• 제목/요약/키워드: Design wastewater flow rate

검색결과 38건 처리시간 0.021초

아파트단지의 급수량 및 오수발생량에 대한 조사 연구 (A Study on the Water Supplies and Sewage Amount in the Apartment Complexes)

  • 윤여진;최명수;방기웅
    • 한국수자원학회논문집
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 1998
  • 생활수준 향상과 식생활 변화로 인하여 생활용수 소비량이 증가함에 따라 일상생활에서 배출되는 오수의 양도 증가할 것으로 예측된다. 아파트 단지내 오수정화시설 및 하수처리장의 설계를 위해서는 먼저 인구에 근거한 오수량의 발생원단위를 알아야 한다. 이러한 자료는 하수처리의 운전이나 수질관리 계획 수립을 위해서도 꼭 필요한 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 주택공사의 123개 관리소에 2년간의 급수량을 취합하여 거주인구에 따른 급수량을 분석하였고 그 중에 수도권 1개 단지와 지방권 1개 단지를 선정하여 시간별, 일별, 요일별, 계절별의 오수유입량을 직접 실측함으로써 실제 급수량과 비교를 통하여 오수유입 총량 및 거주인구에 따른 원단위를 계산하였다.

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금호강 유역에서의 4-nitrophenol 배출 특성과 오염원 기여도 모의 연구 (Study on the simulation of emission characteristics and sources contribution of 4-nitrophenol in the Geumho River)

  • 박경덕;양득석;이인정;김일규
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2019
  • In the Geumho River, 4-nitrophenol has been detected, thus it is necessary to investigate the contamination sources in order to prevent the release of this compound. However, the research to estimate the potential source is regarded as complicated research. In this study, the distributions of 4-nitrophenol were simulated and the contribution of the potential sources was estimated using a numerical model(HydroGeoSphere; HGS) and the measuring data of 4-nitrophenol from 2013 to 2017. The altitude data, the land cover data, the flow rates of the tributaries and wastewater treatment plants, and the decay rate of 4-nitrophenol was used as the input data. The results of this research showed that the contribution rates of potential contamination sources in the upstream area were higher than that of the downstream area. Most of the upstream area is the agricultural area, it seemed that 4-nitrophenol was originated from the pesticides. In order to achieve more specific location of sources, an intensive investigation in the upstream is required.

수처리용 유전체장벽 플라즈마 반응기에 대한 기초 연구 (A Basic Study of Plasma Reactor of Dielectric Barrier Discharge for the Water Treatment)

  • 김동석;박영식
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.623-630
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the degradation of N, N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline (RNO, indicator of the generation of OH radical) by using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma. The DBD plasma reactor of this study consisted of a quartz dielectric tube, titanium discharge (inner) and ground (outer) electrode. The effect of shape (rod, spring and pipe) of ground electrode, diameter (9~30 mm) of ground electrode of spring shape and inside diameter (4~13 mm) of quartz tube, electrode diameter (1~4 mm), electrode materials (SUS, Ti, iron, Cu and W), height difference of discharge and ground electrode (1~15.5 cm) and gas flow rate (1~7 L/min) were evaluated. The experimental results showed that shape of ground electrode and materials of ground and discharge electrode were not influenced the RNO degradation. The thinner the diameter of discharge and ground electrode, the higher RNO degradation rate observed. The effect of height gap of discharge between ground electrode on RNO degradation was not high within the experimented value. Among the experimented parameters, inside diameter of quartz tube and gas flow rate were most important parameters which are influenced the decomposition of RNO. Optimum inside diameter of quartz tube and gas flow rate were 7 mm and 4 L/min, respectively.

상수관망에서 서지 릴리프밸브의 최적 설계 방법론 (Methodology for optimum design of surge relief valve in water distribution system)

  • 김현준;허지성;김건지;백다원;김상현
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2017
  • Surge pressure is created by rapid change of flow rate due to operation of hydraulic component or accident of pipeline. Proper control of surge pressure in distribution system is important because it can damage pipeline and may have the potential to degrade water quality by pipe leakage due to surge pressure. Surge relief valve(SRV) is one of the most widely used devices and it is important to determine proper parameters for SRV's installation and operation. In this research, determining optimum parameters affecting performance of the SRV were investigated. We proposed the methodology for finding combination of parameters for best performance of the SRV. Therefore, the objective function for evaluate fitness of candidate parameters and surge pressure simulation software was developed to validate proposed parameters for SRV. The developed software was integrated into genetic algorithm(GA) to find best combination of parameters.

이중층 토양 여과시설을 이용한 도로 강우 유출수 처리성능 평가 (I) - 시설 설계인자 결정을 중심으로 - (Performance Evaluation of a Double Layer Biofilter System to Control Urban Road Runoff (I) - System Design -)

  • 조강우;김태균;이병하;이슬비;송경근;안규홍
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.599-608
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    • 2009
  • This manuscript covers the results of field investigation and lab-scale experiments to design a double-layered biofilter system to control urban storm runoff. The biofilter system consisted of a coarse soil layer (CSL) for filtration and fine soil layer (FSL) for adsorption and biological degradation. The variations of flow rate and water quality of runoff from a local expressway were monitored for seven storm events. Laboratory column experiments were performed using seven kinds of soil and mulch to maximize pollutants removal. The site mean concentration (SMC) of storm runoff from the drainage area (runoff coefficient: 0.92) was measured to be 203 mg/L for SS, 307 mg/L for $TCOD_{Cr}$, 12.3 mg/L for TN, 7.3 mg/L for ${NH_4}^+-N$, and 0.79 mg/L for TP, respectively. This study employed a new design concept, to cover the maximum rainfall intensity with one month recurrence interval. Effective storms for last ten years (1998-2007) in seoul suggested the design rainfull intensity to be 8.8 mm/hr Single layer soil column showed the maximum removal rate of pollutants load when the uniformity coefficient of CSL was 1.58 and the silt/clay contents of FSL was virtually 7%. The removal efficiency during operation of double layer soil column was 98% for SS and turbidity, 75% for TCODCr, 56% for ${NH_4}^+-N$, 87% for TP, and 73-91% for heavy metals. The hydraulic conductivity of the soil column, 0.023 cm/sec, suggested that the surface area of the biofilter system should be about 1% of the drainage area to treat the rainfall intensity of one month recurrence interval.

하수처리수를 이용한 소수력발전소 설계 및 성능예측 (Design and Performance Prediction of Small Hydropower Plant Using Treated Effluent in Wastewater Treatment Plant)

  • 이철형;박완순;김원경;김정연;채규정
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.78-83
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    • 2013
  • A methodology to predict the output performance of small hydro power plant using treated effluent in waste water treatment plant has been studied. Existing waste water treatment plant located in Kyunggi-Do were selected and the output performance characteristics for these plants were analyzed. .Based on the models developed in this study, the hydrologic performance characteristics for SHP sites have been analyzed. The results show that the flow duration characteristics of small hydropower plant for waste water treatment plant have quite differences compared with small hydropower plant for the river. As a result, it was found that the developed model in this study can be used to analyze the output characteristics for small hydro power in waste water treatment plant. Additionally, primary design specifications such as design flowrate, capacity, operational rate and annual electricity production were estimated and discussed. It was found that the models developed in this study can be used to decide the design performance of small hydropower plant for waste water treatment plant effectively.

The design of an ejector type microbubble generator for aeration tanks

  • Lim, Ji-Young;Kim, Hyun-Sik;Park, Soo-Young;Kim, Jin-Han
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.307-311
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    • 2019
  • The ejector type microbubble generator, which is the method to supply air to water by using cavitation in the nozzle, does not require any air supplier so it is an effective and economical. Also, the distribution of the size of bubbles is diverse. Especially, the size of bubbles is smaller than the bubbles from a conventional air diffuser and bigger than the bubbles from a pressurized dissolution type microbubble generator so it could be applied to the aeration tank for wastewater treatment. However, the performance of the ejector type microbubble generator was affected by hydraulic pressure and MLSS(Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid) concentration so many factors should be considered to apply the generator to aeration tank. Therefore, this study was performed to verify effects of hydraulic pressure and MLSS concentration on oxygen transfer of the ejector type microbubble generator. In the tests, the quantity of sucked air in the nozzle, dissolved oxygen(DO) concentration, oxygen uptake rate(OUR), oxygen transfer coefficient were measured and calculated by using experimental results. In case of the MLSS, the experiments were performed in the condition of MLSS concentration of 0, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000 mg/L. The hydraulic pressure was considered up to $2.0mH_2O$. In the results of experiments, oxygen transfer coefficient was decreased with the increase of MLSS concentration and hydraulic pressure due to the increased viscosity and density of wastewater and decreased air flow rate. Also, by using statistical analysis, when the ejector type microbubble generator was used to supply air to wasterwater, the model equation of DO concentration was suggested to predict DO concentration in wastewater.

다단 생물반응기에 의한 질소제거 (Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater by a Multi-stage Bio-reactor)

  • 최규철;정일현
    • 환경위생공학
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 1998
  • Design data for COD and nitrogen removal from wastewater were collected from Pilot's Multi-stage Bio-reactor. Hyraulic conditions and pollutant loadings were varied in order to optimize the biological and operational parameters. Pilot's experimental results summarize as followings. 1. T-N removal efficiency in the organic volumetric loading 0.2 kgCOD/m$^{3}$·d was obtained as maxium of 85% at internal recycle ratio 2.5 and in more ratio than this it was decreased. Organic removal efficiency was about 91% under the overall experimental conditions and not influenced by recycle ratio.. 2. Nitrification reaction was shown as maxium in the SCOD$_{cr}$/NH$^{+}$-N ratio of 6.5 and in more ratio than this it was decreased. Denitrification rate was the maxium as 85% in more than 7.5 of SCOD$_{cr}$/NO$_{x}$-N ratio and in the ratio over this ratio it becomes constant. 3. By utilizing an applied new model of Stover-Kincannon from Monod's kinetic model, concentration of T-N in the effluent according to flow quanity in the influent was estimated as 8.74 and -67.5 respectively. The formula for estimating T-N concentration of effluent was obtained like this: N$_e$=N$_0$(1- $\frac{8.74}{(QN$_0$/A)-67.05}$)

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슬러지 농도 최적화에 따른 합리적인 활성슬러지공정 설계방안 연구 (Economic Design of Activated Sludge System at the Optimum Sludge Concentration)

  • 이병준;최윤영
    • 한국수자원학회논문집
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    • 제47권5호
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    • pp.483-490
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    • 2014
  • 활성슬러지 공정의 생물학적 반응조 및 2차 침전지 설계와 관련해서 정상상태 설계식(Ekama et al., 1986; WRC, 1984) 및 1-D flux theory 설계식(Ekama et al., 1997)을 사용하여 슬러지 농도에 따라 두 가지 공정을 일괄적으로 설계하였다. 또한, 슬러지 농도에 따른 생물학적 반응조 및 2차 침전지 크기 변화를 도식화하고, 유입수 성상이나 슬러지 침강성, 환경 및 운전조건 그리고 첨두유량이 각 공정의 크기결정에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 먼저유입수의 특성과 관련하여 난분해성 용해성 물질(fs,us)은 반응조 크기 결정에 큰 영향이 없었지만, 난분해성 입자성 물질(fs,up), 무기고형물(fi) 및 유기물 강도(Sti)의 영향은 크게 나타났다. 운전인자인 Sludge Retention Time (SRT)의 경우, 슬러지 생산량과 관련되므로 반응조 크기결정에 역시 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 2차 침전지의 설계요소인 Sludge Volume Index (SVI) 및 첨두유량이 커질수록 2차 침전지에 수리학적 부하가 커지게 되어, 2차 침전지가 크게 설계되어야 했다. 본 설계과정에서는, 온도 변화가 미치는 영향은 작게 나타났다. 대규모 처리장의 경우 반응조 및 2차 침전지 전체 크기 결정과 함께 1개조 크기의 상한선을 설정하여 개수를 산정하였다. 최종적으로 엔지니어는 여러 가지 슬러지 농도에 대하여 반응조 및 2차 침전조의 크기, 개수 및 현장조건을 고려한 건설비용을 반복적으로 계산하게 되면, 최소비용 설계와 함께 최적의 슬러지 농도를 결정하게 된다.

방류관 설계인자에 대한 민감도 분석 (Sensitivity Analysis to the Design Factor of Ocean Outfall System)

  • 김지연;이중우
    • 한국항만학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.361-371
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    • 2000
  • A demand of marine outfall system has been much increased for the effective disposal of the wastewater due to population and industrial development at the coastal areas. The outfall system discharges primary or secondary treated effluent into the coastline, or at the deep water, or between these two. The discharge is carried out by constructing a pipeline on the sea bed with a diffuser or with a tunnel, risers and appropriate. The effluent, which has a density similar to that of fresh water, rises to the sea surface forming plume or jet, together with entraining the surrounding salt water and becomes very dilute. Thus there have been growing interests about plume behaviour around the outfall system. Plume or jet discharged from single-port or multi-port diffuser might cause certain impacts on coastal environment. Near field mixing characteristics of discharged water field using CORMIX model have been studied for effective outfall design various conditions on ambient current, depth, flow rate, effluent concentration, diffuser specification, port specification etc.. This kind of analysis is necessary to deal with water quality problems caused by the ocean discharge. The analyzed result was applied to the Pusan Jungang effluent outfall system plan.

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