• Title/Summary/Keyword: Depth ratio

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Examination for Efficiency of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Alluvial Aquifer Near Nakdong River of Changweon Area, Korea (창원지역 낙동강 하천수와 주변 충적층을 이용한 지하수 인공함양의 효율성 평가)

  • Moon, Sang-Ho;Ha, Kyoochul;Kim, Yongcheol;Koh, Dong-Chan;Yoon, Heesung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.611-623
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    • 2014
  • The alluvial aquifer, widely developed near the four major rivers such as Nakdong River, can be used effectively for groundwater artificial recharge and is expected to be the future water resources in Korea. This study is aimed at examining the impact of repeatedly injected river water into the riverside alluvial aquifer on injection rate or efficiency in its system at Changweon area. For this, injection tests were performed two times, first on June 19 and second on September 25 through October 9, 2013, and the mixing ratios of river water to groundwater were used as the tool to compare the efficiency of injection. The mixing ratios were evaluated by using electrical conductivities of injected river water (average $EC=303{\mu}S/cm$) and groundwater ($EC{\fallingdotseq}6,000{\mu}S/cm$) measured at 20 m depth of four observation wells installed 10 m apart from each injection well. The result shows the remarkable differences on two respects. First, in some observation well, detection time for incipient injection effect during $2^{nd}$ injection test was shown to be much slower than that of $1^{st}$ injection test. Second, the hourly increasing rate of mixing ratios in $2^{nd}$ test was revealed to be reduced much more than that of $1^{st}$ test. This means that the efficiency of injection was badly deteriorated by only 1,210 minute injection work. Therefore, injection water needs to be adequately treated beforehand and repeated pumping work and/or resting phase is needed afterwards. To a certain extent, the improvement of water quality in saline aquifer was verified in this system by injection tests.

Selective Word Embedding for Sentence Classification by Considering Information Gain and Word Similarity (문장 분류를 위한 정보 이득 및 유사도에 따른 단어 제거와 선택적 단어 임베딩 방안)

  • Lee, Min Seok;Yang, Seok Woo;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.105-122
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    • 2019
  • Dimensionality reduction is one of the methods to handle big data in text mining. For dimensionality reduction, we should consider the density of data, which has a significant influence on the performance of sentence classification. It requires lots of computations for data of higher dimensions. Eventually, it can cause lots of computational cost and overfitting in the model. Thus, the dimension reduction process is necessary to improve the performance of the model. Diverse methods have been proposed from only lessening the noise of data like misspelling or informal text to including semantic and syntactic information. On top of it, the expression and selection of the text features have impacts on the performance of the classifier for sentence classification, which is one of the fields of Natural Language Processing. The common goal of dimension reduction is to find latent space that is representative of raw data from observation space. Existing methods utilize various algorithms for dimensionality reduction, such as feature extraction and feature selection. In addition to these algorithms, word embeddings, learning low-dimensional vector space representations of words, that can capture semantic and syntactic information from data are also utilized. For improving performance, recent studies have suggested methods that the word dictionary is modified according to the positive and negative score of pre-defined words. The basic idea of this study is that similar words have similar vector representations. Once the feature selection algorithm selects the words that are not important, we thought the words that are similar to the selected words also have no impacts on sentence classification. This study proposes two ways to achieve more accurate classification that conduct selective word elimination under specific regulations and construct word embedding based on Word2Vec embedding. To select words having low importance from the text, we use information gain algorithm to measure the importance and cosine similarity to search for similar words. First, we eliminate words that have comparatively low information gain values from the raw text and form word embedding. Second, we select words additionally that are similar to the words that have a low level of information gain values and make word embedding. In the end, these filtered text and word embedding apply to the deep learning models; Convolutional Neural Network and Attention-Based Bidirectional LSTM. This study uses customer reviews on Kindle in Amazon.com, IMDB, and Yelp as datasets, and classify each data using the deep learning models. The reviews got more than five helpful votes, and the ratio of helpful votes was over 70% classified as helpful reviews. Also, Yelp only shows the number of helpful votes. We extracted 100,000 reviews which got more than five helpful votes using a random sampling method among 750,000 reviews. The minimal preprocessing was executed to each dataset, such as removing numbers and special characters from text data. To evaluate the proposed methods, we compared the performances of Word2Vec and GloVe word embeddings, which used all the words. We showed that one of the proposed methods is better than the embeddings with all the words. By removing unimportant words, we can get better performance. However, if we removed too many words, it showed that the performance was lowered. For future research, it is required to consider diverse ways of preprocessing and the in-depth analysis for the co-occurrence of words to measure similarity values among words. Also, we only applied the proposed method with Word2Vec. Other embedding methods such as GloVe, fastText, ELMo can be applied with the proposed methods, and it is possible to identify the possible combinations between word embedding methods and elimination methods.

Interpretation of Interaction of Herbicides on Principal Paddy Weeds - By Use of Oxyfluorfen and Bensulfuron-methyl Data - (주요(主要) 논 잡초종(雜草種)에 대한 제초제간(除草劑間)의 상호작용효과(相互作用效果) 해석연구(解析硏究) - Oxyfluorfen과 Bensulfuron을 예(例)로 -)

  • Han, J.H.;Guh, J.O.;Chon, S.U.;Kwon, O.D.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.144-157
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    • 1992
  • The study was conducted to compare the interprete methods and examine the feasibility of mixture use of oxyfluorfen and bensulfuron in controlling principal Paddy weeds, annuals and perennials. Application ratio of both chemicals were obtained from the combinations of 5 levels(0, 5, 10, 15, 20 g ai/ha) of each chemicals, respectively. All the treatments were applied at 5 days after transplanting and water was maintained at 3.0cm in depth. Shoot fresh-weight of weeds was assessed at 35 days after treatments. Data obtained was analysed by Colby, Isobole, Calculus, Regression and EQM method, respectively. The results from the analysis of variance on the principal weeds treated with oxyfluorfen and bensulfuron showed significant interactions at 1% level on both Echinochloa crus-galli and Eleocharis Kuroguwai, and total species at 0.5% level on both Potamogeton distinctus and Cyperus serotinus, but non significant on Scirpus juncoides and Sagittaria pygmaea. Thereafter, the results of the models applied to Echinochloa crus-galli, Eleocharis kuroguwai and total species were as follows ; 1. The Colby method gave values nearly identical to regression estimate method (both multiplicative models) as provided by Akobundu et al. The Colby method and Regression method indicated synergistic toward Echinochloa curs-galli, and total species, but antagonistic toward Eleocharis kuroguwai. 2. The Isobole method shows synergism on Echinochloa crus-galli at $ID_{50}$, and total species at $ID_{60}$ on Eleochari kuroguwai. 3. The Calculus method gave positive signs for the first differentiation and negative signs for the second differentiation except for some rates on Echinochloa crus-galli and total species, but reverse on Eleocharis kuroguwai. These result does not agree with the observed values. 4. ${\theta}$ value from the EQM method was greater than one at all combinations. This result was quite different from those of other methods. 5. The various models did not show the same results, but mixture of oxyfluorfen and bensulfuron tend to have synergistic effect. Weeding effect also was high. Treatment in terms of two chemical combination was expected to reduce rates, and to enhence weeding efficacy compared with single treatment.

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Estimation of Oxygen Consumption Rate and Organic Carbon Oxidation Rate at the Sediment/Water Interface of Coastal Sediments in the South Sea of Korea using an Oxygen Microsensor (산소 미세전극을 이용한 남해연안 퇴적물/해수 계면에서 산소소모율 및 유기탄소 산화율 추정)

  • Lee, Jae-Seon;Kim, Kee-Hyun;Yu, Jun;Jung, Rae-Hong;Ko, Tae-Seung
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.392-400
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    • 2003
  • We used an oxygen microelectrode to measure the vertical profiles of oxygen concentration in sediments located near point sources of organic matter. The measurements were carried out between 13th and 17th May, 2003, in semi-closed bay and coastal sediments in the central part of the South Sea. The measured oxygen penetration depths were extremely shallow and ranged from 1.30 to 3.80 mm. This suggested that the oxidation and reduction reactions in the early diagenesis should be studied at the mm depth scale. In order to estimate the oxygen consumption rate, we applied the one-dimension diffusion-reaction model to vertical profiles of oxygen near the sediment/water interface. Oxygen consumption rates were estimated to be between 10.8 and 27.6 mmol O$_2$ m$\^$-2/ day$\^$-1/(average: 19.1 mmol O$_2$ m$\^$-2/ day$\^$-1/). These rates showed a positive correlation with the organic carbon of the sediments. The corresponding benthic organic carbon oxidation rates calculated using an modified Redfield ratio (170/110) at the sediment/water interface were in the range of 89.5-228.1 mg C m$\^$-2/ day$\^$-1/(average: 158.0 mg C m$\^$-2/ day$\^$-1/). We suggest that these results are maximum values at the presents situation in the bay because the sampling sites were located near point sources of organic materials. This study will need to be carried out at many coastal sites and throughout the seasons to allow an understanding of the mechanisms of eutrophication e.g. the spatial distribution of oxygen consumption within the oxic zone and hypoxic conditions in the coastal sea.

The Ecosystem of the Southern Coastal Waters of the East Sea, Korea I. Phytoplankton Community Structure and Primary Productivity in September, 1994 (한국 동해 남부 연안생태계 연구 1. 1994년 9월에 있어서의 식물플랑크톤의 군집구조와 1차생산력)

  • LEE Joon-Baek;HAN Myung-Soo;YANG HanR-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 1998
  • Phytoplankton community and primary productivity have been investigated in a fall season in the southern coastal waters of the last Sea, Korea. A strong thermocline formed at the 20\~60\;m$ layer and a cold water mass also existed in the bottom around Yong-il Bay. The offshore of the surveyed area was likely to be influenced by relatively warmer water, whereas the inshore represented Higher primary productivity with lower water temperature and lower salinity. A total of 133 species of phytoplankton occurred, representing 107 spp. of diatom, 23 spp. of dinoflagellate 3 spp. of silicoflagellate. Skeletonema costatum and Asterionellepsis glacialis were most predominant with more than $30\%$ dominance ratio, while Leptocylindrus danicus was also dominant at all transect lines. Standing crops of phytoplankton ranged from $2.7{\times}10^3\;to\;141.6{\times}10^3\;cell^{\ell-1}$. Chlorophyll a concentration varied with stations and layers, but the $30\~50$ m layer showed maximun with about $1.18{\mu}g{\ell}^{-1}$ rather than at the surface layer. It is believed that the maximun in standing crops and chlorophyll of phytoplankton formed at the $20\~50$ m layer above the thermocline during the survey. Phytoplankton primary productivity ranged from 0.32 to 3.04 mgC $m^{-3}\;hr^{-1}$, showing higher at the inshore than at the offshore. The range of integrated primary productivity was $263.3\~1085.5 mgC\;m^{-2}\;day^{-1}$ for the euphotic layer. Photosysthesis rates varied with the range from 0.76 to 8.04 mgC mgChl $\alpha^{-1}\;hr^{-1}$. Phytoplankton photosynthesis at the inshore was saturated at lower irradiance ($15\~35\%$ of surface) and showed higher efficiency, Thus, it revealed that the phytoplankton community probably adapted to the middle of euphotic layer because the depth of mixing layer became thinner due to the formation of thermocline.

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Effect of a frontal impermeable layer on the excess slurry pressure during the shield tunnelling in the saturated sand (포화 사질토에서 전방 차수층이 쉴드터널 초과 이수압에 미치는영향)

  • Lee, Yong-Jun;Lee, Sang-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.347-370
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    • 2011
  • Slurry type shield would be very effective for the tunnelling in a sandy ground, when the slurry pressure would be properly adjusted. Low slurry pressure could cause a tunnel face failure or a ground settlement in front of the tunnel face. Thus, the stability of tunnel face could be maintained by applying an excess slurry pressure that is larger than the active earth pressure. However, the slurry pressure should increase properly because an excessively high slurry pressure could cause the slurry flow out or the passive failure of the frontal ground. It is possible to apply the high slurry pressure without passive failure if a horizontal impermeable layer is located in the ground in front of the tunnel face, but its location, size, and effects are not clearly known yet. In this research, two-dimensional model tests were carried out in order to find out the effect of a horizontal impermeable layer for the slurry shield tunnelling in a saturated sandy ground. In tests slurry pressure was increased until the slurry flowed out of the ground surface or the ground fails. Location and dimension of the impermeable layer were varied. As results, the maximum and the excess slurry pressure in sandy ground were linearly proportional to the cover depth. Larger slurry pressure could be applied to increase the stability of the tunnel face when the impermeable layer was located in the ground above the crown in front of the tunnel face. The most effective length of the impermeable grouting layer was 1.0 ~ 1.5D, and the location was 1.0D above the crown level. The safety factor could be suggested as the ratio of the maximum slurry pressure to the active earth pressure at the tunnel face. It could also be suggested that the slurry pressure in the magnitude of 3.5 ~4.0 times larger than the active earth pressure at the initial tunnel face could be applied if the impermeable layer was constructed at the optimal location.

Specific Absorption Coefficients for the Chlorophyll and Suspended Sediment in the Yellow and Mediterranean Sea (황해와 지중해에서의 클로로필 및 부유입자의 비흡광계수 연구)

  • 안유환;문정언
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.353-365
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    • 1998
  • Light absorption coefficient per unit mass of particles, i.e., specific absorption coefficient, is important as one of the main parameters in developing algorithms for ocean color remote sensing. Specific absorption coefficient of chlorophyll ($a^*_{ph}$) and suspended sediment ($a^*_{ss}$) were analyzed with a spectrophotometer using the "wet filter technique" and "Kishino method" for the seawater collected in the Yellow and Mediterranean Sea. An improved data-recovery method for the filter technique was also developed using spectrum slopes. This method recovered the baselines of spectrum that were often altered in the original methods. High $a^*_{ph}({lambda})$ values in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea and low values in the Yellow Sea were observed, ranging 0.01 to 0.12 $m^2$/mg at the chlorophyll maximum absorption wavelength of 440 nm. The empirical relationship between $a^*_{ph}$(440nm) and chlorophyll concentrations () was found to fit a power function ($a^*_{ph}$=0.039 $^{-0.369}$), which was similar to Bricaud et al. (1995). Absorption specific coefficients for suspended sediment ($a^*_{ss}$) did not show any relationship with concentrations of suspended sediment. However, an average value of $a^*_{ss}$ ranging 0.005 - 0.08 $m^2$/g at 440nm, was comparable to the specific absorption coefficient of soil (loess) measured by Ahn (1990). The morepronounced variability of $a^*_{ss}$ than $a^*_{ph}$ was determined from the variable mixing ratio values between particulate organic matter and mineral. It can also be explained by a wide size-distribution range for SS which were determined by their specific gravity, bottom state, depth and agitation of water mass by wind in the sea surface.

An Empirical Comparison and Verification Study on the Containerports Clustering Measurement Using K-Means and Hierarchical Clustering(Average Linkage Method Using Cross-Efficiency Metrics, and Ward Method) and Mixed Models (K-Means 군집모형과 계층적 군집(교차효율성 메트릭스에 의한 평균연결법, Ward법)모형 및 혼합모형을 이용한 컨테이너항만의 클러스터링 측정에 대한 실증적 비교 및 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ro-Kyung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.17-52
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to measure the clustering change and analyze empirical results. Additionally, by using k-means, hierarchical, and mixed models on Asian container ports over the period 2006-2015, the study aims to form a cluster comprising Busan, Incheon, and Gwangyang ports. The models consider the number of cranes, depth, birth length, and total area as inputs and container twenty-foot equivalent units(TEU) as output. Following are the main empirical results. First, ranking order according to the increasing ratio during the 10 years analysis shows that the value for average linkage(AL), mixed ward, rule of thumb(RT)& elbow, ward, and mixed AL are 42.04% up, 35.01% up, 30.47%up, and 23.65% up, respectively. Second, according to the RT and elbow models, the three Korean ports can be clustered with Asian ports in the following manner: Busan Port(Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Qingdao, and Singapore), Incheon Port(Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Manila, and Bangkok), and Gwangyang Port(Gungzhou, Ningbo, Qingdao, and Kasiung). Third, optimal clustering numbers are as follows: AL(6), Mixed Ward(5), RT&elbow(4), Ward(5), and Mixed AL(6). Fourth, empirical clustering results match with those of questionnaire-Busan Port(80%), Incheon Port(17%), and Gwangyang Port(50%). The policy implication is that related parties of Korean seaports should introduce port improvement plans like the benchmarking of clustered seaports.

Changes of Microbial Community Associated with Construction Method and Maintenance Practise on Soil Profile in Golf Courses (지반 조성과 관리방법에 따른 골프장 토양내 미생물 군집의 변화)

  • Moon, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Ki-Dong;Joo, Young-Kyoo
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2009
  • The construction procedures and artificial turf maintenance program on golf course definitely influence on the distortion of its environment. Soil microbial communities in soil profile were affected directly by those practises on turf areas. In Jeju island, the environmental impact assessment has been required to apply the first quality class granular activated carbon(GAC), which has a high absorbent character to agricultural chemicals, on the soil profiles of golf green system to reduce the pesticide leaching to ground water. This research was carried out to analyze the changes of microbial communities and chemical properties on soil profiles where GAC had been applied at the construction stage at two golf courses in Jeju. The changes of soil microbial population and chemical properties associated with construction methods of soil profile and agrochemical management program were analyzed by monthly at the surface and sub-soil profiles during April through October, 2007. The total numbers of bacteria and fungi, soil moisture content, soil physio-chemical properties were measured on greens and fairways of the both golf courses with different GAC treatment on the green and fairway soil profiles. The results showed that GAC had positive effects on the water holding capacity, pH and EC, however, it did not improved the holding capacity of available nutrients ${NO_3}^-,{NH_4}^+$, and phosphorus by its sorption phenomenon. In microbial count test, the total numbers of bacteria and fungi showed a great variation during sampling dates. That may directly relate to the agrochemical application, however, the ratio of total bacterial number versus total fungus number showed a constant value on a sub-soil of 15~30cm depth. Thus, the construction method of GAC in soil profile, and application of fertilizer and pesticide, both impacted on the changes of microbial population. It's means that the construction method of soil profile and turf management using agro-materials might greatly affect on the turfgrass culture and the environment of golf course.

Delineation of a fault zone beneath a riverbed by an electrical resistivity survey using a floating streamer cable (스트리머 전기비저항 탐사에 의한 하저 단층 탐지)

  • Kwon Hyoung-Seok;Kim Jung-Ho;Ahn Hee-Yoon;Yoon Jin-Sung;Kim Ki-Seog;Jung Chi-Kwang;Lee Seung-Bok;Uchida Toshihiro
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2005
  • Recently, the imaging of geological structures beneath water-covered areas has been in great demand because of numerous tunnel and bridge construction projects on river or lake sites. An electrical resistivity survey can be effective in such a situation because it provides a subsurface image of faults or weak zones beneath the water layer. Even though conventional resistivity surveys in water-covered areas, in which electrodes are installed on the water bottom, do give high-resolution subsurface images, much time and effort is required to install electrodes. Therefore, an easier and more convenient method is sought to find the strike direction of the main zones of weakness, especially for reconnaissance surveys. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of the streamer resistivity survey method, which uses electrodes in a streamer cable towed by ship or boat, for delineating a fault zone. We do this through numerical experiments with models of water-covered areas. We demonstrate that the fault zone can be imaged, not only by installing electrodes on the water bottom, but also by using floating electrodes, when the depth of water is less than twice the electrode spacing. In addition, we compare the signal-to-noise ratio and resolving power of four kinds of electrode arrays that can be adapted to the streamer resistivity method. Following this numerical study, we carried out both conventional and streamer resistivity surveys for the planned tunnel construction site located at the Han River in Seoul, Korea. To obtain high-resolution resistivity images we used the conventional method, and installed electrodes on the water bottom along the planned route of the tunnel beneath the river. Applying a two-dimensional inversion scheme to the measured data, we found three distinctive low-resistivity anomalies, which we interpreted as associated with fault zones. To determine the strike direction of these three fault zones, we used the quick and convenient streamer resistivity.