• Title/Summary/Keyword: Direct Simulation Monte Carlo

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Accuracy Evaluation of the Three-Curve Method and the Zonal Cavity Method (3배광법과 구역공간법의 정확도 평가)

  • Sim, Sang-Man;Kim, Chang-Seop;Kim, Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 1995
  • The accurcy and the application limits of the Three-Curve Method(TCM) and Zonal Cavity Method(ZCM) are evaluated. Average illuminance values are calculated by TCM and ZCM for various lighting conditions using general Diffusing Luminaires and Direct Luminaires. These values are compared with the values from Monte-Carlo Simulation(MCS) for the same lighting conditions. Accuracy of MCS was proved by Moon's Analytical Method.

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Effects of Nozzle Locations on the Rarefied Gas Flows and Al Etch Rate in a Plasma Etcher (플라즈마 식각장치내 노즐의 위치에 따른 희박기체유동 및 알루미늄 식각률의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 황영규;허중식
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.26 no.10
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    • pp.1406-1418
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    • 2002
  • The direct simulation Monte Carlo(DSMC) method is employed to calculate the etch rate on Al wafer. The etchant is assumed to be Cl$_2$. The etching process of an Al wafer in a helicon plasma etcher is examined by simulating molecular collisions of reactant and product. The flow field inside a plasma etch reactor is also simulated by the DSMC method fur a chlorine feed gas flow. The surface reaction on the Al wafer is simply modelled by one-step reaction: 3C1$_2$+2Allongrightarrow1 2AIC1$_3$. The gas flow inside the reactor is compared for six different nozzle locations. It is found that the flow field inside the reactor is affected by the nozzle locations. The Cl$_2$ number density on the wafer decreases as the nozzle location moves toward the side of the reactor. Also, the present numerical results show that the nozzle location 1, which is at the top of the reactor chamber, produces a higher etch rate.

Aerodynamic control capability of a wing-flap in hypersonic, rarefied regime: Part II

  • Zuppardi, Gennaro;Vangone, Daniele
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.503-514
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    • 2017
  • The attitude control of an aircraft is usually fulfilled by means of thrusters at high altitudes. Therefore, the possibility of using also aerodynamic surfaces would produce the advantage of reducing the amount of fuel for the thrusters to be loaded on board. For this purpose, Zuppardi already considered some aerodynamic problems linked to the use of a wing flap in a previous paper. A NACA 0010 airfoil with a trailing edge flap of 35% of the chord, in the range of angle of attack 0-40 deg and flap deflections up to 30 deg was investigated. Computer tests were carried out in hypersonic, rarefied flow by a direct simulation Monte Carlo code at the altitudes of 65 and 85 km of Earth Atmosphere. The present work continues this subject, considering the same airfoil and free stream conditions but two flap extensions of 45% and 25% of the chord and two flap deflections of 15 and 30 deg. The main purpose is to compare the influence of the flap dimension with that of the flap deflection. The present analysis is carried out in terms of: 1) percentage variation of the global aerodynamic coefficients with respect to the no-flap configuration, 2) increment of pressure and heat flux on the airfoil lower surface due to the Shock Wave-Shock Wave Interaction (SWSWI) with respect to the same quantities with no SWSWI or in no-flap configuration, 3) flap hinge moment. Issues 2) and 3) are important for the design of the mechanical and thermal protection system and of the flap actuator, respectively. Under the above mentioned test and geometrical conditions, the flap deflection is aerodynamically more effective than the flap extension, because it involves higher variation of the aerodynamic coefficients. However, tests verify that a smaller deflection angle involves the advantage of a smaller increment of pressure and heat flux on the airfoil lower surface, due to SWSWI, as well as a smaller hinge moment.

Effects of chemistry in Mars entry and Earth re-entry

  • Zuppardi, Gennaro
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.581-594
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    • 2018
  • This paper is the follow-on of a previous paper by the author where it was pointed out that the forthcoming, manned exploration missions to Mars, by means of complex geometry spacecraft, involve the study of phenomena like shock wave-boundary layer interaction and shock wave-shock wave interaction also along the entry path in Mars atmosphere. The present paper focuses the chemical effects both in the shock layer and on the surface of a test body along the Mars orbital entry and compares these effects with those along the Earth orbital re-entry. As well known, the Mars atmosphere is almost made up of Carbon dioxide whose dissociation energy is even lower than that of Oxygen. Therefore, although the Mars entry is less energized than the Earth re-entry, one can expect that the effects of chemistry on aerodynamic quantities, both in the shock layer and on a test body surface, are different from those along the Earth re-entry. The study has been carried out computationally by means of a direct simulation Monte Carlo code, simulating the nose of an aero-space-plane and using, as free stream parameters, those along the Mars entry and Earth re-entry trajectories in the altitude interval 60-90 km. At each altitude, three chemical conditions have been considered: 1) gas non reactive and non-catalytic surface, 2) gas reactive and non-catalytic surface, 3) gas reactive and fully-catalytic surface. The results showed that the number of reactions, both in the flow and on the nose surface, is higher for Earth and, correspondingly, also the effects on the aerodynamic quantities.

Analysis Study of Liquid Apogee Engine Plume for Geostationary Satellite (정지궤도위성 궤도전이용 액체원지점엔진의 배기가스 해석 연구)

  • Lee, Chi Seong;Lee, Kyun Ho
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2018
  • The geostationary satellite uses a liquid apogee engine, to obtain a required velocity increment to enter a geostationary orbit. However, as the liquid apogee engine operates in the vacuum, a considerable disbursement of exhaust plume flow, from the liquid apogee engine can trigger a backflow. As this backflow may possibly collide with the satellite directly, it can cause adverse effects such as surface contamination, thermal load, and altitude disturbance, that can generate performance reduction of the geostationary satellite. So, this study investigated exhaust plume behavior of 400 N grade liquid apogee engine numerically. To analyze exhaust plume behavior in vacuum condition, the DSMC (Direct Simulation Monte Carlo) method based on Boltzmann equation is used. As a result, thermal fluid characteristics of exhaust plume such as temperature and number density, are observed.

Comparative Study on Separation Method of Attenuation Quality Factor (감쇠상수 분리방법의 비교 분석)

  • Chung, Tae-Woong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2009
  • Using analytical method, intrinsic absorption and scattering attenuation was lately separated from total quality factor $(Q^{-1}_t)$ on the seismic data of Korean Peninsula. However, we should use numerical method rather than the analytical method to consider depth dependent structure of scattering. The direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, as a kind of the numerical method, is good option due to its extended availability from 1 to 3-dimensional model; but there is few study to use it. In this paper, we introduced the analytical method and the DSMC method, and compared the results of the two analysis applied to the isotropic scattering model. While the scattering attenuation coefficients $(\eta_s)$ are identical, the intrinsic absorption coefficients $(\eta_i)$ for the analytical method are larger than those for DSMC method and have large errors. In addition, the $(Q^{-1}_t)$ by the previous studies show closer to DSMC method than analytical method.

Influence of the Mars atmosphere model on aerodynamics of an entry capsule: Part II

  • Zuppardi, Gennaro
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.229-249
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    • 2020
  • This paper is the logical follow-up of four papers by the author on the subject "aerodynamics in Mars atmosphere". The aim of the papers was to evaluate the influence of two Mars atmosphere models (NASA Glenn and GRAM-2001) on aerodynamics of a capsule (Pathfinder) entering the Mars atmosphere and also to verify the feasibility of evaluating experimentally the ambient density and the ambient pressure by means of the methods by McLaughlin and Cassanto respectively, therefore to correct the values provided by the models. The study was carried out computationally by means of: i) a code integrating the equations of dynamics of an entry capsule for the computation of the trajectories, ii) two Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) codes for the solution of the 2-D, axial-symmetric and 3-D flow fields around the capsule in the altitude interval 50-100 km. The computations verified that the entry trajectories of Pathfinder from the two models, in terms of the Mach, Reynolds and Knudsen numbers, were very different. The aim of the present paper is to continue this study, considering other aerodynamic problems and then to provide a contribution to a long series of papers on the subject "aerodynamics in Mars atmosphere". More specifically, the present paper evaluated and quantified the effects from the two models of: i) chemical reactions on aerodynamic quantities in the shock layer, ii) surface temperature, therefore of the contribution of the re-emitted molecules, on local (pressure, skin friction, etc.) and on global (drag) quantities, iii) surface recombination reactions (catalyticity) on heat flux. The results verified that the models heavily influence the flow field (as per the shock wave structure) but, apart from the surface recombination reactions, the effects of the different conditions on aerodynamics of the capsule are negligible for both models and confirmed what already found in the previous paper that, because of the higher values of density from the NASA Glenn model, the effects on aerodynamics of a entry capsule are stronger than those computed by the GRAM-2001 model.

DSMC Simulation of Prediction of Organic Material Viscosity (DSMC 해석을 통한 유기 재료의 점성도 예측)

  • Jun, Sung Hoon;Lee, Eung Ki
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 2012
  • There have been plenty of difficulties because properties of Alq3 are unable to acquire in a process of manufacture of OLED. In this paper it will predict a viscosity of Alq3 through DSMC technique and suggest the way regarding a study to estimate properties of material through the computer simulation. There could generate errors of a simulation process in a vacuum deposition process since the properties of material that is used in a high-degree vacuum environment are not secured. Therefore, we would like to propose the new methods that can not only predict properties of a molecular unit but also raise an accuracy of simulation process by forecasting properties of Alq3.

Development of Monte Carlo Simulation Code for the Dose Calculation of the Stereotactic Radiosurgery (뇌 정위 방사선수술의 선량 계산을 위한 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션 코드 개발)

  • Kang, Jeongku;Lee, Dong Joon
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.303-308
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    • 2012
  • The Geant4 based Monte Carlo code for the application of stereotactic radiosurgery was developed. The probability density function and cumulative density function to determine the incident photon energy were calculated from pre-calculated energy spectrum for the linac by multiplying the weighting factors corresponding to the energy bins. The messenger class to transfer the various MLC fields generated by the planning system was used. The rotation matrix of rotateX and rotateY were used for simulating gantry and table rotation respectively. We construct accelerator world and phantom world in the main world coordinate to rotate accelerator and phantom world independently. We used dicomHandler class object to convert from the dicom binary file to the text file which contains the matrix number, pixel size, pixel's HU, bit size, padding value and high bits order. We reconstruct this class object to work fine. We also reconstruct the PrimaryGeneratorAction class to speed up the calculation time. because of the huge calculation time we discard search process of the ThitsMap and used direct access method from the first to the last element to produce the result files.

Probabilistic finite Element Analysis of Eigenvalue Problem- Buckling Reliability Analysis of Frame Structure- (고유치 문제의 확률 유한요소 해석)

  • 양영순;김지호
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 1991
  • The analysis method calculating the mean and standard deviation for the eigenvalue of complicated structures in which the limit state equation is implicitly expressed is formulated and applied to the buckling analysis by combining probabilistic finite element method with direct differential method which is a kind of sensitivity analysis technique. Also, the probability of buckling failure is calculated by combining classical reliability techniques such a MVFOSM and AFOSM. As random variables external load, elastic modulus, sectional moment of inertia and member length are chosen and Parkinson's iteration algorithm in AFOSM is used. The accuracy of the results by this study is verified by comparing the results with the crude Monte Carlo simulation and Importance Sampling Method. Through the case study of some structures the important aspects of buckling reliability analysis are discussed.

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