• 제목/요약/키워드: Defining Relation

검색결과 103건 처리시간 0.018초

케어션스타이너 교육사상의 인문적 전통 (Education of Humanistic Tendency of Kerschensteiner)

  • 김덕칠
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2001
  • The character of the educational tradition of Germany could be divided into two aspects. One is the humanistic liberal tendency and the other is vocational. From the beginning of the Twentieth Century, however, there has been an attempt to unify these two trends by the . Georg Kerschensteiner is the first of importance to make some comprehensive curriculum for this goal. In Kerschensteiner, the genuine education makes the individual assume his work and role in society, and to develop them by cultivating insight, will and power. His view is well expressed in the slogn "The vocational education is the beginning of the humanistic education." His goal is to make men of independence and autonomy through vocational education. The theory of Kerschensteiner's education is called 'general vocational education'. The reason why is that his vocational education concerns not just technical training for industry, but also general liberal arts. In this point, Kerschensteiner's point of view goes back to Wilhelm von Humboldt, neo-humanist afar in the first half of the Ninteenth Century, and to John Dewey, pragmatist in the contemporary age of Kerschensteiner. Kerschensteiner was much influenced by Humboldt's concepts of power and individuality. These concepts came to be embodied as a principle of vocational education in Kerschensteiner. Furthermore, Humboldt's concept of power could be associated with Dewey's theory of reflexive thinking. The power in Humboldt is to create spirit, which is connected with the world outside through language. The reflexive thinking of Dewey is a process that examines and selects some alternative thinking in the consciousness before acting. This process makes one find the method of problem-solving which results in behaviour. That is the experimental spirit or pragmatic behaviourism. These theories are reduced to the concept of 'work' in Kerschensteiner. And Kerschensteiner's theory of education that has both sides, humanistic and vocational, is similar to that of John Dewey. Dewey brings forward the idea that the vocational education is the best way to cultivate intelligence and emotion, as intelligence operates best in the life. The position of Dewey is in accord with that of Kerschensteiner who intends to cover experiences of various fields of society through practice-learning, and to have knowledge got from outside of school, refuting the misled trend of education isolated from real life. However, there is some difference between Kerschensteiner and Humbolt or Dewey. While the Neo-humanism of Humbolt and the pragmatic education of Dewey put emphasis rather on the liberal arts and culture of individuality, Kerschensteiner is concerned more with the work and life of the reality of society as a group. Kerschensteiner's concept of utility is related to education for the whole man and to the work of the individual and the nation as well as the will and power to practice it. The ideal man of utility of Kerschensteiner is to learn perfectly the value and behaviour of society through vocational life and to have right view of the state establishing a sound mutual relation between individual and state. Kerschensteiner is regarded as a devotee of 'the state of harmony' or 'the ideal of the state', as he makes the state as the criterion for defining the role of the individual. It can be said that Kerschensteiner is not a democrat of the American style as Dewey is, as he makes much of the value of the nation and state. However, he is a humanist and democrat in the point of vocational education. His purpose of education is to make whole men through work and vocational education.

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VIDEO GAME CULTURE AND INTERACTIVITY -An exploration of digital interactive media through a metaphorical approach to video game culture-

  • 우탁
    • 한국게임학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.70-72
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    • 2009
  • This research is focused on defining interaction within the context of digital media and creating a multi cultural definition of interactivity. The concept of multi digital culture and a definition of interaction in digital media have often been overlooked by other researchers and this has caused the emergence of many different notions on this issue. As a result of these varied notions of the concept, public confusion has arisen regarding interactivity. The main purpose of this research is to find a suitable multi definition of interaction through examining local digital culture. In order to analogise multi digital culture, the video game culture is employed as a metaphor to interpret local digital culture. The reason for this is that a specific national culture can be easily identified within the video game culture. Four countries, South Korea, Japan, the U.S. and the UK have been chosen for comparison purposes. Case study, questionnaire and publicly accessible video game related data, such as, video game charts, are used for formalising and analysing unique local digital culture. The Heyri POP UP IMAGE Festival, S. Korea, was also used as a pilot study, with some of the above research methods being employed to analyse South Korean digital culture. In relation to western cases, interview and questionnaire were primarily used. The data from the case countries was carefully compared and analysed and then it became the basis of a theory of multi definition of interaction in digital media. The case study employed the cultural metaphor for this research and in addition video game culture related questionnaires and interviews with experts of interactive art genre, regarding new notions of digital interaction were utilised. The survey was conducted simultaneously in the four different cultural case nations of this research. Twenty respondents from each case nation participated in the survey, in order to investigate firstly, the existence of 'local digital culture' and secondly, the trends and phenomena of 'digital culture' in these four different 'local digital cultural areas'. In terms of interviews with experts of the interactive art genre, these were focused on obtaining their understanding of contemporary digital culture in their research. Using gathered data from the observation of local digital culture, the basic theory of interaction and the terminology of interaction are reformed. Localised definitions of interaction on digital media, control based interaction and communication based interaction are presented, in order to identify a 'locality' in terms of various contemporary digital cultures. As a result of analysing digital culture, new definitions of 'multi definition of digital interaction' were formulated. As mentioned above, 'control' and 'communication' based interaction were initiated, based on 'user to media' relationships. Based on the degree of physical interaction, 'liminal' and 'transitive' interactions were initiated. Less physical digital interaction is named 'liminal' interaction and more physical digital interaction is named' transitive' interaction. These new definitions of interaction were applied to the real world examples of uses of digital interaction, such as, digital interactive installation artworks and video games. The newly defined meaning of digital interaction can be applied to analysing digital interactive installation artworks and possibly indicate their future development and the prospects of future electronic games. Three leading digital interactive artists were selected for this analysis and their works were studied in terms of the implementation of 'multi definition of digital interaction'. Throughout these processes, the meaning of 'communication' in digital interactive media was emphasised. Many of the selected artists' digital installations were focused on 'communication' or 'interaction between each user through digital media', rather than the concept of 'control' in digital interaction, otherwise termed, 'communication with digital media'. In their artworks, interaction between each audience was digitally engaged within the physical interactive environment which was created by the digital media. Both the audience's action and all the reaction throughout the interaction between the audiences, triggered the digital media' s reaction. This audience-audience-media interaction is the key to understanding the concept of 'communication' in physical digital media and it is the main interactive concept upon which the selected digital interactive installation artists for this research and many other artists from similar fields, are concentrating their efforts. In the case of the video game, a similar trend was noticed to that of digital interactive installations. Based on this research's 'multi definition of digital interaction', the video game has evolved from the early stage of being conventional game, which was focused on control based interaction, to the on-line game which was focused on communication based interaction, to physical interactive games, such as, Nintendo Wii, which are focused on more physical interaction and finally, the ubiquitous interactive game, which is mainly concentrated on the concept of 'communication' in physical digital interaction. It is possible that this evolution of the video game concept of interaction is comparable to the progress of digital interactive artworks. This view is based on the fact that both genres show evidence that they are developing in the direction of the concept of 'communication', in terms of physical digital interaction. The important emphasis of this research's results is 'locality' and 'communication' in physical digital interaction. The existence of different digital culture trends, which were assessed by the 'multi definition of digital interaction', can explain the concept of 'locality' in digital interaction. This meaning of 'locality' may assist in understanding contemporary digital culture and can reduce possible misunderstanding as regards 'local' digital culture. In the application of the concept of digital interaction to the field of either artworks or video games, it is possible to form the opinion that an innovative concept of physical digital interaction is 'communication' within this context. This concept and its applications can improve the potential of both digital interactive culture and technology.

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병원감염 사건에서 증명책임 완화에 관한 입법적 고찰 - 개정 독일민법을 중심으로 - (Legislative Study on the Mitigation of the Burden of Proof in Hospital Infection Cases - Focusing on the revised Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch -)

  • 유현정
    • 의료법학
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.159-193
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    • 2015
  • 병원감염 사례에 관한 판결의 주류적 태도는 병원감염 발생으로 인한 손해의 분담을 사실상 환자 측에 전가하는 문제가 있다고 판단되므로, 손해의 공평 타당한 분담을 그 지도 원리로 하는 손해배상제도의 이념에 비추어 환자 측의 증명책임을 대폭 완화하기 위한 방법을 강구할 필요성이 있다. 이와 관련하여 진료계약을 민법상 전형계약으로 규정하고, 병원감염과 같은 의료 측이 전적으로 지배할 수 있었던 경우에는 일반적 진료상 위험이 실현된 때 진료자의 오류가 추정된다고 명문으로 과실추정규정을 둔 독일민법을 검토하였다. 진료계약은 매우 빈번하고 광범위하게 일반 국민의 실생활에서 체결되고 있으며, 그로 인한 분쟁도 다양하게 발생하고 있으므로, 진료계약을 독일과 같이 민법의 전형계약으로 규정함으로써 계약 내용과 분쟁 발생 시 증명책임 등에 관해 규율할 필요성이 있다. 병원감염 사건의 경우 법률에 의해 과실을 추정하고, 병원감염 예방을 위한 노력을 철저히 시행한 기관에 한하여 병원감염 사고로 인한 손해가 발생한 경우 그 비용을 지원하도록 사회보험을 통한 제도적 보완이 필요하다고 생각되며, 향후 이에 관한 면밀한 연구와 검토가 요구된다.

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