• Title/Summary/Keyword: Double-eyelid

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Ocular and facial dimensions of old aged Korean II (한국 노인 눈의 외부 측정 II)

  • Kim, Chang Sik
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 1996
  • The mersurements of the inter outer canthal distance (IOCD), inter temporal distance (ITD), width palpebral fissure (WPF), position and shape of upper eyelid were followed in 533 healthy Korean between ages 60 and 90. The measurements of the ITD in male was 122.2 mm, and in female was 118.5 mm, and its was greater than, the average of the IOCD about 31 mm. The measurement of IOCD in the eighties was decreased about 6 mm more than the sixties. The average of Fold Upper Lid(FUL) was 4.7 mm, and its size in male was longer than in female. The Double Upper Lid(DUL) in male was appeared more than in female. The measurement of WPF in male(7.6mm) was larged than in female, and its size was decreased at advancing ages, The upper lid was sited in limbus of eyeball.

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A study on the consumers' attitude toward before and after technique in cosmetic surgery advertisement by kind of surgery (시술 부위에 따른 성형외과의 비포 앤 애프터 광고에 대한 소비자 태도 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Seon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.529-544
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect and potential problem of before and after technique in cosmetic surgery advertisements. This study would draw the positive and negative aspects in executing before and after technique by segmenting the surgical part(eyes, nose, and breast). And this study compared before and after technique with after technique and doctor(expert) endorser. Independent variables of this study are advertisement technique(before and after/after/doctor) and the kind of surgery(double eyelid surgery/ rhinoplasty/mastoplasty). Dependent variables of this study are general attitude toward advertising, hospital believability, ethical judgement toward advertising, intention to cosmetic surgery. This study is run as $3{\times}3$factorial design with 30 subjects per cell, resulting in a total sample size of 270. The result of this study shows that advertising technique in cosmetic surgery advertisement important variable to mediate the effect. This study found that before and after technique was more effective than any other techniques. Also, this study found that the kind of surgery variable should be considered in the execution of cosmetic surgery advertisement. Therefore, the result suggests that the kind of surgery and advertisement technique should be spontaneously considered by cosmetic surgery clinic and advertising regulation organizations for the effective communication way and consumer protection.

A Photogrammetic Study of the Eyes in Korean Youths (한국 청년층 눈의 사진 계측학적 연구)

  • Bae, Tae Hui;Kim, Jong Chan;Kim, Woo Seob;Kim, Han Koo;Kim, Seung Hong
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Photogrammetry has been introduced as an alternative to direct measurement to obtain facial distances for a variety of anthropometric applications. The aim of this study is to establish morphological and functional value of an eye in Korean youths using specially designed computer software with digital photographic images. Methods: Authors measured anthropometry of an eye in Korean youths 1,449 individuals(622 males, 827 females) and analyzed stastically them. Results: The mean measurements are as follows. The diameter of cornea was $11.6{\pm}0.9mm$ in males and $11.3{\pm}0.9mm$ in females. The vertical dimension of palpebral fissure was $7.4{\pm}1.7mm$ in males and $8.2{\pm}1.6mm$ in females. The intercanthal width was $35.8{\pm}3.2mm$ in males and $34.4{\pm}2.9mm$ in females. The biocular width was $90.4{\pm}5.7mm$ in males and $87.4{\pm}5.3mm$ in females. The endocantion-superior margin of palpebral fissure distance was $12.7{\pm}1.4mm$ in males and $11.6{\pm}1.4mm$ in females. The horizontal dimension of palpebral fissure was $28.5{\pm}2.2mm$ in males and $27.4{\pm}1.9mm$ in females. The slant of palpebral fissure was $10.7{\pm}2.6^{\circ}$ in males and $11.3{\pm}3.0^{\circ}$ in females. The height of upper eyelid was $10.6{\pm}2.3mm$ in males and $10.7{\pm}2.3mm$ in females. The width of double fold was $2.0{\pm}0.7mm$ in males and $1.9{\pm}0.6mm$ in females. A double fold was seen in 21.9% of males and 44.9% of females. The most frequent shape of the double fold was type IV. The most common type of epicanthal fold was type III in both males and females. Conclusion: Photogrammetic measurement of large population using specially designed software could offer reliable data and these data could be useful reference for preoperative consultation, surgical planning and anthropometic study of eye.