• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cultural Research

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Approaches to and Issues in Research on Multi-Cultural Family Homes (다문화가정 주거의 연구를 위한 접근방법과 쟁점)

  • Hong, Hyung Ock
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.649-663
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    • 2013
  • As cultural diversity has gained a great deal of attention and the social fabric of Korean society is redefined, the number of studies on multi-cultural family homes has been growing in the area of human ecology, but relevant research is rarely found on the subject of housing. While the emphasis of housing research is on multidisciplinary approaches and empirical research is highly valued, a theoretical and methodological platform for discussing the new rising agenda of multi-cultural family homes is lacking. The purpose of this study was to explore approaches to and to discuss the issues in research for multi-cultural family homes in terms of housing theories and multidisciplinary approaches. To understand the housing related needs of multi-cultural families, this study highlights social constructionism, the ecological perspective, and feminist epistemology. These three multidisciplinary approaches were useful for generating an ontological analysis of multi-cultural family homes. Further, this study highlights two housing related theories, the microsociological and housing pathways approaches, for dealing with multi-cultural family homes. In conclusion, the five approaches were useful for exploring issues in housing research on multi-cultural family homes with appropriate research methods like hermeneutics, quantitative, and qualitative methods, and field research. Insights into using perspectives and holistic approaches might be useful for solving the problems of multi-cultural family homes in Korea.

Research on present statue of conservation materials in the stone cultural heritage - Focus on adhesive, filler, repellent, consolidant materials - (석조문화재 보존처리제의 현황 조사 - '접착충전제와 발수·강화제'를 중심으로-)

  • Song, Chi-Young;Han, Min-Su;Lee, Jang-Jon;Jun, Byung-Kyu
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.29
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    • pp.163-182
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    • 2008
  • Precise scientific-diagnosis for preserving stone cultural properties has been well-advanced, but research on proper methods for conservation, restoration and repair is still in early stage. Accordingly it is quite difficult to establish conservation treatment methods compatible to unique characteristics and environments of each cultural property. We tried to select most compatible conservation materials through thorough assessment of conservation materials in current use. This research is focused on conservation and restoration materials except cleaner, which are used as adhesive, filler, repellent and consolidant. Conservation treatments for stone cultural properties were first tested in 1960's and have been carried out by various methods under relevant organizations and conservation treatment companies since. We investigated present status of conservation materials being used for cultural properties. Based on these data, we will look through types and properties of the conservation materials to figure out existing problems. Among many kinds of resins, the ratio of conservation materials used in cultural properties is very low. Therefore, new conservation materials equipped with proved long-term stability should be developed as soon as possible.

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The study on the property of material for the shim of stone cultural properties (석조문화재 받침용 쐐기 재질의 물성 실험 연구)

  • Eom, Doo-Sung;Hong, Jung-Ki;Kim, Sa-Dug;Kang, Dai-Il;Lee, Myong-Hee
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.21
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2000
  • Stone cultural properties(pagoda, Buddhist statue etc.) is moved in original place for many reasons and restored after taking to pieces for structural safety. With the movement and restoration after taking to pieces, the cast iron is used for the sake of a fixation and horizontality. The stone cultural properties are spoiled the beauty and accelerated the weathering because of the corrosion product of cast iron. So we need to substitute for the improved property in all aspects. We are executed the corrosion test and inquired the property of material on the usable material for the shim of stone cultural properties. That is the Cast iron, Stainless steel, Titanium and Fiber Reinforced Plastics. In the result of the physical property and strength, the Stainless steel and Titanium was superior to the Cast iron. And the Stainless steel and Titanium was slower than the Cast iron in the corrosion velocity for the acid, salt and rain. If the shim is substitute the Stainless steel or Titanium for the Cast iron, the stone cultural properties are able to reduce the pollution of stone cultural properties by corrosion product and should not happen in the matter of stone pagoda.

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