• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Automation

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Problems of Applying Information Technologies in Public Governance

  • Goshovska, Valentyna;Danylenko, Lydiia;Hachkov, Andrii;Paladiiichuk, Sergii;Dzeha, Volodymyr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2021
  • The relevance of research provides the necessity to identify the basic problems in the public governance sphere and information technology relations, forasmuch as understanding such interconnections can indicate the consequences of the development and spreading information technologies. The purpose of the research is to outline the issues of applying information technologies in public governance sphere. 500 civil servants took part in the survey (Ukraine). A two-stage study was conducted in order to obtain practical results of the research. The first stage involved collecting and analyzing the responses of civil servants on the Mentimeter online platform. In the second stage, the administrator used the SWOT-analysis system. The tendencies in using information technologies have been determined as follows: the institutional support development; creation of analytical portals for ensuring public control; level of accountability, transparency, activity of civil servants; implementation of e-government projects; changing the philosophy of electronic services development. Considering the threats and risks to the public governance system in the context of applying information technologies, the following aspects generated by societal requirements have been identified, namely: creation of the digital bureaucracy system; preservation of information and digital inequality; insufficient level of knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies, reducing the publicity of the state and municipal governance system. Weaknesses of modern public governance in the context of IT implementation have been highlighted, namely: "digitization for digitalization"; lack of necessary legal regulation; inefficiency of electronic document management (issues caused by the imperfection of the interface of reporting interactive forms, frequent changes in the composition of indicators in reporting forms, the desire of higher authorities to solve the problem of their introduction); lack of data analysis infrastructure (due to imperfections in the organization of interaction between departments and poor capacity of information resources; lack of analytical databases), lack of necessary digital competencies for civil servants. Based on the results of SWOT-analysis, the strengths have been identified as follows: (possibility of continuous communication; constant self-learning); weaknesses (age restrictions for civil servants; insufficient acquisition of knowledge); threats (system errors in the provision of services through automation); opportunities for the introduction of IT in the public governance system (broad global trends; facilitation of the document management system). The practical significance of the research lies in providing recommendations for eliminating the problems of IT implementation in the public governance sphere outlined by civil servants..

Expanded Workflow Development for OSINT(Open Source Intelligence)-based Profiling with Timeline (공개정보 기반 타임라인 프로파일링을 위한 확장된 워크플로우 개발)

  • Kwon, Heewon;Jin, Seoyoung;Sim, Minsun;Kwon, Hyemin;Lee, Insoo;Lee, Seunghoon;Kim, Myuhngjoo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2021
  • OSINT(Open Source Intelligence), rapidly increasing on the surface web in various forms, can also be used for criminal investigations by using profiling. This technique has become quite common in foreign investigative agencies such as the United States. On the other hand, in Korea, it is not used a lot, and there is a large deviation in the quantity and quality of information acquired according to the experience and knowledge level of investigator. Unlike Bazzell's most well-known model, we designed a Korean-style OSINT-based profiling technique that considers the Korean web environment and provides timeline information, focusing on the improved workflow. The database schema to improve the efficiency of profiling is also presented. Using this, we can obtain search results that guarantee a certain level of quantity and quality. And it can also be used as a standard training course. To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal investigations using this technique, it is necessary to strengthen the legal basis and to introduce automation technologies.

Prediction accuracy of incisal points in determining occlusal plane of digital complete dentures

  • Kenta Kashiwazaki;Yuriko Komagamine;Sahaprom Namano;Ji-Man Park;Maiko Iwaki;Shunsuke Minakuchi;Manabu, Kanazawa
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 2023
  • PURPOSE. This study aimed to predict the positional coordinates of incisor points from the scan data of conventional complete dentures and verify their accuracy. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The standard triangulated language (STL) data of the scanned 100 pairs of complete upper and lower dentures were imported into the computer-aided design software from which the position coordinates of the points corresponding to each landmark of the jaw were obtained. The x, y, and z coordinates of the incisor point (XP, YP, and ZP) were obtained from the maxillary and mandibular landmark coordinates using regression or calculation formulas, and the accuracy was verified to determine the deviation between the measured and predicted coordinate values. YP was obtained in two ways using the hamularincisive-papilla plane (HIP) and facial measurements. Multiple regression analysis was used to predict ZP. The root mean squared error (RMSE) values were used to verify the accuracy of the XP and YP. The RMSE value was obtained after crossvalidation using the remaining 30 cases of denture STL data to verify the accuracy of ZP. RESULTS. The RMSE was 2.22 for predicting XP. When predicting YP, the RMSE of the method using the HIP plane and facial measurements was 3.18 and 0.73, respectively. Cross-validation revealed the RMSE to be 1.53. CONCLUSION. YP and ZP could be predicted from anatomical landmarks of the maxillary and mandibular edentulous jaw, suggesting that YP could be predicted with better accuracy with the addition of the position of the lower border of the upper lip.

Automatic Extraction of Tree Information in Forest Areas Using Local Maxima Based on Aerial LiDAR (항공 LiDAR 기반 Local Maxima를 이용한 산림지역 수목정보 추출 자동화)

  • In-Ha Choi;Sang-Kwan Nam;Seung-Yub Kim;Dong-Gook Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_4
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    • pp.1155-1164
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    • 2023
  • Currently, the National Forest Inventory (NFI) collects tree information by human, so the range and time of the survey are limited. Research is actively being conducted to extract tree information from a large area using aerial Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) and aerial photographs, but it does not reflect the characteristics of forest areas in Korea because it is conducted in areas with wide tree spacing or evenly spaced trees. Therefore, this study proposed a methodology for generating Digital Surface Model (DSM), Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and Canopy Height Model (CHM) images using aerial LiDAR, extracting the tree height through the local Maxima, and calculating the Diameter at Breath Height (DBH) through the DBH-tree height formula. The detection accuracy of trees extracted through the proposed methodology was 88.46%, 86.14%, and 84.31%, respectively, and the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of DBH calculated based on the tree height formula was around 5cm, confirming the possibility of using the proposed methodology. It is believed that if standardized research on various types of forests is conducted in the future, the scope of automation application of the manual national forest resource survey can be expanded.

An Integrated Cell Processor for Single Embryo Manipulation

  • Park, Jung-Yul;Jung, Seng-Hwan;Kim, Young-Ho;Kim, Byung-Kyu;Lee, Seung-Ki;Ju, Byeong-Kwon
    • KIEE International Transactions on Electrophysics and Applications
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    • v.4C no.5
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we present a novel integrated cell processor to handle individual embryos. Its functions are composed of transporting, isolation, orientation, and immobilization of cells. These functions are essential for biomanipulation of single cells, and have been typically carried out by a proficient operator. The purpose of this study is the automation of these functions for safe and effective cell manipulation using a MEMS based cell processor. This device is realized with a relatively simple design and fabrication process. Experimental results indicate that it can act as an efficient substitute for essential but very tiresome and repetitive manual work while contributing significantly to the improvement of speed and success rate of operation by facilitating cell manipulation. The cell viability test for the device is studied through the distribution of mitochondria in mice embryos and cultivation of cells for 86h.

The Development of Embedded Server and Zigbee Sensor Board for Home Automation Systems (홈오토메이션 시스템 구축을 위한 임베디드 서버 및 Zigbee 센서 보드 개발)

  • Kim, Se-Young;Kim, Dae-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.886-889
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    • 2008
  • Today, digital technology can be possible U-city, U-healthcare because network and wireless communication have developed very rapidly and widely. In this paper we implemented embedded server and Zigbee sensor boards. For the development, Implemented home server platform has a Intel PXA255 processor, web server, USB camera and TFT LCD. The other hand, Zigbee sensor boards are attached the AVR microprocessor and the several sensors to get the environment variables.

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Correction of Erroneous Model Key Points Extracted from Segmented Laser Scanner Data and Accuracy Evaluation

  • Yoo, Eun Jin;Park, So Young;Yom, Jae-Hong;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.6_2
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    • pp.611-623
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    • 2013
  • Point cloud data (i.e., LiDAR; Light Detection and Ranging) collected by Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) system is one of the major sources for surface reconstruction including DEM generation, topographic mapping and object modeling. Recently, demand and requirement of the accurate and realistic Digital Building Model (DBM) increase for geospatial platforms and spatial data infrastructure. The main issues in the object modeling such as building and city modeling are efficiency of the methodology and quality of the final products. Efficiency and quality are associated with automation and accuracy, respectively. However, these two factors are often opposite each other. This paper aims to introduce correction scheme of incorrectly determined Model Key Points (MKPs) regardless of the segmentation method. Planimetric and height locations of the MKPs were refined by surface patch fitting based on the Least-Squares Solution (LESS). The proposed methods were applied to the synthetic and real LiDAR data. Finally, the results were analyzed by comparing adjusted MKPs with the true building model data.

A Standard Way of Constructing a Data Warehouse based on a Neutral Model for Sharing Product Dat of Nuclear Power Plants (원자력 발전소 제품 데이터의 공유를 위한 중립 모델 기반의 데이터 웨어하우스의 구축)

  • Mun, D.H.;Cheon, S.U.;Choi, Y.J.;Han, S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 2007
  • During the lifecycle of a nuclear power plant many organizations are involved in KOREA. Korea Plant Engineering Co. (KOPEC) participates in the design stage, Korea Hydraulic and Nuclear Power (KHNP) operates and manages all nuclear power plants in KOREA, Dusan Heavy Industries manufactures the main equipment, and a construction company constructs the plant. Even though each organization has a digital data management system inside and obtains a certain level of automation, data sharing among organizations is poor. KHNP gets drawing and technical specifications from KOPEC in the form of paper. It results in manual re-work of definition and there are potential errors in the process. A data warehouse based on a neutral model has been constructed in order to make an information bridge between design and O&M phases. GPM(generic product model), a data model from Hitachi, Japan is addressed and extended in this study. GPM has a similar architecture with ISO 15926 "life cycle data for process plant". The extension is oriented to nuclear power plants. This paper introduces some of implementation results: 1) 2D piping and instrument diagram (P&ID) and 3D CAD model exchanges and their visualization; 2) Interface between GPM-based data warehouse and KHNP ERP system.

Development of Custom-made Suit Production System for the Interactive Garment Design Creation (대화식 의복 디자인 생성을 위한 맞춤양복제작 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Kwang-Tae;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Park, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Yun, Tae-Soo
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.475-480
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, I will propose a Custom-made Suit Production System. The system does not only help the customers to edit and measure their size by creating the landmarks in the 2D human body images which is taken from the camera, but it also visualizes the virtual cloth by using the landmarks and the modeling data of the virtual cloth. In this system is a new technology for the digital and the automation which is not handmade way of using Custom-made Suit industry. It will be generally useful in the various contents of the clothing industry.

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COTS Based Air Data Recording System for SmartUAV (상용 기성품에 기반한 스마트무인기 탑재자료저장장치)

  • Chang, Sung-Ho;Kim, Young-Min
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2010
  • Air Data Recording System (ADRS) is the flight data recorder for the SmartUAV development. ADRS of the low cost designed for the SmartUAV has been developed and tested through the ground test. ADRS is the reconstructing data acquisition system and can be programmed automation controller. This paper focuses on the design aspects of the hardware and software. The hardware aspects of the ADRS include details about the hardware configurations for the interfaces with the Digital Flight Control Computer(DFCC) and sensors, components modifications. The software section describes the ADRS Operating System(OS) and data flow for archived files. Finally, ADRS-based results of the SmartUAV that include the Iron-bird test, system interface test and ground test are presented.