• 제목/요약/키워드: Cumulative Distribution

검색결과 694건 처리시간 0.06초

Vortex Cloud Model에 의한 추상체 주위의 Vortex 유출 Simulation (Simulation of the Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder by Means of the Vortex Cloud Model)

  • 이동기
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.62-74
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    • 1993
  • 균일한 정상유동을 하는 유체 안에 가로놓인 원주로부터 일어나는 vortex유출을 이산 vortex 방법을 써서 vortex cloud모형으로 simulation했다. 원주표면에서 생겨나는 와도를 매 시간 간격마다 미리 정해진 많은 갯수의 이산화된 초생 vortex로 나타낸 후 기 유출된 vortex들에 합류시켜 누적된 vortex들의 운동을 탐색함으로서 vortex 분포 상태의 진화를 알아낸다. vortex들의 이동은 cloud-in-cell 기법을 써서 추적 하였고 항력 계수와 양력 계수는 Sarpkaya의 식과 Lee의 식을 써서 계산하여 실험치와 비교하였다. 계산 인수 사이의 상호 연관 관계를 논고하였으며 부분적이나마 적정값 선정 원칙을 제시하였다.

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Kinetic Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Five Different Soils under Aerobic Conditions in Soil Slurry Reactors

  • Ha, Jeong Hyub;Choi, Suk Soon
    • 공업화학
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.581-588
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    • 2021
  • In this study, soil slurry bioreactors were used to treat soils containing 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) for 35 days. Five different soil samples were taken from manufactured gas plant (MGP) and coal tar disposal sites. Soil properties, such as carbon content and particle distribution, were measured. These properties were significantly correlated with percent biodegradation and degradation rate. The cumulative amount of PAH degraded (P), degradation rate (Km), and lag phase (𝜆) constants of PAHs in different MGP soils for 16 PAHs were successfully obtained from nonlinear regression analysis using the Gompertz equation, but only those of naphthalene, anthracene, acenaphthene, fluoranthene, chrysene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, and benzo(g,h,i)perylene are presented in this study. A comparison between total non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic PAHs indicated higher maximum amounts of PAH degraded in the former than that in the latter owing to lower partition coefficients and higher water solubilities (S). The degradation rates of total non-carcinogenic compounds for all soils were more than four times higher than those of total carcinogenic compounds. Carcinogenic PAHs have the highest partitioning coefficients (Koc), resulting in lower bioavailability as the molecular weight (MW) increases. Good linear relationships of Km, 𝜆, and P with the octanol-water partitioning coefficient (Kow), MW, and S were used to estimate PAH remaining, lag time, and biodegradation rate for other PAHs.

A Study on the Numerical Approach for Industrial Life Cycle: Empirical Evidence from Korea

  • LEE, Kangsun;CHOI, Kyujin;CHO, Daemyeong
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.667-678
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    • 2021
  • The industrial life cycle theory was extended to the product life cycle theory and the corporate life cycle theory, but a conceptual life cycle was presented, and quantitative empirical evidence for this was insufficient. It is intended to improve appropriate resource planning and resource allocation by quantitatively predicting the industrial cycle and its position (age) in the cycle. Human resources, tangible assets, and industrial output analysis were conducted based on 28 years of actual data of 39 industries in Korea by applying the Gompertz model, which is a population ecology prediction model. By predicting with the Gompertz model, the coefficient of determination R2 value was 97% or more, confirming the high suitability with the actual cumulative sales value of the industry. A numerical model for calculating the life cycle of each industry, calculating the saturation of input resources for each industry, and diagnosing the financial stability of the industry was presented. These results will contribute to the decision-making of industrial policy officers for budget planning appropriately for each stage of industry development. Future research will apply the numerical model of this study to foreign national industries, complete an inter-industry convergence diagnostic model (e.g. ease of convergence, suitability of convergence, etc.) for renewal of fading industries.

대각보강된 철근콘크리트 연결보의 변위비 기반 취약도 함수 개발 (Drift Ratio-based Fragility Functions for Diagonally Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams)

  • 이창석;한상환;고혜영
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2019
  • Diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beams (DRCBs) have been widely adopted in reinforced concrete (RC) bearing wall systems. DRCBs are known to act as a fuse element dissipating most of seismic energies imparted to the bearing wall systems during earthquakes. Despite such importance of DRCBs, the damage estimation of such components and the corresponding consequences within the knowledge of performance based seismic design framework is not well understood. In this paper, drift-based fragility functions are developed for in-plane loaded DRCBs. Fragility functions are developed to predict the damage and to decide the repair method required for DRCBs subjected to earthquake loading. Thirty-seven experimental results are collected from seventeen published literatures for this effort. Drift-based fragility functions are developed for four damage states of DRCBs subjected to cyclic and monotonic loading associated with minor cracking, severe cracking, onset of strength loss, and significant strength loss. Damage states are defined in a consistent manner. Cumulative distribution functions are fit to the empirical data and evaluated using standard statistical methods.

Performance Analysis Based on RAU Selection and Cooperation in Distributed Antenna Systems

  • Wang, Gang;Meng, Chao;Heng, Wei
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제12권12호
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    • pp.5898-5916
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, the downlink performance of multi-cell distributed antenna systems (DAS) with a single user in each cell is investigated. Assuming the channel state information is available at the transmitter, four transmission modes are formulated as combinations of remote antenna units (RAUs) selection and cooperative transmission, namely, non-cooperative transmission without RAU selection (NCT), cooperative transmission without RAU selection (CT), non-cooperative transmission with RAU selection (NCT_RAUS), and cooperative transmission with RAU selection (CT_RAUS). By using probability theory, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a user's signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) and the system ergodic capacity under the above four modes are determined, and their closed-form expressions are obtained. Furthermore, the system energy efficiency (EE) is studied by introducing a realistic power consumption model of DAS. An expression for determining EE is formulated, and the closed-form tradeoff relationship between spectral efficiency (SE) and EE is derived as well. Simulation results demonstrate their consistency with the theoretical analysis and reveal the factors constraining system EE, which provide a scientific basis for future design and optimization of DAS.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Stock Price: An Application of Event Study Method in Vietnam

  • PHUONG, Lai Cao Mai
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.523-531
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    • 2021
  • Vietnam's Oil and gas industry make a significant contribution to the Gross Domestic Product of Vietnam. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has hit every industry hard, but perhaps the one industry which has taken the biggest hit is the global oil and gas industry. The purpose of this article is to examine how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the share price of the Vietnam Oil and Gas industry. The event study method applied to Oil and Gas industry index data around three event days includes: (i) The date Vietnam recognized the first patient to be COVID-19 positive was January 23, 2020; (ii) The second outbreak of COVID-19 infection in the community began on March 6, 2020; (iii) The date (30/3/2020) when Vietnam announced the COVID-19 epidemic in the whole territory. This study found that the share price of the Vietnam Oil and Gas industry responded positively after the event (iii) which is manifested by the cumulative abnormal return of CAR (0; 3] = 3.8% and statistically significant at 5 %. In the study, event (ii) has the most negative and strong impact on Oil and Gas stock prices. Events (i) favor negative effects, events (iii) favor positive effects, but abnormal return change sign quickly from positive to negative after the event date and statistically significant shows the change on investors' psychology.

Stock Reaction to the Implementation of Extensible Business Reporting Language

  • JUNUS, Onong;IRWANTO, Andry
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.675-685
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the reaction of stock prices on the implementation of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Using the event study method and calculating abnormal returns of the 2015 financial statements of 462 companies listed on the IDX, findings showed that 49 companies have not applied the XBRL format in their financial statements. Based on the results of the Average Abnormal Return (AAR) and Cumulative Average Abnormal Return (CAAR) values, using the one-sample test, investors react to shares in companies that have not implemented XBRL and who have implemented XBRL; however, based on the independent t-test based on average values there are differences between companies that have not applied XBRL and those who have implemented XBRL. This research only looks at the one-year implementation of XBRL in financial reporting (2015), then the research does not separate which companies are on time in the delivery of financial statements to the public through the IDX website. Our research contributes to the understanding of the use of XBRL in corporate financial reporting because before the XBRL financial reporting format was published, the company had published a financial statement format based on the legal provisions of financial statements in Indonesia.

SEWGS 시스템을 위한 WGS 촉매들의 마모특성 (Attrition Characteristics of WGS Catalysts for SEWGS System)

  • 류호정;이동호;이승용;진경태
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2014
  • Attrition characteristics of WGS catalysts for pre-combustion $ CO_2$ capture were investigated to check attrition loss of those catalysts, to check change of particle size distribution during attrition tests, and to determine solid circulation direction of WGS catalysts in a SEWGS system. The cumulative attrition losses of two catalysts increased with increasing time. However, attrition loss under humidified condition was lower than that under non-humidified condition case for long-term attrition tests. Between two catalysts, attrition loss of PC-29 catalyst was higher than that of commercial catalyst for long-term attrition tests. However, the commercial catalyst generated much more fines than PC-29 catalyst during attrition. Therefore, we conclude that the PC-29 catalyst is more suitable for fluidized bed operation if we take into account the separation efficiency of cyclone. Based on the results from the tests for the effect of humidity on the attrition loss, we selected solid circulation direction from SEWGS reactor to regeneration reactor because the SEWGS reactor contains more water vapor than regeneration reactor.

The Momentum Strategy of Small Foreign Investors in the Indonesia Stock Exchange

  • SYAMNI, Ghazali;AZIS, Nasir;MUSNADI, Said;FAISAL, Faisal
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.361-372
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    • 2021
  • This research aimed to analyze the momentum strategy of foreign investors with the smallest trading transactions in the Indonesian stock market. This study applied a quantitative method approach using intraday transaction data of companies listed on the LQ-45 Index for March, April, and May 2017, obtained from the Indonesia Capital Market Institute (TICMI) which is a subsidiary of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The number of companies with available data is 35 companies, consisting of 23 non-government stocks and 12 government stocks. The number of observations from the 35 companies was 8,686,030 observations where the government companies recorded 2,751, 545 and the non-government companies 1,387,016 observations. All data was then squeezed and grouped into small, medium, and large trade transaction orders. The data analysis method used was paired t-test with SPSS to analyze cumulative abnormal returns in the formulation and test periods. This study found that small foreign investors carried out momentum strategies on stocks listed on the LQ-45 Index. However, re-testing was done by separating government and non-government shares. It turned out that small foreign investors performed a momentum strategy on non-government and a contrarian strategy on government.


  • Kim, Sungsoo S.;Sim, Chae Kyung
    • 천문학회지
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2022
  • The lunar surface progressively darkens and reddens as a result of sputtering from solar wind particles and bombardment of micrometeoroids. The extent of exposure to these space weathering agents is frequently calculated as the location in a diagram of reflectance at 750 nm vs. 950 nm/750 nm color (R-C). Sim & Kim (2018) examined the R-C trends of pixels within ~3,500 craters, and revealed that the length (L) and skewness (s) of R-C trends can be employed as a secondary age or maturity indicator. We broaden this research to general lunar surface areas (3,400 tiles of 0.25° × 0.25° size) in 218 mare basalt units, whose ages have been derived from the size-frequency distribution analysis by Hiesinger et al. (2011). We discover that L and s rise with age until ~3.2 Gyr and reduce rather rapidly afterward, while the optical maturity, OMAT, reduces monotonically with time. We show that in some situations, when not only OMAT but also L and s are incorporated in the estimation utilizing 750 & 950 nm photometry, the age estimation becomes considerably more reliable. We also observed that OMAT and the lunar cratering chronology function (cumulative number of craters larger than a certain diameter as a function of time) have a relatively linear relationship.