• Title/Summary/Keyword: Direction of line

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A Study of the Visual Effects by Variations in the Location of the Waistline and the Width of the Round Belt of the Basic Pants (베이직 팬츠의 허리선 위치(位置)와 라운드 벨트 폭(幅)의 변화(變化)에 따른 시각적(視覺的) 효과(效果))

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Lee, Jung-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to present basic data that can express beautiful silhouette by studying visual effect that depend on waist position of basic pants and the change of round belt width and analyzing the study of visual effect of the pattern design as well as the effect of design component. The stimuli are 21 samples: 7 variations of the location of the waistline and 3 variations of the width of the belt. The data has been obtained from 35 fashion design majors. The data has analyzed by frequency, factor analysis, anova, scheffe's test and the MCA method. The visual effects by the location of waistline and the width of belt are composed of 3 factors : horizontal direction factor, vertical direction factor and flexuosity factor. In these factors, horizontal factor is estimated by most important factor. Visual effect is positive when belt width widens as the location of waist line goes down to position of low belt. And in case the location of waist line is in the position of natural waist belt and low rise belt, belt of 3.2cm width is effective visually. The interaction effects between the location of the waistline and the width of the belt have significant differences in all factors. Factor that appears in visual effect of basic pants can be evaluated differently according to pattern of pants and characteristic of body shape. So we may receive better visual assessment if we consider the location of waist belt and width of belt in side of visual effect and image, when we produce pants giving variety to crotch depth.

A Study of Land Use Changes and Direction of Development of Surrounding Area of KonKuk Subway Station According to Changes in Accessibility (접근도의 변화에 따른 역세권의 토지이용변화와 개발방향에 관한 연구 : 건대역을 사례로 하여)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.69-90
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    • 1997
  • The purposes of this study are to analyze changes in land value and land use of the surrounding area of Konkuk subway station and to suggest the direction of development of that area, which is designated as the micro planning district. KonKuk subway station which is one of nodes in subway line 2 will be completely connected to subway line 7 in 1998. Therefore, as a transfer station, the accessibility for KonKuk station would be increased very much due to the expansion of subway network system. This study analyzes land use types and land values within 200m from the four exits of the station and examines how subway station influences land use types and land values at surrounding areas. Based on the result of the current land use pattern and questionaire related to the direction for the future development of KonKuk subway area, this study suggests the effective and desired direction of development strategies in creating cultural environment appropriate for a university neighborhood.

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A Study on Effective Moving Object Segmentation and Fast Tracking Algorithm (효율적인 이동물체 분할과 고속 추적 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Yeong-Seok;Lee, Ju-Sin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.3
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    • pp.359-368
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we propose effective boundary line extraction algorithm for moving objects by matching error image and moving vectors, and fast tracking algorithm for moving object by partial boundary lines. We extracted boundary line for moving object by generating seeds with probability distribution function based on Watershed algorithm, and by extracting boundary line for moving objects through extending seeds, and then by using moving vectors. We processed tracking algorithm for moving object by using a part of boundary lines as features. We set up a part of every-direction boundary line for moving object as the initial feature vectors for moving objects. Then, we tracked moving object within current frames by using feature vector for the previous frames. As the result of the simulation for tracking moving object on the real images, we found that tracking processing of the proposed algorithm was simple due to tracking boundary line only for moving object as a feature, in contrast to the traditional tracking algorithm for active contour line that have varying processing cost with the length of boundary line. The operations was reduced about 39% as contrasted with the full search BMA. Tracking error was less than 4 pixel when the feature vector was $(15\times{5)}$ through the information of every-direction boundary line. The proposed algorithm just needed 200 times of search operation.

Directional Feature Extraction of Handwritten Numerals using Local min/max Operations (Local min/max 연산을 이용한 필기체 숫자의 방향특징 추출)

  • Jung, Soon-Won;Park, Joong-Jo
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose a directional feature extraction method for off-line handwritten numerals by using the morphological operations. Direction features are obtained from four directional line images, each of which contains horizontal, vertical, right-diagonal and left-diagonal lines in entire numeral lines. Conventional method for extracting directional features uses Kirsch masks which generate edge-shaped double line images for each direction, whereas our method uses directional erosion operations and generate single line images for each direction. To apply these directional erosion operations to the numeral image, preprocessing steps such as thinning and dilation are required, but resultant directional lines are more similar to numeral lines themselves. Our four [$4{\times}4$] directional features of a numeral are obtained from four directional line images through a zoning method. For obtaining the higher recognition rates of the handwrittern numerals, we use the multiple feature which is comprised of our proposed feature and the conventional features of a kirsch directional feature and a concavity feature. For recognition test with given features, we use a multi-layer perceptron neural network classifier which is trained with the back propagation algorithm. Through the experiments with the CENPARMI numeral database of Concordia University, we have achieved a recognition rate of 98.35%.

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Study on the 'poems of prograde' of twelve meridians and 'poems of acupoints' (십이경맥(十二經脈)의 순행가(循行歌)와 경혈가(經穴歌)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究);십이경맥(十二經脈)의 순행(循行) 부위(部位) 및 방향(方向)과 경혈가(經穴歌)의 분류(分類)를 위주로)

  • Kang, Dong-Yun;Jo, Hak-Jun;Kim, Ho-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.61-123
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    • 2007
  • We translated 'poems of prograde' and 'poems of acupoints' which in the poems of acupoints and based on that, We considered the circulating direction and region of twelve meridian comparing the notion in common today with that in the 'poems of acupoints'. Finally, we got the conclusion like below 1. About circulating line of lung meridian, it'll be proper to correct that lung meridian passes through inner edge of biceps brachii muscle like heart and pericardium meridian. 2. On the part of kidney meridian in 'poems of prograde', it's right to be corrected as the circulating line that thru the inner line of vertebrae, enters heart and lung, and scattered tho breast. 3. 'Poems of prograde' can be separated two kinds go by starting-acupoints, ending- acupoints. First is 'poems of prograde' is begun from the end of members and ended in the body. Second is from Jungbu(中府) to Kimun(期門), circulating the members and the body with no ending. 4. On the above, we can find first 'poems of prograde' in "Chimkudaejeon(鍼灸大全)", "YangKyungjechimkujeonso(楊敬齋鍼灸全書)", "Chimkudaeseong(鍼灸大成)", also second can be found in "Neungmunjeonsudonginjihyul(凌門傳授銅人指穴)", "Chimkushinso(鍼灸神書)", "Kumchimbijeon(金針秘傳)", "Kyungrakhoepyun(經絡匯編), "Kyungrakko(經絡考)", "Jungsohoechamdongindosol(重西匯參銅人圖說)", "Kyungrakdoko(經脈圖考)", "ChimkuChuiyoung(針灸聚英)", "Shipsakyoungbalhwee(十四經發揮)", "Jakushimbopyokyul(刺灸心法要訣)", "Yukyoungdoik(類經圖翼)", "Yihakimmun(醫學入門)", etc. 5. Drawing an inference from above, the forms of "Jokbishibilmaek(足臂十一脈)" and "YumYangshibilmaek(陰陽十一脈)" are in "Mawangtoebaekso(馬王堆帛書)", are rather foreforms of circulation line that from the end of members and ended in the body than meridian prograde.

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Investigation on lamb wave propagation in silicon wafer using large aperture line-focused transducer (대구경 선집속 탐촉자를 이용한 실리콘 웨이퍼에서의 램파 전파 특성 분석)

  • Chung, Yoonjae;Yang, Seung Soo;Yu, Minjae;Kim, Young H.
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.174-180
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the propagation characteristics of Lamb waves in anisotropic silicon wafers of (100) and (111) direction were investigated by PVDF (Polyvinylidene Fluoride) line-focused transducer. The modified V(f,z) method was used because the Lamb waves are dispersive. For confirming the anisotropy, a line-focused transducer was used and the silicon wafer was rotated 180 degrees at intervals of 1 degree. As a result, $A_0$ and $S_0$ modes were observed. The speed of $S_0$ mode according to propagation direction showed anisotropy which is associated with the crystal structure, and the speed of $A_0$ mode was isotropic. The result is consistent with the crystal structure of silicon and the mechanism of vibration of each Lamb wave modes.

Stereoscopic depth of surfaces lying in the same visual direction depends on the visual direction of surface features (표면 요소의 시선방향에 의한 동일시선 상에 놓여있는 표면의 입체시 깊이 변화)

  • Kham Keetaek
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2004
  • When two objects are tying in the same visual direction there occurs abrupt depth change between two objects, which is against the assumption of the computational model for stereopsis on the surfaces in a natural scene. For this reason, this stimulus configuration is popularly used in the studies for the effectiveness of the constraints employed in the computational model. Contrary to the results from two nails (or objects) tying in the same visual direction, the two different surfaces from random-dot stereogram (RDS) in the same situation can be seen simultaneously in the different depth. The seemingly contradictory results between two situations my reflect the different strategies imposed by binocular mechanism for each situation during binocular matching process. Otherwise, the surfaces tying in the same visual direction is not equivalent situation to two objects tying in the same visual direction with regards to matching process. In order to examine above possibilities, the stereoscopic depth of the surface was measured after manipulating the visual direction of the surface elements. The visual direction of each dot pair from different surfaces in RDS (in Experiment 1) or the visual direction of line (hawing rectangle with regard to that of the vertical line (in Experiment 2) was manipulated. The stereoscopic depth of the surface was found to be varied depending on visual direction of the surface elements in both RDS and line hawing stimulus. Similar to the results from two nails situation depth of the surface was greatly reduced when each surface element was tying in the same visual direction as that of the other surface element or the other object. These results suggest that binocular mechanism imposes no different strategy in resolving correspondence problem in both two objects and two surfaces situation. And the results were discussed in the context of usefulness of the constraints employed in the computational model for stereopsis.

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The critical angle of seismic incidence of transmission tower-line system based on wavelet energy method

  • Tian, Li;Dong, Xu;Pan, Haiyang;He, Xiaoyu
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.387-398
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    • 2019
  • On the basis that ground motions may arrive at a structure from any horizontal direction and that different directions of seismic incidence would result in different structural dynamic responses, this paper focuses on orienting the crucial seismic incidence of transmission tower-line systems based on the wavelet energy method. A typical transmission tower-line system is chosen as the case study, and two finite element (FE) models are established in ABAQUS, with and without consideration of the interaction between the transmission towers and the transmission lines. The mode combination frequency is defined by considering the influence of the higher-order modes of the structure. Subsequently, wavelet transformation is performed to obtain the total effective energy input and the effective energy input rate corresponding to the mode combination frequency to further judge the critical angle of seismic incidence by comparing these two performance indexes under different seismic incidence angles. To validate this approach, finite element history analysis (FEHA) is imposed on both FE models to generate comparative data, and good agreement is found. The results demonstrate that the wavelet energy method can forecast the critical angle of seismic incidence of a transmission tower-line system with adequate accuracy, avoiding time-consuming and cumbersome computer analysis. The proposed approach can be used in future seismic design of transmission tower-line systems.

A Study on the Improvement of Trolling Equipment for Spanish Mackerel and Yellow Tail in the Coast of Jeju island (제주 연근해 삼치·방어용 끌낚시의 조업 장비 개발)

  • Park, Young-Seok;Kim, Byung-Yeob;Lee, Chang-Heon
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.422-429
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is the improvement of the existing trolling hauler, which has only one wheel to wind a main line, for saving man power around the coast of Jeju island. The trolling hauler manufactured for a test performance consisted of the wheel part of a main line and the roller part of a leader line including labor-saving devices comprised of a friction clutch, a fastener and springs. Even though this existing electric hauler system is convenient to control the wheel speed and the winding direction, it is apt to cost high and to corrode quickly at sea. Therefore, to remove these negative elements and to operate rollers for hoisting a leader line of the trolling, hydraulic motors were used separately. As a result, according to using of labor-saving devices, the towing tension occurred in operating in fishing ground could be selected moderately without breaking of lines and the operating efficiency of the trolling hauler was verified.

Automatic Extraction of Rescue Requests from Drone Images: Focused on Urban Area Images (드론영상에서 구조요청자 자동추출 방안: 도심지역 촬영영상을 중심으로)

  • Park, Changmin
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we propose the automatic extraction method of Rescue Requests from Drone Images. A central object is extracted from each image by using central object extraction method[7] before classification. A central object in an images are defined as a set of regions that is lined around center of the image and has significant texture distribution against its surrounding. In this case of artificial objects, edge of straight line is often found, and texture is regular and directive. However, natural object's case is not. Such characteristics are extracted using Edge direction histogram energy and texture Gabor energy. The Edge direction histogram energy calculated based on the direction of only non-circular edges. The texture Gabor energy is calculated based on the 24-dimension Gebor filter bank. Maximum and minimum energy along direction in Gabor filter dictionary is selected. Finally, the extracted rescue requestor object areas using the dominant features of the objects. Through experiments, we obtain accuracy of more than 75% for extraction method using each features.