• Title/Summary/Keyword: Density map

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Generation of Large-scale Map of Surface Sedimentary Facies in Intertidal Zone by Using UAV Data and Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA) (UAV 자료와 객체기반영상분석을 활용한 대축척 갯벌 표층 퇴적상 분류도 작성)

  • Kim, Kye-Lim;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.277-292
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to propose the possibility of precise surface sedimentary facies classification and a more accurate classification method by generating the large-scale map of surface sedimentary facies based on UAV data and object-based image analysis (OBIA) for Hwang-do tidal flat in Cheonsu bay. The very high resolution UAV data extracted factors that affect the classification of surface sedimentary facies, such as RGB ortho imagery, Digital elevation model (DEM), and tidal channel density, and analyzed the principal components of surface sedimentary facies through statistical analysis methods. Based on principal components, input data to be used for classification of surface sedimentary facies were divided into three cases such as (1) visible band spectrum, (2) topographical elevation and tidal channel density, (3) visible band spectrum and topographical elevation, tidal channel density. The object-based image analysis classification method was applied to map the classification of surface sedimentary facies according to conditions of input data. The surface sedimentary facies could be classified into a total of six sedimentary facies following the folk classification criteria. In addition, the use of visible band spectrum, topographical elevation, and tidal channel density enabled the most effective classification of surface sedimentary facies with a total accuracy of 63.04% and the Kappa coefficient of 0.54.

2-D Inundation Analysis According to Post-Spacing Density of DEMs from LiDAR Using GIS (GIS를 활용한 LiDAR 자료의 밀도에 따른 2차원 침수해석)

  • Ha, Chang-Yong;Han, Kun-Yeun;Cho, Wan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.74-88
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the points of LiDAR were modified in order to generate various DEM resolutions by applying LiDAR data in Ulsan. Since the LiDAR data have points with 1m intervals, the number of points for each resolution was modified to the size of 1, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100m by uniformly eliminating the points. A runoff analysis was performed on Taehwa river and its tributary, Dongcheon, with 200 year rainfall exceedance probability. 2-dimensional inundation analysis was performed based on the density of LiDAR data using FLUMEN, which was used to establish domestic flood risk map. Once DEM data obtained from LiDAR survey are used, it is expected that the study results can be used as data in determining optimal grid spacing, which is economical, effective and accurate in establishing flood defence plans including the creation of flood risk map.

Applicability of Fuzzy Logic Based Data Integration to Geothermal Potential Mapping in Southern Gyeongsang Basin, Korea (경상분지 남부지역의 지열 부존 잠재력 평가를 위한 퍼지기반 자료통합의 적용성 연구)

  • Park, Maeng-Eon;Baek, Seung-Gyun;Sung, Kyu-Youl
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.3 s.184
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    • pp.307-318
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    • 2007
  • The occurrence of geothermal water has high correlates highly with fossil geothermal system. A fuzzy logic based data integration is applied for geothermal potential mapping in the Southern Gyeongsang Basin which is distributed in the regional fossil geothermal system. Several data sets are related with the origin and distribution of fossil geothermal system, such as the geological map, the density of lineaments, the aerial survey map of magnetic intensity, the map of hydrothermal alteration, the distribution density of hydrothermal mines, which were collected as thematic maps for the integration. Fuzzy membership functions for all thematic maps were compared to the locations of the spa hot springs, which were used as ground-truth control points. After integrating all thematic maps, the results of gamma operator (${\gamma}=0.1$) was showed the highest success rate, and new geothermal potential zone is prospected in some area.

Assessment of Groundwater Contamination Vulnerability in Miryang City, Korea using Advanced DRASTIC and fuzzy Techniques on the GIS Platform (개선된 DRASTIC 기법과 퍼지기법을 이용한 밀양지역 지하수오염 취약성 평가)

  • Chung, Sang Yong;Elzain, Hussam Eldin;Senapathi, Venkatramanan;Park, Kye-Hun;Kwon, Hae-Woo;Yoo, In Kol;Oh, Hae Rim
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.26-41
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the Original DRASTIC Model (ODM) for the assessment of groundwater contamination vulnerability on the GIS platform. Miryang City of urban and rural features was selected for the study area to accomplish the research purpose. Advanced DRASTIC Model (ADM) was developed adding two more DRASTIC factors of lineament density and landuse to ODM. The fuzzy logic was also applied to ODM and ADM to improve their ability in evaluating the groundwater contamination vulnerability. Although the vulnerability map of ADM was a little simpler than that of ODM, it increased the area of the low vulnerability sector. The groundwater vulnerability maps of ODM and ADM using DRASTIC Indices represented the more detailed descriptions than those from the overlap of thematic maps, and their qualities were improved by the application of fuzzy technique. The vulnerability maps of ODM, ADM and FDM was evaluated by NO3-N concentrations in the study area. It was proved that ADM including lineament density and landuse factors produced a more reliable groundwater vulnerability map, and fuzzy ADM (FDM) made the best detailed groundwater vulnerability map with the significant statistical results.

Classification of Textural Descriptors for Establishing Texture Naming System(TNS) of Fabrics -Textural Descriptions of Women's Suits Fabrics for Fall/winter Seasons- (옷감의 질감 명명 체계 확립을 위한 질감 속성자 분류 -여성 슈트용 추동복지의 질감 속성을 중심으로-)

  • Han Eun-Gyeong;Kim Eun-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.5 s.153
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to identify the texture-related components of woven fabrics and to develop a multidimensional perceptual structure map to represent the tactile textures. Eighty subjects in clothing and tektite industries were selected for multivariate data on each fabric of 30 using the questionnaire with 9 pointed semantic differential scales of 20 texture-related adjectives. Data were analyzed by factor analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling(MDS) using SPSS statistical package. The results showed that the five factors were selected and composed of density/warmth-coolness, stiffness, extensibility, drapeability, and surface/slipperiness. As a result of hierarchical cluster analysis, 30 fabrics were grouped by four clusters; each cluster was named with density/warmth-coolness, surface/slipperiness, stiffness, and extensibility, respectively. By MDS, three dimensions of tactile texture were obtained and a 3-dimensional perceptual structure map was suggested. The three dimensions were named as surface/slipperiness, extensibility, and stiffness. We proposed a positioning perceptual map of fabrics related to texture naming system(TNS). To classify the textural features of the woven fabrics, hierarchical cluster analysis containing all the data variations, even though it includes the errors, may be more desirable than texture-related multidimensional data analysis based on factor loading values in respect of the effective variables reduction without losing the critical variations.

Control of Polarity by Magnetic Array Table in Magnetic Abrasive Polishing Process (자기연마가공에서 마그네틱 어레이 테이블에 의한 극성 제어)

  • Gang, Han-Sung;Kim, Tae-Hui;Kawk, Jae-Seob
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.1643-1648
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    • 2010
  • It is very difficult to polish non-magnetic materials by the magnetic abrasive polishing (MAP) process because magnetic force is required for MAP, but the magnetic force for non.magnetic materials is low. In this study, we aimed to develop a magnetic array table and control the magnetic polarity such that the magnetic force can be increased for the MAP of non-magnetic materials. The newly designed magnetic array table has 32 electro magnets, and the magnetic polarity of each electro-magnet can be easily controlled by changing the electric polarity. It was analytically verified that the magnetic flux density of non-magnetic materials can be varied by varying the applied magnetic polarity.

A whole genomic scan to detect selection signatures between Berkshire and Korean native pig breeds

  • Edea, Zewdu;Kim, Kwan-Suk
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.56 no.7
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    • pp.23.1-23.7
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    • 2014
  • Background: Scanning of the genome for selection signatures between breeds may play important role in understanding the underlie causes for observable phenotypic variations. The discovery of high density single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) provide a useful starting point to perform genome-wide scan in pig populations in order to identify loci/candidate genes underlie phenotypic variation in pig breeds and facilitate genetic improvement programs. However, prior to this study genomic region under selection in commercially selected Berkshire and Korean native pig breeds has never been detected using high density SNP markers. To this end, we have genotyped 45 animals using Porcine SNP60 chip to detect selection signatures in the genome of the two breeds by using the $F_{ST}$ approach. Results: In the comparison of Berkshire and KNP breeds using the FDIST approach, a total of 1108 outlier loci (3.48%) were significantly different from zero at 99% confidence level with 870 of the outlier SNPs displaying high level of genetic differentiation ($F_{ST}{\geq}0.490$). The identified candidate genes were involved in a wide array of biological processes and molecular functions. Results revealed that 19 candidate genes were enriched in phosphate metabolism (GO: 0006796; ADCK1, ACYP1, CAMK2D, CDK13, CDK13, ERN1, GALK2, INPP1; MAK, MAP2K5, MAP3K1, MAPK14, P14KB, PIK3C3, PRKC1, PTPRK, RNASEL, THBS1, BRAF, VRK1). We have identified a set of candidate genes under selection and have known to be involved in growth, size and pork quality (CART, AGL, CF7L2, MAP2K5, DLK1, GLI3, CA3 and MC3R), ear morphology and size (HMGA2 and SOX5) stress response (ATF2, MSRB3, TMTC3 and SCAF8) and immune response (HCST and RYR1). Conclusions: Some of the genes may be used to facilitate genetic improvement programs. Our results also provide insights for better understanding of the process and influence of breed development on the pattern of genetic variations.

Study on the shot rhythm by the spatial map model of animation

  • Shin, Yeo-Nu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a globally successful animation rhythm type. Based on the study of spatial variables in Campbell's heroic narrative and the study on the duration of shots in the video, the rhythm of the shot according to the spatial narrative of was analyzed. Through this, three conclusions were drawn. First, the basis for the visualization of narrative intensity is possible through the shot density of narrative, Second, a shot rhythm type was presented, which was presented as an ascending type, a descending type, a mountain type, a depressed type, and a complex type, and the characteristics of the narrative were analyzed. Third, the strength of the shot rhythm shown in the hero narrative spatial map model was divided into top, middle, and bottom, and the measurement criteria of narrative strength were presented. This study is meaningful in that it visualized and typified artistic emotions as objective data in the flow of animation content focused on philosophical and qualitative methods.

Groundwaterflow analysis of discontinuous rock mass with probabilistic approach (통계적 접근법에 의한 불연속암반의 지하수 유동해석)

  • 장현익;장근무;이정인
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.30-38
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    • 1996
  • A two dimensional analysis program for groundwater flow in fractured network was developed to analyze the influence of discontinuity characteristics on groundwater flow. This program involves the generation of discontinuities and also connectivity analysis. The discontinuities were generated by the probabilistic density function(P.D.F.) reflecting the characteristics of discontinuities. And the fracture network model was completed through the connectivity analysis. This program also involves the analysis of groundwater flow through the discontinuity network. The result of numerical experiment shows that the equivalent hydraulic conductivity increased and became closer to isotropic as the density and trace length increased. And hydraulic head decreased along the fracture zone because of much water-flow. The grouting increased the groundwater head around cavern. An analysis of groundwater flow through discontinuity network was performed around underground oil storage cavern which is now under construction. The probabilistic density functions(P.D.F) were obtained from the investigation of the discontinuity trace map. When the anisotropic hydraulic conductivity is used, the flow rate into the cavern was below the acceptable value to maintain the hydraulic containment. But when the isotropic hydraulic conductivity is used, the flow rate was above the acceptable value.

  • PDF

Estimation of Growing Stock and Carbon Stock based on Components of Forest Type Map: The case of Kangwon Province (임상도 특성에 따른 임목축적 및 탄소저장량 추정: 강원도를 중심으로)

  • Kim, So Won;Son, Yeong Mo;Kim, Eun Sook;Park, Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.3
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    • pp.446-452
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    • 2014
  • This research aimed to provide a method to estimate growing stock and carbon stock using the characteristics of forest type map such as the age-class, DBH class and crown density class. We transformed the growing stock data of national forest inventory (mainly Kangwon-do province) onto those of time when the forest type map was established. We developed a simulation model for the growing stock using the transformed data and the characteristics of forest type map by the quantification method I. By comparing partial correlation coefficient, we found that quantification of growing stock was largely affected by age-class followed by crown density class, forest type and DBH class. The growing stock, was estimated as minimum in the broadleaved forest with age-class II, DBH class 'Small', and crown density class 'Low' as $20.0m^3/ha$, whereas showed maximum value in the coniferous forest with age-class VI, DBH class 'Large', and crown density class 'High' as $305.0m^3/ha$. The growing stock for coniferous, broadleaved, and mixed forest were estimated as $30.5{\sim}305.0m^3/ha$, $20.0{\sim}200.4m^3/ha$, and $23.8{\sim}238.1m^3/ha$, respectively. When we compared the carbon stock by forest type, the carbon stock by age class based on growing stock was maximum when DBH class was 'Large' and crown density class was 'High' regardless of forest type. This estimation of growing stock by using characteristic of forest type can be used to estimate the changes in growing stock and carbon stock resulting from deforestation or natural disaster. In addition, we hope it provide a useful advice when forest officials and policy makers have to make decisions in regard to forest management.