• 제목/요약/키워드: Developing self-image

검색결과 79건 처리시간 0.023초

Studies on Self-Perceived Health and Appearance, Health-Related Lifestyles and Dietary Behaviors of Korean College Students Attending Web Class

  • Cheong, Sun-Hee;Kim, Jin-Sook;Lee, Mi-Young;Lee, Jeong-Hee;Chang, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate self-perception and practices of health and appearance, health-related lifestyles and dietary behaviors of college students(137 male, 115 female) attending web class via the Internet. This cross-sectional survey was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire and data was analyzed by SPSS program. The average height, weight and BMI of the male and female college students were 174.4cm, 67.8kg, 22.3kg/㎡ and 162.3cm, 52.1kg, 19.8kg/㎡, respectively. Male collage students perceived their health statuses significantly better compared to female students. As for self-evaluation of anemia, female college students perceived significantly more anemia symptoms compared to male college students. Female college students perceived their body image to be obese compared to male college students. Underweight college students perceived significantly less healthy statuses, more anemia symptoms, and worse hair conditions compared to other college students. The rate of male students who exercise was significantly higher compared to that of female students. Male students reported significantly more smoking and drinking of alcohol compared to female students. The rate of female college students skipping meals was significantly higher than that of male college students. Frequency of eating out in female college students was significantly higher compared to that in male students. These results may provide some basic information in developing a nutrition education program for Korean college students using Internet.

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유가(儒家)의 전인적(全人的) 지도자상(指導者像) 고찰(考察) (A Study on the Ideal Leadership whole person of Confucian philosophy)

  • 김경미
    • 동양고전연구
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    • 제62호
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    • pp.145-176
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    • 2016
  • 본고는 개인의 덕성(德性)과 사회적 덕행(德行)의 보편적 가치와 규범이 제시되어 있는 유가(儒家) 경전(經典)을 토대로 군자(君子)다운 지도자상은 어떠한 것인가를 파악하는 작업이다. 따라서 인간다움을 참다운 것으로 삼고, 인간관계의 사회성을 제대로 실천하는 유덕자(有德者)의 가치관에 대하여 논의하고 있다. 군자상의 진면목은 조화의 균형 감각이 있고 자기 수양에 엄격하며 인간관계의 상생적 가치를 창출하는 등 진선미가 삼위일체로 융합되는 '성기성물(成己成物)'의 참된 인물상(人物像)이라는 점을 찾아보고자 한다. 유가(儒家)에서 말하는 성인(聖人), 현인(賢人), 대인(大人), 군자(君子) 등은 인간세상을 이끌어가는 사회지도자를 의미한다. 그들은 무엇보다도 인간다운 도리를 지키며 사회풍토를 아름답게 교화하고 정신과 물질(物質)의 조화(調和) 인격(人格)과 능력(能力) 경제(經濟)와 도덕(道德)을 겸비한 인물로 지목(指目)하고 있다. 현대 사회인들은 순수한 지성(知性)문화의 가치보다는 물질적 가치의 선호도(選好度)에 따라 개인적인 성장(成長)을 꾀하고, 시각적으로 보여 지는 외형적인 무한경쟁(無限競爭)에 편중되어 있다. 오늘날 디지털 시대에 자신의 개성을 연출하는 것은 부정할 수는 없지만, 외모(外貌)에 집착(執着)하여 지나친 다이어트로 건강미를 상실하고, 그로 인(因)한 정신적 스트레스는 외모 집착과 외모중시의 병적인 폐단을 불러일으키고 있다. 이러한 현상을 극복(克復)하기 위해 절실하게 요청되는 대안으로 내적 소양과 외적 전문성을 고루 겸비한 온전한 인격체, 즉 이른바 "문질(文質)이 빈빈(彬彬)"한 진선미(眞善美)의 융합적 지도자상이 필요하다고 하겠다. 유교사상은 수기치인(修己治人)의 도(道)를 현실에서 실천하는 것이다. 수기는 개인적으로는 덕성적 능력을 계발하여 도덕적 인격을 함양하는 것이며, 치인은 사회적으로는 함께 일하는 올바른 인간관계를 갖도록 소통(疏通)하는 것이다. 이 때문에 leader 또는 지도자는 자신뿐만 아니라 타인까지도 감화시킬 수 있어야 한다. 수기치인은 '스스로의 덕성을 가다듬어 다른 사람들을 이끈다.'는 의미이다. 참다운 지도자는 수기(修己)를 통해 자기성찰과 자기정립을 한 다음에 치인(治人) 또는 남들과 함께 살아가는 안인(安人)의 경지에 서게 되는 것이다. 모든 물건에는 값어치가 있고 나름대로의 德이 있듯이. 인간 역시 인격과 덕성(德性)을 갖추고자, 배우고 익혀 자신만의 전문성 신뢰성 그리고 인격과 능력을 겸비하여, 자신만의 브랜드(Brand)가치를 창출해 내고자 한다. 개인의 인격(人格)은 높은 지위나 재력 권력에서 나오는 것이 아니다. 인격이란 개인의 덕성으로서 자기수양을 통하여 마음에 조금도 티가 없는 상쾌함으로, 굳이 한자로 표현하자면 맑고 깨끗한 '소쇄(瀟灑)'에 부합된다고 할 수 있다. 즉 인간이 天性으로 품부 받은 덕성인 지(知) 인(仁) 용(勇)을 겸비한 지극히 인간다움의 인격(人格)을 지닌 지도자상으로 군자상(君子像)을 제시한다. 자아개발은 self leader, 즉 수기(修己)를 통하여 덕성수양과 자아경영의 힘을 기르게 된다. 관계영역의 leader(治人)는 자신(自身)의 덕성(德性)을 덕행(德行)으로 미루어 가는 즉 남의 입장에서 생각하는 역지사지(易地思之)의 마음으로 확대(擴大) 시킬 수 있다. 이처럼 자신의 마음을 미루어 남을 생각하는 리더십을 "대학(大學)"에서는 "혈구지도(?矩之道)"라고 한다. 논자의 견해는, 인격미(人格美)는 지(知) 인(仁) 용(勇)'으로 덕성(德性)의 씨앗을 일구고 상생미(相生美)는 '서(恕)'로써 타인(他人)에게 행동으로 보여주는 덕행의 마땅한 올바름을 구현하며 조화미(調和美)는 '혈구지도(?矩之道)'로써 남을 나처럼 아끼고 사랑하여 나와 같은 마음 즉 보편적 원리인 덕화(德和)를 구현할 수 있다고 여긴다. 이처럼, 지도자상의 자질은 자신의 소양과 남을 배려하는 마음이 총체적으로 잘 조화를 이룰 때 지도자가 지니고 있는 능력을 무한히 발휘하며, 많은 사람들과 공생(共生) 공존(共存)하며 서로 승승적(乘勝的)관계로 거듭 성장해 나갈 수 있는 것이다.

지역진흥을 위한 디자인개발 프로그램 (Design Program for the Regional Development)

  • 하상오
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 현재 각 지역에서 지방자치단체를 중심으로 일률적으로 적용되어 온 지역활성화를 위한 방향이 캐릭터, 지역공동 브랜드, 특산품 개발 등 개별적인 응용아이템 개발위주로 진행됨에 따라 디자인의 역기능이 노출되고 있으므로 이를 최소화하는 한편, 무한 경쟁으로써 의 지방 자치단체 개념 변화에 대응하여 기업혁신의 수법으로 이용되어져온 CI계획을 지역 경쟁력 강화 프로그램에 거시적으로 적용함으로서, 지역아이덴티티를 정립하고, 지역자원을 개발하며, 지역경제의 활성화를 위한 새로운 발상전환의 기회를 제공하고자 한다. 따라서, 지역진홍을 도모함에 있어 디자인이 중심적 역할을 도모하기 위해서는 지역성장 방향을 기반으로 하면서 행정조직의 활성화, 행정 이미지 향상, 지역이미지의 개성화라는 보다 복합적인 목표달성 뿐 만 아니라 지역자원으로서의 인재네트워크 개발까지도 시야에 넣는 보다 고도의 다양한 변혁, 표현 프로그램으로서 커뮤니케이션전략의 개발이 필요하다. 특히, 이러한 커뮤니케이션 전략이 효과적으로 수행되기 위해서는 지역의 자기검증 및 인식 작업, 자기 재정의(再定義) 작업, 자기 혁신운동 전개, 지역이미지 통합을 위한 시각화, 디자인 시스템 구축, 프로그램 실행과 확인등 6가지의 단계별디자인개발 프로세스에 의한 전략적이고 통합적인 지역진흥프로그램의 운용이 불가피 할 뿐만 아니라, 디자인 프로그램검증을 통한 지속적인 관리와 피드백에 의한 프로그램의 개선으로 지역 진흥을 목표로 하는 지역의 기본구상이 미래비젼을 담은 지역의 독특한 개성으로 변환시켜 표출케 하는 지역개발기반 시스템으로서의 활용을 필요로 한다.

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미취학 아동의 감성 발달을 위한 연령별 놀이가구 유형에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Type of Playable Furniture for Emotional Development of Preschool Children)

  • 김자경
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.70-81
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    • 2016
  • Nowadays the preschool children spend much of the day playing indoors. Therefore, it needs the indoor environment that helps a variety of fun activities and physical development, and it requires the space configuration and playable furniture considering the emotional development for mental health. However, the furniture for fast growing preschoolers has not various types because the domestic furniture market for children is mostly baby beds and the furniture for the education of children. Therefore, this study presents the concepts and types of the playable furniture reflecting emotional design for preschool children's healthy emotion and suggests the most appropriate type of playable furniture considering play behavior by age. In this study, we investigated the physical, cognitive, social, emotional and linguistic development characteristics and play behavior of preschoolers, and derived the right type of playground equipment and furniture, and examined the types of playable furniture to help the emotional development. We derived the items to be checked for developing the playable furniture by age for emotional development, and classified preschoolers' playable furniture into the use of learning, relaxation and storage, and suggested its basic type focusing on the cases of various playable furniture developed at home and abroad. As a result, the playable furniture was divided into three types. The first is the self-play type making possible self amusement, the second is module built-up-type that consists of furniture and modules or units and creates various patterns and can be modified through the self-assembly and disassembly, and the third is IT game type grafting IT skills and a variety of electronic games to furniture. We sorted these types into three classes (1-3 years old, 4-5, 6-7) according to age and presented the type of play for each age, the play element and representative image that can be introduced to this furniture. In this study, we provided the basic design types of age-specific emotional playable furniture by analyzing these results.

꽃의 이미지를 형상화한 헤어 아트 디자인 연구 (A Study on Hair Art Design Shaped Flower Image)

  • 진용미;김성남
    • 한국패션뷰티학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2007
  • These days, hair design is recognized as a kind of molding arts which peform expression skill to create personal self as well as practical skill. Recently, the efforts to express hair design sublimating it to art works have continued. For these reasons, this study had purposes as follows; First, it developed creative and original design producing works to shape the flower image that was an important material of hair design. Second, it presented the possibility to express the field of hair design with art. In the flow of age, nature has provided design with unlimited creative motive. Flowers, among various materials, show the nature's change, combination and order and impose diverse symbolic meanings. Therefore, flowers are good materials to express the works. Through the process of decolorizing and dyeing with hair, five works of nature's fragrance, hope, reed flowers, windflower, magnolia blossom had been produced. The results of the process were as follows; First, the transformation of shape through the simple process taking the image of shaping flower as subject matter could be a motive of new hair design art. Second, if the various images of flowers were expressed as hair art with three-dimensional shape, it could be works with value of beauty. Through the process of this study, it was proved that nature could be endless subject matter for art. Therefore, with continuous studies, it can be motive of developing designs in producing work activities of many hair designers. In addition, academic development will be achieved through wide and diverse studies.

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적외선 영상 생성 및 분석을 위한 종합 소프트웨어 개발 (Development of a Generalized Software for IR Image Generation and Analysis)

  • 한국일;김도휘;최준혁;하남구;장현성;김태국
    • 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2017
  • 국내에서 개발 중인 장비의 기술 유출 방지와 국내 환경에 맞는 적외선 신호 분석 S/W 개발에 대한 요구가 있어 왔다. 본 논문에서는 적외선 영상을 생성하기 위한 적외선 신호 분석 S/W에 대한 구성과 특정 파장대역의 적외선 영상 생성 방법 및 분석 방법에 대해 나타내었다. 개발된 적외선 신호 분석 S/W는 표면온도 해석 결과와 물체의 자체방사 성분 및 반사성분 그리고 대기경로 복사성분을 통해 적외선 영상을 생성하도록 구성되어 있다. 대부분의 상용 S/W에는 복사 대비값 및 탐지거리 또는 탐지율 분석 기능이 포함되어 있지 않지만 개발된 S/W에는 생성된 적외선 영상을 이용하여 위협도 분석할 수 있는 기술을 포함하고 있다.

수중적층용 3D 콘크리트 프린팅 장비 개발에 대한 연구 (Investigation for Developing 3D Concrete Printing Apparatus for Underwater Application)

  • 황준필;이호재;권홍규
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the demand for atypical structures with functions and sculptural beauty is increasing in the construction industry. Existing mold-based structure production methods have many advantages, but building complex atypical structures represents limitations due to the cost and technical characteristics. Production methods using molding are suitable for mass production systems, but production cost, construction period, construction cost, and environmental pollution can occur in small quantity batch production. The recent trend in the construction industry calls for new construction methods of customized small quantity batch production methods that can produce various types of sophisticated structures. In addition to the economic effects of developing related technologies of 3D Concrete Printers (3DCP), it can enhance national image through the image of future technology, the international status of the construction civil engineering industry, self-reliance, and technology export. Until now, 3DCP technology has been carried out in producing and utilizing residential houses, structures, etc., on land or manufacturing on land and installing them underwater. The final purpose of this research project is to produce marine structures by directly printing various marine structures underwater with 3DCP equipment. Compared to current underwater structure construction techniques, constructing structures directly underwater using 3DCP equipment has the following advantages: 1) cost reduction effects: 2) reduction of construct time, 3) ease of manufacturing amorphous underwater structures, 4) disaster prevention effects. The core element technology of the 3DCP equipment is to extrude the transferred composite materials at a constant quantitative speed and control the printing flow of the materials smoothly while printing the output. In this study, the extruding module of the 3DCP equipment operates underwater while developing an extruding module that can control the printing flow of the material while extruding it at a constant quantitative speed and minimizing the external force that can occur during underwater printing. The research on the development of 3DCP equipment for printing concrete structures underwater and the preliminary experiment of printing concrete structures using high viscosity low-flow concrete composite materials is explained.

딥러닝을 통한 의미·주제 연관성 기반의 소셜 토픽 추출 시스템 개발 (Development of Extracting System for Meaning·Subject Related Social Topic using Deep Learning)

  • 조은숙;민소연;김세훈;김봉길
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2018
  • Users are sharing many of contents such as text, image, video, and so on in SNS. There are various information as like as personal interesting, opinion, and relationship in social media contents. Therefore, many of recommendation systems or search systems are being developed through analysis of social media contents. In order to extract subject-related topics of social context being collected from social media channels in developing those system, it is necessary to develop ontologies for semantic analysis. However, it is difficult to develop formal ontology because social media contents have the characteristics of non-formal data. Therefore, we develop a social topic system based on semantic and subject correlation. First of all, an extracting system of social topic based on semantic relationship analyzes semantic correlation and then extracts topics expressing semantic information of corresponding social context. Because the possibility of developing formal ontology expressing fully semantic information of various areas is limited, we develop a self-extensible architecture of ontology for semantic correlation. And then, a classifier of social contents and feed back classifies equivalent subject's social contents and feedbacks for extracting social topics according semantic correlation. The result of analyzing social contents and feedbacks extracts subject keyword, and index by measuring the degree of association based on social topic's semantic correlation. Deep Learning is applied into the process of indexing for improving accuracy and performance of mapping analysis of subject's extracting and semantic correlation. We expect that proposed system provides customized contents for users as well as optimized searching results because of analyzing semantic and subject correlation.

스트리트 패션에 나타난 Matchless Style분석 - 캐주얼 및 여성복을 중심으로- (Analysis of 'Matchless' Style in Street Fashion -Focus on Casual and Women's Wear-)

  • 이미연
    • 복식
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    • 제55권7호
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    • pp.76-88
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study is to define the concept of the matchless, and its social and cultural origins. I shall also define the different types of Matchless style, the respective characteristics of each style, and the distinguishing features of this style in domestic street fashion. In order to do this, 1 have referred to several published studies and a number of Web-sites of Korean fashion information companies for my research. The results of this study are the following; 1. The concept of matchless is a positive way of self-expression by coordination, created by consumers who attach great importance to their image and to developing their individual style. Also, this concept constitutes a new approach to code which reanalyzes existing styles with a new sensitivity. 2. The social & cultural origins of matchless are the expansion of fear of war and terror, and economic depression, the extension of the 5-day workweek, interest in 'Well-being', and the phenomena of cultural diversity. 3. The types of Matchless are Style Matchless, Theme Matchless, Texture Matchless, Season Matchless, and Complex-Layered Matchless. 4. The distinguishing features of Matchless in street fashion are the distinction of formal & Casual wear's Matchless, the creation of a new Look in Sports & Casual wear's Matchless, the development of a new coordinated, layered look, the immense popularity of Denim, the new fashionable versions of Military style, and the renaissance of the Romantic Feminine Look.

여대생의 건강증진 경험 (Female College Students' Experiences on Health Promotion)

  • 김정수
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: Many female college students today control their lifestyle not for the purpose to promote their health but to maintain slender figures. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the lifestyle of female college students from their own perspectives. Methods: Data was collected through interviews of 25 female students and was analyzed by using Colaizzi's descriptive phenomenology(1978). The phenomenon of interest was described, followed by collecting participants' descriptions of the phenomenon and extracting concepts from significant statements. These concepts were then organized into thematic clusters, followed by exhaustive descriptions into which data was applied to extract the final categories. Results: The results were deduced into 226 re-statements, 38 constructed meanings, 23 themes, 11 theme clusters, and 5 categories. The five categories include 'Increased interest in physical health,' 'Selective dietary patterns influenced by lifestyle,' 'Lifestyle formed by social adaptation,' 'Health complications caused by self-body images,' 'Engages in healthy dietary behavior'. Conclusion: This study described the experiences of female college students' lifestyles after completing a course in health promotion. These findings have important implications on health education for college students which should be considered in developing health education programs in preparation for adult years of life.