• 제목/요약/키워드: Distribution Equipment

검색결과 1,094건 처리시간 0.022초

와이블 분포를 이용한 배전설비기기의 시변 고장률 분석 (Analyzing of the Time varying failure rate of components of power distribution system using Weibull distribution)

  • 이희태;김재철;문종필;박창호
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2003년도 추계학술대회 논문집 전력기술부문
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    • pp.272-274
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    • 2003
  • Distribution system reliability evaluation estimates by approach methods such as Makove modelling or Monte Carlo simulation, equation of state and failure rate that is on one basic data used to these assessment technique is described as probability of average value. because average failure rate equipment device is aged as time goes by but there is shortcoming that such used failure rate does not evaluate thing which is correct in reliability change hereafter. In this paper, failure rate displayed that apply aging to basis equipment device by passing time using Weibull distribution one of life evaluation method and for express aging of component from utility's failure database.

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Optimum shape and process design of single rotor equipment for its mixing performance using finite volume method

  • Kim, Nak-Soo;Lee, Jae-Yeol
    • Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.289-297
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    • 2009
  • We numerically analyzed flow characteristics of the polymer melt in the screw equipment using a proper modeling and investigated design parameters which have influence on the mixing performance as the capability of the screw equipment. We considered the non-Newtonian and non-isothermal flow in a single rotor equipment to investigate the mixing performance with respect to screw dimensions as shape parameter of the single rotor equipment and screw speed as process parameter. We used Bird-Carreau-Yasuda model as a viscous model of the polymer melt and the particle tracking method to investigate the mixing performance in the screw equipment and considered four mixing performance indexes: residence time distribution, deformation rate, total strain and particle standard deviation as a new mixing performance index. We compared these indexes to determine design parameters and object function. On basis of the analysis results, we carried out the optimal design by using the response surface method and design of experiments. In conclusion, the differences of results between the optimal value and numerical analysis are about 5.0%.

전투준비태세 및 유사장비 운용자료를 활용한 RAM 목표 값 설정방법에 관한 연구 (Establishing Method of RAM Objective Considering Combat Readiness and Field Data of Similarity Equipment)

  • 김경용;배석주
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2009
  • RAM(Reliability, Availability, Maintainability) is important performance factor to keep combat readiness and optimize operational and maintenance cost of weapon systems. This paper discusses the method to establish RAM for combat readiness by using field failure data from similarity equipments. Operational availability is estimated from a binomial distribution function of user's operational conditions such as combat readiness preservation probability, operational rate, operational availability and total number of equipment. Reliability and maintainability is estimated from field failure data from similarity equipment to accomplish operational availability. The effectiveness of established RAM is verified through analysis of combat readiness preservation probability and mission reliability. A case study of weapon system illustrates the process of the proposed method.

A simplified directly determination of soil-water retention curve variables

  • Niu, Geng;Shao, Longtan;Guo, Xiaoxia
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.431-439
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    • 2020
  • Soil-water retention curve (SWRC) contains key information for the application of unsaturated soil mechanics principles to engineering practice. The SWRC variables are commonly used to describe the hydro-mechanics of soils. Generally, these parameters are determined using the graphical method which can be time consuming. The SWRC is highly dependent on the pore size distribution (PSD). Theoretically, the PSD obtained by mercury intrusion porosimetry test can be used to determine some SWRC variables. Moreover, the relationship between SWRC and shrinkage curve has been investigated. A new method to determine total SWRC variables directly without curve-fitting procedure is proposed. Substituting the variables into linear SWRC equations construct SWRC. A good agreement was obtained between predicted and measured SWRCs, indicating the validity of the proposed method for unimodal SWRC.

유압식 항타소음의 영향을 받는 공동주택의 층별 음압레벨 분포에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Vertical SPL Distribution of Piling Noise in Apartment House)

  • 윤해동;이병윤;양만우;김재수
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2001년도 추계학술대회논문집 I
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2001
  • Recently, with the increasing of construction works, large construction equipment are used to reduce the term of work and labor cost in construction field. Therefore, construction equipment noise has caused much annoyance for a number of dweller in nearby construction field and it has become a very serious problem in our living environment. Neverthless, in our country, adequite guidelines for the construction equipment noise are very deficiency because of the lack of basic data and insufficient research works. From this point of view, this study attempts to survey the vertical SPL distribution of piling noise by oil pressure method in construction field. This study also present a basic data found a effective plans for piling noise by oil pressure method.

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2계층 분배시스템에서 혼합재고정책을 이용한 적정재고수준 결정에 관한 연구 (Determining the Proper Level of Spare Parts using the CSP and (r,Q) Policies in a Two-Echelon Distribution System)

  • 정석재;이정학;김경섭
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2007
  • CSP(Concurrent Spare Parts) is supplied with the procurement of new equipment or weapon system and is used to sustain the equipment without resupply during the initial coverage period. This study is concerned with a problem of determining the near optimal inventory level of the spare parts, especially Concurrent Spare Parts. For this, we utilize the mixed periodic and continuous review polices considering the CSP and (r,Q) Policies concurrently in a two-echelon distribution system. We propose the mathematical model to minimize the total cost which is composed with ordering cost, purchasing cost, holding cost, and stickout cost. If the mixed policy is compared to other policies(CSP, (r,Q)), the proposed methodology performs well and is best policy in the equipment maintenance expenses.

유전알고리즘을 이용하여 최적화된 방제 자원 배치안의 분포도 분석 (Distribution Analysis of Optimal Equipment Assignment Using a Genetic Algorithm)

  • 김혜진;김용혁
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2020
  • 해양 오염사고를 대비한 계획으로, 최적화된 배치안들을 수집하여 분석하는 연구가 필수적이지만, 해양 오염사고 대응을 위한 최적을 배치안을 다양화하고 분석한 연구는 아직 선행되지 않았다. 이러한 필요성에 따라, 우리는 방제자원 배치 최적화를 위한 유전알고리즘을 고안하고 이를 통해 최적의 방제 자원 배치안을 10,000 개 도출하였다. k-평균 알고리즘으로 군집화한 결과, 예상 최대 유출지역인 여수, 대산, 울산에 대하여 두 개의 군집으로 확연히 구분되었다. 우리는 이러한 군집을 새몬 맵핑을 통해 이차원으로 사영하여 배치안의 분포도를 분석하였고, 군집에 포함되는 배치안들이 그렇지 않은 배치안보다 시뮬레이션의 결과가 우수함을 확인했다. 향후, 본 연구를 기반으로 성능이 우수한 근사모델을 구현하는 것이 가능할 것으로 보인다.

A simplified directly determination of soil-water retention curve from pore size distribution

  • Niu, Geng;Shao, Longtan;Sun, De'an;Guo, Xiaoxia
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 2020
  • Numbers fitting-curve equations have been proposed to predict soil-water retention curve (SWRC) whose parameters have no definitude physical meaning. And these methods with precondition of measuring SWRC data is time-consuming. A simplified directly method to estimate SWRC without parameters obtained by fitting-curve is proposed. Firstly, the total SWRC can be discretized into linear segments respectively. Every segment can be represented by linear formulation and every turning point can be determined by the pore-size distribution (PSD) of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) tests. The pore diameters governing the air-entry condition (AEC) and residual condition (RC) can be determined by the PSDs of MIP test. The PSD changes significantly during drying in SWR test, so the determination of AEC and RC should use the PSD under corresponding suction conditions. Every parameter in proposed equations can be determined directly by PSD without curve-fitting procedure and has definitude physical meaning. The proposed equations give a good estimation of both unimodal and bimodal SWRCs.

국내 배전계통의 6분할 3연계 최적분할 모델 구성방안 (Optimal Division Model Configuration Plan According to 6 Divisions 3 Ties in Korea Distribution System)

  • 이대동;손성환;하복남;현동석;김영달
    • 전기학회논문지P
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    • 제59권4호
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    • pp.428-433
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    • 2010
  • According as economy grows, demand for power increases and satisfaction of customer about electricity quality is rising. There is in trend that investment expense by continuously increased supply of electric power equipment is on the increase continuously, but management efficiency improvement through curtailment of supply of electric power equipment investment expense through efficient operation is required rather than to increase investment. In this study, reconsidered about 6 divisions 3 ties that is distribution line basis configuration of Daejeon Geumsan area and analyzed division and tie present condition of truthful distribution System. Examined problem analyzing average division number, tie number and tie switch number, searched about most suitable division that consider load. Hereafter, I wish to take advantage of analysis result in most suitable division and tie of truthful distribution system for power failure section reduction and investment expense curtailment.

Effect of the Scarcity Message Type and Sender Type on Purchase Intention in Instagram as a Distribution Channel

  • Inyup LEE;Dong-Kyu KIM;Chulhwan CHOI
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제21권7호
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Social networking services have been recognized as an attractive distribution channel at a time when efforts to deliver effective messages to consumers are essential amid a flood of advertisements in the multi-media era. In that sense, this study investigated the effect of the scarcity message type (limited-time vs. limited-quantity) and sender type (corporate vs. consumer) on the intention to purchase golf equipment by Instagram distribution channel. Research design, data and methodology: Data from 108 college students in their 20s and 30s with experience using Instagram were collected online through convenience sampling. A frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample t-test, and two-way analysis of variance were performed using SPSS 23.0. Results: The results showed that limited-quantity messages induce a higher purchase intention than limited-time messages. Similarly, consumer-sent advertisements induce a higher purchase intention than corporate-sent advertisements. Further, there is no statistically significant interaction effect of the scarcity message type and sender type on the intention to purchase golf equipment. Conclusions: This study is meaningful in verifying consumers' purchase intention depending on the type of scarcity message and the type of sender in Instagram advertisements. The results yield significant implications for marketers and several directions for future research.