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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Crystalline Si solar cell

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A study on the Optical and electrical characteristics of Tri-silicon using wet texture (습식텍스쳐를 이용한 삼결정 실리콘 광학적.전기적 특성 연구)

  • Han, Kyu-Min;Yoo, Jin-Su;Yoo, Kwon-Jong;Lee, Hi-Deok;Choi, Sung-Jin;Kwon, Jun-Young;Kim, Ki-Ho;Yi, Jun-Sin
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.180-182
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    • 2009
  • Two different wet etching solutions, NaOH 40% and Acid, were used for etching in tri-crystalline Silicon(Tri-Si) solar cell fabrication. The wafers etched in NaOH40% solution showed higher reflectance compared to the wafers etched in Acid solution after SiNx deposition. In light current-voltage results, the cells etched in Acid solution exhibited higher short circuit current and open circuit voltage than those of the cells etched in NaOH 40% solution. We have obtained 16.70% conversion efficiency in large area(156cm2) Tri-Si solar cells etched in Acid solution.

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Metal-induced Grown Thin Crystalline Si films for Solar Cells (박막 실리콘 결정화를 이용한 태양 전지)

  • Kim, Joon-Dong;Yoon, Yeo-Hwan;Lee, Eung-Sug;Han, Chang-Soo;Anderson, Wayne A.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.220-221
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    • 2007
  • 금속 촉매 성장 (Metal-induced growth) 를 이용하여, 마이크로 사이즈의 결정질 (Microcrystalline) 박막 실리콘 (Silicon, Si)을 성장하였다. 금속 촉매로서는 코발트, 니켈, 코발트/니켈 복합물질(Co, Ni, or Co/Ni) 이 사용되었으며, 실리콘과 반응하여 실리사이드 (Silicide) 층을 형성한다. 이러한 실리사이드 층은 실리콘과 격자 거리가 유사하여 (Little lattice mismatch), 그 위에 실리콘 박막을 성장하기 위한 모체 (Template) 가 된다. XRD (X-ray diffraction) 분석을 통하여, 실리사이드 (CoSi2 or NiSi2) 의 형성과 성장된 박막 실리콘의 결정성을 연구하였다. 이러한 박막을 이용하여, 쇼트키 태양전지 (Schottky Solar cell) 에 응용하였다. 코발트/니켈 복합물질을 이용하였을 경우에 10.6mA/cm2 단락전류를 얻었으며, 이는 코발트만을 이용한 경우보다 10 배만큼 증가하였다. 이러한 실리사이드를 매개로한 박막 실리콘의 성장은 공정상에서의 열부담 (Thermal budget) 을 줄일 수 있으며, 대면적 응용에 큰 가능성을 가지고 있다.

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Efficiency of HIT through change of layer's doping concentration

  • Pyeon, Jin-Ho;Kim, Moo-Jung;Yi, Jun-Sin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.366-366
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    • 2010
  • Simulation Program (AFORS-HET 2.4.1) was used, include the basic structure of crystalline silicon thin film as above, below Intrinsic a-Si:H films bonded symmetrical structure (Symmetrical structure) were used. Efficiency with variation of the concentration was grown by the a-Si p-type with increasing concentrations of Na, efficiency with increasing a-Si n-type of Nd Concentrations was not changed, was decreased rapidly when concentrations were decreased. Efficiency was increased when c-Si n-type of Nd concentration was increased, otherwise efficiency was decreased when concentration was decreased.

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Current Status of Emitter Wrap-Through c-Si Solar Cell Development (에미터 랩쓰루 실리콘 태양전지 개발)

  • Cho, Jaeeock;Yang, Byungki;Lee, Honggu;Hyun, Deochwan;Jung, Woowon;Lee, Daejong;Hong, Keunkee;Lee, Seong-Eun;Hong, Jeongeui
    • Current Photovoltaic Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2013
  • In contrast to conventional crystalline cells, back-contact solar cells feature high efficiencies, simpler module assembly, and better aesthetics. The highest commercialized cell and module efficiency was recorded by n-type back-contact solar cells. However, the mainstream PV industry uses a p-type substrate instead of n-type due to the high costs and complexity of the manufacturing processes in the case of the latter. P-type back-contact solar cells such as metal wrap-through and emitter wrap-through, which are inexpensive and compatible with the current PV industry, have consequently been developed. In this paper the characteristics of EWT (emitter wrap-through) solar cells and their status and prospects for development are discussed.

Effects of Ni layer as a diffusion barrier on the aluminum-induced crystallization of the amorphous silicon on the aluminum substrate (알루미늄 기판 상의 Ni layer가 a-Si의 AIC(Aluminum Induced Crystallization)에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Won-Tae;Kim, Young-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2012
  • Aluminum induced crystallization of amorphous silicon was attempted by the aluminum substrate. To avoid the layer exchange between silicon and aluminum layer, Ni layer was deposited between these two layers by sputtering. To obtain the bigger grain of the crystalline silicon, wet blasted silica layer was employed as windows between the nickel and a-Si layer. Ni obtained after the annealing treatment at 520C was found to be a promising material for the diffusion barrier between silicon and aluminum. One way to obtain bigger grain of crystalline silicon layer applicable to solar cell of higher performance was envisioned in this investigation.

Use of a Transformed Diode Equation for Characterization of the Ideality Factor and Series Resistance of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Based on Light I-V Curves (Light I-V 곡선을 이용한 결정질 태양전지의 이상계수와 직렬 저항 특성 분석)

  • Jeong, Sujeong;Kim, Soo Min;Kang, Yoonmook;Lee, Hae-seok;Kim, Donghwan
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.422-426
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    • 2016
  • With the increase in installed solar energy capacity, comparison and analysis of the physical property values of solar cells are becoming increasingly important for production. Therefore, research on determining the physical characteristic values of solar cells is being actively pursued. In this study, a diode equation, which is commonly used to describe the I-V behavior and determine the electrical characteristic values of solar cells, was applied. Using this method, it is possible to determine the diode ideality factor (n) and series resistance (Rs) based on light I-V measurements. Thus, using a commercial screen-printed solar cell and an interdigitated back-contact solar cell, we determined the ideality factor (n) and series resistance (Rs) with a modified diode equation method for the light I-V curves. We also used the sun-shade method to determine the ideality factor (n) and series resistance (Rs) of the samples. The values determined using the two methods were similar. However, given the error in the sun-shade method, the diode equation is considered more useful than the sun-shade method for analyzing the electrical characteristics because it determines the ideality factor (n) and series resistance (Rs) based on the light I-V curves.

Influence of the Amount of Conductive Paste on the Electrical Characteristics of c-Si Photovoltaic Module (전도성 페이스트 도포량 변화에 따른 결정질 태양광 모듈의 전기적 특성에 대한 영향성 분석)

  • Kim, Yong Sung;Lim, Jong Rok;Shin, Woo Gyun;Ko, Suk-Whan;Ju, Young-Chul;Hwang, Hye Mi;Chang, Hyo Sik;Kang, Gi-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.720-726
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    • 2019
  • Recently, research on cost reduction and efficiency improvement of crystalline silicon(c-Si) photovoltaic(PV) module has been conducted. In order to reduce costs, the thickness of solar cell wafers is becoming thinner. If the thickness of the wafer is reduced, cracking of wafer may occur in high temperature processes during the c-Si PV module manufacturing process. To solve this problem, a low temperature process has been proposed. Conductive paste(CP) is used for low temperature processing; it contains Sn57.6Bi0.4Ag component and can be electrically combined with solar cells and ribbons at a melting point of 150C. Use of CP in the PV module manufacturing process can minimize cracks of solar cells. When CP is applied to solar cells, the output varies with the amount of CP, and so the optimum amount of CP must be found. In this paper, in order to find the optimal CP application amount, we manufactured several c-Si PV modules with different CP amounts. The amount control of CP is fixed at air pressure (500 kPa) and nozzle diameter 22G(outer diameter 0.72Ø, inner 0.42Ø) of dispenser; only speed is controlled. The c-Si PV module output is measured to analyze the difference according to the amount of CP and analyzed by optical microscope and Alpha-step. As the result, the optimum amount of CP is 0.452 ~ 0.544 g on solar cells.

Formation of Ni / Cu Electrode for Crystalline Si Solar Cell Using Light Induced Electrode Plating (광유도 전해 도금법을 이용한 결정질 실리콘 태양전지용 Ni/Cu 전극 형성)

  • Hong, Hyekwon;Park, Jeongeun;Cho, Youngho;Kim, Dongsik;Lim, Donggun;Song, Woochang
    • Journal of Institute of Convergence Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2018
  • The screen printing method for forming the electrode by applying the existing pressure is difficult to apply to thin wafers, and since expensive Ag paste is used, it is difficult to solve the problem of cost reduction. This can solve both of the problems by forming the front electrode using a plating method applicable to a thin wafer. In this paper, the process conditions of electrode formation are optimized by using LIEP (Light-Induced Electrode Plating). Experiments were conducted by varying the Ni plating bath temperature 4070C, the applied current 5 ~ 15 mA, and the plating process time 5 ~ 20 min. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the optimal condition of the structural characteristics was obtained at the plating bath temperature of 60C, 15 mA, and the process time of 20 min. The Cu LIEP process conditions, experiments were conducted with Cu plating bath temperature 4070C, applied voltage 5 ~ 15 V, plating process time 2 ~ 15 min. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the optimum conditions were obtained as a result of electrical and structural characteristics at the plating bath temperature of 60C and applied current of 15 V and process time of 15 min. In order to form Ni silicide, the firing process time was fixed to 2 min and the temperature was changed to 310C, $330^{\circ}C$, 350C, and post contact annealing was performed. As a result, the lowest contact resistance value of 2.76Ω was obtained at the firing temperature of 310C. The contact resistivity of 1.07mΩcm2 can be calculated from the conditionally optimized sample. With the plating method using Ni / Cu, the efficiency of the solar cell can be expected to increase due to the increase of the electric conductivity and the decrease of the resistance component in the production of the solar cell, and the application to the thin wafer can be expected.

Growth of CaAl2Se4: Co Single Crystal Thin Film for Solar Cell Development and Its Solar Cell Application (태양 전지용 CaAl2Se4: Co 단결정 박막 성장과 태양 전지로의 응용)

  • Bang, Jin-Ju;Hong, Kwang-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2018
  • The stoichiometric mixture of evaporating materials for the CaAl2Se4: Co single crystal thin film was prepared from horizontal furnace. Using extrapolation method of X-ray diffraction patterns for the polycrystal CaAl2Se4, it was found orthorhomic structure whose lattice constant a0, b0 and c0 were 6.4818, 11.1310\AA and 11.2443\AA, respectively. To obtain the CaAl2Se4: Co single crystal thin film, CaAl2Se4: Co mixed crystal was deposited on throughly etched Si (100) by the HWE (Hot Wall Epitaxy) system. The source and substrate temperature were 600C and 440C respectively. The crystalline structure of CaAl2Se4: Co single crystal thin film was investigated by the double crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXD). Hall effect on this sample was measured by the method of Van der Pauw and studied on carrier density and mobility depending on temperature. From Hall data, the mobility was likely to be decreased by impurity scattering in the temperature range 30 K to 100 K and by lattice scattering in the temperature range 100 K to 293 K. The temperature dependence of the energy band gap of the CaAl2Se4: Co obtained from the absorption spectra was well described by the Varshni's relation, Eg(T)=3.8239eV(4.9823×103eV/K)T2/(T+559K). The open-circuit voltage, short current density, fill factor, and conversion efficiency of pSi/pCaAl2Se4: Co heterojunction solar cells under 80mW/cm2 illumination were found to be 0.42 V, 25.3mA/cm2, 0.75 and 9.96%, respectively.

The fabrication of Solar Cell and Doping Property using SOD Method On the Multi-crystalline Si wafer (다결정 Si 웨이퍼 기판위에 SOD방법을 이용한 도핑특성과 태양전지 제작)

  • Kim, Hee-Jae;Kim, Young-Kuk;Hwang, Sun-Woo;Kim, Dong-Hee;Yi, Jun-Sin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.317-319
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    • 2004
  • 이 논문에서는 태양전지 공정 중에서 중요시되는 에미터 형성에 대한 방법 중 하나인 SOD기술을 도입하였다. SOD(Spin-On Doping)은 저가형 고효율 태양전지를 개발하기 위하여 연구되고 있는 방법 중의 하나이다. 태양전지 제작을 위해 사용한 기판은 P형 다결정 Si 페이퍼를 사용하였고, SOD 기술을 적용하여 온도와 시간에 따른 도핑특성의 변화를 실험적으로 연구하였다.

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