• Title/Summary/Keyword: Disaster Information Collection

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Metadata Design Based on Vector Type Geospatial Information Standard for the Collection and Management of Inundation Map (침수지도 수집 및 관리를 위한 벡터형 공간정보 표준 기반의 메타데이터 설계)

  • Sim, Gyu-Seong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 2016
  • Inundation Maps are used to predict potential areas of flooding through the signs of past flooding and flood inundation analysis for flooding expected in the future, and this has led to the development of various forms of disaster-related services by governments. However, each institution has its own individual scenarios for making maps for spatial expression. Therefore, the type of spatial information is not standardized and has many forms and structures. In this study, we attempted to design the metadata that would allow Inundation Map information to be shared and used in various fields. The international standard, ISO 19115, and the domestic standards, KS X ISO 19115, TTAS.IS - 19115 and TTAS.KO - 10.0139/R1 of TTA, were used in the design to derive an appropriate standard for comparative analysis by dividing into maintenance, constraints, metadata, spatial reference system, identification, and distribution. It is expected that inundation maps will be easier to utilize and distribute among institutions and private companies by systematically collecting and managing them through the metadata design based vector space information standard developed in this study.

Segment-based land Cover Classification using Texture Information in Degraded Forest land of North Korea (북한 산림황폐지의 질감특성을 고려한 분할영상 기반 토지피복분류)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Lee, Seung-Ho;Cho, Hyun-Kook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.477-487
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    • 2010
  • In North Korea, forests were intensively degraded by forest land reclamation for food production and firewood collection since the mid-1970s. These degraded forests have to be certainly recovered for economic support, environmental protection and disaster prevention. In order to provide detailed land cover information of forest recovery project (A/R CDM), this study was focused to develop an improved classification method for degraded forest using 2.5m SPOT-5 pan-sharpened image. The degraded forest of North Korea shows various different types of texture. This study used GLCM texture bands of segmented image with spectral bands during forest cover classification. When scale factor 40/shape factor 0.3 was used as a parameter set to generate segment image, segment image was generated on suitable segment scale that could classify types of degraded forest. Forest land cover types were classified with an optimum band combination of Band1, Band2, band3, GLCM dissimilarity (band2), GLCM homogeneity (band2) and GLCM standard deviation (band3). Segment-based classification method using spectral bands and texture bands reached an 80.4% overall accuracy, but the method using only spectral bands yielded an 70.3% overall accuracy. As using spectral and texture bands, a classification accuracy of stocked forest and unstocked forest showed an increase of 23~25%. In this research, SPOT-5 pan-sharpened high-resolution satellite image could provide a very useful information for classifying the forest cover of North Korea in which field data collection was not available for ground truth data and verification directly. And segment-based classification method using texture information improved classification accuracy of degraded forest.

Mapping Technique for Flood Vulnerable Area Using Surface Runoff Mechanism (지표유출메커니즘을 활용한 홍수취약지구 표출 기법)

  • LEE, Jae-Yeong;HAN, Kun-Yeun;KIM, Hyun-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.181-196
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    • 2019
  • Floods can be caused by a variety of factors, and the main cause of floods is the exceeding of urban drainage system or river capacity. In addition, rainfall frequently occurs that causes large watershed runoff. Since the existing methodology of preparing for flood risk map is based on hydraulic and hydrological modeling, it is difficult to analyse for a large area because it takes a long time due to the extensive data collection and complex analysis process. In order to overcome this problem, this study proposes a methodology of mapping for flood vulnerable area that considered the surface runoff mechanism. This makes it possible to reduce the time and effort required to estimate flood vulnerabilities and enable detailed analysis of large areas. The target area is Seoul, and it was confirmed that flood damage is likely to occur near selected vulnerable areas by verifying using 2×2 confusion matrix and ROC curve. By selecting and prioritizing flood vulnerable areas through the surface runoff mechanism proposed in this study, the establishment of systematic disaster prevention measures and efficient budget allocation will be possible.

A Study on the Fire Prevention Activities and Suppression Measures of Utility-Pipe Conduit (지하공동구 화재예방활동 및 진압대책에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2010
  • Utility-Pipe Conduit is, Housing and city effectively accommodate what they absolutely need power, communications, gas, pipeline, water supply, drainage, energy facilities etc, according to expansion of urban infrastructure are derived, several ways to solve problems in, collection facilities in place are maintained and managed facility. If Utility-Pipe Conduit is damaged, as well as national security, because their impact on society as a whole, by introducing large vulnerability in the fire prevention activities and suppression measures and disaster for our situation by introducing measures, comprehensive analysis of the fire risk, it shall establish fire prevention activities and suppression through analysis of Utility-Pipe Conduit design, institutional issues, the problem of fire protection facilities, fire spread phenomenon etc. Because of Utility-Pipe Conduit is an enclosed place, so incomplete combustion due to lack of oxygen supply that there are problem such dark smoke, carbon monoxide etc, toxic combustion products and heat generation and visual impairment is an issue difficult to enter. As well as fire prevention activities, the fire In light of the particularity of the under ground than above ground fire, so this phenomenon is weak fire fighting that fire to become effective fire fighting tactics, basically it is necessary difficulty softening, non-burn softening and prevent combustion expansion of the cable is installed on the Utility-Pipe Conduit, having to considering the specificity of the response command system and relevant organizations to establish an on-site, Structural identification and other information gathering required to record of Response agencies, keep air conditioning system 24 hours and strengthening Virtual Total Training of Response agen

A Characteristic Conservation and Application of Geomorphological Landscape Resources in National Parks, South Korea (우리나라 국립공원 지형경관자원의 유형 및 활용방안)

  • KIM, Jang-soo;JANG, Dong-Ho;YANG, Heakun
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2013
  • This study collected national secondary and tertiary nationwide natural environment survey data of the National Institute of Environmental Research as well as the National Park's secondary and tertiary natural resource research data executed by the Korea National Park Service. The data collection is aimed at reclassification the geomorphological landscape resources of each park in varying types. The results generated a total of 3,169 geomorphological landscape resources within all the national parks. Among all the geomorphological landscape resources, 794 landscape resources were judged as Level I, which accounts for 36.9%. Next, 546 landscape resources were judged as Level II, or 25.3%, and 459 landscape resources judged as Level III, or 21.3%. Lastly, 191 landscape resources were judged as Level IV, having the lowest conservation level, or 8.9%. The number of Level I landscape resources for each national park includes 207 sites on Seoraksan, 92 sites on Dadohaehaesang Park, 84 sites on Jirisan, and 60 sites at the Taeanhaean, respectively. Dadohaehaesang National Park, Seoraksan National Park, Taeanhaean National Park, Jirisan National Park, Songnisan National Park, and Gyeryongsan National Park were evaluated as national parks having excellent landscape resources. To use these excellent landscape resources, there is a need to increase visitors' satisfaction and increase their interest in and understanding of landscape resources. To achieve this, a landscape viewpoint map must be composed and installed at the entrance or at certain points to provide visitors with useful information regarding the geomorphological landscape resources.

Environmental Interpretation on soil mass movement spot and disaster dangerous site for precautionary measures -in Peong Chang Area- (산사태발생지(山沙汰發生地)와 피해위험지(被害危險地)의 환경학적(環境學的) 해석(解析)과 예방대책(豫防對策) -평창지구(平昌地區)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Ma, Sang Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.11-25
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    • 1979
  • There was much mass movement at many different mountain side of Peong Chang area in Kwangwon province by the influence of heavy rainfall through August/4 5, 1979. This study have done with the fact observed through the field survey and the information of the former researchers. The results are as follows; 1. Heavy rainfall area with more than 200mm per day and more than 60mm per hour as maximum rainfall during past 6 years, are distributed in the western side of the connecting line through Hoeng Seong, Weonju, Yeongdong, Muju, Namweon and Suncheon, and of the southern sea side of KeongsangNam-do. The heavy rain fan reason in the above area seems to be influenced by the mouktam range and moving direction of depression. 2. Peak point of heavy rainfall distribution always happen during the night time and seems to cause directly mass movement and serious damage. 3. Soil mass movement in Peongchang break out from the course sandy loam soil of granite group and the clay soil of lime stone and shale. Earth have moved along the surface of both bedrock or also the hardpan in case of the lime stone area. 4. Infiltration seems to be rapid on the both bedrock soil, the former is by the soil texture and the latter is by the crumb structure, high humus content and dense root system in surface soil. 5. Topographic pattern of mass movement spot is mostly the concave slope at the valley head or at the upper part of middle slope which run-off can easily come together from the surrounding slope. Soil profile of mass movement spot has wet soil in the lime stone area and loose or deep soil in the granite area. 6. Dominant slope degree of the soil mass movement site has steep slope, mostly, more than 25 degree and slope position that start mass movement is mostly in the range of the middle slope line to ridge line. 7. Vegetation status of soil mass movement area are mostly fire field agriculture area, it's abandoned grass land, young plantation made on the fire field poor forest of the erosion control site and non forest land composed mainly grass and shrubs. Very rare earth sliding can be found in the big tree stands but mostly from the thin soil site on the un-weatherd bed rock. 8. Dangerous condition of soil mass movement and land sliding seems to be estimated by the several environmental factors, namely, vegetation cover, slope degree, slope shape and position, bed rock and soil profile characteristics etc. 9. House break down are mostly happen on the following site, namely, colluvial cone and fan, talus, foot area of concave slope and small terrace or colluvial soil between valley and at the small river side Dangerous house from mass movement could be interpreted by the aerial photo with reference of the surrounding site condition of house and village in the mountain area 10. As a counter plan for the prevention of mass movement damage the technics of it's risk diagnosis and the field survey should be done, and the mass movement control of prevention should be started with the goverment support as soon as possible. The precautionary measures of house and village protection from mass movement damage should be made and executed and considered the protecting forest making around the house and village. 11. Dangerous or safety of house and village from mass movement and flood damage will be indentified and informed to the village people of mountain area through the forest extension work. 12. Clear cutting activity on the steep granite site, fire field making on the steep slope, house or village construction on the dangerous site and fuel collection in the eroded forest or the steep forest land should be surely prohibited When making the management plan the mass movement, soil erosion and flood problem will be concidered and also included the prevention method of disaster.

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