• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cyperus difformis

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Status of Paddy Weed Flora and Community Dynamics in Korea (한국(韓國)의 논잡초분포(雜草分布) 및 군락현황(群落現況))

  • Kim, Soon-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.223-245
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    • 1983
  • Nationwide weed survey of paddy rice field conducted in 1981 and 1971 was compared and determined major dominant weed community types distributed by province. Based on the similarity coefficients between 1971 and 1981 the floristic composition based on the degree of dominance was greatly dissimilar while kind of weed flora were not much differed. Degree of dominance were concentrated to perennial weeds in 1981 while these were at animal weeds in 1971. The moat important 10 weed species and their dominance in 1981 were Monochoria vaginalis Presl.(22.2%), Sagittaria pygmaea Miquel(17.5%), S. trifolia L.(9.0%), Poramogeton distinctus Benn.(9.0%), Cyperus serotinus Rottb.(8.5%), Rotala indica Koehne(6.0%), Aneilema japonica Kunth(4.4%), Lindernia procumbens Philcox(3.9%), Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi(3.4%) and Ludwigia proarrara Roxb(3.0%), respectively while these for 1971 were R. indica(34.5%), Eleocharia acicularis Roem, et Schult (11.9%), M. vaginalis(11.1%), Cyperua difformis L.(8.7%), Echinochloa crus-galli Beauv.(6.9%), L. procumbens(3.3%), P. distinctus(3.1%), A. Japonica (2.4%), E. kuroguwai(1.8%) and P. hydropiper(1.8%), respectively. Weed occurrence was also closely related with soil type, cropping pattern and cultural practices. Particularly, the occurrence of P. distincrus was negatively correlated with the degree of land utilization. Weed community types dafined by two-dimensional ordination analysis were 11 for Jeonnam province, 9 for Gyeoaggi, Gangweon, Chungbuk and Gyeongnam provinces, 8 for Jeonbuk and Gyeongbuk provinces, 7 for Chungnam province and 4 for Jeju province, respectively.

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Effect of Storage Conditions on the Dormancy Release and the Induction of Secondary Dormancy in Weed Seeds (저장조건이 잡초종자의 휴면타파와 이차휴면 유도에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, J.S.;Hwang, I.T.;Cho, K.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.200-209
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    • 1996
  • It is assumed to be an efficient method for keeping a germinability of weed seeds as long as possible, if a secondary dormancy is not induced by transferring the seeds of which dormancy was broken in wetting condition into drying condition. To investigate its validity, two experiments were carried out on seeds of 9 weed species ; to find out the most effective storage condition in breaking the dormancy of each weed species and to know whether there is a decrease in the germinability by transferring into drying storage condition. The dormancy of Chenopodium album and Stellaria aquatica was released well under the drying condition, but that of Echinochloa crus-galli var. oryzicola by soaking in water. Other weed species were released from dormancy by storage in wetting condition. When the seeds stored in the wetting or soaking condition, are air-dried and then restored at room or low temperature, a decreasing tendency of germinability which might cause a trouble in using them practically, was not observed except on the seeds of Persicaria vulgaris. In the case of Persicaria vulgaris, the low germination since 3 month-storage seemed not to be caused by drying, because a decrease of its germinability was observed with increasing storage period in all of the storage conditions. In contrast, high germination was induced as the seeds of Echinochloa crusgalli var. oryzicola, which were not germinated during the storage in low temperature and wetting condition, were transferred into the room temperature and drying condition. These results suggest that this approach can be one of the efficient methods for keeping a good germinability as long as possible in most weed seeds.

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Stomata Variation of Rice and Weeds (수도(水稻) 및 잡초(雜草)의 기공형태(氣孔形態)와 분포(分布))

  • Kim, S.C.;Lee, S.K.;Chung, G.S.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 1989
  • Stomatal variation was observed at the Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station in 1988 using 42 rice cultivars and 30 weed species. The shape, density or size of stomata was varied depending on the species. Two general trends, however, were found that more number of stomata was found at lower leaf epidermis than upper leaf epidermis and stomata number was negatively correlated with stomata size. Aneilema japonica and Portulaca oleracea had the least number of stomata having 17-20 stomata per $m^2$ for upper leaf epidermis and 17-54 stomata for lower leaf epidermis while Polygonum conspicuum had the greatest number of stomata (449 for upper leaf epidermis and 511 for lower leaf epidermis). Soybean, Aeschynomene indica, Ludwigia prostrata and Lactuca indica had the smallest in stomata size while the biggest stomata was found at P. oleracea and A. Japonica that had the least number of stomata. Cyperus species such as C. difformis, C. iria and C. serotinus had no stomata at upper leaf epidermis. The stomata were distributed only at lower leaf epidermis for these species. Potamogeton distinctus, on the other hand, had stomata almost at upper leaf epidermis and thus, hardly found the stomata at lower leaf epidermis. Among rice cultivars, Tongil-type had the greatest number of stomata followed by Indica-type and Japonica-type, in order. Cultivars released after 1960 had more stomata than cultivars released before 1960 for Japonica-type cultivars while stomata size had reversed trend. Jinheung had the least number of stomata (${\fallingdotseq}$ 150 per $mm^2$) while Yushin had the greatest number of stomata (350 for upper and 449 for lower leaf epidermis, respectively) among rice cultivars. Other cultivars having more than 350 stomata per $mm^2$ were Samgangbyeo, Milyang 23, Woonbongbyeo, etc.

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