• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distribution innovation

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Service Innovation of 3/2 Star Hotel in Bandung

  • Lestari, Yuliani Dwi;Laode, M.I.
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2018
  • The growth of Bandung's tourism industry has had a massive impact on the hotel sector. Most tourists visiting Bandung are domestic tourists and tend to be modest spenders fitting the profile of a mid-market (2/3 star) hotel guest. As competition has increased mid-market hotels have come under pressure from upmarket (4/5 star) and budget hotels committed to cutting prices. There is also competition with the mid-market hotel sector, which means that the 2/3 star hotels have to keep innovating in order to remain competitive. This study uses the Service Quality framework to describe customer expectations and identify gaps in hotel services. A questionnaire survey of 105 local tourists who had stayed in 2/3 star hotels in Bandung showed that the most important dimension is responsiveness, following by reliability, assurance, tangibles and empathy. Thus we conclude that local tourists' primary expectations are that hotels will deliver the service they have promised, be responsive to guests' needs and comply with service standards. Furthermore, these findings validate the earlier prediction that comparing 2/3 star hotel with 5/4 start hotel, the customers are having preliminary knowledge on facilities limitation and friendliness. Tourists using 2/3 star hotels tend to be prepared to accept limited facilities and less friendly staff service.

Determinants of Technology Commercialization Ecosystem for Universities in Kazakhstan

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the barriers of university and industry cooperation and to develop recommendations for the internal ecosystem of technology commercialization. The research method used is a survey of three categories of experts from 9 universities of Almaty (researchers, technology transfer managers, spin-off-owners). Despite the strong efforts of the government of Kazakhstan in building innovation infrastructure, there is a low level of innovation activity, less than 5% of university inventions are transferred into the industry. The results of the expert survey showed that the main barriers for cooperation between university and industry are: lack of resources to build university-industry links, lack of time due to high teaching load, poor qualification of technology transfer managers and lack of networking with industry. Based on the results of the expert survey, it is proposed to develop the ecosystem for the commercialization of university-based technologies, for which the following economic activities are important: human resources, financing, intellectual property management system, and intermediary infrastructure. The results of this study can be applied in developing the strategies and policies for universities, public research organizations, as well as for national R&D and higher education policies.

Conflict Analysis of the Nanjing Yuhuan and A.O Smith Joint Venture Case

  • Yu, Yunxia;Wang, Ying
    • Asian Journal of Business Environment
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2018
  • Purpose -This paper is to study the process of the negative effects of Sino-foreign joint ventures, hoping to find out an effective path in which local enterprises can avoid the risks in the utilization of foreign capital, and ultimately achieve independent innovation. Research design, data, and methodology -The outflow of assets, the loss of local brands and the "technology hollowing-out" problem brought by joint ventures is becoming more and more serious. Based on conflict analysis graph model, this paper takes Yuhuan joint venture as an example to identify the conflict problem in Sino-foreign joint ventures. Results -The results of the stability analysis show that establishing joint venture cannot really realize the introduction of technology because the technology is fully controlled by the foreign part. So when introducing foreign capital, local enterprises should participate in R&D and master the initiative. Conclusions - Local enterprises should pay attention to patent containment and technology blockade of multinationals. Domestic enterprises should try to protect state-owned assets and local brands in Sino-foreign joint ventures. Independent innovation is the most effective strategy for the development of enterprises in China.

Analysis for the Policy Making Process of G7 Project in 1990s (선도기술개발사업(G7)의 정책결정 과정 분석: 범부처간 추진 과정 및 민간 전문가 역할을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chan-Gu
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.167-200
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    • 2008
  • This work firstly aims to analyse how the policy makers had been able to sort out the two policy issues, 'how did the MOST establish the inter-departmental project' and 'why did the MOST give a legal power to the private experts', in the process of policy making for Highly Advanced National(HAN) project, called G7 Project, which had been implemented for 10 years in 1990s. Then, this will discuss the policy implications available to the similar policy areas in the future. The result shows that the agenda setting of the G7 Project, one of the successful national R&D projects in Korea, had been initiated by a few leaders who had have the perspective of pioneer. In addition, this explains that private experts had more played than civil servant did in the process of policy formation, which had been backed up by the R&D plannin4g system then introduced in R&D management process for the frist time. This case study will provide policy makers with the opportunities to remind 'the necessities of the policy management by the system not actors', 'more effective management of distribution policy' and 'the better role of related experts in the policy making process'. Also, above issues will make both the practitioners and the researchers again consider how to improve the rationality and effectiveness of the policy making process in the field of science and technology.

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몬테카를로 최소자승법을 이용한 확률론적 기술가치평가 모형 연구

  • Seong, Tae-Eung;Lee, Jong-Taek;Kim, Byeong-Hun;Park, Hyeon-U
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.715-721
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    • 2017
  • 기술거래 시장의 활성화에 대한 연구개발서비스 분야 종사자들의 관심이 높아지고 있으며, 특히 공공 및 민간 분야의 휴면 기술(특허)에 대한 이전 거래를 통해 불필요한 특허유지 비용을 줄이고 부가적인 기술료 창출 효과를 거둘 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 현재까지 기술이전(거래), 현물출자, 기술금융(융자, 담보대출) 등 다양한 목적으로 실무에서 활용되어 온 기술가치평가 모형의 한계점을 고민해 보고, 이에 대한 개선방안으로서 몬테카를로 최소자승법 기반의 확률론적 가치평가 모형을 제시한다. 기존의 가치평가 모형은 평가산출을 위한 입력변수의 확정적 값들에 기반하여 가치액이 산출되었으나, 대표적 기법인 현금흐름 할인법이나 로열티공제법의 경우 미래의 수익예상기간, 예상매출액 등에서는 불확실성(uncertainty)가 내재되어 있다. 따라서 특정 분포(distribution)에 대한 확률론적 가능성을 가정하고 이에 대한 수학적 최적화 논리로부터 몬테카를로 최소자승 관게에 의한 변수결정 및 가치평가액 산정을 할 수 있는 평가모듈을 개발한다. 향후 연구에서는 기 평가된 사례결과를 딥러닝(deep learning) 방식으로 학습하여, 발생가능성 높은 각 변수값의 범위들을 산출하고 이로부터 기술가치 범위를 추론하는 시스템을 개발하는 것도 가능할 것으로 기대된다.

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Empowerment Model for Sustainable Tourism Village in an Emerging Country

  • PURNOMO, Singgih;RAHAYU, Endang Siti;RIANI, Asri Laksmi;SUMINAH, Suminah;UDIN, Udin
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to examine the community empowerment model to develop sustainable tourism villages in Indonesia. This study applies a qualitative method. Data collection is conducted through interviews, observations, and focus group discussions held in Ponggok Village of Central Java Province - Indonesia. The results of this study found that the tourism development carried out in the Ponggok Village used four approaches (1) spatial approach as a basis in determining the direction of village development; (2) sectoral approach through increasing the role of the Village Owned Enterprises to build the village economy; (3) human resources to enhance the role of village communities in managing village potentials; and (4) use of information technology to improve service quality, transparency and accountability. The success of these four approaches is influenced by the leadership, innovation, collaboration, and good village governance. The success of the Ponggok village to become an independent village in improving the welfare of the community is inseparable from the success of the Ponggok village government in empowering the community to manage sustainable tourism development. The success of development with these four approaches is influenced by leadership, innovation, collaboration, and good governance.

Strategic Management Accounting and Firm Performance: Evidence from Finance Businesses in Thailand

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.309-321
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to examine the effects of strategic management accounting on firm performance of finance businesses in Thailand. Strategic management accounting comprises of environmental scanning, competitor orientation and forward-looking information. In this study, 175 finance businesses in Thailand are the samples of the study. A mail survey procedure was used for data collection. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis is employed to test the research relationships. Firstly, environmental scanning positively affects operational excellence, organizational effectiveness and firm performance. Secondly, competitor orientation is positively related to managerial efficiency and organizational effectiveness. Thirdly, forward-looking information has a positive influence on operational excellence, managerial efficiency, organizational effectiveness, and firm performance. In addition, operational excellence, managerial efficiency and organizational effectiveness have positive impact on firm performance. Finally, to verify the mediating effects, operational excellence, managerial efficiency and organizational effectiveness are the mediators of the research relationships. This study confirms that all dimensions of strategic management accounting play a significant role in determining business outcome as being congruent with the theory of resource-based views of the firms. Executives of firms need to provide valuable resources and capabilities to support the strategic management accounting implementation in order to achieve good business outcome in highly competitive environments.

A Study on the Development Device of Innovation Cluster and Investment to Free Economic Zone of Gwangyang Bay (광양만권 경제자유구역에의 투자유치와 혁신클러스터 구축방안)

  • 장흥훈
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.111-132
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    • 2005
  • With the globalization of economy, there is keen competition among countries to be a logistics hub and companies are striving to be first in establishing logistics system centering on advantageous sites, especially airport and seaports, to perform supply, production and distribution. Korea competing with Northeast Asia countries is also working out strategies in order to make Korea penninsula a logistics center of Northeast Asia taking advantage of its geographical strength. Gwangyang port has designated as Free Economic Zone together with Pusan and Jinhae, Incheon from October 24th, 2003. However, the introduction of Free Economic Zone in Korea lagged behind other major countries and it has a lot of operational problems. Approximately 600 areas worldwide are designated and operated as a Free Economic Zone and Gwangyang port and its surrounding area has several points to be settled as one of FEZ. First one is its limited functions and related laws on Gwangyang Bay. Next is imperfection on development, investment and management system of the FEZ. Lack of promotion activities could be one of the problems. If we want to activate the FEZ, we must induce investment at Gwangyang Bay. This paper analyzes the above problems and presents various measures to activate Gwangyang Free Economic Zone by inducing investment for innovation cluster as follows Benchmarking to promote Gwangyang Free Economic Zone as follows Benchmarking other countries' system, governmental support, introduction & logistics functions, early development of the hinterland, supply ofeffective one-stop service, investment attraction into the area and diversified promotion & marketing activities.

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Market Structure, Conduct, and Performance of the Creative Industry in Indonesia

  • DJULIUS, Horas;XIAO, Lixian;JUANIM, Juanim;PRIATNA, Deden Komar;MUNAWAROH, Siti
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.337-343
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    • 2021
  • The study's objective is to ascertain the state of the creative industry's market structure, the behavior of entrepreneurs ("conduct"), and the performance of the creative industry in Indonesia. Additionally, this study evaluates the relationship between structure, conduct, and performance within the context of the relationship between the three. This study analyzes longitudinal data from 2005 to 2015 for sub-sectors within the creative industry. The first step is to group statistical sub-sectors into creative-industry categories. The next step is to quantify and analyze the structure, behavior, and performance indicators of each creative industry subsector. Then, using a random effect panel data model, the relationship between structure and performance was estimated and examined. The findings of this study suggest that market share and concentration ratio calculations indicate that the creative industry in Indonesia has a monopolistic market structure. With this market framework, the creative industry's conduct can have an effect on prices. This is undoubtedly consistent with the features of the creative industry, which emphasize innovation as a means of adding value. The panel data estimation findings suggest the need for long-term efforts to maintain a market framework that enables businesses to compete fairly, innovate, and bring value.

Determinants of the Competitiveness of Women-Owned Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An Empirical Study from Vietnam

  • DAO, Tien Ngoc;LE, Ha Thi Thu;CHU, Phuong Thi Mai;PHAM, Ngan Hoang;LUONG, Trang Thi Dai;TRAN, Dung Tri
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2021
  • Guided by a resource-based theory, this study is the first one that takes a quantitative approach to identify determinants of competitiveness of women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. The study employs time series data of Vietnamese SMEs extracted from the Vietnam Small and Medium Enterprises Survey conducted biennially from 2005 to 2015 in ten Vietnamese provinces. Firm competitiveness hereby is indicated by revenue, market share, profitability, and export volume. The research reveals a number of determining factors, of all, research and development, labor skills, business environment, technology investment are the most important factors, followed by capital and headcount. It is indicated that the determining factors have different influences on competitiveness obtained by different measurements. Therefore, it is based on specific targets and situations to make wise business decisions. The authors also make comparisons among groups of women-owned enterprises divided by their firm age, location, ownership, export, age, and educational background of business owners. The findings serve as critical empirical evidence and provide policy recommendations for improving the competitiveness of women-owned SMEs in Vietnam. The recommendations range from technology support, education and professional support for female entrepreneurs, access to capital and human resources to business environment improvement.