• 제목/요약/키워드: Data editing

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Direct Retargeting Method from Facial Capture Data to Facial Rig (페이셜 리그에 대한 페이셜 캡처 데이터의 다이렉트 리타겟팅 방법)

  • Cho, Hyunjoo;Lee, Jeeho
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a method to directly retarget facial motion capture data to the facial rig. Facial rig is an essential tool in the production pipeline, which allows helping the artist to create facial animation. The direct mapping method from the motion capture data to the facial rig provides great convenience because artists are already familiar with the use of a facial rig and the direct mapping produces the mapping results that are ready for the artist's follow-up editing process. However, mapping the motion data into a facial rig is not a trivial task because a facial rig typically has a variety of structures, and therefore it is hard to devise a generalized mapping method for various facial rigs. In this paper, we propose a data-driven approach to the robust mapping from motion capture data to an arbitary facial rig. The results show that our method is intuitive and leads to increased productivity in the creation of facial animation. We also show that our method can retarget the expression successfully to non-human characters which have a very different shape of face from that of human.

A Study on a Real Time Presentation Method for Playing of a Multimedia mail on Internet (인터넷상의 동영상 메일을 재생하기 위한 실시간 연출 기법 연구)

  • Im, Yeong-Hwan;Lee, Seon-Hye
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.877-890
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, a multimedia mail including video, sound, graphic data has been proposed as the next generation mail of the text based mail. In order to develop the multimedia mail, the most outstanding problem is the fact that the multimedia data are too huge to send them to the receiving end directly. The fact of big data may cause many problems in both transferring and storing the data of the multimedia mail. Our main idea is to separate between a control program for the multimedia presentation and multimedia data. Since the size of a control program is as small as a plain text mail, it has no problem to send it attached to the internet mail to the receiver directly. Instead, the big multimedia data themselves may remain on the sender's computer or be sent to a designated server so that the data may be transferred to the receiver only when the receiver activates the play of the multimedia mail. In this scheme, our research focus is paced on the buffer management and the thread scheduling for the real time play of the multimedia mail on internet. Another problem is to provide an easy way of editing a multimedia presentation for an ordinary people having no programming knowledge. For the purposed, VIP(Visual Interface Player) has been used and the results or multimedia mail implemented on LAN has been described.

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Ontology Modeling and Its Application for Managing Control Points (기준점 관리를 위한 온톨로지 모델링과 적용 방안)

  • Cui, Yulan;Hwang, Hyun-Suk;Shin, Seong-Hyun;Suh, Yong-Cheol;Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 2008
  • The control points are important assets of countries which express the most accurate location information that is used in surveying land and other measurements. The location information has played an important role in our daily lives with the development of ubiquitous technology. While many researchers have recently applied new technology like RFID(Radio-Frequency Identification) to the effective management of control points, the research into data retrieval and the interoperability of control point data is still primitive step. Therefore, we construct a data modeling to effectively manage control points using ontology data structure and focus on semantic retrieval method. Our retrieval system can provide the inferred and associated information among data using Prot$\acute{e}$g$\acute{e}$-OWL tool. Our system has advantages in reducing the number of repeated queries by hierarchy searching and improving the searching time by association searching. Also, we propose an effective method to construct retrieval systems being able to edit items of categories and properties without editing the related codes.

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Seismic interval velocity analysis on prestack depth domain for detecting the bottom simulating reflector of gas-hydrate (가스 하이드레이트 부존층의 하부 경계면을 규명하기 위한 심도영역 탄성파 구간속도 분석)

  • Ko Seung-Won;Chung Bu-Heung
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.638-642
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    • 2005
  • For gas hydrate exploration, long offset multichannel seismic data acquired using by the 4km streamer length in Ulleung basin of the East Sea. The dataset was processed to define the BSRs (Bottom Simulating Reflectors) and to estimate the amount of gas hydrates. Confirmation of the presence of Bottom Simulating reflectors (BSR) and investigation of its physical properties from seismic section are important for gas hydrate detection. Specially, faster interval velocity overlying slower interval velocity indicates the likely presences of gas hydrate above BSR and free gas underneath BSR. In consequence, estimation of correct interval velocities and analysis of their spatial variations are critical processes for gas hydrate detection using seismic reflection data. Using Dix's equation, Root Mean Square (RMS) velocities can be converted into interval velocities. However, it is not a proper way to investigate interval velocities above and below BSR considering the fact that RMS velocities have poor resolution and correctness and the assumption that interval velocities increase along the depth. Therefore, we incorporated Migration Velocity Analysis (MVA) software produced by Landmark CO. to estimate correct interval velocities in detail. MVA is a process to yield velocities of sediments between layers using Common Mid Point (CMP) gathered seismic data. The CMP gathered data for MVA should be produced after basic processing steps to enhance the signal to noise ratio of the first reflections. Prestack depth migrated section is produced using interval velocities and interval velocities are key parameters governing qualities of prestack depth migration section. Correctness of interval velocities can be examined by the presence of Residual Move Out (RMO) on CMP gathered data. If there is no RMO, peaks of primary reflection events are flat in horizontal direction for all offsets of Common Reflection Point (CRP) gathers and it proves that prestack depth migration is done with correct velocity field. Used method in this study, Tomographic inversion needs two initial input data. One is the dataset obtained from the results of preprocessing by removing multiples and noise and stacked partially. The other is the depth domain velocity model build by smoothing and editing the interval velocity converted from RMS velocity. After the three times iteration of tomography inversion, Optimum interval velocity field can be fixed. The conclusion of this study as follow, the final Interval velocity around the BSR decreased to 1400 m/s from 2500 m/s abruptly. BSR is showed about 200m depth under the seabottom

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Application of Geographic Information Systems for Effective Management of University Forests (대학연습림의 효율적 관리를 위한 지리정보시스템의 활용방안)

  • Kwon, Taeho;Kim, Taekyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 1999
  • The functional change of university forest have led to need more complicated techniques for forest management strategies, and more information about forest and natural environment. Therefore the systematic tools, like the so-called Forest Information System to which apply the techniques of geographic information system, are eagerly required for collecting, editing, managing, analyzing the various data about forest and environment, and for supporting the decision-making process. The digital mapping, which could be a primary step to construct the Forest Information System, was carried out using the many kinds of thematic spatial data referring to the Seongju Experimental Forest of Taegu University. As a result, various digital maps including forest type, soil type and so on were constructed. And then we made an user-interface system to link the attributive data in management plan to the thematic spatial data. This system was regarded as the effective tool capable of the more rapid query, analysis and update of related data for systematic management of university forest. Moreover, it would be a useful tool of decision-making in devising, assessing and operating the plan of forest management and development. But there would be much room for supplementation and improvement to make the more convenient and powerful system for the external demands, therefore more concerns and efforts in collecting, revising and updating the data is continuously required.

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Interactive Motion Retargeting for Humanoid in Constrained Environment (제한된 환경 속에서 휴머노이드를 위한 인터랙티브 모션 리타겟팅)

  • Nam, Ha Jong;Lee, Ji Hye;Choi, Myung Geol
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we introduce a technique to retarget human motion data to the humanoid body in a constrained environment. We assume that the given motion data includes detailed interactions such as holding the object by hand or avoiding obstacles. In addition, we assume that the humanoid joint structure is different from the human joint structure, and the shape of the surrounding environment is different from that at the time of the original motion. Under such a condition, it is also difficult to preserve the context of the interaction shown in the original motion data, if the retargeting technique that considers only the change of the body shape. Our approach is to separate the problem into two smaller problems and solve them independently. One is to retarget motion data to a new skeleton, and the other is to preserve the context of interactions. We first retarget the given human motion data to the target humanoid body ignoring the interaction with the environment. Then, we precisely deform the shape of the environmental model to match with the humanoid motion so that the original interaction is reproduced. Finally, we set spatial constraints between the humanoid body and the environmental model, and restore the environmental model to the original shape. To demonstrate the usefulness of our method, we conducted an experiment by using the Boston Dynamic's Atlas robot. We expected that out method can help the humanoid motion tracking problem in the future.

Standardization Strategy on 3D Animation Contents (3D 애니메이션 콘텐츠의 SCORM 기반 표준화 전략)

  • Jang, Jae-Kyung;Kim, Sun-Hye;Kim, Ho-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.218-222
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    • 2006
  • In making 3D animation with digital technology, it is necessary to increase productivity and reusability by managing production pipeline systematically through standardization of animation content. For this purpose, we try to develop the animation content management system that can manage all kind of information on the production pipeline, based on SCORM of e-teaming by considering production, publication and re-editing. A scene as the unit of visual semantics is standardize into an object that contains meta-data of place, cast, weather, season, time and viewpoint about the scene. The meta-data of content includes a lot of information of copyright, publication, description, etc, so that it plays an important role on the management and the publication. If an effective management system of meta-data such as ontology will be implemented, it is possible to search multimedia contents powerfully. Hence, it will bring on production and publication of UCC. Using the meta-data of content object, user and producer can easily search and reuse the contents. Hence, they can choose the contents object according to their preference and reproduce their own creative animation by reorganizing and packaging the selected objects.

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A Study on the Interface between DAS and SCADA by using Direct Method (직접연계방법에 의한 DAS-SCADA 연계 연구)

  • Park, So-Young;Shin, Chang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1154-1163
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    • 2008
  • DAS and SCADA system are main systems, which operate and manage the power system by using computer and communication technology. But DAS and SCADA have been operated independently in Korea, so there was some time delay in the fault handling and live-line work. To improve that problems, studies on the interface between DAS and SCADA have been needed. From November 2005 to December 2007, the pilot project has been performed in KEPCO's branch offices, as a result, direct method will be applied widely all over the country until 2010 because the operation information of substation users want can be transmitted fast and it is possible to control 43RC directly although the expense for direct method is about 1.3 times larger than that for web method. To improve problems revealed during the pilot project, substation object to object communication method is proposed and interface database automatic generation and interface system diagnosis and logging functions are developed. Interface data point and communication data type are defined, substation single line diagram automatic generation or manual editing function, SCADA monitoring and controlling function, log data managing function are developed in SCADA HMI program. It is expecting to reduce the average time for each outage about 33% and to improve the reliability, efficiency of operation, execution of DAS from automatic load transfer under a fault, and to contribute to export project.

Development of Real-Time Forecasting System of Marine Environmental Information for Ship Routing (항해지원을 위한 해양환경정보 실시간 예보시스템 개발)

  • Hong Keyyong;Shin Seung-Ho;Song Museok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2005
  • A marine environmental information system (MEIS) useful for optimal route planning of ships running in the ocean was developed. Utilizing the simulated marine environmental data produced by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts based on global environmental data observed by satellites, the real-time forecast and long-term statistics of marine environments around planned and probable ship routes are provided. The MEIS consists of a land-based data acquisition and analysis system(MEIS-Center) and a onboard information display system(MEIS-Ship) for graphic description of marine information and optimal route planning of ships. Also, it uses of satellite communication system for data transfer. The marine environmental components of winds, waves, air pressures and storms are provided, in which winds are described by speed and direction and waves are expressed in terms of height, direction and period for both of wind waves and swells. The real-time information is characterized by 0.5° resolution, 10 day forecast in 6 hour interval and daily update. The statistic information of monthly average and maximum value expected for a return period is featured by 1.5° resolution and based on 15 year database. The MEIS-Ship include an editing tool for route simulation and the forecasting and statistic information on planned routes can be displayed in graph or table. The MEIS enables for navigators to design an optimal navigational route that minimizes probable risk and operational cost.

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A 3D Terrain Reconstruction System using Navigation Information and Realtime-Updated Terrain Data (항법정보와 실시간 업데이트 지형 데이터를 사용한 3D 지형 재구축 시스템)

  • Baek, In-Sun;Um, Ky-Hyun;Cho, Kyung-Eun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2010
  • A terrain is an essential element for constructing a virtual world in which game characters and objects make various interactions with one another. Creating a terrain requires a great deal of time and repetitive editing processes. This paper presents a 3D terrain reconstruction system to create 3D terrain in virtual space based on real terrain data. In this system, it converts the coordinate system of the height maps which are generated from a stereo camera and a laser scanner from global GPS into 3D world using the x and z axis vectors of the global GPS coordinate system. It calculates the movement vectors and the rotation matrices frame by frame. Terrain meshes are dynamically generated and rendered in the virtual areas which are represented in an undirected graph. The rendering meshes are exactly created and updated by correcting terrain data errors. In our experiments, the FPS of the system was regularly checked until the terrain was reconstructed by our system, and the visualization quality of the terrain was reviewed. As a result, our system shows that it has 3 times higher FPS than other terrain management systems with Quadtree for small area, improves 40% than others for large area. The visualization of terrain data maintains the same shape as the contour of real terrain. This system could be used for the terrain system of realtime 3D games to generate terrain on real time, and for the terrain design work of CG Movies.