• Title/Summary/Keyword: Driver State

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East Inverse Perspective Mapping and its Applications to Road State Detection

  • Gang, Yi-Jiang;Eom, Jae-Won;Song, Byung-Suk;Bae, Jae-Wook
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2000
  • An improved inverse perspective mapping (IIPM) is proposed so as to reduce computational expense of recovery of 3D road surface. An experimental system based on IIPM is developed to detect lane parameters for a driver assistant system. A re-organized image is obtained quickly and exactly by IIPM. Efficient preprocessing techniques are used to enhance the information of lane and obstacles. Lane in the preprocessed. image is located with region identification. Lane parameters are estimated effectively. An algorithm to adaptively modify the parameters of IIPM is given. Properties of obstacle on 3D road surface are discussed and used to detect obstacles in the current lane and neighboring lanes. Experimental results show that the new method can extract lane state information effectively.

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Induction Motor Position Control Using Integral-Compensating Variable Structure Control Algorithm (적분보상형 가변구조제어기법을 이용한 유도 전동기 위치제어)

  • 강문호;정경민;박윤창
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.205-209
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    • 1999
  • This paper proposes a variable structure position controller for an induction motor(IM) which uses a reaching law and an integral compensating nonlinear switching function. With the reaching law, reaching mode can be established quantitatively during transient state so that dynamic control performance is improved. With the integral compensating nonlinear switching function, both very low overshoot and high steady state control accuracy can be obtained by compensating the states chattering problem due to the unmodelled dynamics of inverter and feedback sensors. For experiment a digital servo driver which consists of a DSP and an IPM inverter was developed. With the various experimental results, IM position control performance was verified.

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Effects of Traffic Signals with a Countdown Indicator: Driver's Reaction Time and Subjective Satisfaction in Driving Simulation

  • Chang, Joonho;Jung, Kihyo
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.459-466
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    • 2017
  • Objective: This study examined two traffic signals with a countdown indicator in terms of driver's reaction time and subjective satisfaction score and their performance was compared with a standard traffic signal in driving simulation. Background: Dilemma zone is created when a traffic light changes at intersections. It often pushes drivers to rush in urgent and premature decision making whether to go or stop and thus induces unnecessary mental load among drivers, which may lead to sudden conflicts with following vehicles at intersections. Method: Forty college students (male: 20, female: 20) participated in this driving simulation study. Three traffic signals were employed: (1) standard traffic signal; (2) countdown-separated signal; and (3) countdown-overlaid signal. The countdown-separated and countdown-overlaid signals were designed to inform drivers of the remaining time of a green light before tuning to an amber light. Reaction times (sec) and satisfaction scores (7-point scale) for the two signals with a countdown indicator were compared with those for the standard traffic signal. Results: Reaction times of the countdown-separated (0.49 sec) and countdown-overlaid (0.43 sec) signals were significantly shorter than that of the standard signal (0.67 sec). Satisfaction scores of the countdown-separated (5.3 point) and countdown-overlaid (5.6 point) signals were greater than that of the standard signal (3.8 point). Lastly, the countdown-overlaid signal showed better performance than the countdown-separated signal, but their differences in reaction time (0.06 sec) and satisfaction score (0.3 point) were small. Conclusion: Traffic signals with a countdown indicator can improve drivers' reaction time and satisfaction score than the standard traffic signal. Application: Traffic signals with a countdown indicator will be useful for reducing the length of dilemma zone at intersections, by allowing drivers to predict the remaining time of a green light.

The Vehicle and Driver of China's Cultural Diplomacy: Global Vision Vs. Localised Practice

  • Liu, Xin
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.130-151
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    • 2018
  • China's cultural diplomacy is mostly understood as an endeavour to build and project soft power, which draws on three sources of 'culture, political values and foreign policy' according to Nye. This paper focuses on the debates about the vehicle and agents of China's cultural diplomacy. It starts with a theoretical discussion of the competing views in the Chinese context, and develops an argument that the vehicle of China's cultural diplomacy tries to project soft power on two wheels of culture and political values, to serve the purpose of reshaping China's image away from being the 'cultural other' and 'ideological other' respectively. However, the state-led approach to driving this vehicle is generating some side effects with its sponsorship, censorship and presence in the driver's seat. Then the paper analyses the inherent tensions existing in practice both between the two sources of building soft power and between the two means of doing so, attraction and persuasion, with empirical evidence through a comparative case study of the Confucius Institutes in the US and South Korea. The finding shows that China's attempt at reshaping its image as an Eastern cultural contestant is often disrupted by its authoritarian political values, and the state-led persuasion is often reducing China's cultural attraction. Following this, the paper finishes with some recommendations regarding evolving the cultural diplomacy approach from a vertical one that is government-centred to a horizontal one that is network-based with multiple agents, and localising its practice by engaging the target audiences as stakeholders.

Discharge Characteristics of Large-Area High-Power RF Ion Source for Neutral Beam Injector on Fusion Devices

  • Chang, Doo-Hee;Park, Min;Jeong, Seung Ho;Kim, Tae-Seong;Lee, Kwang Won;In, Sang Ryul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.241.1-241.1
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    • 2014
  • The large-area high-power radio-frequency (RF) driven ion sources based on the negative hydrogen (deuterium) ion beam extraction are the major components of neutral beam injection (NBI) systems in future large-scale fusion devices such as an ITER and DEMO. Positive hydrogen (deuterium) RF ion sources were the major components of the second NBI system on ASDEX-U tokamak. A test large-area high-power RF ion source (LAHP-RaFIS) has been developed for steady-state operation at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) to extract the positive ions, which can be used for the NBI heating and current drive systems in the present fusion devices, and to extract the negative ions for negative ion-based plasma heating and for future fusion devices such as a Fusion Neutron Source and Korea-DEMO. The test RF ion source consists of a driver region, including a helical antenna and a discharge chamber, and an expansion region. RF power can be transferred at up to 10 kW with a fixed frequency of 2 MHz through an optimized RF matching system. An actively water-cooled Faraday shield is located inside the driver region of the ion source for the stable and steady-state operations of RF discharge. The characteristics and uniformities of the plasma parameter in the RF ion source were measured at the lowest area of the expansion bucket using two RF-compensated electrostatic probes along the direction of the short- and long-dimensions of the expansion region. The plasma parameters in the expansion region were characterized by the variation of loaded RF power (voltage) and filling gas pressure.

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Development of Flood Vulnerability Index Considering Climate Change (기후변화를 고려한 홍수취약성지표의 개발)

  • Son, Min-Woo;Sung, Jin-Young;Chung, Eun-Sung;Jun, Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.231-248
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to develop the Flood Vulnerability Index (FVI) and apply it to the Bukhan River Basin. A1B and A2 scenarios of CGCM3 of IPCC were adopted and SDSM (Statistical Downscaling Model) was used to downscale the original data to the daily data. Driver-Presure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model was introduced to select all appropriate indicators for FVI and the daily rainfall-runoff model was simulated using HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran). Since FIV proposed in this study has a capability to quantify the potential flood vulnerability considering both present and future climate conditions, it is expected to be used for the comprehensive water resources and environmental planning.

Population parameters and sustainable status of lompa fish Thryssa baelama (Forsskal, 1775) manage through sasi approach at Haruku Village

  • Tetelepta, Johannes M.S.;Natan, Yuliana;Pattikawa, Jesaja A.;Bernardus, Agil S.
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2022
  • The harvesting season of lompa fish, Thryssa baelama, through sasi, indigenous knowledge in resources management, in Haruku Village has become a socio-cultural event that attracts many people. The sasi of lompa fish has been conducted for hundreds of years. Information on the bioecology aspect of lompa fish is limited, while this information is crucial for lompa fish sustainability through the sasi approach. This study aimed to investigate some population parameters of lompa fish, its sustainability status, and proposed a sustainable management strategy for the lompa fishery of Haruku Village. Fish population parameter covers length-weight relationship, growth pattern, size distribution, sex ratio, and the body condition index. The sustainability status was assessed following the Rapfish approach. Fisheries management strategy was performed using a conceptual model framework based on Driver Pressure State Impact Response. The research shows that the total length varies between 9.2-14.3 cm. A high relationship was found between total length and weight, and the growth pattern was an allometric negative. There was a difference in sex ratio between males and females, with females dominant. The body condition index varies over time, probably due to reproductive status. The overall sustainability status was at fair condition (61.60%), with the ecological domain having the highest sustainable status (71.07%) and considered sustain. In comparison, the technological domain had the lowest sustainability status (52.58%) and was considered fair sustain. There were seven management strategies proposed for sustainable management for the lompa fishery.

Fundamental Research on Developing Additional Information System by Connecting Route Guidance Information with Turn Signal Operation (경로유도정보와 방향지시등을 연동한 추가정보 제공 시스템 개발의 기초 연구)

  • Jeon, Yong-Wook;Daimon, Tatsuru
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2009
  • A car navigation system as an in-vehicle route guidance information (RGI) offers a state-of-the-art technological solution to driver navigation in an unfamiliar area. However, the RGI is provided by some pre-determined options in terms of the interface between a driver and a car navigation system. Drivers occasionally pass the target intersection owing to non- or late- recognizing it. This paper is examined the position of driver's turn signal operation and intersection recognition approaching at the target intersection which is difficult to identify, as a fundamental research on developing the additional RGI connecting with the turn signal control. The field experiment was conducted to measure distances of the turn signal operation and the intersection recognition from the target intersection according to left turns, right turns, and landmarks at adjacent intersection. And glance behavior to the car navigation display was evaluated by using an eye camera. The results of the field study indicate that, most case of driving, drivers operate the turn signal until 40m to 50m before coming to the target intersection. The driving simulator experiment was performed to examine the effectiveness of providing the additional RGI when drivers did not operate the turn signal approaching at the target intersection based on the results of the field study. To provide the additional RGI is effective for the intersection identification and recognition, and expected to improve the traffic safety and the comfort for drivers.

A Design of the Automation Tyre Tread State Check System based on IoT Service (IoT 서비스 기반 자동차 타이어 트레드 자동 점검 시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Minyoung;Choi, Donggyu;Jang, Jong-wook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.825-831
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    • 2020
  • In modern society, automobiles have become an essential means of transportation. It is the only consumable that is worn by contacting the ground among automobile parts. If the tyres are severely worn, the tyres may be break, presenting a risk of a serious accident to the driver. To avoid this risk, drivers should check tyre pressure and tread condition before driving a car. Tyre inflation pressure can be easily measured by TPMS, but in the case of tyre tread conditions, it can be cumbersome when the driver measures it directly using a coin or vernier caliper. This hassle can expose the driver to traffic accidents due to tyre breakage by neglecting to measure the condition of the tyre tread. In this paper, we introduce the contents of research to design an IoT service-based system that can automatically measure automobile tyres, and we verified the possibility of realizing the system by actually implementing and testing some components of the system.

Analysis of Technology and Research Trends in Biomedical Devices for Measuring EEG during Driving (운전 중 EEG 측정을 위한 생체의료기기의 기술 및 연구동향 분석)

  • Gyunhen Lee;Young-Jin Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.1179-1187
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    • 2023
  • Recent advancements in modern transportation have led to the active development of various biomedical signal and medical imaging technologies. Particularly, in the field of cognitive/neuroscience, the importance of electroencephalography (EEG) measurement and the development of accurate EEG measurement technology in moving vehicles represent a challenging area. This study aims to extensively investigate and analyze the trends in technology research utilizing EEG during driving. For this purpose, the Scopus database was used to explore EEG-related research conducted since the year 2000, resulting in the selection of about 40 papers. This paper sheds light on the current trends and future directions in signal processing technology, EEG measurement device development, and in-vehicle driver state monitoring technology. Additionally, a ultra compact 32-channel EEG measurement module was designed. By implementing it simply and measuring and analyzing EEG signals, in-vehicle EEG module's functionality was checked. This research anticipates that the technology for measuring and analyzing biometric signals during driving will contribute to driver care and health monitoring in the era of autonomous vehicles.