• Title/Summary/Keyword: Deep-sea fisheries

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Occurrence of Regalecus russellii off the Coast of Gangwon-do, Korea and Coastal Environment (강원도 속초 연안에서 산갈치(Regalecus russellii) 출현과 연안환경)

  • Jong-Won Park;Soon-Man Kwon;Pyo-Il Han;Chung Il Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.520-524
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    • 2023
  • Regalecus russellii, which spends most of its life in the deep sea, occasionally appears in coastal waters. However, the reasons for its appearance remain unclear. In Korea, R. russellii mainly appears along the eastern coastal waters, and most of them are caught in fishing gear, such as gill nets, or are stranded on the shore; nevertheless, the frequency of appearance is extremely low. Even if found, this species is often identified to be morphologically similar to Trachipterus ishikawae, and comprehensive analysis to identify the species through sample collection is limited. Consequently, information on the biological characteristics of R. russellii appearing in the coastal waters of Korea is scarce. Herein, the anatomical characteristics of R. russellii caught in a gill net off the Gangwon-do coast on March 14, 2023, were analyzed, and coastal water temperature was measured using an ocean buoy. Our results showed that the individual was male, its total length was 320 cm, body weight was 27.52 kg, body length was 26.62 cm, gonad weight was 619.45 g, and liver weight was 218.71 g. The stomach was full of euphausiids. The water temperature changed drastically at 15-30 m roughly a week before the R. russellii individual was caught, and the subsurface water temperature was lower than 10 ℃. Our findings provide baseline data to understand the ecological characteristics of R. russellii appearing along the eastern coast of the Korea.

Comparative Analysis of Toxic Marine Organism Detection Performance Across YOLO Models and Exploration of Applications in Smart Aquaculture Technology (YOLO 모델별 독성 해양 생물 탐지 성능 비교 및 스마트 수산 기술 적용 가능성 탐색)

  • Byeong Hyeon Hwang;Mi Jin Noh
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2024
  • The rise in sea temperatures due to global warming has accelerated the migration of marine species, leading to the frequent discovery of toxic marine organisms in domestic waters. The blue-ringed octopus in particular is very dangerous because it contains a deadly poison called tetrodotoxin. Therefore, early detection of these toxic species and minimizing the risk to human life is crucial. This study evaluates the effectiveness of using the latest object detection technology, the YOLO model, to detect toxic marine species, aiming to provide valuable information for the development of a smart fisheries system. The analysis results showed that YOLOv8 achieved the highest precision at 0.989, followed by YOLOv7 at 0.775 and YOLOv5m at 0.318. In terms of recall, YOLOv8 scored 0.969, YOLOv5l scored 0.845, and YOLOv7 scored 0.783. For mAP50 and mAP50-95 metrics, YOLOv8 also performed the best with scores of 0.978 and 0.834, respectively. Overall, YOLOv8 demonstrated the highest performance, indicating its strong suitability for real-time detection of toxic marine organisms. On the other hand, the YOLOv5 series showed lower performance, revealing limitations in detection under complex conditions. These findings suggest that the use of the latest YOLO model is essential for establishing an early warning system for toxic marine species.

Study on the Anchovy Boat Seine - II - On The Hydrodynamic Resistance and Performance of Patti-net (기선권현망의 연구 II - 파치망의 유체저항과 그물꼴에 관하여 -)

  • Lee, Byoung-Gee;Su, Young-Tae;Han, Hi-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 1978
  • A boat seine has been used as a major fishing gear for catching anchovy (Engraulis japonica) in the southern coastal waters of Korea since the 1920s. Since the 1950s some improvement from the original seine has been made; powered boats equipped with net hauler has been used instead of rowing boats with hand-driven capstan, and the seining method has been changed into the trawling method. But even now, there are many problems to be solved in the view point of decreasing man power without decreasing catching efficiency. For the purpose, patti-net has been introduced from Japan and experimented on the commercial base since 1972, and it was known that the patti-net could be operated with man power as half as needed in the coventional net, but catching efficiency was not so desirable. Therefore, the study on the characteristics of it were required. The authors carried out a model experiment with a Qne-twentieth scale model net towed by a powered boat on the sea. The obtained results run as follows: 1. Hydrodynamic resistance of the model net can be explained as $R_p=69.6 V_{I.66}$ $R_h=37 v^2$ where $R_p$ and $R_b$ denote the resistance of the whole gear and the cod end in kg respectively, and v the towing speed in mlsec. 2. Performance of wing and cod end showed no deformation such as observed at the conventional net. 3. The ratio of opening at the entrance of bag net to that of cod end showed about 2: 1. Therefore, when we intend to enlarge the net to be able to operate in the deep fishing ground, the cod end should be enlarged in the same proportion and increased towing power is needed .. Then, it will be better to increase the ratio for increasing fishing efficiency without increasing towing power.

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Long-term Changes of Bathymetry and Surface Sediments in the dammed Yeongsan River Estuary, Korea, and Their Depositional Implication (영산강 하구의 수심 및 표층 퇴적물 특성의 변화와 퇴적환경)

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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.88-102
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    • 2017
  • Long-term changes in bathymetry and grain size of surface sediments were investigated for understanding depositional sedimentary environments in the channelized Yeongsan River Estuary, Korea. The results revealed that an average depth of the estuary had decreased up to 2.1 m from 1982 to 2006, while it had increased to 0.3 m from 2006 to 2012. The rapid decrease of the water depth from 1982 to 2006 was due to the vast deposition of mud caused by the change of water course and flow velocity after the estuary was dammed. Meanwhile the increase of the water depth from 2006 to 2012 may be associated with multiple erosional processes, including a dredging at the southern part of the estuary and other erosions from the dike sluice expansion work. Considering the water-depth change and tidal-level variation in the study area, an depositional rate in the estuary is estimated to be 8~9 cm/yr for the last 2 decades (1982~2006). The sediments of Yeongsan River Estuary are largely composed of silt-clay mixtures: overall, silt is distributed mainly in the shallow area of the estuary edge, while clay is confined to the deep area of the estuary center. Mean grain size of the sediments is 6.0 Ø on average in 1997, 7.8 Ø on average in 2005 and 7.7 Ø on average in 2012, respectively, suggesting that the sediments became finer due to the increase of silt and clay contents in 1997~2005. Furthermore, several lines of evidences, including the comparison between the amounts of the sediment influx discharged from the Yeongsan River and the sediments in the estuary, and the changes in distribution pattern of silt and clay contents implying that they moved from offshore to estuary dike, indicate that the mud sediments are originated mainly from the offshore, not from the river.

An Analytical Study on Rational use of Undersea Space (해저공간의 합리적 활용을 위한 분석적 연구)

  • Won-Jo Jung;Nam-Ki Park
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to determine the necessity, role, utilization, and operation and management plan in relation to the underwater space platform where humans can newly reside. It provides a comprehensive opinion on the need for creating undersea space and operation plans based on opinions of industry-university-affiliated organizations involved in the R&D project of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for the utilization of undersea space and external experts participating in marine technology development. In this study, a survey was conducted on researchers participating in the construction of a Korean submarine space platform. FGI was conducted on marine technology development experts. Results were then derived. As a result of the analysis, the need for subsea space construction was found to be high. As for the role of subsea space, the most common opinion was to develop technology for utilizing subsea space and to secure marine science research functions. It was found that the creation of subsea space would have a positive impact on the domestic industry, especially the deep-sea development industry and the shipbuilding/offshore structure industry. In terms of utilization, after the end of the seabed space test bed, the response to utilization as a marine observation base and marine ecosystem research had the highest proportion. As for expected inconvenience, discomfort in the psychological environment was the highest. Experts suggest that securing a continuous budget is most important for stable operation in the future and that securing a manpower budget is essential for itemized budgets. In addition, it was judged that it would be appropriate to establish a prior agreement from the time of the prior agreement and prepare a countermeasure before proceeding with the project in order to ensure ownership issues, consignment management issues, and cost issues when using the project after the end of the project.

Evaluation of Water Quality Characteristics of Saemangeum Lake Using Statistical Analysis (통계분석을 이용한 새만금호의 수질특성 평가)

  • Jong Gu Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.297-306
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    • 2023
  • Saemangeum Lake is the largest artificial lake in Korea. The continuous deterioration of lake water quality necessitates the introduction of novel water quality management strategies. Therefore, this study aims to identify the spatiotemporal water quality characteristics of Saemangeum Lake using data from the National Water Quality Measurement Network and provide basic information for water quality management. In the water quality parameters of Saemangeum Lake, water temperature and total phosphorous content were correlated, and salt, total nitrogen content, pH, and chemical oxygen demand were significantly correlated. Other parameters showed a low correlation. The spatial principal component analysis of Saemangeum Lake showed the characteristics of its four zones. The mid-to-downstream section of the river affected by freshwater inflow showed a high nutrient salt concentration, and the deep-water section of the drainage gate and the lake affected by seawater showed a high salt concentration. Two types of water qualities were observed in the intermediate water area where river water and outer sea water were mixed: waters with relatively low salt and high chemical oxygen demand, and waters with relatively low salt and high pH concentration. In the principal component analysis by time, the water quality was divided into four groups based on the observation month. Group I occurred during May and June in late spring and early summer, Group II was in early spring (March-April) and late autumn (November-December), Group III was in winter (January-February), and Group IV was in summer (July-October) during high temperatures. The water quality characteristics of Saemangeum Lake were found to be affected by the inflow of the upper Mangyeong and Dongjin rivers, and the seawater through the Garuk and Shinshi gates installed in the Saemangeum Embankment. In order to achieve the target water quality of Saemangeum Lake, it is necessary to establish water quality management measures for Saemangeum Lake along with pollution source management measures in the upper basin.