• 제목/요약/키워드: Design wastewater flow rate

검색결과 38건 처리시간 0.018초

하수종말처리시설 민간투자사업을 위한 계획 인구 및 계획 하수량 추정 (Estimation of Design Population and Design Wastewater Flow Rate for the BTO Project of Wastewater Treatment Facilities)

  • 손영규;이소영;김이형;김지형
    • 한국방재학회 논문집
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2008
  • 농어촌지역의 하수종말처리시설 민간투자사업에 대한 계획인구 및 계획하수량 산정 방법을 검토하였다. 기존의 추정 방법에서는 인구 감소 추세임에도 불구하고, 인구가 정체될 것으로 가정하여 계획인구를 추정하고 있으며, 수도보급률이 매우 낮은 지역에서의 계획하수량을 정수장 급수보급량을 이용하여 산정하고 있다. 결과적으로 계획 인구 및 계획하수량의 과다 산정은 필요이상의 하수종말처리시설이 만들어지게 되는 결과를 가져오게 된다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 계획 인구는 통계청의 장래인구 추계결과를 따르는 것으로 하고, 수도가 보급된 지역에서는 급수사용량을, 수도가 보급되지 않은 지역에서는 지하수 사용량을 이용하여 계획하수량을 산정하는 방안을 제시하였다.

충청남도 산업단지의 오·폐수처리실태 분석 (Analysis on the Actual Conditions of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Chungcheongnam-do Province Industrial Complexes)

  • 임봉수;김도영;이상진;오혜정
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제23권6호
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    • pp.850-862
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to survey the actual conditions of wastewater treatment facilities to obtain basic data for the management of wastewater from industrial complexes in Chungcheongnam-do province. Wastewater production flow per site area by watersheds was $49.2m^3/km^2/d$ for Sapgyoho, $8.1m^3/km^2/d$ for Anseongcheon, $5.7m^3/km^2/d$ for Seohae, and $2.9m^3/km^2/d$ for Geumgang. Sapgyoho showed 75% of the total production flow, which was the highest value, Geumgang showed 4% of total flow, which was the lowest value. Average total extra rate as production flow/capacity flow in the wastewater treatment facilities for industrial complex is 49%. Considering by watersheds, the extra rates of Seohae, Geumgang, Anseongcheon, and Sapgyoho, are 73%, 65%, 62%, and 33% respectively. This means that the design of capacity flow in wastewater treatment facilities was too large. Effluent concentration of wastewater treatment facilities did not exceed discharge limit mostly. The removal efficiency rate for water quality item was 90% in BOD, 70% in COD, 80% in SS, 30 to 80% in TN, and 20 to 90% in TP, so the organic removal was good, but the nutrient removal was low and interval of variation was high. The removal efficiency rate of the agricultural was industrial complexes is lower than the national and local complexes. The construction cost of the wastewater treatment facilities in Chungcheongnam-do was $1,756Won\;per\;m^3$, treatment cost was $189Won\;per\;m^3$, and they were about two times and 1.2 times higher than the nation-wide cost, respectively. The treatment cost consists of 39% for man power, 21% for chemical, 16% for power, 11% for sludge treatment, and 13% for others.

고양정 및 저유량을 만족하는 폐수처리용 펌프 설계 최적화 (Design Optimization on Wastewater Treatment Pump of Satisfaction for High Head and Low Flow Rate)

  • 김성;김진혁
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.583-590
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, the performance characteristics of the 2 vane pump for wastewater treatment were investigated using response surface method(RSM) with commercial computation fluid dynamics(CFD) software. Design variables of wastewater treatment pump were defined with the meridional plane of the 2 vane pump impeller. The objective functions were defined as the total head and the efficiency at the design flow rate. The hydraulic performance of optimum model was verified by numerical analysis and the reliability of the model was retained by comparison of numerical analysis and comparative analysis with the reference model.

인공신경망 및 물질수지 모델을 활용한 하수처리 프로세스 시뮬레이터 구축 (Development of Wastewater Treatment Process Simulators Based on Artificial Neural Network and Mass Balance Models)

  • 김정률;이재현;오재일
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.427-436
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    • 2015
  • Developing two process models to simulate wastewater treatment process is needed to draw a comparison between measured BOD data and estimated process model data: a mathematical model based on the process mass-balance and an ANN (artificial neural network) model. Those two types of simulator can fit well in terms of effluent BOD data, which models are formulated based on the distinctive five parameters: influent flow rate, effluent flow rate, influent BOD concentration, biomass concentration, and returned sludge percentage. The structuralized mass-balance model and ANN modeI with seasonal periods can estimate data set more precisely, and changing optimization algorithm for the penalty could be a useful option to tune up the process behavior estimations. An complex model such as ANN model coupled with mass-balance equation will be required to simulate process dynamics more accurately.

수위-유속 분산 그래프를 통한 하수흐름 특성 분석 (Sanitary sewer flow characteristics through a depth-velocity scatter graph analysis)

  • 손주영;오재일
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.647-655
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    • 2014
  • To perform long-term sewer monitoring, It is important to understand the nature of the wastewater flow that occurs at the point on early stage of the monitor and to prevent in advance a problem which may caused. We can infer the flow properties and external factors by analyzing the scatter graph obtained from the measured data flow rate monitoring data since an field external factor affecting the sewage flow is reflected in the flow rate monitoring data. In this study, Selecting the three points having various external factors, and we Inferred the sewer flow characteristics from depth-velocity scatter graph and determined the analysis equation for the dry-weather flow rate data. At the'point 1' expected non-pressure flow, we were able to see the drawdown effect caused by the free fall in the manhole section. At the'point 2', existed weir and sediments, there was backwater effect caused by them, and each of size calculated from the scatter graph analysis were 400 mm and 130 mm. At the'Point 3', there is specific flow pattern that is coming from flood wave propagation generated by the pump station at upstream. In common, adequate equations to explain the dry weather flow data are flume equation and modified manning equation(SS method), and the equations had compatibility for explaining the data because all of $R^2$ values are over 0.95.

공업용수 정수장 설계시 첨두부하 적용방안 (Application of peak load for industrial water treatment plant design)

  • 김진근;이희남;김두일;구자용;현인환
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2016
  • Peak load rate(i.e., maximum daily flow/average daily flow) has not been considered for industrial water demand planning in Korea to date, while area unit method based on average daily flow has been applied to decide capacity of industrial water treatment plants(WTPs). Designers of industrial WTPs has assumed that peak load would not exist if operation rate of factories in industrial sites were close to 100%. However, peak load rates were calculated as 1.10~2.53 based on daily water flow from 2009 to 2014 for 9 industrial WTPs which have been operated more than 9 years(9-38 years). Furthermore, average operation rates of 9 industrial WTPs was less than 70% which means current area unit method has tendency to overestimate water demand. Therefore, it is not reasonable to consider peak load for the calculation of water demand under current area unit method application to prevent overestimation. However, for the precise future industrial water demand calculation more precise data gathering for average daily flow and consideration of peak load rate are recommended.

오수관 설계유량 산정법이 설계유속에 미치는 영향 (Design Flow Velocity Changes According to the Design Flow Determination Methods in the Sanitary Sewer)

  • 현인환;원승현;김형준;이제인
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.749-757
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    • 2005
  • The present study analyzed actual cases of designed flow estimation method and designed flow rate of sewage pipe lines. In order to examine the effects of peak-hour demand factor estimation with given daily highest peak loading, we analyzed its effects on designed flow rate with changing the peak-hour demand factor from 2.0 to 10.0. The results of this study are as follows. When reviewing the recent designs, we found that 59.4% of pipe line with 250mm and 300mm diameter, which fall under minimum allowable pipeline did not meet the minimum velocity which is specified as 0.6m/sec in design standards. The pipe line that have minimal access population or have very low slope did not satisfy the minimum velocity. In estimating the designed sewage flow, the applied daily highest peak loading and hourly highest peaking loading were the load factor for the entire population of the planned area, and for the peak loading of the initial pipes connected to a very small population, we applied the same factor as that applied to the entire area and, as a result, the hourly highest flow was underestimated. Because, in case of the initial pipes, the method of applying the same peak loading to all subject areas is highly possible to produce underestimated design flow, when estimating the designed flow of the initial pipes connected to a small population need to adopt a rational flow factor according to the size of population. For this, it is considered to investigate and analyze raw data on daily and hourly variation of sewage flow.

Treatment of Rice Mill Wastewater Using Continuous Electrocoagulation Technique: Optimization and Modelling

  • Karichappan, Thirugnanasambandham;Venkatachalam, Sivakumar;Jeganathan, Prakash Maran;Sengodan, Kandasamy
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제57권6호
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    • pp.761-768
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    • 2013
  • Removal of COD and TSS from rice mill wastewater was investigated using continuous electrocoagulation method (CEC). The electrical energy consumption (EEC) of the process was also examined in order to evaluate the economic viability. The Box-Behnken statistical experiment design (BBD) and response surface methodology (RSM) were used to investigate the effects of major operating variables. Initial pH, current density, electrode distance and flow rate were selected as independent variables in BBD while COD removal, TSS removal and EEC were considered as the response functions. The predicted values of responses obtained using the response function was in good agreement with the experimental data. Optimum operating conditions were found to be pH of 7, current density of 15 mA $cm^{-2}$, electrode distance of 5 cm and flow rate of 70 ml/min. Under these conditions, greater than 89% removal of COD and TSS were obtained with EEC value of 7 KWh.

건물용도에 따른 개별오수처리시설의 운영실태에 관한 연구 (A Survey on Operating State of ISWTP according to Building Use Type)

  • 권은미;김종석;정욱진
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.337-341
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    • 2005
  • It is difficult to use average sewage water quality as a design parameter for the individual sewage wastewater treatment plant(ISWTP), because sewage water quality is very various according to the building use type. So, in this study, we estimated daily, seasonal and weekly trend of sewage water quality and flow rate in various kind of building to comprehend operating state of ISWTP. The sewage water quality and flow rate were higher in the business building than household building. The seasonal difference of the water quality was not detected but that of flow rate was high. The flow rate of the sewage in the business building was higher in summer than in other seasons and in weekend than in weekday. The treatment efficiency of IWSTP was about $70{\sim}80%$ with BOD, $40{\sim}50%$ with TN and TP, which was very low. The unit loads of the individual house were 36.05 gpcd with BOD, 37.91 gpcd with SS, 23.91 gpcd with T-N, and 7.90 gpcd with T-P respectively, and those values were higher than other studies. It is because, as distinct from other studies, sewage water quality was monitored at the inlet point of the IWSTP in this study. We can use this results as an one of basic parameters for the design of IWSTP.

초순수 생산을 위한 이온교환공정 설계특성 평가 (The design parameter evaluation of ion exchange process for ultra pure water production)

  • 박세출;권병수;이경혁;정관수
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2015
  • In this study, cation and anion exchange process for performance evaluation was conducted. A pilot plant for the ultrpure water production was installed with the capacity of $25m^3/d$. The various production rate and regeneration of ion exchange rate were tested to investigate the design parameters. The test resulst was applied to calculate the operating costs. Changing the flow rate of the ion exchange capacity of the reproduction reviewed the cation exchange process as opposed to the design value is 120 to 164% efficiency, whereas both anion exchange process is 82 to 124% efficiency, respectively. This results can be applied for more large scale plant if the scale up parameters are consdiered. The ion exchange capacity of the application in accordance with the design value characteristic upon application equipment is expected to be needed. In this study, the performance of cation and anion exchange resin process was evaluated with pilot plant($25m^3/d$). The ion exchange capacity along with space velocity and regeneration volume was evaluated. In results, the operation results was compared with design parameters.