• 제목/요약/키워드: Critical wind velocity

검색결과 85건 처리시간 0.023초

Aeroelastic analysis of bridges using FEM and moving grids

  • Selvam, R. Panneer;Govindaswamy, S.;Bosch, Harold
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제5권2_3_4호
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2002
  • In the recent years flow around bridges are investigated using computer modeling. Selvam (1998), Selvam and Bosch (1999), Frandsen and McRobie (1999) used finite element procedures. Larsen and Walther (1997) used discrete vorticity procedure. The aeroelastic instability is a major criterion to be checked for long span bridges. If the wind speed experienced by a bridge is greater than the critical wind speed for flutter, then the bridge fails due to aeroelastic instability. Larsen and Walther (1997) computed the critical velocity for flutter using discrete vortex method similar to wind tunnel procedures. In this work, the critical velocity for flutter will be calculated directly (free oscillation procedure) similar to the approaches reported by Selvam et al. (1998). It is expected that the computational time required to compute the critical velocity using this approach may be much shorter than the traditional approach. The computed critical flutter velocity of 69 m/s is in reasonable comparison with wind tunnel measurement. The no flutter and flutter conditions are illustrated using the bridge response in time.

Aerodynamic stability of iced stay cables on cable-stayed bridge

  • Li, Shouying;Wu, Teng;Huang, Tao;Chen, Zhengqing
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.253-273
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    • 2016
  • Ice accretions on stay cables may result in the instable vibration of galloping, which would affect the safety of cable-stayed bridges. A large number of studies have investigated the galloping vibrations of transmission lines. However, the obtained aerodynamics in transmission lines cannot be directly applied to the stay cables on cable-stayed bridges. In this study, linear and nonlinear single degree-of-freedom models were introduced to obtain the critical galloping wind velocity of iced stay cables where the aerodynamic lift and drag coefficients were identified in the wind tunnel tests. Specifically, six ice shapes were discussed using section models with geometric scale 1:1. The results presented obvious sudden decrease regions of the aerodynamic lift coefficient for all six test models. Numerical analyses of iced stay cables associated to a medium-span cable-stayed bridge were carried out to evaluate the potential galloping instability. The obtained nonlinear critical wind velocity for a 243-meter-long stay cable is much lower than the design wind velocity. The calculated linear critical wind velocity is even lower. In addition, numerical analyses demonstrated that increasing structural damping could effectively mitigate the galloping vibrations of iced stay cables.

Response of transmission line conductors under different tornadoes

  • Dingyu Yao;Ashraf El Damatty;Nima Ezami
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2023
  • Multiple studies conducted in the past evaluated the conductor response under one tornado wind field, while the performance of transmission lines under different tornado wind fields still remains unknown. Thus, the objective of this paper is to estimate the variation in the conductor's critical longitudinal and transverse reactions under different tornado wind fields, as well as providing the corresponding critical tornado configurations. The considered full-scale tornadoes are the Spencer, South Dakota, 1998, the Stockton, Kansas, 2005 and the Goshen County, Wyoming, 2009. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were previously conducted to develop these wind fields. All tornadoes have been rescaled to have a common velocity matching the upper limit of the F2 Fujita scale. Eight conductor systems, each including six spans, are considered in this paper. For each conductor, parametric studies are conducted by varying the location of the three tornado wind fields relative to the tower of interest, therefore the peak reactions associated with each tornado are determined. A semi-analytical closed-form solution, previously developed and validated, is used to calculate the reactions. The study conducted in this paper can be divided into two parts: In the first part, a parametric study considering a wide range of tornado locations is conducted. In the second part, the parametric study focuses on the tornado location leading to the critical tangential velocity on the tower. Based on this extensive parametric study, a critical tornado defined as the Design Tornado and its critical locations, tornado distance R = 125 m, tornado angle 𝜃 = 15° and 30°, are recommended for design purposes.

Nonlinear wind-induced instability of orthotropic plane membrane structures

  • Liu, Changjiang;Ji, Feng;Zheng, Zhoulian;Wu, Yuyou;Guo, Jianjun
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.415-432
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    • 2017
  • The nonlinear aerodynamic instability of a tensioned plane orthotropic membrane structure is theoretically investigated in this paper. The interaction governing equation of wind-structure coupling is established by the Von $K\acute{a}rm\acute{a}n's$ large amplitude theory and the D'Alembert's principle. The aerodynamic force is determined by the potential flow theory of fluid mechanics and the thin airfoil theory of aerodynamics. Then the interaction governing equation is transformed into a second order nonlinear differential equation with constant coefficients by the Bubnov-Galerkin method. The critical wind velocity is obtained by judging the stability of the second order nonlinear differential equation. From the analysis of examples, we can conclude that it's of great significance to consider the orthotropy and geometrical nonlinearity to prevent the aerodynamic instability of plane membrane structures; we should comprehensively consider the effects of various factors on the design of plane membrane structures; and the formula of critical wind velocity obtained in this paper provides a more accurate theoretical solution for the aerodynamic stability of the plane membrane structures than the previous studies.

Analysis of vortex induced vibration frequency of super tall building based on wind tunnel tests of MDOF aero-elastic model

  • Wang, Lei;Liang, Shuguo;Song, Jie;Wang, Shuliang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.523-536
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    • 2015
  • To study the vibration frequency of super high-rise buildings in the process of vortex induced vibration (VIV), wind tunnel tests of multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) aero-elastic models were carried out to measure the vibration frequency of the system directly. The effects of structural damping, wind field category, mass density, reduced wind velocity ($V_r$), as well as VIV displacement on the VIV frequency were investigated systematically. It was found that the frequency drift phenomenon cannot be ignored when the building is very high and flexible. When $V_r$ is less than 8, the drift magnitude of the frequency is typically positive. When $V_r$ is close to the critical wind velocity of resonance, the frequency drift magnitude becomes negative and reaches a minimum at the critical wind velocity. When $V_r$ is larger than12, the frequency drift magnitude almost maintains a stable value that is slightly smaller than the fundamental frequency of the aero-elastic model. Furthermore, the vibration frequency does not lock in the vortex shedding frequency completely, and it can even be significantly modified by the vortex shedding frequency when the reduced wind velocity is close to 10.5.

Stability of suspension bridge catwalks under a wind load

  • Zheng, Shixiong;Liao, Haili;Li, Yongle
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.367-382
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    • 2007
  • A nonlinear numerical method was developed to assess the stability of suspension bridge catwalks under a wind load. A section model wind tunnel test was used to obtain a catwalk's aerostatic coefficients, from which the displacement-dependent wind loads were subsequently derived. The stability of a suspension bridge catwalk was analyzed on the basis of the geometric nonlinear behavior of the structure. In addition, a full model test was conducted on the catwalk, which spanned 960 m. A comparison of the displacement values between the test and the numerical simulation shows that a numerical method based on a section model test can be used to effectively and accurately evaluate the stability of a catwalk. A case study features the stability of the catwalk of the Runyang Yangtze suspension bridge, the main span of which is 1490 m. Wind can generally attack the structure from any direction. Whenever the wind comes at a yaw angle, there are six wind load components that act on the catwalk. If the yaw angle is equal to zero, the wind is normal to the catwalk (called normal wind) and the six load components are reduced to three components. Three aerostatic coefficients of the catwalk can be obtained through a section model test with traditional test equipment. However, six aerostatic coefficients of the catwalk must be acquired with the aid of special section model test equipment. A nonlinear numerical method was used study the stability of a catwalk under a yaw wind, while taking into account the six components of the displacement-dependent wind load and the geometric nonlinearity of the catwalk. The results show that when wind attacks with a slight yaw angle, the critical velocity that induces static instability of the catwalk may be lower than the critical velocity of normal wind. However, as the yaw angle of the wind becomes larger, the critical velocity increases. In the atmospheric boundary layer, the wind is turbulent and the velocity history is a random time history. The effects of turbulent wind on the stability of a catwalk are also assessed. The wind velocity fields are regarded as stationary Gaussian stochastic processes, which can be simulated by a spectral representation method. A nonlinear finite-element model set forepart and the Newmark integration method was used to calculate the wind-induced buffeting responses. The results confirm that the turbulent character of wind has little influence on the stability of the catwalk.

Ship's maneuverability in strong wind

  • Im, Nam-Kyun;Tran, Van-Luong
    • 한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국항해항만학회 2007년도 추계학술대회 및 제23회 정기총회
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    • pp.29-30
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    • 2007
  • This paper deals with effect of wind forces and moment acting on the training ship SAE NUR/. The results of drift angle and counter rudder angle due to wind effect are calculated by using the static equilibrium method especially with nonlinear mathematical expression, and then the critical wind velocity is found out. The given results am be applied directly to T/S SAE NURI in handling under the wind condition and used for merchant ships as a referential tool.

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Ship's Maneuverability in Strong Wind

  • Im, Nam-Kyun;Tran, Van-Luong
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2008
  • This paper deals with effect of wind forces and moment acting on the training ship SAE NURI. The results of drift angle and counter rudder angle due to wind effect are calculated by using the static equilibrium method especially with nonlinear mathematical expression, and then the critical wind velocity is found out. The given results can be applied directly to T/S SAE NURI in handling under the wind condition and used for merchant ships as a referential tool.

The influence of vehicles on the flutter stability of a long-span suspension bridge

  • Han, Yan;Liu, Shuqian;Cai, C.S.;Zhang, Jianren;Chen, Suren;He, Xuhui
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.275-292
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    • 2015
  • The presence of traffic on a slender long-span bridge deck will modify the cross-section profile of the bridge, which may influence the flutter derivatives and in turn, the critical flutter wind velocity of the bridge. Studies on the influence of vehicles on the flutter derivatives and the critical flutter wind velocity of bridges are rather rare as compared to the investigations on the coupled buffeting vibration of the wind-vehicle-bridge system. A typical streamlined cross-section for long-span bridges is adopted for both experimental and analytical studies. The scaled bridge section model with vehicle models distributed on the bridge deck considering different traffic flow scenarios has been tested in the wind tunnel. The flutter derivatives of the modified bridge cross section have been identified using forced vibration method and the results suggest that the influence of vehicles on the flutter derivatives of the typical streamlined cross-section cannot be ignored. Based on the identified flutter derivatives, the influence of vehicles on the flutter stability of the bridge is investigated. The results show that the effect of vehicles on the flutter wind velocity is obvious.

실습선 한나라호에 작용하는 풍압력 및 풍압모우멘트 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effect of Wind Force and Moment Acting on T/S HANNARA)

  • 이윤석
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2007
  • 최근 선박의 대형화와 전용화가 현저하게 진행됨에 따라 갑판 상부의 구조물이 비교적 큰 컨테이너선, LNG 운반선, 자동차운반선, 여객선 등이 출현하여 운항되고 있다. 이러한 선박들이 부두에서 접 이안 또는 항내에서 저속으로 운항할 경우 바람, 조류 등과 같은 외력의 영향을 받기 쉬우며, 외력이 과도할 경우에는 압류나 회두 현상으로 인해 선박 운항에 지장을 초래할 수 있으므로 특정 외력 하에서의 선체 거동에 대한 분석은 선박의 안전운항에 있어서 매우 중요한 자료라 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 수면 상부의 구조물이 상대적으로 큰 실습선 한나라호를 대상으로 정상풍 하에서의 선체에 작용하는 풍압력 및 풍압모우멘트 영향을 분석하였다. 또한 정상풍 하의 선박 운항에 있어 주요한 정보인 표류각과 대응 타각을 상대 풍향과 풍속을 기초로 산출하였고, 풍속 선속비에 따른 조종 한계 풍속, 선속별 풍향에 따른 조종 한계 풍속, 최대 풍압력에 의한 횡경사각 등을 정량적으로 산출하여 제시하였다. 이러한 자료는 한나라호의 입출항 조종 및 태풍 피항을 위한 운항 현장에서 직접 활용될 수 있고, 실선에서 해당 결과를 비교 평가할 수 있으므로 향후 이론식에 대한 수정 및 보완과 함께 교육 자료로 이용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.