driving Properties of Diesel Injection System using the Multilayer Actuator Structured-ultrasonic Nozzle (적층액츄에이터형 초음파 노즐을 이용한 경유분사 시스템의 구동특성)

  • Kim, Do-Hyung;Kim, Hwa-Soo;Kang, Jin-Hee;Lee, Yu-Hyong;Hwang, Lark-Hoon;Yoo, Ju-Hyun;Hong, Jae-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.174-174
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    • 2008
  • 초음파를 이용하여 액체 연료를 분사하면 균일한 입경과 미립화가 우수하며 에너지 절약과 공해방지등을 할 수 있다. 또한 유속과 유량에 관계없이 이용할 수 있어 반도체 분야의 웨이퍼와 평판 표시기상에 사진 석판용 화학물질의 균일도포 컴퓨터 하드 디스크의 광택제 도포등에 사용할 수 있다. 이처럼 초저의 유출 용량을 요구하는 모든 공정 및 액체연료의 분사가 요구되는 모든 산업에 적용할 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있다. 하지만 현제까지 주로 사용되고 있는 초음파노즐의 액츄에이터는 단판액츄에이터형로 높은 교류전압을 인가해주어야 하는 단점을 가지고 있다. 이 단점을 해결하기 위해 적층액츄에이터형을 사용하여 초음파 노즐 구동하면 낮은 교류 입력전압에서도 단판액츄에이터형 초음파 노즐과 같은 특성을 가질 수 있다. 또한 초음파 노즐의 구동시 기계적인 진동을 이용하므로 많은 열을 발생시켜 노즐의 온도가 상승하여 세라믹 액츄에이터에도 그 영향을 미치게 되어 열적 열화 현상이 일어날 수 있기에 높은 큐리온도를 가지는 액츄에이터가 필요하다. 본 실험에서는 $Pb(Mn_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})_{0.02}(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})_{0.12}(Zr_{0.50}Ti_{0.50})_{0.86}O_3$ 조성을 사용하여 $900^{\circ}C$의 저온에서 액상 소결하여 적층혈액츄에이터를 제작하였으며 압전 및 유전 특성을 조사하였다. 제작된 초음파노즐을 구동하기 위해서는 약 36kHz의 30V이상의 교류입력전압 할 수 있는 구동회로가 필요로 한다. 압전액츄에이터의 구동을 위해서는 정확한 정현파 입력이 필요 없다. 압전액츄에이터의 특성상 유사 정현파 입력 만으로도 임피던스 매칭이 이루어지기 때문에 설계가 쉽고 간편한 Push-Pull 방식을 이용한 PWM인버터를 사용하였고 인버터의 출력 주파수를 34~38kHz까지 가변 할 수 있게 설계하였다. 제작된 적층액츄에이터형 초음파 노즐을 PWM인버터로 실제 액체 연료인 경유를 분사하였을 때의 액츄에이터의 온도 변화에 따른 공진주파수와 온도 의존성, 전기적 특성을 조사하고 미립화 분사되는 경유의 미립자 크기 및 최대 분사량을 조사 하였다.

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3-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of Air Flow inside OWC Type WEC Equipped with Channel of Seawater Exchange and Wave Characteristics around Its Structure (in Case of Regular Waves) (해수소통구를 구비한 진동수주형 파력발전구조물 내에서 공기흐름과 구조물 주변에서 파랑특성에 관한 3차원수치해석(규칙파의 경우))

  • Lee, Kwang Ho;Lee, Jun Hyeong;Jeong, Ik Han;Kim, Do Sam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.242-252
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    • 2018
  • It is well known that an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter (OWC-WEC) is one of the most efficient wave absorber equipment. This device transforms the vertical motion of water column in the air chamber into the air flow velocity and produces electricity from the driving force of turbine as represented by the Wells turbine. Therefore, in order to obtain high electric energy, it is necessary to amplify the water surface vibration by inducing resonance of the piston mode in the water surface fluctuation in the air chamber. In this study, a new type of OWC-WEC with a seawater channel is used, and the wave deformation by the structure, water surface fluctuation in the air chamber, air outflow velocity from the nozzle and seawater flow velocity in the seawater channel are evaluated by numerical analysis in detail. The numerical analysis model uses open CFD code OLAFLOW model based on multi-phase analysis technique of Navier-Stokes solver. To validate model, numerical results and existing experimental results are compared and discussed. It is revealed within the scope of this study that the air flow velocity at nozzle increases as the Ursell number becomes larger, and the air velocity that flows out from the inside of the air chamber is larger than the velocity of incoming air into the air chamber.

The evaluation of performance and flow characteristics due to the length of throat and diffuser for ship's ejector (선박용 Ejector의 직관부와 디퓨저 길이 변화에 따른 성능비교 및 유동특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Ho;Kim, Mun-Oh;Kim, Chang-Goo;Kim, You-Taek
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2014
  • Ejector is a simple device which can transport a low-pressure secondary flow by using a high-pressure primary flow. The efficiency of the ejector system is relatively very low, compared to other fluid transport devices driven mainly by the forces acting on the normal direction. However, its major advantage is a simple structure with no moving parts, and it transports a large amount of fluid with a small driving energy. In this study, the performance of side-type liquid ejector commonly used in ships; is analyzed by using experimental and CFD methods under steady and incompressible flow condition by varying the length of the throat and diffuser, the flow pattern and suction phenomenon were studied in detail.

A Study on the 1-Way FSI Analysis for Shutter of Side Jet Thruster (측추력기 Shutter의 단방향 유체-구조 연성해석에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Jun Bok;Seo, Min Kyo;Lee, Kyeong Ho;Baek, Ki Bong;Cho, Seung Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.1359-1365
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    • 2014
  • In this study, 1-way fluid structure interaction analysis(FSI) for the shutter, component of side jet thruster was performed to evaluate the safety. Driving torque to open nozzle, thermal and high pressure load of hot gas was applied to shutter. Thus, the shutter must be designed to endure this load during combustion. We carried out computational fluid dynamics analysis to obtain the pressure, temperature, and heat transfer coefficient of hot gas of side jet thruster. We then used the data as the load condition for a thermal structural analysis using a mapping method. The locations with the maximum stress and temperature distributions were found. We compared the maximum stress with the tensile stress of shutter material according to temperature to evaluate the safety. We also analyzed the radial deformation of the shutter to set the proper interface gap with the side jet thruster parts.

The Effect of Hair Spray on the Fitting of Contact Lenses (헤어스프레이가 콘택트렌즈의 피팅에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Jin Young;Kim, Dae Soo
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2002
  • Various kinds of aerosols such as a mixture of hairspray resin and its solvents, a perfume, a soap water, and ask in-lotion were sprayed onto the contact lens which was mounted on the eye-model made of wood, varying the parameters as the distance between nozzle and contact lens and the spraying time duration. In the case of both the hairspray and the perfume including an ethanol as solvents, the shape of contact lenses has changed tremendously Jess than 1 minute after the exposure to the aerosol particles and then it continued until the lens surfaces were completely flipped over. Driving force for the lens distortion seems to be the expansion coefficient difference between the inner and outer surface of lens, which was caused by the heat of vaporization of ethanol included in the aerosol and subsequent temperature decrease induced on the lens surface.

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Effects of Needle Response on Spray Characteristics In High Pressure Injector Driven by Piezo Actuator for Common-Rail Injection System

  • Lee Jin Wook;Min Kyoung Doug
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1194-1205
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    • 2005
  • The common-rail injection systems, as a new diesel injection system for passenger car, have more degrees of freedom in controlling both the injection timing and injection rate with the high pressure. In this study, a piezo-driven injector was applied to a high pressure common-rail type fuel injection system for the control capability of the high pressure injector's needle and firstly examined the piezo-electric characteristics of a piezo-driven injector. Also in order to analyze the effect of injector's needle response driven by different driving method on the injection, we investigated the diesel spray characteristics in a constant volume chamber pressurized by nitrogen gas for two injectors, a solenoid-driven injector and a piezo-driven injector, both equipped with the same injection nozzle with sac type and 5-injection hole. The experimental method for spray visualization was based on back-light photography technique by utilizing a high speed framing camera. The macroscopic spray propagation was geometrically measured and characterized in term of the spray tip penetration, spray cone angle and spray tip speed. For the evaluation of the needle response of the above two injectors, we indirectly estimated the needle's behavior with an accelerometer and injection rate measurement employing Bosch's method was conducted. The experimental results show that the spray tip penetrations of piezo­driven injector were longer, on the whole, than that of the solenoid-driven injector. Besides we found that the piezo-driven injector have a higher injection flow rate by a fast needle response and it was possible to control the injection rate slope in piezo-driven injector by altering the induced current.

Analysis of control rod driving mechanism nozzle rupture with loss of safety injection at the ATLAS experimental facility using MARS-KS and TRACE

  • Hyunjoon Jeong;Taewan Kim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.2002-2010
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    • 2024
  • Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has operated an integral effect test facility, the Advanced Thermal-Hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation (ATLAS), with reference to the APR1400 (Advanced Power Reactor 1400) for tests for transient and design basis accidents simulation. A test for a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) at the top of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) had been conducted at ATLAS to address the impact of the loss of safety injections (LSI) and to evaluate accident management (AM) actions during the postulated accident. The experimental data has been utilized to validate system analysis codes within a framework of the domestic standard problem program organized by KAERI in collaboration with Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety. In this study, the test has been analyzed by using thermal-hydraulic system analysis codes, MARS-KS 1.5 and TRACE 5.0 Patch 6, and a comparative analysis with experimental and calculation results has been performed. The main objective of this study is the investigation of the thermal-hydraulic phenomena during a small break LOCA at the RPV upper head with the LSI as well as the predictability of the system analysis codes after the AM actions during the test. The results from both codes reveal that overall physical behaviors during the accident are predicted by the codes, appropriately, including the excursion of the peak cladding temperature because of the LSI. It is also confirmed that the core integrity is maintained with the proposed AM action. Considering the break location, a sensitivity analysis for the nodalization of the upper head has been conducted. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the nodalization gave a significant impact on the analysis result. The result emphasizes the importance of the nodalization which should be performed with a consideration of the physical phenomena occurs during the transient.