• Title/Summary/Keyword: D/N value

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A new spect of offset and step size on BER perfermance in soft quantization Viterbi receiver (연성판정 비터비 복호기의 최적 BER 성능을 위한 오프셋 크기와 양자화 간격에 관한 성능 분석)

  • Choi, Eun-Young;Jeong, In-Tak;Song, Sang-Seb
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.1A
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2002
  • Mobile telecommunication systems such as IS-95 and IMT-2000 employ frame based communication using frames up to 20 msec in length and the receiving end has to store the whole frome before it is being processed. The size of the frame buffer ofter dominates those of the processing unit such as soft decision Viterbi decoder. The frame buffer for IMT-2000, for example, has to be increased 80 times as large as that of IS-95. One of the parameters deciding the number of bits in a frame will be obviously the number of bits in soft quantization. Start after striking space key 2 times. This paper has studied a new aspect of offset and quantization step size on BER performance and proposes a new 3-bit soft quantization algorithm which shows similar performance as that of 4-bit soft decision Viterbi receiver. The optimal offset values and step sizes for the other practical quantization levels ---16, 8, 4, 2--- have also been found. In addition, a new optimal symbol metric table has been devised which takes the accumulation value of various repeated signals and produces a rescaled 3-bit valu.tart after striking space key 2 times.

Structural and Piezoelectric Properties of MnO2-Doped PZT-PSN Ceramics for Ultrasonic Vibrator (초음파 진동자용 MnO2가 Doping된 PZT-PSN 세라믹스의 구조 및 압전 특성)

  • Cha, Yoo-Jeong;Kim, Chang-Il;Kim, Kyoung-Jun;Jeong, Young-Hun;Lee, Young-Jin;Lee, Hai-Gun;Paik, Jong-Hoo
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.198-202
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    • 2009
  • For use in ultrasonic actuators, we investigated the structural and piezoelectric properties of (1x)Pb(Zr0.515Ti0.485)O3 - xPb(Sb1/2Nb1/2)O3 + 0.5 wt% MnO2 [(1 - x)PZT - xPSN + MnO2] ceramics with a variation of x (x = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08). All the ceramics, which were sintered at 1250C for 2 h, showed a typical perovskite structure, implying that they were well synthesized. A homogeneous micro structure was also developed for the specimens, and their average grain size was slightly decreased to 1.3μm by increasing x to 0.8. Moreover, a second phase with a pyrochlore structure appeared when x was above 0.06, which resulted in the deterioration of their piezoelectric properties. However, the 0.96PZT-0.04PSN+MnO2 ceramics, which corresponds with a morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) composition in the (1 - x)PZT - xPSN + MnO2 system, exhibited good piezoelectric properties: a piezoelectric constant (d33) of 325 pC/N, an electromechanical coupling factor (kp) of 70.8%, and a mechanical quality factor (Qm) of 1779. The specimens with a relatively high curie temperature (Tc) of 305C also showed a significantly high dielectric constant (εr) value of 1109. Therefore, the 0.96PZT - 0.04PSN + MnO2 ceramics are suitable for use in ultrasonic vibrators.

Bacillus ginsengihumi sp. nov., a Novel Species Isolated from Soil of a Ginseng Field in Pocheon Province, South Korea

  • Ten Leonid N.;Im Wan-Taek;Baek Sang-Hoon;Lee, Jung-Sook;Oh, Hee-Mock;Lee, Sung-Taik
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.1554-1560
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    • 2006
  • A Gram-positive, aerobic or facultative anaerobic, non motile, endospore-forming bacterial strain, designated Gsoil 114T, was isolated from a soil sample of a ginseng field in Pocheon Province (South Korea), and was characterized taxonomically by using a polyphasic approach. It grew well on nutrient agar medium and utilized a limited number of organic substrates as sole carbon sources, including D-xylose and some other carbohydrates, but did not utilize L-amino acids and organic acids. The isolate was positive for oxidase test but negative for catalase, and negative for degradation of macromolecules such as starch, cellulose, xylan, casein, chitin, and DNA. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 41.8 mol%. The predominant isoprenoid quinone was menaquinone 7 (MK-7). The major fatty acids were anteisoC15:0 (32.1%), isoC15:0 (30.5%), and anteisoC17:0 (30.2%). Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain Gsoil 114T fell within the radiation of the cluster comprising Bacillus species and joined Bacillus shackletonii LMG 18435T with a bootstrap value of 95%. The highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities were found with Bacillus shackletonii LMG 18435T (97.6%), Bacillus acidicola DSM 14745T (96.9%), Bacillus sporothermodurans DSM 10599T (96.5%), and Bacillus oleronius DSM 9356T (96.5%). The phylogenetic distance from any other validly described species within the genus Bacillus was less than 96%. DNA-DNA hybridization experiments showed that the DNA-similarities between strain Gsoil 114T and closest phylogenetic neighbors were less than 39%. On the basis of its phenotypic properties and phylogenetic distinctiveness, strain Gsoil 114T (=KCTC 13944T=DSMZ 18134T) was classified in the genus Bacillus as the type strain of a novel species, for which the name Bacillus ginsengihumi sp. nov. is proposed.

A Correlation Study between the Environmental, Personal Exposures and Biomarkers for Volatile Organic Compounds (대기 중 휘발성유기오염물질의 환경, 개인 및 인체 노출의 상관성 연구)

  • Jo, Seong-Joon;Shin, Dong-Chun;Chung, Yong;Breysse, Patrick N.
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2002
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are an important public health problem throughout the world. Many important questions remain to be addressed in assessing exposure to these compounds. Because they are ubiquitous and highly volatile, special techniques must be applied in the analytical determination of VOCs. Personal exposure measurements are needed to evaluate the relationship between microenvironmental concentrations and actual exposures. It is also important to investigate exposure frequency, duration, and intensity, as well as personal exposure characteristics. In addition to air monitoring, biological monitoring may contribute significantly to risk assessment by allowing estimation of absorbed doses, rather than just the external exposure concentrations, which are evaluated by environmental and personal monitoring. This study was conducted to establish the analytic procedure of VOCs in air, blood, urine and exhaled breath and to evaluate the relationships among these environmental media. The subjects of this study were selected because they are occupationally exposed to high levels of VOCs. Environmental, personal, blood, urine and exhalation samples were collected. Purge & trap, thermal desorber, gas chromatography and mass selective detector were used to analyze the collected samples. Analytical procedures were validated with the“break through test”, 'quot;recovery test for storage and transportation”,“method detection limit test”and“inter-laboratory QA/QC study”. Assessment of halogenated compounds indicted that they were significantly correlated to each other (p value < 0.01). In a similar manner, aromatic compounds were also correlated, except in urine sample. Linear regression was used to evaluate the relationships between personal exposures and environmental concentrations. These relationships for aromatic and halogenated are as follows: Halogen spersonal = 3.875+0.068Halogen senvironmet, (R2= .930) Aromatic spersonal = 34217.757-31.266Aromatic senvironmet, (R2= .821) Multiple regression was used to evaluate the relationship between exposures and various exposure deter-minants including, gender, duration of employment, and smoking history. The results of the regression model-ins for halogens in blood and aromatics in urine are as follows: Halogen sblood = 8.181+0.246Halogen spersonal+3.975Gender (R2= .925), Aromatic surine = 249.565+0.135Aromatic spersonal -5.651 D.S (R2 = .735), In conclusion, we have established analytic procedures for VOC measurement in biological and environmental samples and have presented data demonstrating relationships between VOCs levels in biological media and environmental samples. Abbreviation GC/MS, Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer; VOCs, Volatile Organic Compounds; OVM, Organic Vapor Monitor; TO, Toxic Organicsapor Monitor; TO, Toxic Organics.

ELISA Development for the residue of the organophosphorus insecticide acephate (ELISA에 의한 유기인계 살충제 Acephate 잔류물 분석법 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Koo;Ahn, Ki-Chang;Stoutamire, Donald W.;Gee, Shirley J.;Hammock, Bruce D.
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2001
  • A competitive indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ci ELISA) for the organophosphorus insecticide acephate, O,S-dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate, was developed using a polyclonal antibody. Three different haptens mimicking the analyze and containing hexanoic acid moiety as a linker were synthesized, and then conjugated with the carrier proteins bovine serum albumin and keyhole limpet hemocyanin by the N-hydroxysuccinimide active ester method. Polyclonal antibodies raised against hapten-KLH conjugates in rabbits and the hapten-BSA conjugates as coating antigens were screened and selected for the assay in the homologous and/or heterologous ELISA system. The effects of various assay conditions, including blocking reagents, detergent content, organic solvents, pH, and preincubation of tile mixture of the polyclonal antibody and the analyze on the sensitivity were evaluated. The IC50 value of acephate of 110 ng/mL was obtained in an optimized heterologous system using hapten-3-BSA as a coating antigen and a polyclonal antibody 8377, showing the detection range of 10-1000 ng/mL and the lowest detection limit of 4 ng/mL. The cross-reactivities of the structurally related insecticides, including methamidophos were less than 0.02%. These results indicate that the ELISA could be a convenient and alternative tool for monitoring acephate residues in agricultural products and environmental samples.

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Macronutrient, Mineral and Vitamin Intakes in Elderly People in Rural Area of North Kyungpook Province in South Korea (경북 농촌지역 60세 이상 성인 및 노인의 열량영양소 및 무기질, 비타민 섭취조사)

  • 곽은희;이수림;윤진숙;이혜상;권정숙;권인숙
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.1052-1060
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    • 2003
  • Poor dietary habits and inadequate nutrient intakes are of concern in the elderly, even it is worse in rural areas. In the present study, we conducted the anthropometric measurement and the dietary intakes including macronutrients, minerals and vitamins to assess the nutrient intakes and nutritional risk in elderly people in rural kyungpook province in South Korea. Subjects (n = 168, mean age, 67.3 yrs) were interviewed using d general questionnaire and 3 days of 24-hours recall for dietary intake. Nutrient intakes were analyzed using CAN-pro soft program and compared to Korean RDA and nutrition reference values (NRV). The anthropometric measurement showed that the weight and the height of the subjects in the rural area were below the average of the same age of Korean elderly people. The energy and protein intakes were 85% and 90% of Korean RDA, respectively. The intakes of lipid, cholesterol and dietary fiber were 62%, 40% and 22% of NRV for Korean adults. Main sources for protein and lipid intakes came from the vegetable sources and this pattern was more prominent in female elderly people. Ca intake was half of Korean RDA (56%), while P intake was 132% of Korean RDA. For the antioxidant trace mineral (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, and Se) intakes, Fe and Zn intakes were 78% and > 103% of Korean RDA. Cu, Mn and Se intakes were > 113%, > 275%, and > 185% of Korean NRV. Thiamin, niacin and vitamin C intakes were above Korean RDA, but the intakes of vitamin A and riboflavin were 88% and 63% of Korean RDA, respectively. On summarizing the results of the present study, the elderly people in rural area consume less lipid, cholesterol, Ca, and dietary fiber. Ca intake is lower, while P intake is higher, and this would be the potential risk for bone health. Also, Na intake was high, which can be the potential risk for the cardiovascular disease prevailance. Vitamin intakes were fairly good status, excepting riboflavin. Antioxidant mineral intakes were much higher than Korean NRV, unexpectedly. The results suggest that the elderly people in rural area have inadequate intakes of protein, lipid, dietary fiber and Ca, which mainly should be supplied from animal products. Recommendations to increase diet variety would be emphasized for this nutritionally poor-conditioned subjects, specially including animal food products and high dietary fiber food.

Effect of LED Irradiation on Growth Characteristids of Ginseng Cultivated in Plastic Film House

  • Seo, Sang Young;Cho, Jong hyeon;Kim, Chang Su;Kim, Hyo Jin;Kim, Dong Won;An, Min Sil;Yoon, Du Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.45-45
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    • 2019
  • This experiment was carried out using artificial clay and LED in the plastic film house (irradiation time: 08:00~18:00/day). Seedlings (n = 63 per 3.3m2) of ginseng was planted on May 17, 2018. LED was combined with red and blue light in a 3:1 ratio and irradiated with different light intensity. The average air temperature from April to September was 12.3C 26.0C and it was the the highest at 26.0C in August. The test area where fluorescent lamp was irradiated tended to be somewhat higher than the LED irradiation area. The chemical properties of the test soil are as follows. pH levels was 5.3~5.5, EC levels 0.45~0.52 dS/m and OM levels 33~37%. The total nitrogen content was 0.35~0.47% and the available P2O5 contents was 13.7~16.0 mg/kg, which was lower than the suitable level of 70~200 mg/kg. Exchangeable cations K and Mg contents were within acceptable ranges, but the Ca contents was 2838cmol+/kg levels higher than the permissible level (26cmol+/kg). Germination of ginseng leaves took 8~9 days and the overall germination rate was 70~75%. The photometric characteristics of LED light intensity are as follows. The greater the light intensity, the higher the PAR (Photosynthetic Action Radiation) value, illuminance and solar irradiation. Photosynthetic rate was also increased with higher light intensity was investigated at 1.73.2μmolCO2/m2/s. Leaf temperature (23.724.8C) by light intensity was the same trend. The growth of aerial parts (plant height etc.) were generally excellent when irradiated with 3 times the light intensity, the growth of the ginseng aerial parts were excellent as follows. The plant height was 42.6 cm, stem length was 25.2 cm, leaf length was 9.6 cm and stem diameter was 5.0 mm. The growth of underground part (root length etc.) was the same, and the root length was 24.4 cm, the tap root length was 6.0 cm, diameter of taproot was 18.2 mm and the fresh root weight was 17.2 g. There were no disease incidence such as Alternaria blight, Gray mold and Anthracnose. Disease of Damping off occurred 2.2~3.6% and incidence ratio of rusty root ginseng was 14.6~20.7%. Leaf discoloration rate was 13.7~48.9% and increased with increasing light intensity. Ginsenoside content of ginseng by light intensity is under analysis.

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Effect of Soluble-silicate or Chitosan Foliar Spray on Ginseng Cultivated in Blue-white Plastic Film House

  • Seo, Sang Young;Cho, Jong hyeon;Kim, Chang Su;Kim, Hyo Jin;Kim, Dong Won;An, Min Sil;Jang, In Bae
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.46-46
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    • 2019
  • The experiments were performed in the Jinan (elevation: 300 meters above sea level), Jeollabuk-do. Seedlings (n = 63 per 3.3m2) of ginseng cultivar (Cheonpung, Yeonpung) were planted on April 10, 2015. Shading material of plastic film house was blue-white film. Before the Planting seedling, silicate (3 kg/10 a) or chitosan (40 kg/10 a) was fertilized and foliar sprayed on the leaves 1000 times dilution solution once a month from May to September every year. The growth results of 5-year old ginseng surveyed in 2018 are as follows. The average air temperature in the plastic film house was the highest at 26.6C and 26.5C in July and August, respectively, and the highest temperature was 40.5C in July. The maximum daily temperature of 35C or more was 30 days, with the average soil temperature being 24.9C in August. The chemical properties of the test soil are as follows. pH was 6.4~6.9 level and EC was 0.35~0.46 dS/m. The organic matter content was 33.5~41.4 g/kg, and available-P content was 251.9~306.8 mg/kg. Exchangeable cations contents, such as K, Ca and Mg were all the appropriate ranges. The soil microbial density surveyed by the dilution plate method was 10~50 times higher than that of control (Non-treatment) and actinomycete density was 3~6 times higher. Pathogens of the genus Fusarium by Metagenome analysis decreased 91.3% and 68.2% respectively in the foliar sprayed of chitosan and soluble-silicate. The light intensity (PAR) in the blue-white film plastic film house gradually increased until July and then decereased, with the average of light intensity in March-October was 120.3umol/m2/s. The growth of aerial parts such as plant height and stem length was better than non-sprayed group in silicate or chitosan treatments and Yeonpung cultivar was superior to the Cheonpung cultivar. The SPAD value was higher in Yeonpung cultivar foliar sprayed with soluble-silicate. The growth of underground parts such as root length and taproot length were better in chitosan and soluble-silicate treatment than control, especially in Yeonpung cultivar foliar sprayed with chitosan was good in taproot length and taproot diameter, and fresh weight of root was 60.1 g. Ginsenoside contents were 24.9 mg/g and 22.4 mg/g, in the Cheonpung cultivar foliar sprayed with soluble-silicate or chitosan respectively, 28% and 15% higher than control (19.5 mg/g). The incidence of disease by Alteraria panax and Botrytis cinerea was 3~9% and 4~9%, respectively. High temperature damage rate was 3~5%.

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Recycling Technology Trend of Waste Concrete Powder for Carbon Neutrality in the Cement Industry (시멘트 산업 탄소중립을 위한 폐콘크리트 미분말의 재활용 기술 동향)

  • Sang-Chul, Shin;Jin-Man, Kim;Geon-Woo, Kim;In-Gyu, Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2022
  • Research on the recycling of waste concrete has been conducted mainly focusing on the production of high-quality recycled ag g reg ate, and as a result, standards and specifications for recycled ag g reg ate have been established. However, in the case of waste concrete powder, although a lot of research on its utilization has been conducted in Korea, an innovative technology leading to commercialization has not yet been announced. Recently, research on technology using waste concrete powder as a raw material for clinker or cement has been actively conducted in major overseas advanced countries. This study investigated the overseas cases with regard to high value-added recycling technology and commercialization trend of waste concrete powder for carbon neutrality in cement and concrete industries. A number of studies have reported that it is essential to completely separate the aggregate and hydrated cement paste fraction for recycling of waste concrete powder. Also in major foreig n countries such as EU and USA, commercialization and standardization of using waste concrete powder as a raw material for clinker or a additive for cement are now in progress beyond the R&D stage. Therefore, Research and standardization for recycling of waste concrete powder should be urgently carried out from the perspective of carbon neutrality in Korea.

Pheno- and genotyping of Streptococcus iniae isolated from cultured rockfish, Sebastes schlegelii at Korean coastal sites (국내 조피볼락(Sebastes sclegelii) 양식장에서 분리한 Streptococcus iniae의 표현형 및 유전형 특성)

  • Tae-Ho Kim;Hyun-Ja Han;Myoung Sug Kim;Miyoung Cho;Soo-Jin Kim
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2023
  • Korean rockfish, Sebastes schlegelii, is a representative bony fish that belongs to the family Scorpaenidae and the order Scorpaeniformes. It has high ecological and economic value and is widely cultivated in many East Asian countries, including South Korea, Japan and China. One of streptococci, Streptococcus iniae, is Gram-positive cocci with a negative reaction for catalase and oxidase. The Korean rockfish shows clinical signs when infected with S. iniae, such as body darkening, bleeding, enlarged kidneys, blurred eyes, abdominal distension, etc., ultimately leading to death. The Korean rockfish causes significant economic losses every year in South Korea due to streptococcosis. In this study, we identified bacteria from the fish using polymerase chain reaction and conducted analyses of hemolytic activity and biochemical tests using API 20 STREP and API ZYM systems. Results of confirming the hemolytic activity (n=4) observed in alpha-type hemolysis (25%), beta-type hemol- ysis (50%), and gamma-type hemolysis (25%) of isolates. The biochemical test results exhibited sig- nificant variation among S. iniae. Additionally, we performed intraperitoneal injection with S. iniae in the fish and analyzed the phylogenetic tree using housekeeping genes of S. iniae, including cpsD, arcC, glnA, groEL, gyrB, mutS, pheT, prkC, rpoB, and tkt, via multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The lethal dose (LD50) showed strong pathogenicity, such as 3.34 × 10 colony-forming unit (CFU)/ml for 23FBStr0601 strain and 7.16 × 10 CFU/ml for 23FBStr0602 strain. 23FBStr0603 strain showed relatively low pathogenicity at 1.73 × 105 CFU/ml. The strains 23FBStr0601 and 23FBStr0602, which showed strong pathogenicity, clustered into one monophyletic group. The 23FBStr0603 strain showed weak pathogenicity and formed a monophyletic group with KCTC 3657.