• Title/Summary/Keyword: Diagnosis and treatment

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Dysfunctional pancreatic cells differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells with mitochondrial DNA mutations

  • So, Seongjun;Lee, Song;Lee, Yeonmi;Han, Jongsuk;Kang, Soonsuk;Choi, Jiwan;Kim, Bitnara;Kim, Deokhoon;Yoo, Hyun-Ju;Shim, In-Kyong;Oh, Ju-Yun;Lee, Yu-Na;Kim, Song-Cheol;Kang, Eunju
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.55 no.9
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    • pp.453-458
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    • 2022
  • Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious disease in which blood sugar levels rise abnormally because of failed insulin production or decreased insulin sensitivity. Although many studies are being conducted for the treatment or early diagnosis of DM, it is not fully understood how mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) abnormalities appear in patients with DM. Here, we induced iPSCs from fibroblasts, PBMCs, or pancreatic cells of three patients with type 2 DM (T2D) and three patients with non-diabetes counterpart. The mtDNA mutations were detected randomly without any tendency among tissues or patients. In T2D patients, 62% (21/34) of iPSC clones harbored multiple mtDNA mutations, of which 37% were homoplasmy at the 100% mutation level compared to only 8% in non-diabetes. We next selected iPSC clones that were a wild type or carried mutations and differentiated into pancreatic cells. Oxygen consumption rates were significantly lower in cells carrying mutant mtDNA. Additionally, the mutant cells exhibited decreased production of insulin and reduced secretion of insulin in response to glucose. Overall, the results suggest that screening mtDNA mutations in iPSCs from patients with T2D is an essential step before pancreatic cell differentiation for disease modeling or autologous cell therapy.

Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease in the Diaphragm: A Case Report (횡격막에 발생한 면역글로불린 G4 연관 질환: 증례 보고)

  • Jin Woo Kim;Taehwa Kim;Kun-Il Kim;Yeon Joo Jeong;Dohyung Kim;Dong Hoon Shin;Yun Seong Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.85 no.5
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    • pp.954-959
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    • 2024
  • Immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is an immune-mediated condition characterized by mass-forming inflammation with a sclerosing pattern that can affect nearly any organ. However, involvement of the diaphragm in IgG4-RD is exceptionally rare. We present the case of a 62-year-old male patient with chest radiographic abnormalities. Further investigation with CT revealed an infiltrative mass in the right hemidiaphragm. This mass, composed of engorged feeding vessels, an atypical manifestation of IgG4-RD, was also associated with lymphadenopathy. Surgical excision confirmed the presence of IgG4-positive cell infiltration, solidifying the diagnosis of IgG4-RD. Notably, the patient remained asymptomatic and did not require any treatment postoperatively. This case highlights the uncommon presentation of IgG4-RD as an infiltrative diaphragmatic mass.

The Results of Hvperfractionated Radiation Therapy Combined with Taxol for Paraaortic Node Recurrence in Cervix Cancer (대동맥주위 림프절에 재발된 자궁경부암에서 Taxol을 병행한 과분할 방사선치료의 결과)

  • Kim, Jun-Sang;Jang, Ji-Young;Kim, Jae-Sung;Kim, Sam-Yong;Cho, Moon-June
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : The aim of this study was to investigate treatment results, toxicity and efficacy of hypefractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel for paraaortic node recurrence in cervix cancer. Materials and Methods: Between September 1997 to March 1999, 12 patients with paraaortic node recurrence in cervix cancer who previously received radical or postoperative radiotherapy were treated with hypefractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel. Of these, 2 patients who irradiated less than 30 Gy were excluded, 10 patients were eligible for this study. Median age was 51 years. Initial FIGO stage was 1 stage IBI, 2 stage IIA, 7 stage IIB. For initial treatment, 7 patients received radical radiotherapy and 3 received postoperative radiotherapy. The paraaortic field encompassed the gross recurrent disease with superior margin at T12, and inferior margin was between L5 and S1 with gap for previously pelvic radiation field. The radiation field was initially anterior and posterior opposed field followed by both lateral field. The daily dose was 1.2 Gy, twice daily fractions, and total radiotherapy dose was between 50.4 and 60 Gy(median, 58.8 Gy). Concurrent chemotherapy was done with paclitaxel as a radiosensitizer. Dose range was from 20 mg/m3 to 30 mg/m3 (median, 25 mg/m3), and cycle of chemotherapy was from 3 to 6 (median, 4.5 cycle). Follow-up period ranged from 3 to 21 months. Results : Interval between initial diagnosis and paraaortic node recurrence was range from 2 to 63 months (median, 8 months). The 1 year overall survival rate and median survival were 75% and 9.5 months, respectively. The 1 year disease free survival rate and median disease free survival were 30% and 7 months, respectively. At 1 month after treatment, 4 (40%) achieved a complete response and 6 (60%) experienced a partial response and all patients showed response above the partial response. There was distant metastasis in 6 patients and pelvic node recurrence In 2 patients after paraaortic node irradiation. There was 2 patients with grade 3 to 4 leukopenla and 8 patients with grade 1 to 2 nausea/ vomiting which was usually tolerable with antlemetic drug. There was no chronic complication in abdomen and pelvis during follow up period. Conclusion : hypefractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel chemotherapy diosensitizer showed high response rate and few complication rate in paraaortic node recurrence in cervix cancer Therefore, present results suggest that hypefractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel chemotherapy can be used as optimal treatment modality in this patients.

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Case of Stage IV Renal Cancer Patient Whose Metastatic Lymph Node and Severe Back Pain Improved after Integrative Treatment (한양방 통합 치료로 통증감소 및 전이 림프절 축소가 관찰된 4기 신장암 환자 1례)

  • Han, Chang-Woo;Kim, Do-Hyung;Park, Seung-Chan;Cho, Min-Kyoung;Kim, So-Yeon;Hong, Jin-Woo;Lee, In;Park, Seong-Ha;Kwon, Jung-Nam;Choi, Jun-Yong
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.228-233
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    • 2012
  • Two years ago, a 75-year-old female was diagnosed left renal cancer and went on radical nephrectomy. Recently, metastatized lesions on lumbar spine and various lymph nodes including paraaortic lymph node of which diameter was about 5.5 cm was identified. She suffered from extreme low back pain despite using opioid agents of fentanyl patch and oral oxycodone. During about one month, Korean medicine therpies including herbal medicine(Yang-He tang), acupuncture with her conventional medications were co-administered. However her pain didn't improved and gradual cough and dyspnea developed. So she transferred to the hemato-oncology part for 2 weeks under the diagnosis of everolimus-induced noninfectious pneumonitis. After quitting everolimus her pneumonitis was improved and she came back our ward and started another herbal medicine, Ai-Tong-Ning tang for about 2 months. During this period, her pain was well managed without oral opioid agents and her paraaortic lymph node was regressed to about 2.2cm in diameter.

Analysis on Ischemic Cerebrovascular of Middle Age and Oldest-Old Age by Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (자기공명영상을 이용한 중년 및 초고령의 허혈성 뇌혈관 호발 부위에 대한 분석)

  • Seoung, Youl-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.391-396
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to present basic research data to utilize magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with analyzing intracerebral regional distributions of ischemic cerebrovascular disease of middle aged and oldest-old aged people. We retrospectively analyzed middle-aged group (average age of 44.2 year-old, 43 males, 26 females) and oldest-old aged group (average age of 84.7 year-old, 58 males, 71 females) who taken MRI screening for ischemic cerebrovascular disease from May 2006 year to January 2008 year. The intracerebral vascular were classified into 8 vessels, which anterior communication artery (ACoA), posterior communication artery (PCoA), anterior cerebral artery (ACA), middle cerebral artery (MCA), posterior cerebral artery (PCA), internal carotid artery (ICA), common carotid artery(CCA), and basilar artery (BA). The result of middle-aged group showed that more ischemic cerebrovascular diseases appeared in men than women, and it affected in MCA mostly. In oldest-old aged group, ischemic cerebrovascular diseases occurred evenly spaced in intracerebral region of right, left, and both vessels, and women have more than men. For men, the most occurred in ICA and for women the most occurred in MCA. Specially middle-aged group in men showed that more ischemic cerebrovascular diseases in MCA appeared than oldest-old aged group in men. It is suggested that the analysis on ischemic cerebrovascular could be helpful in the clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Evaluation of nasolabial angle in adult patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion (성인 골격성 III급 부정교합 환자의 올바른 비순각 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Jun-Ho;Lee, Shin-Jae;Kim, Tae-Woo
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.272-282
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were to evaluate the nasolabial angle changes between closed lip position at centric occlusion and relaxed lip position at which the bite is open so that the lips do not touch and to elucidate the significance of the relaxed lip position for dentofacial diagnosis. Methods: The subjects consisted of 60 (35 Males, 25 Females) skeletal Class III malocclusion adult patients (mean age 23.3 years) with anterior crossbite. Results: In Class III malocclusion adult patients, there were significant differences in the nasolabial angle changes between closed lip position and relaxed lip position. Using the cluster analysis, the subjects were divided into three groups according to the pattern of nasolabial angle change: Group 1 (N = 27, 45%, 81), Group 2 (N = 30, 50%, 217), and Group 3 (N = 3, 5%, over 18). Conclusion: The results showed that the pattern of the nasolabial angle change between closed lip position and relaxed lip position varies in skeletal Class III malocclusion patients. Thus, relaxed lip position should be taken into account when diagnostic records are obtained and analyzed to accurately to evaluate the facial soft tissues and predict facial esthetics after surgical-orthodontic treatment.

HIDDEN CARIES: CASE REPORT (Hidden caries의 치험례)

  • Yoon, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Seong-Oh;Son, Heung-Kyu;Choi, Byung-Jai;Lee, Jae-Ho;Song, Je-Seon;Choi, Hyung-Jun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.532-536
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    • 2010
  • Hidden caries is a subtype of the occlusal pit and fissure caries type and is defined as a dentinal caries lesion near the occlusal surface of the tooth seen on a radiograph. In visual examination, the occlusal enamel is seen intact or is minimally perforated. Covert caries, Occlult caries or Fluoride syndrome are used as synonym. The percentage of occlusal dentin lesions that are clinically undetected ranges from 1.4-50%. Little is known about the mechanisms involved in the development of hidden caries. But it is thought that extensive use of topical fluoride or the special bacteriological profile has been a major factor. This case report is about detection and treatment of hidden caries of two children who visited the department of pediatric dentistry, Yonsei University Dental Hospital. The color of caries dentin found in hidden caries lesion is lighter than cavity forming caries, which makes it more difficult to detect caries by visual examination. Therefore diagnosis of hidden caries is often accomplished after clinical sign is recognized by patients. The use of advanced caries detection aids such as Diagnodent.. with periodic radiographic examination is seemed to be helpful for early detection of hidden caries.

Effects of Fused Primary Teeth on the Permanent Dentition (유치열기의 융합치가 영구치열에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, YeJin;Kim, Youngjin;Kim, Hyunjung;Nam, Soonhyeun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the study was to investigate the distribution of primary fused teeth and identify the correlation between primary fused teeth and their effect on permanent dentition. 2575 children between the age of 4 and 6 in Kyungpook National University Hospital from January 2009 to August 2015 were investigated. A total of 84 children (46 boys and 38 girls) had fused teeth. 14 of these children had two fused teeth. Prevalence of caries involvement was in 65% of maxilla and 6% of mandible. Prevalence of permanent successors missing was 86.3% in the cases involving maxillary central and lateral incisor, 70% in mandibular lateral incisor and cuspid, 11.7% in mandibular central and lateral incisor. 27 of 84 children (32.1%) had supernumerary teeth. The highest prevalence rate is seen in the cases involving maxillary central and lateral incisor. Delayed permanent tooth eruption was only observed in the maxilla because of developing supernumerary tooth. Early diagnosis of fused tooth in the primary dentition can allow the dentist to make treatment plan at the appropriate time in accordance with the tooth arrangement and tooth development.

Development of Good Manufacturing facility for Radiopharmaceuticals (우수방사성의약품 생산시설 개발)

  • Shin, Byung-Chul;Choung, Won-Myung;Park, San-Hyun;Lee, Kyu-Il;Park, Kyung-Bae;Park, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.145-149
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    • 2003
  • Manufacturing facilities of the pharmaceuticals must meet certain level of the cleanness required so that foreign substances such as dust, moisture, heat, microorganism, or virus do not contaminate the product. In case of radiopharmaceuticals for medical treatment and diagnosis, not only should the operators and environment be protected from radiation but also need to be isolated from the foreign contaminant. Therefore, manufacturing facilities for radiopharmaceuticals must satisfy the design standards of both hot cell and clean room which are specified by GMP. However, standards of maintaining negative pressure for preventing spread of radioactive contaminant in isolated facilities conflict with the standards of maintaining positive pressure for keeping cleanness. To solve this problem, air pressure of hot cell was designed lower than in the adjacent area to meet standards of the radiation safety. To keep higher cleanness in certain part of the hot cell for filling, minimal relative positive pressure allows. In order to effectively maintain the cleanness that is required for production of Tc-99m generator, which takes 70% of whole demand of radiopharmaceuticals, the rooms placed in each side of production room are used as a buffer area and three lead hot cells are installed in production room. In this research, we established the appropriate engineered design concept for Tc-99m generator manufacturing facility, which satisfies both GMP cleanness standard for preventing particles, bacteria, other contaminants and the regulations of radiation safety for supervising and controlling the amount of radiation exposure and exhausted radioactivity. And the concept of multi-barrier buffer zones is introduced to apply negative air pressure for hot cell with first priority and to continue relative positive air pressure for clean room.

Practicability Assessment of Spherical Type Mechanical Check Device (SMCD) (Mechanical Check용 Spherical Device의 제작 및 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Byung-Koo;Kim, Gun-Oh;Kweon, Young-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Digital medical image commenced with an introduction of PACS has become more popular today in the radiation diagnosis and medical treatment and made great progress, in particular, for medical testing field, whereas it has made slow progress for radiation therapy area. In order to accommodate the current trend of digital from analog, a spherical type mechanical check device (SMCD) that is form of spherical differing from the existing form of flat or cube has been designed and tested its practicability to replace the part in mechanical check with digital image from QA operation. Materials and Methods: If the distance maintains constant between source(target) and image detector with constant distance to the center of spherical type mechanical check device(SMCD), the size will be shown as a constant image at all times regardless of its direction exposed. For the test, two accurate hemispheres are made and put together which results in a sphere of the equilateral circle. Results: It enables a variety of implementation of the existing mechanical check using digital image as follows: congruity level of radiation field and light field, size accuracy of radiation field and collimation field, gantry rotation isocenter check, collimation rotation isocenter check, room laser accuracy check, collimation rotation angle check, couch rotation angle check, and more. Conclusion: It has proved its practicability in checking isocenter congruity level as real time at the time of simultaneous rotation between gantry and couch that is applied to the non-coplanar field, which had been hard to apply as a device formed of existing flat or cube.

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