• Title/Summary/Keyword: DEM data processing

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Vehicle Detection Method Based on Object-Based Point Cloud Analysis Using Vertical Elevation Data (OBPCA 기반의 수직단면 이용 차량 추출 기법)

  • Jeon, Junbeom;Lee, Heezin;Oh, Sangyoon;Lee, Minsu
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2016
  • Among various vehicle extraction techniques, OBPCA (Object-Based Point Cloud Analysis) calculates features quickly by coarse-grained rectangles from top-view of the vehicle candidates. However, it uses only a top-view rectangle to detect a vehicle. Thus, it is hard to extract rectangular objects with similar size. For this reason, accuracy issue has raised on the OBPCA method which influences on DEM generation and traffic monitoring tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel method which uses the most distinguishing vertical elevations to calculate additional features. Our proposed method uses same features with top-view, determines new thresholds, and decides whether the candidate is vehicle or not. We compared the accuracy and execution time between original OBPCA and the proposed one. The experiment result shows that our method produces 6.61% increase of precision and 13.96% decrease of false positive rate despite with marginal increase of execution time. We can see that the proposed method can reduce misclassification.

Strip Adjustment of Airborne Laser Scanner Data Using Area-based Surface Matching

  • Lee, Dae Geon;Yoo, Eun Jin;Yom, Jae-Hong;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.625-635
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    • 2014
  • Multiple strips are required for large area mapping using ALS (Airborne Laser Scanner) system. LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data collected from the ALS system has discrepancies between strips due to systematic errors of on-board laser scanner and GPS/INS, inaccurate processing of the system calibration as well as boresight misalignments. Such discrepancies deteriorate the overall geometric quality of the end products such as DEM (Digital Elevation Model), building models, and digital maps. Therefore, strip adjustment for minimizing discrepancies between overlapping strips is one of the most essential tasks to create seamless point cloud data. This study implemented area-based matching (ABM) to determine conjugate features for computing 3D transformation parameters. ABM is a well-known method and easily implemented for this purpose. It is obvious that the exact same LiDAR points do not exist in the overlapping strips. Therefore, the term "conjugate point" means that the location of occurring maximum similarity within the overlapping strips. Coordinates of the conjugate locations were determined with sub-pixel accuracy. The major drawbacks of the ABM are sensitive to scale change and rotation. However, there is almost no scale change and the rotation angles are quite small between adjacent strips to apply AMB. Experimental results from this study using both simulated and real datasets demonstrate validity of the proposed scheme.

A vibration-based approach for detecting arch dam damage using RBF neural networks and Jaya algorithms

  • Ali Zar;Zahoor Hussain;Muhammad Akbar;Bassam A. Tayeh;Zhibin Lin
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.319-338
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    • 2023
  • The study presents a new hybrid data-driven method by combining radial basis functions neural networks (RBF-NN) with the Jaya algorithm (JA) to provide effective structural health monitoring of arch dams. The novelty of this approach lies in that only one user-defined parameter is required and thus can increase its effectiveness and efficiency, as compared to other machine learning techniques that often require processing a large amount of training and testing model parameters and hyper-parameters, with high time-consuming. This approach seeks rapid damage detection in arch dams under dynamic conditions, to prevent potential disasters, by utilizing the RBF-NNN to seamlessly integrate the dynamic elastic modulus (DEM) and modal parameters (such as natural frequency and mode shape) as damage indicators. To determine the dynamic characteristics of the arch dam, the JA sequentially optimizes an objective function rooted in vibration-based data sets. Two case studies of hyperbolic concrete arch dams were carefully designed using finite element simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness of the RBF-NN model, in conjunction with the Jaya algorithm. The testing results demonstrated that the proposed methods could exhibit significant computational time-savings, while effectively detecting damage in arch dam structures with complex nonlinearities. Furthermore, despite training data contaminated with a high level of noise, the RBF-NN and JA fusion remained the robustness, with high accuracy.

The Application of GIS for the Prediction of Landslide-Potential Areas (산사태의 발생가능지 예측을 위한 GIS의 적용)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Yeon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Sung-Gil;Lee, Ho-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2002
  • This paper demonstrates a regional analysis of landslide occurrence potential by applying geographic information system to the Kumi City selected as a pilot study area. The estimate criteria related to natural and humane environmental factors which affect landslides were first established. A slope map and a aspect map were extracted from DEM, which was generated from the contour layers of digital topographic maps, and a NDVI vegetation map and a land cover map were obtained through satellite image processing. After the spatial database was constructed, indexes of landslide occurrence potential were computed and then a few landslide-potential areas were extracted by an overlay method. It was ascertained that there are high landslide-potential at areas of about 30% incline, aspects including either south or east at least, adjacent to water areas or pointed end of the water system, in or near fault zones, covered with medium vegetable. For more synthetic and accurate analysis, soil data, forest data, underground water level data, meteorological data and so on should be added to the spatial database.

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CAS 500-1/2 Image Utilization Technology and System Development: Achievement and Contribution (국토위성정보 활용기술 및 운영시스템 개발: 성과 및 의의)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joo;Son, Jonghwan;Park, Hyeongjun;Seo, Junghoon;Lee, Yoojin;Ban, Seunghwan;Choi, Jae-Seung;Kim, Byung-Guk;Lee, Hyun jik;Lee, Kyu-sung;Kweon, Ki-Eok;Lee, Kye-Dong;Jung, Hyung-sup;Choung, Yun-Jae;Choi, Hyun;Koo, Daesung;Choi, Myungjin;Shin, Yunsoo;Choi, Jaewan;Eo, Yang-Dam;Jeong, Jong-chul;Han, Youkyung;Oh, Jaehong;Rhee, Sooahm;Chang, Eunmi;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.867-879
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    • 2020
  • As the era of space technology utilization is approaching, the launch of CAS (Compact Advanced Satellite) 500-1/2 satellites is scheduled during 2021 for acquisition of high-resolution images. Accordingly, the increase of image usability and processing efficiency has been emphasized as key design concepts of the CAS 500-1/2 ground station. In this regard, "CAS 500-1/2 Image Acquisition and Utilization Technology Development" project has been carried out to develop core technologies and processing systems for CAS 500-1/2 data collecting, processing, managing and distributing. In this paper, we introduce the results of the above project. We developed an operation system to generate precision images automatically with GCP (Ground Control Point) chip DB (Database) and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) DB over the entire Korean peninsula. We also developed the system to produce ortho-rectified images indexed to 1:5,000 map grids, and hence set a foundation for ARD (Analysis Ready Data)system. In addition, we linked various application software to the operation system and systematically produce mosaic images, DSM (Digital Surface Model)/DTM (Digital Terrain Model), spatial feature thematic map, and change detection thematic map. The major contribution of the developed system and technologies includes that precision images are to be automatically generated using GCP chip DB for the first time in Korea and the various utilization product technologies incorporated into the operation system of a satellite ground station. The developed operation system has been installed on Korea Land Observation Satellite Information Center of the NGII (National Geographic Information Institute). We expect the system to contribute greatly to the center's work and provide a standard for future ground station systems of earth observation satellites.

Development of Landslide Detection Algorithm Using Fully Polarimetric ALOS-2 SAR Data (Fully-Polarimetric ALOS-2 자료를 이용한 산사태 탐지 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Minhwa;Cho, KeunHoo;Park, Sang-Eun;Cho, Jae-Hyoung;Moon, Hyoi;Han, Seung-hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.313-322
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    • 2019
  • SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) remote sensing data is a very useful tool for near-real-time identification of landslide affected areas that can occur over a large area due to heavy rains or typhoons. This study aims to develop an effective algorithm for automatically delineating landslide areas from the polarimetric SAR data acquired after the landslide event. To detect landslides from SAR observations, reduction of the speckle effects in the estimation of polarimetric SAR parameters and the orthorectification of geometric distortions on sloping terrain are essential processing steps. Based on the experimental analysis, it was found that the IDAN filter can provide a better estimation of the polarimetric parameters. In addition, it was appropriate to apply orthorectification process after estimating polarimetric parameters in the slant range domain. Furthermore, it was found that the polarimetric entropy is the most appropriate parameters among various polarimetric parameters. Based on those analyses, we proposed an automatic landslide detection algorithm using the histogram thresholding of the polarimetric parameters with the aid of terrain slope information. The landslide detection algorithm was applied to the ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data which observed landslide areas in Japan triggered by Typhoon in September 2011. Experimental results showed that the landslide areas were successfully identified by using the proposed algorithm with a detection rate of about 82% and a false alarm rate of about 3%.

Construction of 3D Geospatial Information for Development and Safety Management of Open-pit Mine (노천광산 개발 및 안전관리를 위한 3차원 지형정보 구축 및 정확도 분석)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Jung, Kap Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2020
  • Open pit mines for limestone mining require rapid development of technologies and efforts to prevent safety accidents due to rapid deterioration of the slope due to deforestation and rapid changes in the topography. Accurate three-dimensional spatial information on the terrain should be the basis for reducing environmental degradation and safe development of open pit mines. Therefore, this study constructed spatial information about open pit mine using UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and analyzed its utility. images and 3D laser scan data were acquired using UAV, and digital surface model, digital elevation model and ortho image were generated through data processing. DSM(Digital Surface Model) and ortho image were constructed using image obtained from UAV. Trees were removed using 3D laser scan data and numerical elevation models were produced. As a result of the accuracy analysis compared with the check points, the accuracy of the digital surface model and the digital elevation model was about 11cm and 8cm, respectively. The use of three-dimensional geospatial information in the mineral resource development field will greatly contribute to effective mine management and prevention of safety accidents.

GIS based Development of Module and Algorithm for Automatic Catchment Delineation Using Korean Reach File (GIS 기반의 하천망분석도 집수구역 자동 분할을 위한 알고리듬 및 모듈 개발)

  • PARK, Yong-Gil;KIM, Kye-Hyun;YOO, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.126-138
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the national interest in environment is increasing and for dealing with water environment-related issues swiftly and accurately, the demand to facilitate the analysis of water environment data using a GIS is growing. To meet such growing demands, a spatial network data-based stream network analysis map(Korean Reach File; KRF) supporting spatial analysis of water environment data was developed and is being provided. However, there is a difficulty in delineating catchment areas, which are the basis of supplying spatial data including relevant information frequently required by the users such as establishing remediation measures against water pollution accidents. Therefore, in this study, the development of a computer program was made. The development process included steps such as designing a delineation method, and developing an algorithm and modules. DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and FDR(Flow Direction) were used as the major data to automatically delineate catchment areas. The algorithm for the delineation of catchment areas was developed through three stages; catchment area grid extraction, boundary point extraction, and boundary line division. Also, an add-in catchment area delineation module, based on ArcGIS from ESRI, was developed in the consideration of productivity and utility of the program. Using the developed program, the catchment areas were delineated and they were compared to the catchment areas currently used by the government. The results showed that the catchment areas were delineated efficiently using the digital elevation data. Especially, in the regions with clear topographical slopes, they were delineated accurately and swiftly. Although in some regions with flat fields of paddles and downtowns or well-organized drainage facilities, the catchment areas were not segmented accurately, the program definitely reduce the processing time to delineate existing catchment areas. In the future, more efforts should be made to enhance current algorithm to facilitate the use of the higher precision of digital elevation data, and furthermore reducing the calculation time for processing large data volume.

Geo-surface Environmental Changes and Reclaimed Amount Prediction Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in the Siwha Area (원격탐사와 지리정보시스템을 이용한 시화지구 일대의 지표환경변화와 토공량 예측연구)

  • Yang, So-Yeon;Song, Moo-Young;Hwang, Jeong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.161-176
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    • 1999
  • The objectives of this study are to analyze the changes of geo-surface topography in the Siwha embankment and the Ahsan city area by the image processing of Landsat Thematic Mapper data, and to estimate the reclaimed amount of the exposed tidal flat in the Siwha area using the GIS. False color composite, Tasseled cap, NVDI(normalized difference vegetation index), and supervised classification techniques were used to analyze the distribution of sediments and the aspect of topographical variations caused by artificial human actions. The total amount of the exposed tidal flat was estimated on the basis of the database snch as aerial photography, hydrographic chart, geological map, and scheme drawing in the Siwha area. The possible excavation regions for a seawall were predicted analyzing the supervised classification image of Landsat TM data. Tasseled cap images were used to observe the distribution of sediments. The difference of the NDVI images between spring and summer seasons indicates that deciduous and coniferous forests were distributed over the whole areas. The total fill-volume of the exposed Siwha tidal flat and the fill-volume of the construction planning seawall were calculated as $581,485,354\textrm{m}^3{\;}and{\;}3,387,360\textrm{m}^3$, respectively, from the digital terrain analysis. Daebu Island, Sunkam Island, and the part of Songsan-myeon were chosen as the cut area to make the seawall, and their cut-volumes were estimated as $5,229,576\textrm{m}^3,{\;}79,227,072\textrm{m}^3,{\;}and{\;}47,026,008\textrm{m}^3$, respectively. Therefore, the cut-volume of Daebu Island alone among three areas was sufficient to make the seawall.

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Rapid gravity and gravity gradiometry terrain corrections via an adaptive quadtree mesh discretization (최적 4 진트리 격자화를 이용한 중력 및 중력 변화율 탐사에서의 고속 지형보정)

  • Davis, Kristofer;Kass, M.Andy;Li, Yaoguo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2011
  • We present a method for modelling the terrain response of gravity gradiometry surveys utilising an adaptive quadtree mesh discretization. The data- and terrain-dependent method is tailored to provide rapid and accurate terrain corrections for draped and barometric airborne surveys. The surface used in the modelling of the terrain effect for each datum is discretized automatically to the largest cell size that will yield the desired accuracy, resulting in much faster modelling than full-resolution calculations. The largest cell sizes within the model occur in areas of minimal terrain variation and at large distances away from the datum location. We show synthetic and field examples for proof of concept. In the presented field example, the adaptive quadtree method reduces the computational cost by performing 351 times fewer calculations than the full model would require while retaining an accuracy of one E$\"{o}$tv$\"{o}$s for the gradient data. The method is also used for the terrain correction of the gravity field and performed 310 times faster compared with a calculation of the full digital elevation model.