• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dam Body

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Anti-obesity Effect of Hypsizigus marmoreus in High Fat-fed Mice (고지방식이를 섭취한 마우스에서 느티만가닥버섯의 항비만 효과)

  • Ryu, Hae-Jeong;Um, Min-Young;Ahn, Ji-Yun;Jung, Chang-Hwa;Huh, Dam;Kim, Tae-Wan;Ha, Tae-Youl
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.12
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    • pp.1708-1714
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the possible anti-obesity effects of Hypsizigus marmoreus on high fat-fed mice. Thirty male C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into 3 groups: a normal diet group (N), a high-fat diet group (HF), and a high-fat diet with 5% Hypsizigus marmoreus group (HF-H). After 8 weeks, the body weights in the HF group significantly increased, while those of the HF-H group decreased. Also, liver and adipose tissue weights in the HF-H group significantly decreased. Total serum cholesterol, leptin, and insulin levels were significantly higher in the HF group than those of the N group, but lower than those of the HF-H group. Accumulation of hepatic lipids was apparent in the HF group, as indicated by HE staining and hepatic lipid analysis, while these effects were improved by supplements with Hypsizigus marmoreus in the HF-H group. Also, a reduction in adipocyte size of the epididymal adipose tissue was observed in the HF-H group. $PPAR{\gamma}$, SREBP-1c, and SCD-1 protein expressions were down-regulated in the epididymal adipose tissue of the HF-F group compared to the HF group. Taken together, these results suggest that Hypsizigus marmoreus may an effective anti-obesity treatment.

Study of east & west medical science documentary records of Hip joint pain (고관절(股關節) 질환(疾患)의 동서양의학적(東西洋醫學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kang, Jun-Hyuk;Hong, Seo-Young;Yoon, Il-Ji;Oh, Min-Seok
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.125-140
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    • 2006
  • Study of east & west medical science documentary records of Hip joint pain lead to following conclusions. 1. Easten medicine classify hip joint pain with terms "Bi-chu-tong", "Bi chu in tong" "Bi-chu-choong-tong". 2. Easten medicine asorts cause of hip joint pain with external factor, such as exogenous energy, six yin evil energy and intrinsic factor, which are weakness caused by prolonged deasease, warm-heat evil. 3. In western medicine, causes that trigger hip joint pain are trauma, fracture, dislocation,and bacterial infection. 4. Treatment of hip joint disorder in western medicine, physiotherapy concerning conservative treatment, and pain control with drug treatment, kinesitherapy are used, and concernig fracture, operation is used. 5. In Eastern medicine, principle of treating hip joint pain, sung-juk-sa-ji(盛則寫之), hu-juk-bo-ji(虛則補之), yul-juk-jil-ji(熱則疾之), han-juk-yu-ji(寒則留之), ham-ha-juk-chim-ji(陷下則沈之), bul-sung-bul-hu(不盛不虛), yi-kyong-chui-ji(以經取之) is presented. This priciple of treatment was descended through ages and is now applied to treatments such as Acupuncture, Herbal, physical treatment based on so-san-eo-hyul(消散瘀血), seo-kun-tong-rak(舒筋通絡), so-ri-kwan-jul(疏利關節) principle. 6. In Eastern medicine, meridians used to treat hip joint pain are The Chok yangmyung wi Kyong(足陽明胃經), Chok taeum bi Kyong(足太陰脾經), Chock soyang dam Kyong(足少陽膽經), Chock guelum gan Kyong(足厥陰肝經). In conclusion, hip joint pain should be considered in relationship with internal organs and whole body system. Western & Eastern point of view should be carefully inspected and connected and intensive study of nervous system and meridian is required, in order to adopt best treatment for the patients.

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Numerical Estimations of Nakdong River Flows Through Linking of Watershed and River Flow Models (유역 모형과 하천 모형의 연계를 통한 낙동강 본류 흐름 예측)

  • Kang, Hyeong-Sik;Jang, Jae-Ho;Ahn, Jong-Ho;Kim, Ik-Jae
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.577-590
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the watershed and water body models were linked for the simulation of the Nakding river flow. This is a pre-step study for the estimation of the effect of the flow and water quality on the climate change. For models of watershed and river flow, the SWAT and EFDC were used, respectively. The runoff discharge at each boundary points for the simulation of the river flow was provided from the drainage basin model. The calculated runoff discharge by the SWAT model was compared with the measured data of the Ministry of Environment at 13 locations along the Nakdong river and 30 locations along the tributary streams. The computed water discharge was shown to be similar with the measured data. For the model calibration and verification, % difference, NSE, and $R^2$ were computed. The computed % difference was within 15% except of a few points. The NSE and $R^2$ were also within a fair level. The Nakdong river flow of 2007 was simulated by using the EFDC model. The comparison with the measured data showed that the model reflected the actual values of low and high flow well. Also, it was confirmed that the acceleration and deceleration in the curved areas were appropriately simulated. The movement of dye injected at the upstream boundary was simulated. The result showed that the arrival time up to the estuary dam was computed to be about 65 days.

Comparison of Algal Growth Potentials in the Large Reservoirs and River Mainstream of Naktong River Watershed (낙동강 수계 대형 인공호 및 하천본류의 조류성장 잠재력 비교)

  • You, Kyung-A;Shin, Jae-Ki;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.1 s.115
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2006
  • Algal growth potential test (AGPT) has been used as a tool for assessing biological productivity potential in the aquatic ecosystems. This study was conducted to compare the productivity potentials of large reservoirs (Lakes Andong, Hapchon and Jinyang, and Naktong estuarine dam) and river sites (Sangju, Koryung, and Samlangjin) located in the Naktong River watershed. AGPT was conducted in both non-monsoon and mosoon season (February, April, July and September) of 2003, using Microcystis aeruginosa as a test alga. The AGPs in the reservoirs were relatively much lower than those of river sites. The river AGPs increased towards upstream close to the influent streams, while it generally decreased towards downstream. Immediately after the abrupt increase in influent discharge in summer, the AGP became similar between midstream and downstream sites. The water quality of river and reservoirs deteriorated during the drought period in accordance with AGP: it was the highest during this period. The AGPs showed the closest correlation with the P concentration, leading to the conclusion that bioavailable P is highly influential to the algal growth in both lentic and lotic ecosystems in the Naktong River watershed. Based on the AGPs, the water quality of tested sites was likely eutrophic. Our results suggest that AGPT be a useful tool in evaluating the productivity potential and trophic state of the water body as well as determining the nutrients that limit the growth of algae.

Analysis on the Safety of Structure and Economics of Replacement Method Using Rock Debris in the Soft Ground - Case Study of Miho Stream Crossing Road in Cheongju City (연약지반 암버럭 치환공법의 구조물 안정성과 경제성 분석 - 청주시 미호천 횡단도로를 대상으로)

  • Heo, Kang Kug;Park, Hyung Keun;Ahn, Byung Chul;Min, Byeong Uk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.705-713
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    • 2016
  • For the soft ground construction, the factors not considered in the design stage occurs in the construction stage so that they cause the increase of the construction cost due to the structural stability and the design change. The subject of the study is the construction section of the industrial complex access road made in the Ochang region of Chungcheongbuk-do. The study is concerned with selecting the soft ground handling method such as the replacement method using rock debris and the surcharge reflecting the service load as the soft ground handling measure and analyzing the effect of reducing the construction cost with the stability of structures and the reduction of the construction period. The soft ground in the study section consists of sandy and cohesive soil and is 2.4m to 5.5m deep. It is distributed unevenly between the 1.5m to 5.9m stratums under the ground surface. Settlement is not serious, but the future uneven settlement and difference are expected so that the future settlement behavior is estimated by analyzing the site measurement results after the soft ground treatment. Moreover, in consideration of the regional characteristics and economic efficiency, soil with good quality is replaced with rock debris as the replacement material so that 29% of the construction cost is reduced due to the increase of stability and the reduction of duration. If the estimation of the dispersion of the pore water pressure within the dam body and the change of the underground water level and the relation of the actually measured soft ground with consolidation is studied further on the basis of the study, it is expected that the behavior of the soft ground will be correctly estimated in various site conditions.

Effects of Exogenous Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin(HCG) on the Corpus Luteum and Fetus in Pregnant Rats (융모성성선자극호르몬 투여가 임신랫드의 황체및 태아에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young Hong
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.8
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 1990
  • The present study was designed to determine the effect of HCG administration to pregnant rats on the dam and its fetus including the corpora lutea, the body weight of the fetus, the resorption of the fetus and the malformations of the fetus in skeletal development when a single dose of HCG 50 IU or 100IU on day 4.8.12 or 16 of pregnancy. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Administration of HCG had no effect on the corpora lutea. 2. Fetal resorption was observed in animals treated with HCG on days 4.8 or 12, high incidence being treated with HCG on day 4 of pregnancy. 3. Administration of HCG had no effect on the weight of the fetus except decreasing in it treated with HCG on day 4 of pregnancy. 4. Administration of HCG might be able to induce the skeletal variations but was not the skeletal malformations and abnormal ossification of the fetus. The extra 14 ribs was observed in animals treated with HCG on days 8 and 16 of pregnancy, respectively. 5. It is suggested that HCG administration to pregnant rats was able to induce the fetal resorption and might be able to induce skeletal variations in the fetus.

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A Study on the Application of River Surveying by Airborne LiDAR (항공라이다의 하천측량 적용 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Choo, Ki Hwan;Lee, Jung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2014
  • The river plan executes the role for prevention of disaster and protection of environment, and requires the surveying results with high accuracies for managing river, dam, reservoir which will be the major infrastructures. The purpose of this study is for comparing and analyzing the results of river surveying which is used widely for disaster management and construction industry support. The results are gathered by using LiDAR which is being used in Korea recently and by using Total station. Study area is chosen at upper area of Bukhan River which is located at Gangwon-do. Total 2 cross-sections of the two methods are extracted from the study area. The standard deviation of land part is about 0.017m which shows little difference between two methods, but the Airborne LiDAR results cannot survey the heights of the points accurately at the singular points with vertical structure and water body part. To overcome the problems through this study, there should be ways to survey the bottom river through transmission of water level within the same margin scope as land part and to survey detailed facilities used by laser exactly through continuous research and experiment. When implementation stage comes, this study expect that this document will be utilized variously for making decision in the area of planning and drawing of business and engineering not just for river regarding the major area or the area that people cannot access.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver protective effects, and studies on the mechanism of action of Crataegi Fructus (산사의 NAFLD 보호 효과 및 그 작용기전에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Chul;Kong, Ryong;Han, Hyoung-Sun;Kang, Dam-hee;Lee, Seung-Jin;Lee, Cheon-Cheon;Wang, Seo;Kwon, Dong-Yeul;Kang, Ok-Hwa
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by the accumulation of hepatic triglycerides (TG) that leads to inflammation and fibrosis. Crataegi Fructus ethanol extract (CE) is a korean traditional herb that used for digestive diseases. It has been investigated that CE has the effect that prevent hepatotoxicity caused by CCl4 or GaIN and regulate the inflammatory in several organs. However, a hypolipidemic effect of CF has not been reported. Methods : The purpose of this study is that examine the lipid accumulation inhibitory effect of CE on NAFLD. We checked the body and liver weight change of MCD-diet induced mice with/without administration of CE. The blood lipid levels of C57BL/6J mice were checked by biochemistry. Also we observed the liver histology of MCD-diet induced mice and investigate the molecular mechanisms in MCD-diet-induced NAFLD in C57BL/6J mice. Results : CE improved MCD-diet-induced lipid accumulation and TG and TC levels. Also, CE decreased hepatic lipogenesis such as SREBP-1, $C/EBP{\alpha}$, $PPAR{\gamma}$, ACC and FAS. Besides, we also found out that CE increased AMPK phosphorylation. These results indicated that CE has the same ability to activate AMPK and then reduce SREBP-1, and FAS expression, finally leading to inhibit hepatic lipogenesis and hepatic antioxidative ability. Conclusions : In this report, we found CE exerted a regulatory effect on lipid accumulation by decreasing lipogenesis in MCD-diet induced NAFLD model. Therefore, CE extract may be active in the prevention of fatty liver.

Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery availability to estimate inland water quality parameter (수질 매개변수 추정에 있어서 항공 초분광영상의 가용성 고찰)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Shin, Han-Sup;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 2014
  • This study reviewed an application of water quality estimation using an Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery (A-HSI) and tested a part of Han River water quality (especially suspended solid) estimation with available in-situ data. The estimation of water quality was processed two methods. One is using observation data as downwelling radiance to water surface and as scattering and reflectance into water body. Other is linear regression analysis with water quality in-situ measurement and upwelling data as at-sensor radiance (or reflectance). Both methods drive meaningful results of RS estimation. However it has more effects on the auxiliary dataset as water quality in-situ measurement and water body scattering measurement. The test processed a part of Han River located Paldang-dam downstream. We applied linear regression analysis with AISA eagle hyperspectral sensor data and water quality measurement in-situ data. The result of linear regression for a meaningful band combination shows $-24.847+0.013L_{560}$ as 560 nm in radiance (L) with 0.985 R-square. To comparison with Multispectral Imagery (MSI) case, we make simulated Landsat TM by spectral resampling. The regression using MSI shows -55.932 + 33.881 (TM1/TM3) as radiance with 0.968 R-square. Suspended Solid (SS) concentration was about 3.75 mg/l at in-situ data and estimated SS concentration by A-HIS was about 3.65 mg/l, and about 5.85mg/l with MSI with same location. It shows overestimation trends case of estimating using MSI. In order to upgrade value for practical use and to estimate more precisely, it needs that minimizing sun glint effect into whole image, constructing elaborate flight plan considering solar altitude angle, and making good pre-processing and calibration system. We found some limitations and restrictions such as precise atmospheric correction, sample count of water quality measurement, retrieve spectral bands into A-HSI, adequate linear regression model selection, and quantitative calibration/validation method through the literature review and test adopted general methods.

The Literatual Study on the Wea symptom in the View of Western and Oriental Medicine (위증에 대한 동서의학적(東西醫學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Yong Seong;Kim, Chul Jung
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.211-243
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    • 2000
  • This study was performed to investigate the cause, symptom, treatment, medicine of Wei symptom through the literature of oriental and western medicine. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Wei symptom is the symptom that reveals muscle relaxation without contraction and muscle relaxation occures in the lower limb or upper limb, in severe case, leads to death. 2. Since the pathology and etiology of Wei symptom was first described as "pe-yeol-yeop-cho"(肺熱葉焦) in Hung Ti Nei Ching(黃帝內經), for generations most doctors had have accepted it. but after Dan Ge(丹溪), it had been classified into seven causes, damp-heat(濕熱), phlegm-damp(濕痰), deficiency of qi(氣虛), deficiency of blood(血虛), deficiency of yin(陰處), stagnant blood(死血), stagnant food(食積). Chang Gyeng Ag(張景岳) added the cause of deficiency of source qi(元氣). 3. The concept of "To treat Yangming, most of all"(獨治陽明) was emphasized in the treatment of Wei symptom and contains nourishment of middle warmer energy(補益中氣), clearance of yangming-damp-heat(淸化陽明濕熱). 4. Since Nei-ching era(內經時代), Wei and Bi symptom(痺症) is differenciated according to the existence of pain. After Ming era(明代) appeared theory of co-existence of Wei symptom and pain or numbness but they were accepted as a sign of Wei symptom caused by the pathological factor phelgm(痰), damp(濕), stagnancy(瘀). 5. In the western medical point of view, Wei symptom is like paraplegia, or tetraplegia. and according to the causative disease, it is accompanied by dysesthesia, paresthsia, pain. thus it is more recommended to use hwal-hyel-hwa-ae(活血化瘀) method considering damp-heat(濕熱), qi deficiency of spleen and stornach(脾胃氣虛) as pathological basis than to simply differenciate Wei and Bi symptom according to the existence of pain. 6. The cause of Gullian-Barre syndrome(GBS) is consist of two factors, internal and external. Internal factors include asthenia of spleen and stomach, and of liver and kidney. External factors include summur-damp(暑濕), damp-heat(濕熱), cold-damp(寒濕) and on the basis of "classification and treatment according to the symptom of Zang-Fu"(臟腑辨證論治), the cause of GBS is classified into injury of body fluid by lung heat(肺熱傷津), infiltration of damp-heat(濕熱浸淫), asthenia of spleen and kidney(脾腎兩虛), asthenia of spleen and stomach(脾胃虛弱), asthenia of liver and kidney (肝腎兩虛). 7. The cause of GBS is divided by according to the disease developing stage: Early stage include dryness-heat(燥熱), damp(濕邪), phlegm(痰濁), stagnant blood(瘀血), and major treatment is reducing of excess(瀉實). Late stage include deficiency of essence(精虛), deficiency with excess(虛中挾實), and essencial deficiency of liver and kidney(肝腎精不足) is major point of treatment. 8. Following is the herbal medicine of GBS according to the stage. In case of summur-damp(暑濕), chung-seu-iki-tang(淸暑益氣湯) is used which helps cooling and drainage of summer-damp(淸利暑濕), reinforcement of qi and passage of collateral channels(補氣通絡). In case of damp-heat, used kun-bo-hwan(健步丸), In case of cool-damp(寒濕), used 'Mahwang-buja-sesin-tang with sam-chul-tang'(麻黃附子細辛湯合蓼朮湯). In case of asthenia of spleen and kidney, used 'Sam-lyeng-baik-chul san'(蔘笭白朮散), In case of asthenia of liver and kidney, used 'Hojam-hwan'(虎潛丸). 9. Following is the herbal medicine of GBS according to the "classification and treatment according to the symptom of Zang-Fu"(臟腑辨證論治). In the case of injury of body fluid by lung heat(肺熱傷津), 'Chung-jo-gu-pae-tang'(淸燥救肺湯) is used. In case of 'infiltration of damp-heat'(濕熱浸淫), us-ed 'Yi-myo-hwan'(二妙丸), In case of 'infiltration of cool-damp'(寒濕浸淫), us-ed 'Yui-lyung-tang', In case of asthenia of spleen, used 'Sam-lyung-bak-chul-san'. In case of yin-deficiency of liver and kidney(肝腎陰虛), used 'Ji-bak-ji-hwang-hwan'(知柏地黃丸), or 'Ho-jam-hwan'(虎潛丸). 10. Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy is occuered by compression or ischemia of spinal cord. 11. The cause of cervical spondylosis with myelopathy consist of 'flow disturbance of the channel points of tai-yang'(太陽經兪不利), 'stagnancy of cool-damp'(寒濕凝聚), 'congestion of phlegm-damp stagnant substances'(痰濕膠阻), 'impairment of liver and kidney'(肝腎虛損). 12. In treatment of cervical spondylosis with myelopathy, are used 'Ge-ji-ga-gal-geun-tang-gagam'(桂枝加葛根湯加減), 'So-hwal-lack-dan-hap-do-hong-eum-gagam(小活絡丹合桃紅飮加減), 'Sin-tong-chuck-ue-tang-gagam(身痛逐瘀湯加減), 'Do-dam-tang-hap-sa-mul-tang-gagam'(導痰湯合四物湯加減), 'Ik-sin-yang-hyel-guen-bo-tang'(益腎養血健步湯加減), 'Nok-gakyo-hwan-gagam'(鹿角膠丸加減). 13. The cause of muscle dystropy is related with 'the impairement of vital qi'(元氣損傷), and 'impairement of five Zang organ'(五臟敗傷). Symptoms and signs are classified into asthenia of spleen and stomach, deficiency with excess, 'deficiency of liver and kidney'(肝腎不足) infiltration of damp-heat, 'deficiency of qi and blood'(氣血兩虛), 'yang deficiency of spleen and kidney'(脾腎陽虛). 14. 'Bo-jung-ik-gi-tang'(補中益氣湯), 'Gum-gang-hwan'(金剛丸), 'Yi-gong-san-hap-sam-myo-hwan'(異功散合三妙丸), 'Ja-hyel-yang-gun-tang'(滋血養筋湯), 'Ho-jam-hwan'(虎潛丸) are used for muscle dystropy. 15. The causes of myasthenia gravis are classified into 'insufficiency of middle warmer energy'(中氣不足), 'deficiency of qi and yin of spleen and kidney'(脾腎兩處), 'asthenia of qi of spleen'(脾氣虛弱), 'deficiency of qi and blood'(氣血兩虛), 'yang deficiency of spleen and kidney'(脾腎陽虛). 16. 'Bo-jung-ik-gi-tang-gagam'(補中益氣湯加減), 'Sa-gun-ja-tang-hap-gi-guk-yang-hyel-tang'(四君子湯合杞菊地黃湯), 'Sa-gun-ja-tang-hap-u-gyi-eum-gagam'(四君子湯合右歸飮加減), 'Pal-jin-tang'(八珍湯), 'U-gyi-eum'(右歸飮) are used for myasthenia gravis.

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