• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Automation

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Automation of Online to Offline Stores: Extremely Small Depth-Yolov8 and Feature-Based Product Recognition (Online to Offline 상점의 자동화 : 초소형 깊이의 Yolov8과 특징점 기반의 상품 인식)

  • Jongwook Si;Daemin Kim;Sungyoung Kim
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2024
  • The rapid advancement of digital technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly accelerated the growth of online commerce, highlighting the need for support mechanisms that enable small business owners to effectively respond to these market changes. In response, this paper presents a foundational technology leveraging the Online to Offline (O2O) strategy to automatically capture products displayed on retail shelves and utilize these images to create virtual stores. The essence of this research lies in precisely identifying and recognizing the location and names of displayed products, for which a single-class-targeted, lightweight model based on YOLOv8, named ESD-YOLOv8, is proposed. The detected products are identified by their names through feature-point-based technology, equipped with the capability to swiftly update the system by simply adding photos of new products. Through experiments, product name recognition demonstrated an accuracy of 74.0%, and position detection achieved a performance with an F2-Score of 92.8% using only 0.3M parameters. These results confirm that the proposed method possesses high performance and optimized efficiency.

Development of Multi-channels NMEA0183 Indicator System (다채널 NMEA0183 인디케이트 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Gwan-Hyung;Oh, Am-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.2327-2332
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the increase of loading amount on cargo ships due to the automation of loading process results in much complex ship operation. For this reason, NMEA-0183 based on RS-422,485 and NMEA-2000 based on CAN communication methods have been usually used as a standardized method in the marin electric interfacing equipments. In this paper, a general NMEA-0183 protocol was designed to support 7-channel NMEA-0183 serial communication data, which can receive 3-channel 16 bits ADC and 2-channel pulse using SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface). In particular, this method was designed for ship communication requires 7 important factors. Also in this study, using the minimization of the proposed method and realizing the monitoring system based on PC, the effectiveness of multichannel indicator system was proposed.

A Study on the Empowerment of Mobile Services using Barcodes and RFID(Radio-Frequency Identification) in Korean Libraries (국내 도서관에서 바코드와 RFID를 이용한 모바일 서비스 증진에 관한 연구)

  • Gu, Jung-Eok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.309-331
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the characteristics and types of 1D, 2D barcodes were examined. It is necessary to provide mobile services by making full use of the advantages of the technologies, such as 1D, 2D barcodes, and RFID, and by complementing the disadvantages of them mutually in Korea. Especially, in a mobile environment where the spread of smart phones and mobile networks are expanding, barcodes and RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) were analyzed as a very useful information media which is able to connect offline analogue media and online digital media. In addition, library automation systems and the cases of mobile student ID services using barcodes and RFID in Korean libraries were analyzed. The cases of mobile services using barcodes in foreign countries were also analyzed. With these cases, we propose a method to empower mobile services using barcodes in Korean libraries.

A Study on the Structural Relationship among Technological Determinants, Manufacturing Operations, and Performances for Implementing a Smart Factory in Small Businesses (중소 제조기업의 스마트공장 기술결정요인, 제조운영 및 성과 간 구조적 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Se-In;Yang, Jong-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.650-661
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    • 2020
  • The digital transformation of the 4th industrial revolution is leading to changes and innovations in the global economy. Various countries are focusing on reviving their manufacturing industries and economic recovery through smart factories. The purpose of this study is to empirically identify technological determinants for the successful implementation of the smart factory and to verify teose effects on manufacturing operations and the firms' operational/environmental performances. Five factors, including sensor network, platform technology, information system, intelligent automation, and safety, were defined as core technologies. The SEM analysis results of 157 small and medium-sized manufacturing firms that have implemented smart factories are as follows. First, sensor network, platform technology, and information system had significant effects on smart manufacturing operations. Second, smart manufacturing operations have improved firm performance. This study is valuable in that it has confirmed the effectiveness of government-funded projects and systemized key technologies for implementing smart factories. Meanwhile, it is helpful for practitioners to support an efficient and effective decision-making for the new adoption.

Full-text databases as a means for resource sharing (자원공유 수단으로서의 전문 데이터베이스)

  • 노진구
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.24
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    • pp.45-79
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    • 1996
  • Rising publication costs and declining financial resources have resulted in renewed interest among librarians in resource sharing. Although the idea of sharing resources is not new, there is a sense of urgency not seen in the past. Driven by rising publication costs and static and often shrinking budgets, librarians are embracing resource sharing as an idea whose time may finally have come. Resource sharing in electronic environments is creating a shift in the concept of the library as a warehouse of print-based collection to the idea of the library as the point of access to need information. Much of the library's material will be delivered in electronic form, or printed. In this new paradigm libraries can not be expected to su n.0, pport research from their own collections. These changes, along with improved communications, computerization of administrative functions, fax and digital delivery of articles, advancement of data storage technologies, are improving the procedures and means for delivering needed information to library users. In short, for resource sharing to be truly effective and efficient, however, automation and data communication are essential. The possibility of using full-text online databases as a su n.0, pplement to interlibrary loan for document delivery is examined. At this point, this article presents possibility of using full-text online databases as a means to interlibrary loan for document delivery. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows : First, turn-around time and the cost of getting a hard copy of a journal article from online full-text databases was comparable to the other document delivery services. Second, the use of full-text online databases should be considered as a method for promoting interlibrary loan services, as it is more cost-effective and labour saving. Third, for full-text databases to work as a document delivery system the databases must contain as many periodicals as possible and be loaded on as many systems as possible. Forth, to contain many scholarly research journals on full-text databases, we need guidelines to cover electronic document delivery, electronic reserves. Fifth, to be a full full-text database, more advanced information technologies are really needed.

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A Monitoring System for Working Environments Using Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크를 이용한 작업환경 모니터링 시스템)

  • Jung, Sang-Joon;Chung, Youn-Ky
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.1478-1485
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    • 2009
  • A sensor network which is composed of a large number of sensors that perform various sensing is applied in a variety of fields. The sensor networks can be widely used for various application area like as home automation, fire detection and security area. Development of new sensor to have appropriate functions and deployment of networks for suitable application are served actively. In this paper, we design and implement a system that monitors various factory facilities by deploying sensor network at a working place which threatens the worker's safety. A sensor node reports its sensing data like as temperature and humidity to monitor facilities to a sink node. And the server which is connect to the sink node gathers and provides information by user interface. In addition, digital data which are generated at a work place can be transferred via the sensor network to increase the efficiency of works. The proposed sensor network provides the convenience of working, since it is deployed at a garbage collection company to monitor a temperature and humidity of garbage and to transmit data about the weight of trucks which enters the company.

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The Study on Automation and Development of Strip Continuous Casting by Twin Roller Type (쌍로울형 박판연속주조공정의 개발과 자동화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Mae;Kim, Young-Do;Baek, Nam-Ju;Gang, Chung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 1990
  • In this study, the characteristics of cooling and rolling during strip casting process is obtained in comparison with the experimental and analytical results. The prupose of this study is to effectively analyze the thermal and mechanical deformation of roller applying the results of the heat transfer and the pressure distribution to boundary conditions. And then the relation between strip thickness and roll deformation is shown. The second purpose is to obtain the proper condition of the continuous casting for stainless steel. The summary and conclusions can be made on the basis of the results obtained by the theories and experiments. a) The strip casting condition for the fine surface quality of tin-alloy as-cast material was obtained in accordance with the velocity of roll rotation and initial roll gap. b) The experimental condition that the dimension of the cast strip thickness coincide with that of the initial roll gap was according to the experimental result of continuous casting by twin-roll type. c) The thermoelastic finite element model to calculate the roll deformation is represented. Thermoelastic model prediction for the roll deformation are in good agreement with the experimental results considering the thermal expansion of the roll. d) The higher cooling rates were obtained by a twin-roller quenching technique. Also quenched microstructure of the rapidly solidified shell was verified. e) The magnitude of roll deformation due to the thermal expansion and roll separating force is quantit- atively represented in the analysis of continuous casting for stainless steel.

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A Study on the Implementation Scenarios of GNSS Augmentation System for Korean Airspace (우리나라 전공역 위성항법 보강시스템 구현 방안 연구)

  • Bae, Joong-Won;Kim, Dong-Min;Jee, Gyu-In
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.567-573
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    • 2008
  • According to the ICAO's Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM - Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance - systems, employing digital technologies, including satellite systems together with various levels of automation, are to be applied in support of a seamless global air traffic management system. For the future navigation, the focus of future implementation efforts can be placed entirely on an expected gradual migration toward GNSS-based navigation, Korea has been considered various options for airspace GNSS augmentation system: GBAS, SBAS and GRAS. This paper discusses current status and future trend of GNSS airspace navigation systems, and presents the results of possible augmentation options and scenarios to analyze system availabilities which could lead to the conclusion of the best program for Korea. The results showed that Korea could have sufficient availabilities from en-route to CAT-I approach with ABAS and GBAS. The study was in cooperated with MITRE, an American research company.

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The Study on the Work Flow of Printing Industry with the Digitization (Digital화에 따른 인쇄산업의 Work flow에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Se-Jin;Ha, Young-Baeck;Oh, Sung-Sang;Lee, Euy-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2007
  • The printing industry is getting more digitalized and integration. It has enabled the interactive information and networking from Pre-Press, Press, to the Post-Press. These are efficient management and the improved process and productivity are getting more important. Such trends improved in the functionality and automation. This paper tries to find out how technology for CIP3/4 -based process may be applied and resolved. Such subject includes the domestic and international cases regarding each manufacturer's CIP3/4 technology types. Another purpose is to emphasize on the needs to establish the environment. Under this environment, it is possible to integrate network in exchangeable form through JDF standard format after CIP3/4. Based on the data from this study, it is expected to collect further substantial data which is related to the domestic printing company's CIP 4 operation. It will be also possible to perform subsequent studies on the proper variables of the market segment. CIP4 stands for "International Cooperation for Integration of Prepress, Press and Post-press, it is an association of around forty international companies, mostly manufacturers of prepress, press and post-press, as well as suppliers and users. In this paper, we studied on the acting application of CIP4 work flow.

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Three-Dimensional GSIS for Determination of Optimal Route (3차원 GSIS를 이용한 최적노선 선정)

  • Kang, In-Joon;Choi, Hyun;Park, Hun-Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.1 s.24
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2003
  • The highway is greatly changed by the constant economic growth for a long times the traffic situation such as the large volumes and the performance vehicles, the performance enlargement of vehicles, the high speedization, etc., due to growth economic. A study of an optimal route selection model is researched over late 1980s by development of computer and GSIS, and consisted including research about the optimal route that uses digital terrain model in domestic such as the earth volume calculations, the mass curve output and the automation system construction. Lately, the study of the driving simulation of the highway and the virtual reality using VGIS(Virtual Geographic Information System) is researched. This study shows when the alternative highway selection considered surrounding facilities, development plan and according to estimate amount of traffic and the additional possibility of view analysis and environment effect analysis element will study through 3D simulation method.

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